Trans, Etc. Mental Health Issues

Naw, I'm completely stable mentally and I don't torture other citizens by helping them further harm themselves via their delusions.
What you are doing is worse than electroshock treatment. You are literally helping to destroy an entire generation of our youth with this poison. YOU are the problem

Keep ridiculing them, non stop
Depends on the grooming. I see your ILK grooming children to hate and discriminate against others. That’s pretty bad don’t you think?

Cute, lame-ass attempt at convincing us that you actually don't understand what I'm talking about.

Come back later. You are not worth engaging in conversation.

Thanks for your thought provoking post.

Your argument relies on the shrink's assessment. From the start, this is su$pect because the shrink is also not a geneticist and these tranny wannabe's free will is now safe from genetic vetting, which is the second pathology: leaving any original tissue makes the organism more susceptible to cancers, and this is only the tip of the pathological iceberg.
Well I figure a psychiatrist has more education and credentials to identify mental illness than I do. Nor am I privy to what is unsaid in any person's mind or heart so I leave that to the person and God to sort out.

All I am saying is the the medical community agrees that there is a high percentage of diagnosed mental disorders among transgenders, and I personally will never see transgendering as normal.
What is Gender Dysphoria?

The term “transgender” refers to a person whose sex assigned at birth (i.e. the sex assigned at birth, usually based on external genitalia) does not align their gender identity (i.e., one’s psychological sense of their gender). Some people who are transgender will experience “gender dysphoria,” which refers to psychological distress that results from an incongruence between one’s sex assigned at birth and one’s gender identity. Though gender dysphoria often begins in childhood, some people may not experience it until after puberty or much later.

People who are transgender may pursue multiple domains of gender affirmation, including social affirmation (e.g., changing one’s name and pronouns), legal affirmation (e.g., changing gender markers on one’s government-issued documents), medical affirmation (e.g., pubertal suppression or gender-affirming hormones), and/or surgical affirmation (e.g., vaginoplasty, facial feminization surgery, breast augmentation, masculine chest reconstruction, etc.). Of note, not all people who are transgender will desire all domains of gender affirmation, as these are highly personal and individual decisions.

It is important to note that gender identity is different from gender expression. Whereas gender identity refers to one’s psychological sense of their gender, gender expression refers to the way in which one presents to the world in a gendered way. For example, in much of the U.S., wearing a dress is considered a “feminine” gender expression, and wearing a tuxedo is considered a “masculine” gender expression. Such expectations are culturally defined and vary across time and culture. One’s gender expression does not necessarily align with their gender identity. Diverse gender expressions, much like diverse gender identities, are not indications of a mental disorder.

Gender identity is also different from sexual orientation. Sexual orientation refers to the types of people towards which one is sexually attracted. As with people who are cisgender (people whose sex assigned at birth aligns with their gender identity), people who are transgender have a diverse range of sexual orientations.
Keep ridiculing them, non stop

I blast em on YouTube constantly too.

That Bela Ramsey girl that played on Game of Thrones and The Last of Us came out as gender confused and I went in her comment section and told her YOU WERE BORN A GIRL, WILL ALWAYS BE A GIRL & CANT CHANGE THAT FACT.

I get a fair amount of hate but it's worth it
What is Gender Dysphoria?

The term “transgender” refers to a person whose sex assigned at birth (i.e. the sex assigned at birth, usually based on external genitalia) does not align their gender identity (i.e., one’s psychological sense of their gender). Some people who are transgender will experience “gender dysphoria,” which refers to psychological distress that results from an incongruence between one’s sex assigned at birth and one’s gender identity. Though gender dysphoria often begins in childhood, some people may not experience it until after puberty or much later.
People who are transgender may pursue multiple domains of gender affirmation, including social affirmation (e.g., changing one’s name and pronouns), legal affirmation (e.g., changing gender markers on one’s government-issued documents), medical affirmation (e.g., pubertal suppression or gender-affirming hormones), and/or surgical affirmation (e.g., vaginoplasty, facial feminization surgery, breast augmentation, masculine chest reconstruction, etc.). Of note, not all people who are transgender will desire all domains of gender affirmation, as these are highly personal and individual decisions.
It is important to note that gender identity is different from gender expression. Whereas gender identity refers to one’s psychological sense of their gender, gender expression refers to the way in which one presents to the world in a gendered way. For example, in much of the U.S., wearing a dress is considered a “feminine” gender expression, and wearing a tuxedo is considered a “masculine” gender expression. Such expectations are culturally defined and vary across time and culture. One’s gender expression does not necessarily align with their gender identity. Diverse gender expressions, much like diverse gender identities, are not indications of a mental disorder.
Gender identity is also different from sexual orientation. Sexual orientation refers to the types of people towards which one is sexually attracted. As with people who are cisgender (people whose sex assigned at birth aligns with their gender identity), people who are transgender have a diverse range of sexual orientations.

Common definition. Bat shit coo coo
The medical community is getting rich by doing gender reassignment surgery. Ethics have fallen by the wayside.
And this is a concern that is not being honestly addressed or those that are honestly concerned in the medical profession are afraid to discuss as being labeled "transphobic".

For thousands of years, gays existed in the bodies they were given at birth. Gays lived in societies of acceptance and rejection, but still lived within their naturally given bodies. Some have cross dressed, or have tried to present themselves as the opposite sex without mutilating their bodies.

