Traitor John Kerry Signs United Nations Gun Ban Treaty Against Wishes of U.S. Senate

Kerry is and was a coward, a traitor and a teller of lies. I write that having read the accessible documents related to his alleged service and "wounds". Kerry volunteered for, and was assigned to, the Swift boats per his own request. After a brief period of undistinguished "service" he asked to be relieved of his command (one boat) based on three purple hearts (for which he was not actually qualified) even though the Navy had no official policy to do so. It is likely that his request was granted because he was more a pain in the ass than a help when in came to accomplishing the mission his unit was given. By doing so he deliberately abandoned his crew and the duty he had requested. He was later to claim to be a war criminal. Later he went to Paris and plotted with enemies of this country while we were still at war with them (treason). Later as an elected official he advocated a peace treaty that did not require the release of our POWs held by the NVA. Also later-as a leader of the infamous VVAW (which received money and "guidance" from the communists) he testified under oath to a whole series of lies deliberately designed to defame the American soldier and America itself (aiding and abetting the enemy during time of war).
So, he gave himself the purple hearts, bronze and silver stars? They were not the product of his commanding officers submitting for them? Your post is so full of outright lies you ought to be ashamed. He never plotted with any enemies. And he was not an elected official when the Vietnamese war ended and the POW's repatriated. The war was an abominable crime against humanity and anything done to help end it was the highest form of patriotism.

Every thing I wrote is well documented. Feel free to try to prove me wrong or STFU.
Well documented where? What "elective" office did he hold that had anything at all do with negotiating a peace treaty or armistice with North Vietnam? His commanding officers wrote the recommendations for the citations he received. So, now, I guess you are gonna claim that they lied? Why? Did that know that this young officer who was a nobody was someday gonna be a Senator, Presidential Nominee and Secretary of State? Just like some birth registrar in Hawaii knew that the biracial child Barack Obama was going to be President someday so he made a fake birth certificate and fake birth announcement for the newspaper. The really sad thing is you deluded fools believe the nonsense you post.
Your front-runner is under an FBI investigation, too...

Why are Libs criminals?
Kerry is and was a coward, a traitor and a teller of lies. I write that having read the accessible documents related to his alleged service and "wounds". Kerry volunteered for, and was assigned to, the Swift boats per his own request. After a brief period of undistinguished "service" he asked to be relieved of his command (one boat) based on three purple hearts (for which he was not actually qualified) even though the Navy had no official policy to do so. It is likely that his request was granted because he was more a pain in the ass than a help when in came to accomplishing the mission his unit was given. By doing so he deliberately abandoned his crew and the duty he had requested. He was later to claim to be a war criminal. Later he went to Paris and plotted with enemies of this country while we were still at war with them (treason). Later as an elected official he advocated a peace treaty that did not require the release of our POWs held by the NVA. Also later-as a leader of the infamous VVAW (which received money and "guidance" from the communists) he testified under oath to a whole series of lies deliberately designed to defame the American soldier and America itself (aiding and abetting the enemy during time of war).
So, he gave himself the purple hearts, bronze and silver stars? They were not the product of his commanding officers submitting for them? Your post is so full of outright lies you ought to be ashamed. He never plotted with any enemies. And he was not an elected official when the Vietnamese war ended and the POW's repatriated. The war was an abominable crime against humanity and anything done to help end it was the highest form of patriotism.

Every thing I wrote is well documented. Feel free to try to prove me wrong or STFU.
Well documented where? What "elective" office did he hold that had anything at all do with negotiating a peace treaty or armistice with North Vietnam? His commanding officers wrote the recommendations for the citations he received. So, now, I guess you are gonna claim that they lied? Why? Did that know that this young officer who was a nobody was someday gonna be a Senator, Presidential Nominee and Secretary of State? Just like some birth registrar in Hawaii knew that the biracial child Barack Obama was going to be President someday so he made a fake birth certificate and fake birth announcement for the newspaper. The really sad thing is you deluded fools believe the nonsense you post.
Your front-runner is under an FBI investigation, too...

