Traitor: Republican senator says no to repealing Obamacare


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Murkowski wants to fund Planned Parenthood even more

Traitor: Republican Senator Says No to Repealing Obamacare
Republican Senator Lisa Murkowski of Alaska has announced her opposition to the repeal of Obamacare if it means defunding Planned Parenthood or eliminating the state’s expansion of Medicaid.

Like i'm always saying both sides play the same game, when it comes to screwing over the public. If Trump can't get rid of this because assholes like this keep it from happening Obamacare is going to be your worst nightmare.
A faster way to get rid of Ocare is to get a handle on all of the ways Ocare adversely affects economic growth and employment.
Not for nothing is Ms. Murkowski known back home as "Lease-A". She could make an honest woman of herself by coming out of the closet and making official (through public announcement) that she is now and has been for years a Democrat.

But remember, she was NOT elected as a Republican.

Nope. She got her ass whipped in a primary and ran as an independent. Name recognition along kept her in the job she was appointed to by her doting father when he was governor of Alaska.
The easiest way is to just get rid of it and offer nothing else...The GOP was turning blue from holding it's breath while trying, now they seem to be breathing again....What does that tell you?
Murkowski wants to fund Planned Parenthood even more

Traitor: Republican Senator Says No to Repealing Obamacare
Republican Senator Lisa Murkowski of Alaska has announced her opposition to the repeal of Obamacare if it means defunding Planned Parenthood or eliminating the state’s expansion of Medicaid.

Like i'm always saying both sides play the same game, when it comes to screwing over the public. If Trump can't get rid of this because assholes like this keep it from happening Obamacare is going to be your worst nightmare.

We have to wait until the ACA goes belly up so that they can save us with socialized medicine silly.

Play the game right.
The easiest way is to just get rid of it and offer nothing else...The GOP was turning blue from holding it's breath while trying, now they seem to be breathing again....What does that tell you?

Tells me the whole damn system is crooked and Trump is having one hell of a time undoing it. So, so many are stacked against him because they stand to lose the big, big bucks they pocketed by screwing over the entire population with their fkn lies they sell the public all the time. The public is so fkn out of it they believed everything that POS OBAMA told them.
It's true, Murkowski is a Dem in Reps clothing. Alaska has a problem with folks going in and voting a straight R ticket because the lifestyle up here makes following politics really tough for a large section of our populace - when you're at sea for half the year, or working two weeks on two weeks off, or hustling ass across the state to do heavy equipment maintenance you just don't have time to follow politics.
The easiest way is to just get rid of it and offer nothing else...The GOP was turning blue from holding it's breath while trying, now they seem to be breathing again....What does that tell you?

Tells me the whole damn system is crooked and Trump is having one hell of a time undoing it. So, so many are stacked against him because they stand to lose the big, big bucks they pocketed by screwing over the entire population with their fkn lies they sell the public all the time. The public is so fkn out of it they believed everything that POS OBAMA told them.
The president, congress, your chaplan, they all tell us what they want us to hear...But in the back of their mind they are saying"sucker"....
Murkowski wants to fund Planned Parenthood even more

Traitor: Republican Senator Says No to Repealing Obamacare
Republican Senator Lisa Murkowski of Alaska has announced her opposition to the repeal of Obamacare if it means defunding Planned Parenthood or eliminating the state’s expansion of Medicaid.

Like i'm always saying both sides play the same game, when it comes to screwing over the public. If Trump can't get rid of this because assholes like this keep it from happening Obamacare is going to be your worst nightmare.
The way I see it is:
As a capitalist society, health care costs, will continue to rise as MD's, Nurses, Pharmaceutical companies, Medical Supply companies and manufacturers increase charges for services and products for both profit as well as keeping up with inflation,
whether you have Obama Care or some Republican concocted version of their own.
Small companies lose profits by having to contribute to health care insurers, thus they object to Obama Care.
The basic idea of a Republican form of health care is: Keep elements of Obama Care, while allowing people to purchase health care insurance across state lines, join associations that offer health care provisions as part of membership, allow insurers to have "low cost" health insurance and for individuals to create a health care savings account.
Reality Check: Conservative Republicans and profitable company not live in the low wage work-a-day world.
Most families live paycheck to paycheck and very low cost health care coverage means the insured foot most of the cost which many could not afford. Any savings they have in the bank tends to be minimal. Maids, stock persons, part-time people unable to obtain good paying full time work, bartenders, yard workers, mechanics, they and others, make low incomes. The idea of creating a health savings account that would actually work is absurd. One trip to an emergency room could hit them with a bill of $1,000 or more and with people living from paycheck to paycheck, that doesn't work.
If we look beyond our shores and seek out that health care system that works best for its people, one can ignore the socialized medicine methods of England and Canada......but.....if you look at France, there is one where the people are happy with it. It is socialized, however, it is also very proactive in preventive measures, as well as good overall care for its citizens. I have spoken with Brits who have moved there as well as the French and they are very satisfied with it. It is also ranked as number one in health care across the globe. Going with this would do two things.
1. It would provide good health care for all.
2. It would shut the far-left liberals, the hell up (except on immigration).
It was all just politics. 52 times republicans voted to repeal Obamacare. Now that they can, they won't. No political points to score anymore.
Murkowski wants to fund Planned Parenthood even more

Traitor: Republican Senator Says No to Repealing Obamacare
Republican Senator Lisa Murkowski of Alaska has announced her opposition to the repeal of Obamacare if it means defunding Planned Parenthood or eliminating the state’s expansion of Medicaid.

Like i'm always saying both sides play the same game, when it comes to screwing over the public. If Trump can't get rid of this because assholes like this keep it from happening Obamacare is going to be your worst nightmare.
Murkowski is pretty much the epitome of a RINO, and her betrayal of her party will get her primaried if she tries to run as a GOP again, and defeated in the next state election.

Dont doubt it.
Murkowski wants to fund Planned Parenthood even more

Traitor: Republican Senator Says No to Repealing Obamacare
Republican Senator Lisa Murkowski of Alaska has announced her opposition to the repeal of Obamacare if it means defunding Planned Parenthood or eliminating the state’s expansion of Medicaid.

Like i'm always saying both sides play the same game, when it comes to screwing over the public. If Trump can't get rid of this because assholes like this keep it from happening Obamacare is going to be your worst nightmare.
She voted against several of Trumps cabinet picks as well. No surprise here wouldn't surprise me to see her femitard rino friend Collins from Maine do the same
Murkowski wants to fund Planned Parenthood even more

Traitor: Republican Senator Says No to Repealing Obamacare
Republican Senator Lisa Murkowski of Alaska has announced her opposition to the repeal of Obamacare if it means defunding Planned Parenthood or eliminating the state’s expansion of Medicaid.

Like i'm always saying both sides play the same game, when it comes to screwing over the public. If Trump can't get rid of this because assholes like this keep it from happening Obamacare is going to be your worst nightmare.

"Traitor" :lol:

A Senator ain't there to massage your fantasies, Dickhead. She's there to represent her constituents. Which in this case is the state of Alaska, not a political party. Which by the way she didn't even use to get elected -- she was a write-in.

Welcome to the United States. Please take a moment to RTFM on how the country works.
Murkowski is pretty much the epitome of a RINO

Only a complete moron can come up with a term like "RINO" :lol:

Guess what Sparkles. Elected Congresscritters aren't there to represent a fucking political party. They're there to represent their constituents. But it does speak volumes about both your perverted concept of politics as some kind of football game, and your fascistic tendencies to want to control the representative of a state five thousand miles away.

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