Transexuals and mass public shootings.....mental health issues....democrats exploiting them ....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
John Nolte points out that the left is making up a fake issue with one cares about them....until they start pushing grooming kids and mutilating them with surgery and chemicals..then, all of a sudden, we "hate," transgenders......insane....

I’ll tell you what else isn’t a good idea… The corporate media lying to a mentally unstable group of people about how they are the target of (non-existent hate) groups. Because what happens when you do that is that you get the one-two punch of a group of trans maniacs launching a Trans Day of Vengeance while the corporate (and taxpayer-funded) media tells these same maniacs to purchase firearms.

For hundreds of years, no one in America bothered or cared about transsexuals and drag queens. Then THEY chose to wage a political war against us normal people. After nearly two-hundred years of peaceful co-existence, leftist transsexuals and drag queens rose up all at once to target our children for grooming and surgical mutilation; cheat in women’s sports; demand access to our daughter’s bathrooms, and bully us to join their anti-science delusion with their stupid pronouns.

Then, because we want no part of that madness, suddenly, the same people who left transsexuals alone for 250 years are the enemy… We’re transphobes… We’re committing “trans genocide,”—which is a hoax

There were 26,031 murders in 2021. The T[rans] D[ay] O[f] V[engeance] people claim 60 murders in 2022 for trans people. 1.6 million people in the United States identify as trans. That works out, I think, to 3.75 murders per 100,000. That is less than half that of the general population.
…and as we are seeing over and over again, when these mentally unstable people don’t get their way, their crybaby tantrums can result in outright violence. Worse still, the corporate media encourage and justify this violence by either ignoring it or arguing that it is in some way appropriate.

Between Antifa, Black Lives Matter, and these Day of Vengeance lunatics, the media and Democrat party have created their own personal army of violent Brownshirts to terrorize normal people.

This is not a drill.

Cult fucks support mass murderers and mads murderers support them.

Not a good look for cult fucks.
I made post about this earlier, its far more sophisticated than merely cult like behavior, using sexual deviants to help overthrow the hated United States, was/is the objective of the so-called "Frankfurt School," and that plan was primarily engineered by CIA wonk Herbert Marcuse back in the late 1950's!

I will not delve deep into this matter again, just point you in direction you need go to come to understanding. Do you folks understand, the founding fathers if you will, of the Marxist takedown of US you are now witness too, were all of them psychologists and sociologists, they set this in motion, they first hit paydirt with the counter-culture of the 1960's!

The plan to take down USA was to exploit four groups of chronic malcontents, blacks, radical feminists, students, and sexual deviants such as homosexuals, pederasts, transgender ect ect, such started in the 50's then hit paydirt during Vietnam war and the mass introduction of drugs into the culture during the 60's!

I encourage all with a three digit IQ to research this matter, I assure you such will awaken you to the true menace.....
I made post about this earlier, its far more sophisticated than merely cult like behavior, using sexual deviants to help overthrow the hated United States, was/is the objective of the so-called "Frankfurt School," and that plan was primarily engineered by CIA wonk Herbert Marcuse back in the late 1950's!

I will not delve deep into this matter again, just point you in direction you need go to come to understanding. Do you folks understand, the founding fathers if you will, of the Marxist takedown of US you are now witness too, were all of them psychologists and sociologists, they set this in motion, they first hit paydirt with the counter-culture of the 1960's!

The plan to take down USA was to exploit four groups of chronic malcontents, blacks, radical feminists, students, and sexual deviants such as homosexuals, pederasts, transgender ect ect, such started in the 50's then hit paydirt during Vietnam war and the mass introduction of drugs into the culture during the 60's!

I encourage all with a three digit IQ to research this matter, I assure you such will awaken you to the true menace.....
I know exactly what you're talking about.
Critical Theory (where CRT comes from) is a radical set of theories designed to overthrow the status quo & religion, particularly Christianity.
In the US, it was started at Columbia University by devotees of the Frankfurt School of the radical Marxist theory in Germany.

It has birthed many of the harmful ideologies & Marxist /collectivist movements we are being attacked with today.
We are seeing the crops from the seeds planted long ago.
I know exactly what you're talking about.
Critical Theory (where CRT comes from) is a radical set of theories designed to overthrow the status quo & religion, particularly Christianity.
In the US, it was started at Columbia University by devotees of the Frankfurt School of the radical Marxist theory in Germany.

It has birthed many of the harmful ideologies & Marxist /collectivist movements we are being attacked with today.
We are seeing the crops from the seeds planted long ago.


It has resulted in the normalization of a 'Victim Identity' whereas victims pile up grievances and feel helpless to offer any solutions!!
Therefore, they don't, and instead embark on anti-social behavior like looting, arson, assault, and eventually murder!!
It's a blind alley resulting in the decay of culture.

Buy more ammo!
Take someone with mental health issues, put them on hormones testosterone steroids etc give them perma body altering surgery (axe wounds or zippertits) what's the worse that could happen?

Imagine the pain when the DOJ quashes the shooters manifesto because it doesn't fit the Big Gov't and Corporate narrative!!
This whole story is going to evaporate from the public in a day or two because it was a hate crime by a Trans asshole and they are protected by the filthy Liberals.
John Nolte points out that the left is making up a fake issue with one cares about them....until they start pushing grooming kids and mutilating them with surgery and chemicals..then, all of a sudden, we "hate," transgenders......insane....

I’ll tell you what else isn’t a good idea… The corporate media lying to a mentally unstable group of people about how they are the target of (non-existent hate) groups. Because what happens when you do that is that you get the one-two punch of a group of trans maniacs launching a Trans Day of Vengeance while the corporate (and taxpayer-funded) media tells these same maniacs to purchase firearms.

For hundreds of years, no one in America bothered or cared about transsexuals and drag queens. Then THEY chose to wage a political war against us normal people. After nearly two-hundred years of peaceful co-existence, leftist transsexuals and drag queens rose up all at once to target our children for grooming and surgical mutilation; cheat in women’s sports; demand access to our daughter’s bathrooms, and bully us to join their anti-science delusion with their stupid pronouns.

Then, because we want no part of that madness, suddenly, the same people who left transsexuals alone for 250 years are the enemy… We’re transphobes… We’re committing “trans genocide,”—which is a hoax

…and as we are seeing over and over again, when these mentally unstable people don’t get their way, their crybaby tantrums can result in outright violence. Worse still, the corporate media encourage and justify this violence by either ignoring it or arguing that it is in some way appropriate.

Between Antifa, Black Lives Matter, and these Day of Vengeance lunatics, the media and Democrat party have created their own personal army of violent Brownshirts to terrorize normal people.

This is not a drill.

Exactly how many transsexuals have committed a mass shooting?


And how does that compare to how many heterosexual males have committed mass shootings?

Exactly how many transsexuals have committed a mass shooting?


And how does that compare to how many heterosexual males have committed mass shootings?


4 in the last 5 years.......
The talking heads at Fox are falling all over themselves calling for gun bans, more background checks, red-flag laws, etc. Not a single one of them is calling for schools and government to quit manufacturing mentally defective children.

By the way, she posted to a friend before the shooting that she was going to die that day and would be on the news. The friend called the police and the police didn't respond until several hours later, until after the shooting.

As always, there are clues and the police have the clues and the police (the ones at headquarters, not the ones on the street) did nothing.

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