Transgender badass challenges Trump.

Kris is not a transvestite, She is transgender. There is a difference. Whether she dishonors her past depends on who is judging.
It's so cute that you keep referring to that crazy man as "she" so he can continue to live in his own little screwed up world.

Btw, what the hell is a "gender marker"? I don't keep up with all the latest liberal lingo.
He/she/it, was not transgender when it was in the Seals. It has a mental problem and is not worthy of being in the military anymore. I'll tell that to his face. Let him hit me and I'll sue his psycho ass.
If he has a mental problem now he had it when he was in service. But you don't object to his being in service as long as he didn't undergo the critical surgery.
It is the actual sex change that you have a problem with, not the mental state...RIGHT?

You don't know that his mental problem didn't start after his service. In fact, you don't know shit.

Transgendered people have a mental illness, those people should not be in the military.
I know what he said about the origins of his TG leanings from the article. Why don't you read it?

I did, it's irrelevant. TG is an illness and a person who has it has no business in the military. The military did not know before hand that he had the sickness.
The military has many non combat jobs. Women are generally assigned to those positions. If a TG is bright and knows all about electronic warfare or Nuclear medicine, we WANT him on that WALL>
Bullshit. There are plenty of bright people who aren't mentally ill who can work on the wall.
Kris is not a transvestite, She is transgender. There is a difference. Whether she dishonors her past depends on who is judging.
It's so cute that you keep referring to that crazy man as "she" so he can continue to live in his own little screwed up world.

Btw, what the hell is a "gender marker"? I don't keep up with all the latest liberal lingo.
Like one person in every 5 million has a genetic disorder that gives them characteristics of both sexes.

The psychos like to pretend that all mentally ill cross dressing faggots have that marker.
Kris is not a transvestite, She is transgender. There is a difference. Whether she dishonors her past depends on who is judging.
It's so cute that you keep referring to that crazy man as "she" so he can continue to live in his own little screwed up world.

Btw, what the hell is a "gender marker"? I don't keep up with all the latest liberal lingo.
Most people would probably consider Kris a she after she had the operation. And I have no problem with her living in her own world.
As for the "gender marker" definition you'll have to ask ultra right winger AvgGuyIA. He introduced the term into this thread
Kris is not a transvestite, She is transgender. There is a difference. Whether she dishonors her past depends on who is judging.
It's so cute that you keep referring to that crazy man as "she" so he can continue to live in his own little screwed up world.

Btw, what the hell is a "gender marker"? I don't keep up with all the latest liberal lingo.
Most people would probably consider Kris a she after she had the operation. And I have no problem with her living in her own world.
As for the "gender marker" definition you'll have to ask ultra right winger AvgGuyIA. He introduced the term into this thread
Most people call mentally ill men "she" because most people will cater to lunatics to a certain extent. In the same way, kind people will acknowledge the imaginary friends of lunatics. It doesn't make the lunatics sane or mean that the people who play along believe the imaginary friends are real or men are just means they are nice to crazy people.
Most people would probably consider Kris a she after she had the operation. And I have no problem with her living in her own world.
As for the "gender marker" definition you'll have to ask ultra right winger AvgGuyIA. He introduced the term into this thread
Genetics gives us the answer without him masquerading as a woman. He LOOKS like a guy to me.
koshergrl ... I cannot say that I have ever "humored" an imaginary friend, nor has anyone I know - including school councilors when my youngest tried to pull that "invisible friend did it" bullshit. ~shrug~
My point is that, if true, I wouldn't be so quick as to say those suicidal tendencies are standard for all transgender people. As you might have heard, veterans are committing suicide in record numbers these days. And it appears that most of them are average Joes. Don't try and make suicidal tendencies on the battle field solely a transgender issue.

It's a proven fact that “transgenders” have an exceptionally-high suicide rate, and this remains true regardless of how their condition is or is not treated. It is also true that combat veterans have an unusually high suicide rate, though not as bad as that of “transgenders”. Understandably, being around too much death and destruction tends to f••• with people's minds in a very bad way.