Today, medical capacity offers the gay community, cosmetic changes. And let's be honest, they are cosmetic and hormonally enhanced at best. Medical capacity does not always equate to medical necessity. And that's not what what we are hearing from the medical community. Or, is the MSM not providing the alternate argument?
At times I feel the trans community are like 4 year olds crying for something that they don't fully understand that they don't need. But instead of having parents to guide and counsel them, we have medical and political community that is supporting them without proper guidance and discussing the long term affects (at least we aren't seeing this discussed publicly)

I blast em on YouTube constantly too.

That Bela Ramsey girl that played on Game of Thrones and The Last of Us came out as gender confused and I went in her comment section and told her YOU WERE BORN A GIRL, WILL ALWAYS BE A GIRL & CANT CHANGE THAT FACT.

I get a fair amount of hate but it's worth it

I get hate all the time, it keeps me warm
Can we all agree that trannies and gender dysphoria's have mental health issues? The left often imply that the only reason these people have mental health issues is because they aren't accepted for who they are and that if they were accepted for who they really are then they would not have mental health issues. Really? Is that actually your position, or, do you agree that they do have mental health issues but the way to help them deal with those issues is to accept them for who they are?

And, Is that really any different that morbidly obese people? If we just accepted the morbidly obese for who they really are, they wouldn't have mental health issues? Let's at least all agree that these people do have mental health issues and that those issues don't really have anything to do with whether they are accepted for who they are or not.

PS: I am not including young children who grow out their gender dysphoria.
STATEMENT: "Can we all agree that trannies and gender dysphoria's have mental health issues?"

RESPONSE: It appears to me that your ignorance on mental health is pasted in this thread; one might consider that this ignorance is based on hate, fear or having or a personal experience in a sexual matter.
Well I figure a psychiatrist has more education and credentials to identify mental illness than I do. Nor am I privy to what is unsaid in any person's mind or heart so I leave that to the person and God to sort out.

All I am saying is the the medical community agrees that there is a high percentage of diagnosed mental disorders among transgenders, and I personally will never see transgendering as normal.
You can't conveniently skirt the genetics trannies are using to bolster their argument, is the point, the genetics of autism. There is no god to leave anything up to. That's why nothing fails like prayer.
Gender Dysphoria is quite literally a mental health condition. You’re not going to get traction with this because people who feel compassion and want to support the LGBTQ community don’t want to push a movement that labels them as sick and in need of fixing. I could bring up the electroshock treatments and programs designed to make gay people straight that were tried in the 80s. That was a disgrace and not a place we need to go back to. Somebody can have a mental health condition that is different from “normal” people and still function in society
Agree, but we shouldn't be promoting this dysfunctional behavior. That's the problem.
STATEMENT: "Can we all agree that trannies and gender dysphoria's have mental health issues?"

RESPONSE: It appears to me that your ignorance on mental health is pasted in this thread; one might consider that this ignorance is based on hate, fear or having or a personal experience in a sexual matter.
So you don't believe that trannies have a mental illness?

I blast em on YouTube constantly too.

That Bela Ramsey girl that played on Game of Thrones and The Last of Us came out as gender confused and I went in her comment section and told her YOU WERE BORN A GIRL, WILL ALWAYS BE A GIRL & CANT CHANGE THAT FACT.

I get a fair amount of hate but it's worth it

Amazing that you haven't been booted off. I have long since given up on politics everywhere but here in USMB, where we can actually say what we mean.

Good luck!

Do you feel the canceling tide turning in the last couple of months or so?

STATEMENT: "Can we all agree that trannies and gender dysphoria's have mental health issues?"

RESPONSE: It appears to me that your ignorance on mental health is pasted in this thread; one might consider that this ignorance is based on hate, fear or having or a personal experience in a sexual matter.

Lol you asked if they have mental issues then rant about mental health.

This is fun
This is good news.

This is good news to those who are bigots and haven't walked in the shoes of parents and their children who are different from the norm.
I don't care what they think they are or pretend to be...I do care when they try and force their mental illness on others, invade women and children's restrooms and athletics

I'll never accept it
I 100% agree. I will say it is any adult's constitutional right to transgender if they can find people willing to help them do it. But it is no man's constitutional right to transgender and then demand to:
--participate in women's sports
--invade women's personal space such as locker rooms or public restrooms
--impose lewd or vulgar ideology/acts/entertainment on children or anybody else who doesn't want that
--commit any illegal act
--be considered normal and/or require us to pay for their choice.

And no law should give them the privilege to demand that.

Again women transgendering as men are just as screwed up in my opinion, but they present little or no material or physical risk to men.
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STATEMENT: "Can we all agree that trannies and gender dysphoria's have mental health issues?"

RESPONSE: It appears to me that your ignorance on mental health is pasted in this thread; one might consider that this ignorance is based on hate, fear or having or a personal experience in a sexual matter.
The mental health issue is the use of free will by the tranny wannabe. Even before the scalpel, the dipshit betrays biological fate by the narcissistic projection of free will onto the same gender, thereby betraying one of the parents' investment in this new genome. As long as LGB continues on, the betrayal can but will not, always be betrayed.

Even T can mimic LGB until such time as the dipshit implicates its genome by physical mutilation. Then it's a double betrayal, this time opting to play Russian roulette with biological fate. duh

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