Traitor: Obama laundered 1.7 billion dollars, secretly gave to Iran

I heard this awful report that President Obama stood side-by-side with Vladimir Putin and said that our intelligence agencies were a bunch of liars and that we should believe Vladimir Putin instead of our own CIA and FBI and other intelligence agencies. If President Obama did that, that’s a terrible thing. Don’t you guys all agree?
I heard Hillary Clinton say that anyone who doesn't accept the results of freely held US elections is a direct threat to our democracy. FLASHBACK: Hillary Said Not Accepting Election Results Was 'Direct Threat To Democracy' (VIDEO)

That makes Hillary and her boss Obama, and the FBI under Comey and McCabe and the Justice Department and former CIA director John Brrennan all direct threats to this nation and our democracy. How 'bout dat, psycho?
You gotta know Obama had to get at least a 10% vig for brokering the deal. Follow the money. Martha's Vineyard is nice this time of year.
Traitor: Obama laundered 1.7 billion dollars, secretly gave to Iran

When Barack Obama isn’t traveling overseas and insulting Americans or apologizing for our country’s alleged sins, his is committing acts that, in another day and time, would have been considered aiding and abetting one of our enemies.

Treason , in other words.

So is trump then

President Donald Trump has left the impression with foreign officials, members of his administration, and others involved in Iranian negotiations that he is actively considering a French plan to extend a $15 billion credit line to the Iranians if Tehran comes back into compliance with the Obama-eranuclear deal.

Insulting Americans? You mean like insulting people who live in Baltimore?

Yeah...except that is not true.
What IS true, is that two unidentified people say they believe it is true.
That is not the same as actually happening.
The day Trump loans Iran American taxpayer dollars with no strings attached, and not guaranteed like Obama did... get back with us.
I will. And what will you say then?

You see, the more we see Trump flip flopping and going back to doing the same things Obama was doing, the more it confirms how full of shit you Republicans are. You criticize Obama for doing something and then 4 years later you don't mind Trump doing the same thing. Why?

President Donald Trump has left the impression with foreign officials, members of his administration, and others involved in Iranian negotiations that he is actively considering a plan to extend a $15 billion credit line to the Iranians if Tehran comes back into compliance with the Obama-era nuclear deal.

I hope you do, but it isn't going to happen.
I don't have a problem loaning Iran a VERY short term loan, 100% backed by oil and verifying it will be used only for humanitarian needs of the Iranian people.
That is what Obama said he was doing, but in reality not only loaned them unsecured money, but then handed over their illegal funds back to them WITH interest. What a guy!!!
Traitor: Obama laundered 1.7 billion dollars, secretly gave to Iran

When Barack Obama isn’t traveling overseas and insulting Americans or apologizing for our country’s alleged sins, his is committing acts that, in another day and time, would have been considered aiding and abetting one of our enemies.

Treason , in other words.

So is trump then

President Donald Trump has left the impression with foreign officials, members of his administration, and others involved in Iranian negotiations that he is actively considering a French plan to extend a $15 billion credit line to the Iranians if Tehran comes back into compliance with the Obama-eranuclear deal.

Insulting Americans? You mean like insulting people who live in Baltimore?

Yeah...except that is not true.
What IS true, is that two unidentified people say they believe it is true.
That is not the same as actually happening.
The day Trump loans Iran American taxpayer dollars with no strings attached, and not guaranteed like Obama did... get back with us.
I will. And what will you say then?

You see, the more we see Trump flip flopping and going back to doing the same things Obama was doing, the more it confirms how full of shit you Republicans are. You criticize Obama for doing something and then 4 years later you don't mind Trump doing the same thing. Why?

President Donald Trump has left the impression with foreign officials, members of his administration, and others involved in Iranian negotiations that he is actively considering a plan to extend a $15 billion credit line to the Iranians if Tehran comes back into compliance with the Obama-era nuclear deal.

I hope you do, but it isn't going to happen.
I don't have a problem loaning Iran a VERY short term loan, 100% backed by oil and verifying it will be used only for humanitarian needs of the Iranian people.
That is what Obama said he was doing, but in reality not only loaned them unsecured money, but then handed over their illegal funds back to them WITH interest. What a guy!!!

Trump might pay Iran to remain in nuclear deal he once called “horrible”
Trump has made no secret of his disgust for the nuclear deal negotiated by his predecessor, Barack Obama. He’s called it “no good” and “horrible,” and last year—with the support of then-national security adviser John Bolton—he finally abandoned it. The path toward diplomacy since then has been perilous as Trump has ratcheted up sanctions on Iran as part of his “maximum pressure” strategy. Iran, meanwhile, has begun breaking the terms of the 2015 agreement and is pledging not to negotiate with the US until sanctions are lifted.