Why are Libs criminals?
Why are you an idiot? Maybe there was too close a degree of consanguinity with your folks. And she is not under investigation by the FBI. That is a lie.
Kerry is and was a coward, a traitor and a teller of lies. I write that having read the accessible documents related to his alleged service and "wounds". Kerry volunteered for, and was assigned to, the Swift boats per his own request. After a brief period of undistinguished "service" he asked to be relieved of his command (one boat) based on three purple hearts (for which he was not actually qualified) even though the Navy had no official policy to do so. It is likely that his request was granted because he was more a pain in the ass than a help when in came to accomplishing the mission his unit was given. By doing so he deliberately abandoned his crew and the duty he had requested. He was later to claim to be a war criminal. Later he went to Paris and plotted with enemies of this country while we were still at war with them (treason). Later as an elected official he advocated a peace treaty that did not require the release of our POWs held by the NVA. Also later-as a leader of the infamous VVAW (which received money and "guidance" from the communists) he testified under oath to a whole series of lies deliberately designed to defame the American soldier and America itself (aiding and abetting the enemy during time of war).
So, he gave himself the purple hearts, bronze and silver stars? They were not the product of his commanding officers submitting for them? Your post is so full of outright lies you ought to be ashamed. He never plotted with any enemies. And he was not an elected official when the Vietnamese war ended and the POW's repatriated. The war was an abominable crime against humanity and anything done to help end it was the highest form of patriotism.

Every thing I wrote is well documented. Feel free to try to prove me wrong or STFU.
Well documented where? What "elective" office did he hold that had anything at all do with negotiating a peace treaty or armistice with North Vietnam? His commanding officers wrote the recommendations for the citations he received. So, now, I guess you are gonna claim that they lied? Why? Did that know that this young officer who was a nobody was someday gonna be a Senator, Presidential Nominee and Secretary of State? Just like some birth registrar in Hawaii knew that the biracial child Barack Obama was going to be President someday so he made a fake birth certificate and fake birth announcement for the newspaper. The really sad thing is you deluded fools believe the nonsense you post.
Your front-runner is under an FBI investigation, too...

Why are Libs criminals?
Why are you an idiot? Maybe there was too close a degree of consanguinity with your folks. And she is not under investigation by the FBI. That is a lie.
Deny all you want. We're just waiting on the Indictments for all of the laws over her mishandling classified information to come down.
Hillary court.jpg
So, he gave himself the purple hearts, bronze and silver stars? They were not the product of his commanding officers submitting for them? Your post is so full of outright lies you ought to be ashamed. He never plotted with any enemies. And he was not an elected official when the Vietnamese war ended and the POW's repatriated. The war was an abominable crime against humanity and anything done to help end it was the highest form of patriotism.

Every thing I wrote is well documented. Feel free to try to prove me wrong or STFU.
Well documented where? What "elective" office did he hold that had anything at all do with negotiating a peace treaty or armistice with North Vietnam? His commanding officers wrote the recommendations for the citations he received. So, now, I guess you are gonna claim that they lied? Why? Did that know that this young officer who was a nobody was someday gonna be a Senator, Presidential Nominee and Secretary of State? Just like some birth registrar in Hawaii knew that the biracial child Barack Obama was going to be President someday so he made a fake birth certificate and fake birth announcement for the newspaper. The really sad thing is you deluded fools believe the nonsense you post.
Your front-runner is under an FBI investigation, too...

Why are Libs criminals?
Why are you an idiot? Maybe there was too close a degree of consanguinity with your folks. And she is not under investigation by the FBI. That is a lie.
Deny all you want. We're just waiting on the Indictments for all of the laws over her mishandling classified information to come down.
View attachment 48636
Do us a favor. Hold your breath while you wait.
Kerry is and was a coward, a traitor and a teller of lies. I write that having read the accessible documents related to his alleged service and "wounds". Kerry volunteered for, and was assigned to, the Swift boats per his own request. After a brief period of undistinguished "service" he asked to be relieved of his command (one boat) based on three purple hearts (for which he was not actually qualified) even though the Navy had no official policy to do so. It is likely that his request was granted because he was more a pain in the ass than a help when in came to accomplishing the mission his unit was given. By doing so he deliberately abandoned his crew and the duty he had requested. He was later to claim to be a war criminal. Later he went to Paris and plotted with enemies of this country while we were still at war with them (treason). Later as an elected official he advocated a peace treaty that did not require the release of our POWs held by the NVA. Also later-as a leader of the infamous VVAW (which received money and "guidance" from the communists) he testified under oath to a whole series of lies deliberately designed to defame the American soldier and America itself (aiding and abetting the enemy during time of war).
So, he gave himself the purple hearts, bronze and silver stars? They were not the product of his commanding officers submitting for them? Your post is so full of outright lies you ought to be ashamed. He never plotted with any enemies. And he was not an elected official when the Vietnamese war ended and the POW's repatriated. The war was an abominable crime against humanity and anything done to help end it was the highest form of patriotism.

