Trans insurrectionist storm OK capital

Going through puberty makes a transition a hell of a lot harder and that is why these children want to do it. And that also helps them mentally as they need to look who they are. Of course, the religious right believes one should be forced to suffer for some reason.
The wonderful thing about hormones is they can go both ways and they don't lock someone into a life thing. I don't see why someone that truly wants to be the opposite sex needing to wait to go through something that is the closes thing to permintent and counter productive to their wishes.
You used the word trespass.

J6 protestors were welcomed in by police….yet charged with trespassing.

The TRANS LIVES MATTER was an occupation and trespassing. They were not taking in the sights.

Have you watched video?

One can trespass while a building is “open”, especially an occupation. You are being willfully obtuse.

If you can admit J6 protestors invited in by police were not tresspassing, we can talk about the trannies in Ok.


J6 protestors were welcomed in by police….yet charged with trespassing.

The TRANS LIVES MATTER was an occupation and trespassing. They were not taking in the sights.

Have you watched video?

One can trespass while a building is “open”, especially an occupation. You are being willfully obtuse.

If you can admit J6 protestors invited in by police were not tresspassing, we can talk about the trannies in Ok.

I watched your video. It does not show Capitol police opening the doors and welcoming people into the Capitol.

The article lies.
I watched your video. It does not show Capitol police opening the doors and welcoming people into the Capitol.

The article lies.

The police were inside and open the doors.

Who are you claiming opened the doors?

Good God. Stay brainwashed. The guy with horns was going to take over the Pentagon and the military and become our SUPREME LEADER. OUR NATION ALMOST FELL TO A CRPWD OF PROTESTORS WITH NO WEAPONS.

We almost lost the nation.

Joe Biden said you need F15s to take on the Fed. I guess you are calling Biden a liar. Good to know.
The police were inside and open the doors.

Who are you claiming opened the doors?

Good God. Stay brainwashed. The guy with horns was going to take over the Pentagon and the military and become our SUPREME LEADER. OUR NATION ALMOST FELL TO A CRPWD OF PROTESTORS WITH NO WEAPONS.

We almost lost the nation.

Joe Biden said you need F15s to take on the Fed. I guess you are calling Biden a liar. Good to know.
The rioters smashed windows and opened doors from the inside.

I watched the video. It does not show Capitol police opening doors for rioters. It’s a lie.
Why don’t you want to talk about the bill?
I tried but you ran away,,

you claimed it violated the constitution but never showed where and how that happens and when I asked you to explain you ran away again,,

are you going to tell us if youre against child sexual/genital mutilation or for it??
The rioters smashed windows and opened doors from the inside.

I watched the video. It does not show Capitol police opening doors for rioters. It’s a lie.

I know, I know...Orange Man Bad.

He is a fascist, He is a million Hitlers and DeSantis is a million Trumps….I know.
Some people say that the electric chair is a cruel and unusual form of punishment.

But when it comes to convicted pedophiles, I think shock treatment of that kind is ideal. In fact, it’s the only shock treatment that will absolutely prevent the offender from ever harming another child.

Bring back ol’ Sparky.
By all means, If these protesters have broken any laws, arrest them.
Shouldn't we selective in our process? You know how it is.........

Biden earns millions overseas off his political power, and that's OK

Trump burrowed money from China, and that's criminal.

How about:

Russians interfered with election: TDS treasonous

US Democrat justice department and medias interfered with the election, and that's OK.

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