Now Trump is reportedly mulling a significant, and contradictory, change of course. According to the Daily Beast, he “is actively considering a French plan to extend a $15 billion credit line to the Iranians if Tehran comes back into compliance” with Obama’s nuclear deal. The bailout plan would offset a decline in Iran’s oil sales and assist its struggling economy. The idea was originally introduced by French President Emmanuel Macron and Trump appears to have recently come around to it. Trump said at the G7 meeting in France last month that Iran might need a “short-term letter of credit or loan” that would “get them over a very rough patch,” but his aides later said Trump would only consider the idea “after a new agreement” was reached with Iran, the New York Times reported.

The Daily Beast’s more recent reporting suggests Trump is closer to accepting the idea than previously thought. “Several sources” told the news outlet that “foreign officials are expecting Trump to either agree to cooperate on the French deal or to offer to ease some sanctions on Tehran.” The arrangement could be figured out this week as Trump and President Hassan Rouhani of Iran are both expected to attend the United Nations General Assembly meeting in New York.

Flip flop.
Traitor: Obama laundered 1.7 billion dollars, secretly gave to Iran

When Barack Obama isn’t traveling overseas and insulting Americans or apologizing for our country’s alleged sins, his is committing acts that, in another day and time, would have been considered aiding and abetting one of our enemies.

Treason , in other words.

So is trump then

President Donald Trump has left the impression with foreign officials, members of his administration, and others involved in Iranian negotiations that he is actively considering a French plan to extend a $15 billion credit line to the Iranians if Tehran comes back into compliance with the Obama-eranuclear deal.

Insulting Americans? You mean like insulting people who live in Baltimore?

Yeah...except that is not true.
What IS true, is that two unidentified people say they believe it is true.
That is not the same as actually happening.
The day Trump loans Iran American taxpayer dollars with no strings attached, and not guaranteed like Obama did... get back with us.
I will. And what will you say then?

You see, the more we see Trump flip flopping and going back to doing the same things Obama was doing, the more it confirms how full of shit you Republicans are. You criticize Obama for doing something and then 4 years later you don't mind Trump doing the same thing. Why?

President Donald Trump has left the impression with foreign officials, members of his administration, and others involved in Iranian negotiations that he is actively considering a plan to extend a $15 billion credit line to the Iranians if Tehran comes back into compliance with the Obama-era nuclear deal.

I hope you do, but it isn't going to happen.
I don't have a problem loaning Iran a VERY short term loan, 100% backed by oil and verifying it will be used only for humanitarian needs of the Iranian people.
That is what Obama said he was doing, but in reality not only loaned them unsecured money, but then handed over their illegal funds back to them WITH interest. What a guy!!!

Trump might pay Iran to remain in nuclear deal he once called “horrible”
Trump has made no secret of his disgust for the nuclear deal negotiated by his predecessor, Barack Obama. He’s called it “no good” and “horrible,” and last year—with the support of then-national security adviser John Bolton—he finally abandoned it. The path toward diplomacy since then has been perilous as Trump has ratcheted up sanctions on Iran as part of his “maximum pressure” strategy. Iran, meanwhile, has begun breaking the terms of the 2015 agreement and is pledging not to negotiate with the US until sanctions are lifted.

Now Trump is reportedly mulling a significant, and contradictory, change of course. According to the Daily Beast, he “is actively considering a French plan to extend a $15 billion credit line to the Iranians if Tehran comes back into compliance” with Obama’s nuclear deal. The bailout plan would offset a decline in Iran’s oil sales and assist its struggling economy. The idea was originally introduced by French President Emmanuel Macron and Trump appears to have recently come around to it. Trump said at the G7 meeting in France last month that Iran might need a “short-term letter of credit or loan” that would “get them over a very rough patch,” but his aides later said Trump would only consider the idea “after a new agreement” was reached with Iran, the New York Times reported.

The Daily Beast’s more recent reporting suggests Trump is closer to accepting the idea than previously thought. “Several sources” told the news outlet that “foreign officials are expecting Trump to either agree to cooperate on the French deal or to offer to ease some sanctions on Tehran.” The arrangement could be figured out this week as Trump and President Hassan Rouhani of Iran are both expected to attend the United Nations General Assembly meeting in New York.

Flip flop.

