Trannies furious at rupaul

TrannySteve is now your idol?
I really don't pay attention to Steve as a person, but his posts have shed alot of light on how fucked up the homosexual people are.

Dude, you needed affirmation on that point?

These are people that think they are genetically one gender but mentally another gender.

How MORE fucked up can that get?

Only because we so rigidly define gender roles...

You think this is an issue in the animal kingdom?
I really don't pay attention to Steve as a person, but his posts have shed alot of light on how fucked up the homosexual people are.

Dude, you needed affirmation on that point?

These are people that think they are genetically one gender but mentally another gender.

How MORE fucked up can that get?

Only because we so rigidly define gender roles...

You think this is an issue in the animal kingdom?

Question for liberal faggots:

When it comes to trannies, why do liberals who normally abhor gender roles, expect trannies to play the role? Why can't you be a male to female tranny without wearing a dress and long hair? Do all women wear dresses and have long hair?
Dude, you needed affirmation on that point?

These are people that think they are genetically one gender but mentally another gender.

How MORE fucked up can that get?

Only because we so rigidly define gender roles...

You think this is an issue in the animal kingdom?

Question for liberal faggots:

When it comes to trannies, why do liberals who normally abhor gender roles, expect trannies to play the role? Why can't you be a male to female tranny without wearing a dress and long hair? Do all women wear dresses and have long hair?

I'm actually pretty indifferent to Gender Rolls.

frankly, I don't care how people dress or what kind of sex they are having.

The thing is, Steve, that Tranny or gay person is in the same boat you and I are in. Just trying to make ends meet and get by while the rich are pulling the rug out from underneath us.

But when they pull the rug out from under you, they point and say, "Hey, look at them Queers having the Butt-Sex" and you turn and look and then wonder why you don't have a middle class anymore.

I refuse to get played.

And unfortunately, if I have to knock some sense into the Christians and homophobes, I'm happy to do that.
Dude, you needed affirmation on that point?

These are people that think they are genetically one gender but mentally another gender.

How MORE fucked up can that get?

Only because we so rigidly define gender roles...

You think this is an issue in the animal kingdom?

Question for liberal faggots:

When it comes to trannies, why do liberals who normally abhor gender roles, expect trannies to play the role? Why can't you be a male to female tranny without wearing a dress and long hair? Do all women wear dresses and have long hair?

There are lots of questions like that.

Suppose a male thinks he is a female and has a female lover; is the lover now a lesbian? How would anyone know the difference?

If the female were a lesbian who thought she was a man inside, could she still have sex with a man who thought he was a woman inside and be lesbian or would she be engaging in heterosexual sex?

If a man claimed to be a woman inside but lesbian, could he still get into all the womyns bathrooms and check them all out legally because after all he still thinks he is a girl?

Just some rather curious fruits from that kind of fruititiousness.
Only because we so rigidly define gender roles...

You think this is an issue in the animal kingdom?

Question for liberal faggots:

When it comes to trannies, why do liberals who normally abhor gender roles, expect trannies to play the role? Why can't you be a male to female tranny without wearing a dress and long hair? Do all women wear dresses and have long hair?

I'm actually pretty indifferent to Gender Rolls.

frankly, I don't care how people dress or what kind of sex they are having.

The thing is, Steve, that Tranny or gay person is in the same boat you and I are in. Just trying to make ends meet and get by while the rich are pulling the rug out from underneath us.

But when they pull the rug out from under you, they point and say, "Hey, look at them Queers having the Butt-Sex" and you turn and look and then wonder why you don't have a middle class anymore.

I refuse to get played.

And unfortunately, if I have to knock some sense into the Christians and homophobes, I'm happy to do that.

JoeBitch, why do you never fail to jump into every damned thread about fags and butt fuckers that comes around?

Are you some closet fudge packer or just a wannabe?


JoeBitch, why do you never fail to jump into every damned thread about fags and butt fuckers that comes around?

Are you some closet fudge packer or just a wannabe?


Naw, man, unlike you and TrannySteve, I'm totally comfortable in my skin.

You guys, though, apparently feel threatened by the gays... and its' been scientifically proven most homophobes are in fact latent gays themselves.
Look at the simpering, prancing, cock gobbling liberal faggots not discussing the topic. How many replies can you make that don't address the original post? Are you going to go for a record here? I mean, we couldn't have people actually discuss the utter liberal insanity. No wonder why you liberals love changing the topic so much. You want us all to ignore how insane you liberals are.

"Insane" is exactly the word I was looking for when describing someone who has made 1000 threads about transexuals nobody else cares about.
Look at the simpering, prancing, cock gobbling liberal faggots not discussing the topic. How many replies can you make that don't address the original post? Are you going to go for a record here? I mean, we couldn't have people actually discuss the utter liberal insanity. No wonder why you liberals love changing the topic so much. You want us all to ignore how insane you liberals are.

You are the one with the problem, Steve. Seek help.
I knew homosexuals were fucked up people, but I really didn't realize how fucked up the homosexuals were until Steve's posts

looks like you steve and JimBowie1958 like having a threesome :eusa_whistle:
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I knew homosexuals were fucked up people, but I really didn't realize how fucked up the homosexuals were until Steve's posts

looks like you steve and JimBowie1958 like having a threesome :eusa_whistle:
See how fucked up you homo's are?

sorry prancer, I'm straight, those who obsess over gays are latent homosexuals them selves like you and steve and jimbo :eek:
Uh, trannysteve, there's no topic to discuss.

Except your obsession with your fellow gays/transexuals.

So we're supposed to pretend the story doesn't exist? That the events aren't happening? Is' that the progressive thing to do?

Are there any topics about gays or trannies allowed other than positive, glowing stories? Do you think they are that inferior that truth needs to be whitewashed to portray your pet groups as perfect?

Why do you want to hide truth so much?

Guy, we aren't interesting in 'discussing' your weird obsession.

Just mocking it.

Because, honestly, by Tranny Thread #659, it just gets to be funny.

^ that

Trannysteve needs to find a new hobby besides boring everyone here to tears. Besides, you know his threads are junk when he can only get thanks from JimCrowie1958 & that self-hater- Tank :rofl:
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Look at the simpering, prancing, cock gobbling liberal faggots not discussing the topic. How many replies can you make that don't address the original post? Are you going to go for a record here? I mean, we couldn't have people actually discuss the utter liberal insanity. No wonder why you liberals love changing the topic so much. You want us all to ignore how insane you liberals are.

"Insane" is exactly the word I was looking for when describing someone who has made 1000 threads about transexuals nobody else cares about.

Then why the fuck are you posting on it?
So we're supposed to pretend the story doesn't exist? That the events aren't happening? Is' that the progressive thing to do?

Are there any topics about gays or trannies allowed other than positive, glowing stories? Do you think they are that inferior that truth needs to be whitewashed to portray your pet groups as perfect?

Why do you want to hide truth so much?

Guy, we aren't interesting in 'discussing' your weird obsession.

Just mocking it.

Because, honestly, by Tranny Thread #659, it just gets to be funny.

^ that

Trannysteve needs to find a new hobby besides boring everyone here to tears.

Then move the fuck on, you little whining bitch.

I find these threads funny as hell.

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