Trans & Non-Binaries Triple at Univ. of California Campuses


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
Between 2019 & 2023, the number of students at University of California campuses who identify as transexual or gay, tripled from 0.6 to 1.9. Ths amounts to now a total of more than 2,000 declaring themselves "nonbinary".

At the University of California (Santa Cruz) the increase was 4%.

Director of LGBTQ advancement and equity at UC Berkeley, Em Huang claims the shift has been noticeable as acceptance on campus has increased. This being referred to as a good thing. Huang said > " “We’re in a stage of folks recognizing that nonbinary folks exist, and we’re getting from there to understanding.”

"Understanding" ? No. The only "understanding" that is occuring among SANE Americans is that you and these wackadoodles are just that. Just having a job title of > "Director of LGBTQ advancement and equity", shows a distinct detachment from normalcy.

A major part of the reason for this increase in very unhealthy lunacy in California, is the actions of the states politicians. In September, California Governer Gavin Newsom boasted that his state had the "most robust" LGBTQ rights laws in the nation, as he signed legislation that permitted K-12 students to use the restroom of their choice rather than their sex. Yeah, looks like they have the "most robust" insanity, all right.

"These measures will help protect vulnerable youth, promote acceptance and create more supportive environments in our schools and communities," Newsom said.
1. They will HARM vulnerable youth, not help
2. Promoting acceptance is a BAD thung,not good
3. NON-supportive environments should be the goal, not supportive

This next paragraph will show how DERANGED the state of California has become, and why the USA should take action to expel California from being part of the USA. >>>

A year ago, California became a sanctuary state for gender questioning minors, which allows children to come from other states and be placed on cross-sex hormones, and have surgical procedures with or without parental permission.
The law stated, "A court of this state has temporary emergency jurisdiction if the child is present in this state and the child has been abandoned or it is necessary for an emergency to protect the child because the child, or a sibling or parent of the child, is subjected to, or threatened with, mistreatment or abuse, or because the child has been unable to obtain gender-affirming health care or gender-affirming mental health care."

Notice how these gooneybirds refer to cross-sex hormones & sex change surgical procedures as "health care". One must be careful to not accept the deranged language concocted by these very deranged people.

The protective actions of parents protecting their kids from this madness, is referred to as "mistreatment or abuse".
And this nutjob (Newsome) has aspirations to become president of the United States. better scenario would be to REMOVE him and his whole crazy state from the USA, permanently. It;s not hard to see how all this is one of the prime reasons why people are fleeing from California in droves.

In the friend app I was using there were numerous people who were "trans in transition" or something.

At least they were upfront with people.
Between 2019 & 2023, the number of students at University of California campuses who identify as transexual or gay, tripled from 0.6 to 1.9. Ths amounts to now a total of more than 2,000 declaring themselves "nonbinary".

At the University of California (Santa Cruz) the increase was 4%.

Director of LGBTQ advancement and equity at UC Berkeley, Em Huang claims the shift has been noticeable as acceptance on campus has increased. This being referred to as a good thing. Huang said > " “We’re in a stage of folks recognizing that nonbinary folks exist, and we’re getting from there to understanding.”

"Understanding" ? No. The only "understanding" that is occuring among SANE Americans is that you and these wackadoodles are just that. Just having a job title of > "Director of LGBTQ advancement and equity", shows a distinct detachment from normalcy.

A major part of the reason for this increase in very unhealthy lunacy in California, is the actions of the states politicians. In September, California Governer Gavin Newsom boasted that his state had the "most robust" LGBTQ rights laws in the nation, as he signed legislation that permitted K-12 students to use the restroom of their choice rather than their sex. Yeah, looks like they have the "most robust" insanity, all right.

"These measures will help protect vulnerable youth, promote acceptance and create more supportive environments in our schools and communities," Newsom said.
1. They will HARM vulnerable youth, not help
2. Promoting acceptance is a BAD thung,not good
3. NON-supportive environments should be the goal, not supportive

This next paragraph will show how DERANGED the state of California has become, and why the USA should take action to expel California from being part of the USA. >>>

A year ago, California became a sanctuary state for gender questioning minors, which allows children to come from other states and be placed on cross-sex hormones, and have surgical procedures with or without parental permission.
The law stated, "A court of this state has temporary emergency jurisdiction if the child is present in this state and the child has been abandoned or it is necessary for an emergency to protect the child because the child, or a sibling or parent of the child, is subjected to, or threatened with, mistreatment or abuse, or because the child has been unable to obtain gender-affirming health care or gender-affirming mental health care."