Someone said that is what he is doing.
Do you understand the meaning of the word "reportedly"?
Or how about... "some are saying"?
That is the problem today. If a media source they like says something - instantly it is as if it already happened. (can you say Kavanaugh)
All that has happened is Trump has stated a secured, shirt term loan backed by oil "MAY" be looked at. That doesn't even say he is willing, only that he is saying it is something to consider.
At the same time, the very same article states he would ONLY consider that if they reached a NEW deal,

You should look that word up.
Someone said that is what he is doing.
Do you understand the meaning of the word "reportedly"?
Or how about... "some are saying"?
That is the problem today. If a media source they like says something - instantly it is as if it already happened. (can you say Kavanaugh)
All that has happened is Trump has stated a secured, shirt term loan backed by oil "MAY" be looked at. That doesn't even say he is willing, only that he is saying it is something to consider.
At the same time, the very same article states he would ONLY consider that if they reached a NEW deal,

You should look that word up.
This is all based on an old out of date story reported by an extremely left leaning source based on the comments of someone who hasn't even been in the White House in some time. He was asked to leave by Trump.
There is no other corroborative source and no hint that Trump would consider some sort of deal with Iran especially considering Iran's behavior, i.e. blowing up Saudi oil refining facilities and commandeering ships in the Straits of Hormuz.

The whole thing stinks like a used diaper left out in the sun. One troll keeps repeating the same lies over and over again.
So is trump then

President Donald Trump has left the impression with foreign officials, members of his administration, and others involved in Iranian negotiations that he is actively considering a French plan to extend a $15 billion credit line to the Iranians if Tehran comes back into compliance with the Obama-eranuclear deal.

Insulting Americans? You mean like insulting people who live in Baltimore?

Yeah...except that is not true.
What IS true, is that two unidentified people say they believe it is true.
That is not the same as actually happening.
The day Trump loans Iran American taxpayer dollars with no strings attached, and not guaranteed like Obama did... get back with us.
I will. And what will you say then?

You see, the more we see Trump flip flopping and going back to doing the same things Obama was doing, the more it confirms how full of shit you Republicans are. You criticize Obama for doing something and then 4 years later you don't mind Trump doing the same thing. Why?

President Donald Trump has left the impression with foreign officials, members of his administration, and others involved in Iranian negotiations that he is actively considering a plan to extend a $15 billion credit line to the Iranians if Tehran comes back into compliance with the Obama-era nuclear deal.

I hope you do, but it isn't going to happen.
I don't have a problem loaning Iran a VERY short term loan, 100% backed by oil and verifying it will be used only for humanitarian needs of the Iranian people.
That is what Obama said he was doing, but in reality not only loaned them unsecured money, but then handed over their illegal funds back to them WITH interest. What a guy!!!

Trump might pay Iran to remain in nuclear deal he once called “horrible”
Trump has made no secret of his disgust for the nuclear deal negotiated by his predecessor, Barack Obama. He’s called it “no good” and “horrible,” and last year—with the support of then-national security adviser John Bolton—he finally abandoned it. The path toward diplomacy since then has been perilous as Trump has ratcheted up sanctions on Iran as part of his “maximum pressure” strategy. Iran, meanwhile, has begun breaking the terms of the 2015 agreement and is pledging not to negotiate with the US until sanctions are lifted.

Now Trump is reportedly mulling a significant, and contradictory, change of course. According to the Daily Beast, he “is actively considering a French plan to extend a $15 billion credit line to the Iranians if Tehran comes back into compliance” with Obama’s nuclear deal. The bailout plan would offset a decline in Iran’s oil sales and assist its struggling economy. The idea was originally introduced by French President Emmanuel Macron and Trump appears to have recently come around to it. Trump said at the G7 meeting in France last month that Iran might need a “short-term letter of credit or loan” that would “get them over a very rough patch,” but his aides later said Trump would only consider the idea “after a new agreement” was reached with Iran, the New York Times reported.

The Daily Beast’s more recent reporting suggests Trump is closer to accepting the idea than previously thought. “Several sources” told the news outlet that “foreign officials are expecting Trump to either agree to cooperate on the French deal or to offer to ease some sanctions on Tehran.” The arrangement could be figured out this week as Trump and President Hassan Rouhani of Iran are both expected to attend the United Nations General Assembly meeting in New York.

Flip flop.

Someone said that is what he is doing.
Do you understand the meaning of the word "reportedly"?
Or how about... "some are saying"?
That is the problem today. If a media source they like says something - instantly it is as if it already happened. (can you say Kavanaugh)
All that has happened is Trump has stated a secured, shirt term loan backed by oil "MAY" be looked at. That doesn't even say he is willing, only that he is saying it is something to consider.
At the same time, the very same article states he would ONLY consider that if they reached a NEW deal,

You should look that word up.
Trump will eventually do what obama was doing, because obama was doing the right thing.
You bad mouthed saddam too before.
Sure did! He was a sadistic psycho whose only value was in hating and killing Iranians.

Now we wish he was still in charge
I wouldn't go that far. That's like saying it's too bad Hitler isn't around to
attack the Russians some more.
Saddam was the only one who could keep those savages in check. We wish we never got rid of him.