Every thing I wrote is well documented. Feel free to try to prove me wrong or STFU.
Well documented where? What "elective" office did he hold that had anything at all do with negotiating a peace treaty or armistice with North Vietnam? His commanding officers wrote the recommendations for the citations he received. So, now, I guess you are gonna claim that they lied? Why? Did that know that this young officer who was a nobody was someday gonna be a Senator, Presidential Nominee and Secretary of State? Just like some birth registrar in Hawaii knew that the biracial child Barack Obama was going to be President someday so he made a fake birth certificate and fake birth announcement for the newspaper. The really sad thing is you deluded fools believe the nonsense you post.
Actually Kerry wrote the recommendations because he was the commander of the boat. His Superiors never saw his supposed actions at all.
Delivering us to our enemies????? The U.N. will now be able to ALTER or NULLIFY the 2nd Amendment!

If U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry has his way the United Nations will be able to say if Americans are allowed to have their Second Amendment rights. He has just signed an anti-gun treaty with the United Nations that the U.S. Senate has already said it is against. The treaty Kerry signed without authorization from the Senate would create an un-Constitutional registry of all US gun buyers and would lead to the UN controlling American’s gun rights. Secretary of State John Kerry on Wednesday signed a controversial U.N. treaty on arms regulation, riling U.S. lawmakers who vow the Senate...


Roll that bird up in newspaper and shove it up your buttonhole.

Feel better?
Delivering us to our enemies????? The U.N. will now be able to ALTER or NULLIFY the 2nd Amendment!

If U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry has his way the United Nations will be able to say if Americans are allowed to have their Second Amendment rights. He has just signed an anti-gun treaty with the United Nations that the U.S. Senate has already said it is against. The treaty Kerry signed without authorization from the Senate would create an un-Constitutional registry of all US gun buyers and would lead to the UN controlling American’s gun rights. Secretary of State John Kerry on Wednesday signed a controversial U.N. treaty on arms regulation, riling U.S. lawmakers who vow the Senate...


Roll that bird up in newspaper and shove it up your buttonhole.

Feel better?

Yes, I do now that you pulled it out and started to suck on you always do, little FAGERAL!
Kerry is and was a coward, a traitor and a teller of lies. I write that having read the accessible documents related to his alleged service and "wounds". Kerry volunteered for, and was assigned to, the Swift boats per his own request. After a brief period of undistinguished "service" he asked to be relieved of his command (one boat) based on three purple hearts (for which he was not actually qualified) even though the Navy had no official policy to do so. It is likely that his request was granted because he was more a pain in the ass than a help when in came to accomplishing the mission his unit was given. By doing so he deliberately abandoned his crew and the duty he had requested. He was later to claim to be a war criminal. Later he went to Paris and plotted with enemies of this country while we were still at war with them (treason). Later as an elected official he advocated a peace treaty that did not require the release of our POWs held by the NVA. Also later-as a leader of the infamous VVAW (which received money and "guidance" from the communists) he testified under oath to a whole series of lies deliberately designed to defame the American soldier and America itself (aiding and abetting the enemy during time of war).
So, he gave himself the purple hearts, bronze and silver stars? They were not the product of his commanding officers submitting for them? Your post is so full of outright lies you ought to be ashamed. He never plotted with any enemies. And he was not an elected official when the Vietnamese war ended and the POW's repatriated. The war was an abominable crime against humanity and anything done to help end it was the highest form of patriotism.

Every thing I wrote is well documented. Feel free to try to prove me wrong or STFU.
Well documented where? What "elective" office did he hold that had anything at all do with negotiating a peace treaty or armistice with North Vietnam? His commanding officers wrote the recommendations for the citations he received. So, now, I guess you are gonna claim that they lied? Why? Did that know that this young officer who was a nobody was someday gonna be a Senator, Presidential Nominee and Secretary of State? Just like some birth registrar in Hawaii knew that the biracial child Barack Obama was going to be President someday so he made a fake birth certificate and fake birth announcement for the newspaper. The really sad thing is you deluded fools believe the nonsense you post.