Notice how these gooneybirds refer to cross-sex hormones & sex change surgical procedures as "health care". One must be careful to not accept the deranged language concocted by these very deranged people.

The protective actions of parents protecting their kids from this madness, is referred to as "mistreatment or abuse".
And this nutjob (Newsome) has aspirations to become president of the United States. better scenario would be to REMOVE him and his whole crazy state from the USA, permanently. It;s not hard to see how all this is one of the prime reasons why people are fleeing from California in droves.

Why are you so threatened by this?
In the most extreme environment, the percentage has mounted to a whopping 1.9%!
Americans can't seem to get enough of meaningless preoccupations. "Superbowl", "trans", which side of the duopoly is worse, etc. Fundamental rejuvenation of soul and spirit is the only thing that could redeem this nation. You have it so very, very good, America! Enjoy it, develop it, promote it. So many of your fellow humans would literally die to get here. Attacking and diminishing yourself may warm the hearts of your enemies, but is entirely mystifies your admirers.
Just because they "identify" doesn't mean they really are fucked-up sexual-dysfunctionals.

They're just virtue-signalling so their peers will think they're "cool."
Maybe it helps them with their college finances to claim that....."Repressed minority" and all.

One thing you can depend on with young people is that they will lie to your face to get what they want.
Just stats from UCSC and Berserkey? ... you know the mascot at UCSC is the Banana Slug ... Go Go SLUGGO !!! ... Now, what are the stats at JPL, Los Alamos or Lawrence/Livermore ...

Why are you so threatened by this?
I wonder if he`s ever heard the words "thou doth protest too much"?
A racist acquaintance of mine likes to call Beyonce a racist. He thinks that gives his racism a pass. It doesn`t. Whether the OP is a tranny or just a run of the mill gay guy, I wouldn`t treat him any differently. To each their own. :)
In the most extreme environment, the percentage has mounted to a whopping 1.9%!
Americans can't seem to get enough of meaningless preoccupations. "Superbowl", "trans", which side of the duopoly is worse, etc. Fundamental rejuvenation of soul and spirit is the only thing that could redeem this nation. You have it so very, very good, America! Enjoy it, develop it, promote it. So many of your fellow humans would literally die to get here. Attacking and diminishing yourself may warm the hearts of your enemies, but is entirely mystifies your admirers.
Mind telling us what you're talking about? :rolleyes:
Maybe it helps them with their college finances to claim that....."Repressed minority" and all.

One thing you can depend on with young people is that they will lie to your face to get what they want.
So they actually get Affirimative Action preference, by identifying as a sexual pervert LOON ? With California, I wouldnt be surprised.
Just stats from UCSC and Berserkey? ... you know the mascot at UCSC is the Banana Slug ... Go Go SLUGGO !!! ... Now, what are the stats at JPL, Los Alamos or Lawrence/Livermore ...
No, it is stats from all the University of California colleges. Berklely & Santa Cruz are just 2 examples.
I wonder if he`s ever heard the words "thou doth protest too much"?
A racist acquaintance of mine likes to call Beyonce a racist. He thinks that gives his racism a pass. It doesn`t. Whether the OP is a tranny or just a run of the mill gay guy, I wouldn`t treat him any differently. To each their own. :)
That is exactly the mindset that needs to be stopped, and which has contributed to parents be excluded from raising (PROPERLY) their own kids, by bully state politicians.

Upon what basis does your friend call Beyonce a "racist. Have you heard that ?
That is exactly the mindset that needs to be stopped, and which has contributed to parents be excluded from raising (PROPERLY) their own kids, by bully state politicians.

Upon what basis does your friend call Beyonce a "racist. Have you heard that ?
From his own mouth I heard it. I was factory worker for 35 years and this retired school teacher knows less and is more racist than most of my former co-workers. His former students should be suing the school district for reparations.
Just because they "identify" doesn't mean they really are fucked-up sexual-dysfunctionals.

They're just virtue-signalling so their peers will think they're "cool."

They are simply doing what is fashionable.

When I was that age, it was Yardley cosmetics and fishnet tights.

Fortunately for me, cosmetics and clothing decisions never went so wrong that they had the ability to place me at a 2000% increase of the risk of suicide.

Lets get the mental institutions finished so that we can protect children from the danger of the monsters who are pushing them towards this.


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