Transcript: Biden Asked Afghan President To Lie For Him In Return For Support

When did I ever claim he didn't withdraw
When you insinuated that because we still had some troops there, Trump didn't withdraw. Don't you remember when you typed "Trump did not withdraw, we had troops there......"

It was your dear leader xiden that ignored the military advisors

We had already gone down to the bare minimum level the Generals wanted under Benedict Donnie. It was Biden who made the decision to end the occupation. He then left the heavy lifting to the experts in the military.
The Trumpers ignore that Benedict Donald drew down troop levels to make it very difficult for America to get out of Afghanistan.

Yet it did
Biden didn’t follow anything in the deal, Dumbass.
The only part of the deal left was the continuance/extension of the truce, and the final exit of our last troops. Both of which Biden observed, used and completed. Neither of which was he obligated by law to follow. No, he had the authority to reverse course and redeploy thousands of fresh troops to continue the war/occupation if he so choose.

Turn off Faux not News. It's not true and it's making America stupid.
The only part of the deal left was the continuance/extension of the truce, and the final exit of our last troops. Both of which Biden observed, used and completed. Neither of which was he obligated by law to follow. No, he had the authority to reverse course and redeploy thousands of fresh troops to continue the war/occupation if he so choose.

Turn off Faux not News. It's not true and it's making America stupid.

The withdrawal was based on certain conditions. Those were not met, so there should have been no withdrawel.

And Biden ignored the date for withdrawal in the Trump plan. How did he do that if he was forced to follow it, Simp?
When you insinuated that because we still had some troops there, Trump didn't withdraw. Don't you remember when you typed "Trump did not withdraw, we had troops there......"

We had already gone down to the bare minimum level the Generals wanted under Benedict Donnie. It was Biden who made the decision to end the occupation. He then left the heavy lifting to the experts in the military.
I not once ever claimed he didn't withdraw lied and just made that claim up.

Just like you lied when you claimed it was him and not Xiden that withdrew from Afghan.

We were still there, actively working to protect our allies, and the country when Xiden took office....Xiden ignored the peace accords, Xiden ignored the military, Xiden is caught on phone transcripts asking the Afghan President for a quid pro quo, and Xiden surrendered to the Taliban...and it was Xiden who betrayed our allies....getting the contempt of the United Kingdom, and the distrust of NATO....which of course, exposed his weakness, Xiden will put the demafacist party over country, Putin used that weakness to invade Europe.
The withdrawal was based on certain conditions.
The withdrawals were in three stages and based on the Doha Agreement. Non-compliance with the terms by the Taliban was ignored by Trumpybear when he force the initial set of 'withdrawals on the Generals to reduced our troop strength to 8,600. Then, by the Doha Accords, further US withdrawals were to be based on the progress in the peace negotiations between the Taliban and the Afghanis. That next set of withdrawal eventually led to the order to keep only the minimum number, 2,500. Those withdrawals happened during the late summer and fall of 2020.

Sure Joe could have ordered the redeployment of all the troops necessary to dominate the Taliban again but he didn't.
The withdrawals were in three stages and based on the Doha Agreement. Non-compliance with the terms by the Taliban was ignored by Trumpybear when he force the initial set of 'withdrawals on the Generals to reduced our troop strength to 8,600. Then, by the Doha Accords, further US withdrawals were to be based on the progress in the peace negotiations between the Taliban and the Afghanis. That next set of withdrawal eventually led to the order to keep only the minimum number, 2,500. Those withdrawals happened during the late summer and fall of 2020.

Sure Joe could have ordered the redeployment of all the troops necessary to dominate the Taliban again but he didn't.
Wait. How could Biden order more troops if his hands were tied by the Trump deal?

Your lies are biting you in the ass, Simp.
Wait. How could Biden order more troops if his hands were tied by the Trump deal?

Your lies are biting you in the ass, Simp.
As CiC he most certainly had the authority to nix the entire Trump deal and proceed on his own course.
As CiC he most certainly had the authority to nix the entire Trump deal and proceed on his own course.
The Dimtard story all this time was that Tater was bound by the Trump deal, so it is all Trump’s fault.

Glad you finally admit the clusterfuck was all on Tater.
The real question about the Trumpybears bug out from Afghanistan is why didn't he ensure the Taliban complied with the conditions of the so called conditional withdrawal? Why did he order the complete withdrawal by Jan 15, 2021 only to flip-flop on that a week later. How do you think that effected the morale of the Afghan's Army?
But, but, but, TRUMP!. It continues. I mean, it's not like Quid Pro could change anything. His hands were completely tied.
... because you keep talking about him. When the GOP rejects him, we can all forget about him as he finishes his life in prison,

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