Here's a start:
Sen. Kerry's Vietnam Medals Evaluation Report

Grant Hibbard of Gulf Breeze, Fla., a retired Navy officer, told he was the commanding officer to whom Kerry reported his “battle wound” on Dec. 3, 1968.

“I had confirmed that there was no hostile fire that night and that Kerry had simply wounded himself with an M-79 grenade round he fired too close. He wanted a Purple Heart, and I refused.”

The former Navy commander said Louis Letson, the base physician, saw Kerry and used tweezers to remove a tiny piece of shrapnel – about 1 centimeter in length and 2 millimeters in diameter – from the lieutenant j.g.’s (junior grade) forearm.

“Letson confirmed that the scratch had been self-inflicted when Kerry clumsily used the M-79.”

It’s been more than 35 years since the incident, but Hibbard still recalls Kerry’s actions with disgust.

“It is unacceptable to nominate yourself for a combat award. It compromises the basic military principle that we survive together.. To promote yourself is to denigrate your team . . . Kerry orchestrated his way out of Vietnam [in four months – a third of the required tour of duty] and then testified, under oath, before Congress that we, his comrades, had committed horrible war crimes..

“This testimony was a lie and slandered honorable men. We, who were actually there, believe he is unfit to command our sons and daughters.”

Why didn't some gook shoot him 50 years ago?

He was too fucking busy getting SPLINTERS and writing them up as PURPLE HEART REQUESTS while he spent 4 FUCKING MONTHS of a 13 month deployment in country....He's a fag liar, has been for 5 decades now, as he claimed we .......

I read somewhere that he got hit in the ass by a piece of rice and got a purple heart for it.

Man they must give purple hearts out by the gross for just about anything. Wonder if they still give them out for actual bullet wounds? You know. REAL WOUNDS???

Oh and I wonder if that purple heart was one of the medals he threw away when he turned into an anti war demonstrator??

He went to Vietnam to become a hero so he could run for office and once home discovered the anti war movement was the better way to go.

According to his commanding officer:

"Lieutenant (junior grade) Kerry was serving as an Officer-in-Charge of Inshore Patrol Craft 94, one of five boats conducting a Sealords operation in the Bay Hap River. While exiting the river, a mine detonated under another Inshore Patrol Craft and almost simultaneously, another mine detonated wounding Lieutenant (junior grade) Kerry in the right arm. In addition, all units began receiving small arms and automatic weapons fire from the river banks. When Lieutenant (junior grade) Kerry discovered he had a man overboard, he returned upriver to assist. The man in the water was receiving sniper fire from both banks. Lieutenant (junior grade) Kerry directed his gunners to provide suppressing fire, while from an exposed position on the bow, his arm bleeding and in pain and with disregard for his personal safety, he pulled the man aboard. Lieutenant (junior grade) Kerry then directed his boat to return to and assist the other damaged boat to safety. Lieutenant (junior grade) Kerry's calmness, professionalism and great personal courage under fire were in keeping with the highest traditions of the United States Naval Service."

And Kerry never exaggerated the wounds he received that led to the purple hearts.
"Kerry had been wounded three times and received three Purple Hearts. Asked about the severity of the wounds, Kerry said that one of them cost him about two days of service, and that the other two did not interrupt his duty. "Walking wounded," as Kerry put it. A shrapnel wound in his left arm gave Kerry pain for years. Kerry declined a request from the Globe to sign a waiver authorizing the release of military documents that are covered under the Privacy Act and that might shed more light on the extent of the treatment Kerry needed as a result of the wounds."

You people have no shame at all.

It's all they have. Complaining about something Kerry did a half a century ago. He did serve under fire, which most vets don't. He didn't get a cool billet in the national guard like sissy boy dubya did either.
Why didn't some gook shoot him 50 years ago?

He was too fucking busy getting SPLINTERS and writing them up as PURPLE HEART REQUESTS while he spent 4 FUCKING MONTHS of a 13 month deployment in country....He's a fag liar, has been for 5 decades now, as he claimed we .......

I read somewhere that he got hit in the ass by a piece of rice and got a purple heart for it.

Man they must give purple hearts out by the gross for just about anything. Wonder if they still give them out for actual bullet wounds? You know. REAL WOUNDS???

Oh and I wonder if that purple heart was one of the medals he threw away when he turned into an anti war demonstrator??

