Trans, Etc. Mental Health Issues

It's hard not to think that anybody who would do that to their bodies is not seriously mentally ill. But I don't know that for a fact for all so I won't go down that road.

But I will never accept it as normal. It just isn't.

I don't care what they think they are or pretend to be...I do care when they try and force their mental illness on others, invade women and children's restrooms and athletics

I'll never accept it
i'm not saying it is so...a couple of googlie types is all ya need

Then these types still have a political problem claiming the autism spectrum: their shrinks. Now that you and google have sufficiently mouthed off, it's time to get down to real politics.
Please stay on topic.
No it's on topic. Very much on topic. Trump's penis is mentioned around timepoint 8:00 in this Miss Universe tranny interview of 2012. The tranny (wanted [italics]) to be a girl, which never came to pass in reality. Only in the head of the tranny.
I don't care what they think they are or pretend to be...I do care when they try and force their mental illness on others, invade women and children's restrooms and athletics

I'll never accept it
Amen. I really don't give a shit much what people do to themselves in the privacy of their own home but don't be an activist trying to convince us that it is all normal and include with that grooming innocent children.
No it's on topic. Very much on topic. Trump's penis is mentioned around timepoint 8:00 in this Miss Universe tranny interview of 2012. The tranny (wanted [italics]) to be a girl, which never came to pass in reality. Only in the head of the tranny.

We have tried before to post this booby-trapped video. The prisoner must type it into the spacebar themselves. We must, then, make the URL go schizophrenic by splitting it:

That makes you the sick one
Naw, I'm completely stable mentally and I don't torture other citizens by helping them further harm themselves via their delusions.
What you are doing is worse than electroshock treatment. You are literally helping to destroy an entire generation of our youth with this poison. YOU are the problem

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