Tranny fabricates story about sexual assault at school

She tried to imprison 3 males on false rape charges, so she should be expelled and then sentenced for 3 counts of rape. Anything short of that is a travesty of justice.
There will be zero punishment. Liberals would throw the biggest, most limp wristed, HIV positive hissy fit of all time if there were any punishment.
You know libbies won't touch this topic with a 10 foot pole. Gotta pretend it never happened.
The change left open the possibility that the teen could be charged with making a false criminal report, she said.

Mario Trujillo, spokesman for the West Contra Costa Unified School District, said school officials are less concerned with punishing the student than making sure he gets the support he needs to feel safe and comfortable at school.

"We recognize that life is complicated, and at the end of the day this is a request for help," Trujillo said.

Can you believe this crap.?? No punishment guarantees this sick nut will continue making false charges.
The change left open the possibility that the teen could be charged with making a false criminal report, she said.

Mario Trujillo, spokesman for the West Contra Costa Unified School District, said school officials are less concerned with punishing the student than making sure he gets the support he needs to feel safe and comfortable at school.

"We recognize that life is complicated, and at the end of the day this is a request for help," Trujillo said.

Can you believe this crap.?? No punishment guarantees this sick nut will continue making false charges.

The lunatics run the asylum
The change left open the possibility that the teen could be charged with making a false criminal report, she said.

Mario Trujillo, spokesman for the West Contra Costa Unified School District, said school officials are less concerned with punishing the student than making sure he gets the support he needs to feel safe and comfortable at school.

"We recognize that life is complicated, and at the end of the day this is a request for help," Trujillo said.

That's lib logic for you. Falsely accusing someone of sex assault is dismissed as a "request for help" when a lib does it. This false accuser should be locked up for 10 years and this school spokesman fired.
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Either look at the post and reply in a sentient manner. Or ignore the post and don't reply at all. Promoting your ignore list is just pathetic.

When you post it's impressive and factual, but these ones aren't.
If he named the boys who were alleged to have attacked him, he should be charged. With what, I don't know, but he shouldn't get away with this.
So you support the decision to not punish illegal behavior because of who the perp was, any other protected classes we need to know about?

That's a good question, gunny. If you're black, brown, female, disabled, or a pervert, you're allowed to break the laws and those who say otherwise are bigots.
If he named the boys who were alleged to have attacked him, he should be charged. With what, I don't know, but he shouldn't get away with this.

Lying to Police/Filing a False Report/Perjury (since affivdavits are involved)
Libel/Assassination of Character if specifc names reported falsely
This person is no more male than she was attacked. Why are we required to believe the former?

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