He went to Vietnam to become a hero so he could run for office and once home discovered the anti war movement was the better way to go.

According to his commanding officer:

"Lieutenant (junior grade) Kerry was serving as an Officer-in-Charge of Inshore Patrol Craft 94, one of five boats conducting a Sealords operation in the Bay Hap River. While exiting the river, a mine detonated under another Inshore Patrol Craft and almost simultaneously, another mine detonated wounding Lieutenant (junior grade) Kerry in the right arm. In addition, all units began receiving small arms and automatic weapons fire from the river banks. When Lieutenant (junior grade) Kerry discovered he had a man overboard, he returned upriver to assist. The man in the water was receiving sniper fire from both banks. Lieutenant (junior grade) Kerry directed his gunners to provide suppressing fire, while from an exposed position on the bow, his arm bleeding and in pain and with disregard for his personal safety, he pulled the man aboard. Lieutenant (junior grade) Kerry then directed his boat to return to and assist the other damaged boat to safety. Lieutenant (junior grade) Kerry's calmness, professionalism and great personal courage under fire were in keeping with the highest traditions of the United States Naval Service."

And Kerry never exaggerated the wounds he received that led to the purple hearts.
"Kerry had been wounded three times and received three Purple Hearts. Asked about the severity of the wounds, Kerry said that one of them cost him about two days of service, and that the other two did not interrupt his duty. "Walking wounded," as Kerry put it. A shrapnel wound in his left arm gave Kerry pain for years. Kerry declined a request from the Globe to sign a waiver authorizing the release of military documents that are covered under the Privacy Act and that might shed more light on the extent of the treatment Kerry needed as a result of the wounds."

You people have no shame at all.

It's all they have. Complaining about something Kerry did a half a century ago. He did serve under fire, which most vets don't. He didn't get a cool billet in the national guard like sissy boy dubya did either.

And he didn't get an Honorable discharge...if so POST IT!
"Traitor John Kerry Signs United Nations Gun Ban Treaty Against Wishes of U.S. Senate"

No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court. US Constitution, Article III, Section 3.

When exactly was Kerry convicted of 'treason.'
Well if that isn't a TRAITOR to us and our country. I don't what the hell else you call him and Obama. SELLING us out left and right
Selling us out by signing a treaty that REAFFIRMS our right to regulate weapons in our country consistent with our laws and our constitution? Care to explain that?
The ignorance and stupidity of the conservatives subscribing to this thread is remarkable, but not surprising; also unsurprising is their propensity to contrive and propagate their ridiculous lies.
"Traitor John Kerry Signs United Nations Gun Ban Treaty Against Wishes of U.S. Senate"

No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court. US Constitution, Article III, Section 3.

When exactly was Kerry convicted of 'treason.'

Black Shyster start to use your 2 digit IQ... Where does it say convicted traitor?
Well if that isn't a TRAITOR to us and our country. I don't what the hell else you call him and Obama. SELLING us out left and right
Selling us out by signing a treaty that REAFFIRMS our right to regulate weapons in our country consistent with our laws and our constitution? Care to explain that?
The ignorance and stupidity of the conservatives subscribing to this thread is remarkable, but not surprising; also unsurprising is their propensity to contrive and propagate their ridiculous lies.
Kerry is and was a coward, a traitor and a teller of lies. I write that having read the accessible documents related to his alleged service and "wounds". Kerry volunteered for, and was assigned to, the Swift boats per his own request. After a brief period of undistinguished "service" he asked to be relieved of his command (one boat) based on three purple hearts (for which he was not actually qualified) even though the Navy had no official policy to do so. It is likely that his request was granted because he was more a pain in the ass than a help when in came to accomplishing the mission his unit was given. By doing so he deliberately abandoned his crew and the duty he had requested. He was later to claim to be a war criminal. Later he went to Paris and plotted with enemies of this country while we were still at war with them (treason). Later as an elected official he advocated a peace treaty that did not require the release of our POWs held by the NVA. Also later-as a leader of the infamous VVAW (which received money and "guidance" from the communists) he testified under oath to a whole series of lies deliberately designed to defame the American soldier and America itself (aiding and abetting the enemy during time of war).
So, he gave himself the purple hearts, bronze and silver stars? They were not the product of his commanding officers submitting for them? Your post is so full of outright lies you ought to be ashamed. He never plotted with any enemies. And he was not an elected official when the Vietnamese war ended and the POW's repatriated. The war was an abominable crime against humanity and anything done to help end it was the highest form of patriotism.