And most Iraqi's wish Saddam was still in charge. And do you know who they think is a brutal murderer? Bush.

Let's also not forget Bush lied us into the Iraq war.

But in the last GOP debate, Republican candidate front-runner Donald Trump took things to a new level. He not only called the decision to go to war “a big, fat mistake” (and, post-debate, proclaimed it “a disaster”) but also said: “They lied. They said there were weapons of mass destruction. There were none, and they knew there were none.”

So I'm not even sure Saddam is as brutal a dictator as Bush said. Because, Bush is a liar.
You bad mouthed saddam too before.
Sure did! He was a sadistic psycho whose only value was in hating and killing Iranians.

Now we wish he was still in charge
I wouldn't go that far. That's like saying it's too bad Hitler isn't around to
attack the Russians some more.

Are you sure Saddam was as bad as Bush said? Because Bush was a fucking liar. Don't forget that.
Traitor: Obama laundered 1.7 billion dollars, secretly gave to Iran

When Barack Obama isn’t traveling overseas and insulting Americans or apologizing for our country’s alleged sins, his is committing acts that, in another day and time, would have been considered aiding and abetting one of our enemies.

Treason , in other words.
Does it bother you that Bush lied us into Iraq? How much did that lie cost us? So stop crying that Obama gave Iran money in order to get them to stop making nukes. First of all, Trump's going to give them money too. Second of all, the Iraq war that we were lied into cost a lot more than 1.7 billion dollars. Yet I bet you never cried about that war now did you?
Oh these right wingers. You can tell them a million times and they still don't get it.


It was Iran's money.

No it was not. 11 billion was sanctioned money. We are up to 33 billion, that we know of. Obama took it right out of our pockets.
Wtf are you smoking? Anyways, since you conservatives are Putin cheerleader's these days, shouldn't you be coming around on Iran since Putin is their ally?

Apparently it is the Kerry/Obama/Clinton cartel that loves Putin. How many uranium mines did Trump sell him? And now, Comrade Kerry is working with Vlad on the Syria mess Obama/Clinton created.
And you have no way of knowing how much money Obama has gifted to Iran. He had no intention of letting us know about the money laundering deal that just went down, what it was for, and done in the dark of the night. Then lied to us about...
We need an American in office who works with Congress and isn't so sneaky.

And you have no idea how much Trump has given Putin.

And how about this headline?

Donald Trump rushing to sell Saudi Arabia nuclear technology
Experts worry tech transfer will allow Saudi Arabia to produce nuclear weapons, contributing to Middle East arms race.

Does this bother you? Bet it doesn't.
Trump will eventually do what obama was doing, because obama was doing the right thing.
For the crazed theocrats in Tehran. Not so much for the rest of the world.
You bad mouthed saddam too before. Now we wish he was still in charge

Yeah... we all wish a tryant that poison gassed his own people, slaughtered whole villages, and started three wars was back.

How many Iraqi's died violently because Bush/Chaney lied us into Iraq? Some say the number may be close to 1 million.

Casualties of the Iraq War - Wikipedia

No wonder Bush won't show his face in public.

Remember how out of it he seemed when he appeared with the Obama's? If he has a conscience I'm sure the Iraq war bothers him. I'm sure he has trouble sleeping at night.

Are you sure Saddam was as bad as Bush said? Because Bush was a fucking liar. Don't forget that.
It's been documented. Bush has nothing to do with my opinion of Hussein.

Funny sometimes you guys believe the media and government and sometimes you don't.

Some say we (Bush 1) encouraged Saddam to invade Kuwait and then

Glaspie also indicated to Saddam Hussein that the United States did not intend "to start an economic war against Iraq". These statements may have caused Saddam to believe he had received a diplomatic green light from the United States to invade Kuwait.[29][30] This exchange only became public knowledge in 2011, following a WikiLeaks release of a cable, sent by the US embassy in Iraq, following on from Ms Glaspie's meeting with Saddam Hussein. In addition, one week before the invasion, the Assistant Secretary of State, John Kelly, told the US congress that the US had no treaty obligations to defend Kuwait.
Funny sometimes you guys believe the media and government and sometimes you don't.
I believe the media when a majority of sources all say the same thing and have the same facts.

"Whereas some in the Arab world lauded Saddam for opposing the United States and attacking Israel, he was widely condemned for the brutality of his dictatorship. The total number of Iraqis killed by the security services of Saddam's government in various purges and genocides is conservatively estimated to be 250,000.Saddam's invasions of Iran and Kuwait also resulted in hundreds of thousands of deaths."

He wasn't the Butcher of Baghdad for no reason at all.

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