Every thing I wrote is well documented. Feel free to try to prove me wrong or STFU.
Well documented where? What "elective" office did he hold that had anything at all do with negotiating a peace treaty or armistice with North Vietnam? His commanding officers wrote the recommendations for the citations he received. So, now, I guess you are gonna claim that they lied? Why? Did that know that this young officer who was a nobody was someday gonna be a Senator, Presidential Nominee and Secretary of State? Just like some birth registrar in Hawaii knew that the biracial child Barack Obama was going to be President someday so he made a fake birth certificate and fake birth announcement for the newspaper. The really sad thing is you deluded fools believe the nonsense you post.

Here's a start:
Sen. Kerry's Vietnam Medals Evaluation Report
More lies. You are truly disturbed.

Grant Hibbard of Gulf Breeze, Fla., a retired Navy officer, told he was the commanding officer to whom Kerry reported his “battle wound” on Dec. 3, 1968.

“I had confirmed that there was no hostile fire that night and that Kerry had simply wounded himself with an M-79 grenade round he fired too close. He wanted a Purple Heart, and I refused.”

The former Navy commander said Louis Letson, the base physician, saw Kerry and used tweezers to remove a tiny piece of shrapnel – about 1 centimeter in length and 2 millimeters in diameter – from the lieutenant j.g.’s (junior grade) forearm.

“Letson confirmed that the scratch had been self-inflicted when Kerry clumsily used the M-79.”

It’s been more than 35 years since the incident, but Hibbard still recalls Kerry’s actions with disgust.

“It is unacceptable to nominate yourself for a combat award. It compromises the basic military principle that we survive together.. To promote yourself is to denigrate your team . . . Kerry orchestrated his way out of Vietnam [in four months – a third of the required tour of duty] and then testified, under oath, before Congress that we, his comrades, had committed horrible war crimes..

“This testimony was a lie and slandered honorable men. We, who were actually there, believe he is unfit to command our sons and daughters.”

The real frauds are clowns like you who pretend to have served but never did.
Kerry is and was a coward, a traitor and a teller of lies. I write that having read the accessible documents related to his alleged service and "wounds". Kerry volunteered for, and was assigned to, the Swift boats per his own request. After a brief period of undistinguished "service" he asked to be relieved of his command (one boat) based on three purple hearts (for which he was not actually qualified) even though the Navy had no official policy to do so. It is likely that his request was granted because he was more a pain in the ass than a help when in came to accomplishing the mission his unit was given. By doing so he deliberately abandoned his crew and the duty he had requested. He was later to claim to be a war criminal. Later he went to Paris and plotted with enemies of this country while we were still at war with them (treason). Later as an elected official he advocated a peace treaty that did not require the release of our POWs held by the NVA. Also later-as a leader of the infamous VVAW (which received money and "guidance" from the communists) he testified under oath to a whole series of lies deliberately designed to defame the American soldier and America itself (aiding and abetting the enemy during time of war).
So, he gave himself the purple hearts, bronze and silver stars? They were not the product of his commanding officers submitting for them? Your post is so full of outright lies you ought to be ashamed. He never plotted with any enemies. And he was not an elected official when the Vietnamese war ended and the POW's repatriated. The war was an abominable crime against humanity and anything done to help end it was the highest form of patriotism.

Every thing I wrote is well documented. Feel free to try to prove me wrong or STFU.
Well documented where? What "elective" office did he hold that had anything at all do with negotiating a peace treaty or armistice with North Vietnam? His commanding officers wrote the recommendations for the citations he received. So, now, I guess you are gonna claim that they lied? Why? Did that know that this young officer who was a nobody was someday gonna be a Senator, Presidential Nominee and Secretary of State? Just like some birth registrar in Hawaii knew that the biracial child Barack Obama was going to be President someday so he made a fake birth certificate and fake birth announcement for the newspaper. The really sad thing is you deluded fools believe the nonsense you post.

Here's a start:
Sen. Kerry's Vietnam Medals Evaluation Report
More lies. You are truly disturbed.

Hey Doc....PissedInMyPantsMurphy is back! This should be fun, playing with a moron with an IQ lower than a 25 W. bulb!

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