If anything, this is yet another good argument against letting trannies into the military. They're already f•••-ed-up enough as it is; why allow them into a situation that will very likely f••• them up even more?

If I remember correctly, all recruits have to take a battery of tests including psychological tests such as the MMPI ( Minnesota Multi-phase Psychological Inventory.) Pass that and act normal are in. But recruits like Chris, having no criminal background are prized. Add his high cognitive ability and apparent combat prowess to the mix and he was an ideal 'cruit. But I am puzzled by all you guys on the right who never served. Chris mentalmight have served in your place or the place of a dear relative, Anyone as qualified on paper as Chris was ought to be allowed to go put his/her life on the line for the nation. So many of YOU have not been wiling to make that sacrifice.

I served, TG is an illness. They need help, not acceptance.
Thanks for your service. But we have to clear something up here. Using correct terms would help. The clinical definition of the condition associated with TG
is Gender Dysphoria or Gender Identity Disorder. I'd prefer to use the latter as an acronym : GID. That will suffice to separate people who have not undergone the surgery from those TG who have.

Some experts say GID is an illness, others say it isn't. I don't know. But no matter what we think, a person with GID doesn't have to reveal his/her secret and can then serve like Chris did. The GID would never be diagnosed as long as the person didn't engage in behavior that would unveil his/her secret. That certainly includes not getting a surgical gender realignment while on active duty. After reading some of the posts here I have reassessed this issue. I don't think the military should pay for transgender surgery. But I am still undecided as to whether the condition is a mental illness or a mistake of nature. I guess while the GOP is in power GID is a mental illness. When the Democrats come back, if ever, GID will be a mistake of nature that needs to be accommodated.

I agree except at the last, it's a mental disorder and that doesn't, or shouldn't, change depending on who's in power.
He/she/it, was not transgender when it was in the Seals. It has a mental problem and is not worthy of being in the military anymore. I'll tell that to his face. Let him hit me and I'll sue his psycho ass.
If he has a mental problem now he had it when he was in service. But you don't object to his being in service as long as he didn't undergo the critical surgery.
It is the actual sex change that you have a problem with, not the mental state...RIGHT?

You don't know that his mental problem didn't start after his service. In fact, you don't know shit.

Transgendered people have a mental illness, those people should not be in the military.
I know what he said about the origins of his TG leanings from the article. Why don't you read it?

I did, it's irrelevant. TG is an illness and a person who has it has no business in the military. The military did not know before hand that he had the sickness.
The military has many non combat jobs. Women are generally assigned to those positions. If a TG is bright and knows all about electronic warfare or Nuclear medicine, we WANT him on that WALL>

koshergrl ... I cannot say that I have ever "humored" an imaginary friend, nor has anyone I know - including school councilors when my youngest tried to pull that "invisible friend did it" bullshit. ~shrug~
Irrelevant. *shrug*

Perhaps. I'd like to see a poll on how many folks humor invisible friends, does one exist? I don't think it's the norm up here in Alaska, but then again, we're a different country from the lower 48 fruitcakes...
He is saying that transgenders are not all weak Sissys.
No, the problem is that they are mentally disturbed.

Being a good soldier is not about talking trash, like idiots and the naive seem to think it is.

It is about being stable mentally, even under horrible mental stress and pressure to get it right under fire.

Now that he has mutilated himself the evidence would suggest that he is not mentally stable enough for armed force service, which is a privilege not a right. The same goes for queers and dykes.
I get the feeling this guy just likes dressing up as a woman.
He's just a guy that likes looking feminine and still likes women.
The biggest problem he would have is dealing with all of the Neanderthals in Special Ops.
As a woman, she probably wouldn't be assigned to special ops.
He's not a woman. He just likes looking like one, which would raise a red flag on his psychological evaluation.
How sad. Someone who, by accounts, as a great and heroic man, had himself chemically- and surgically-mutilated in a vain attempt to renounce his manhood, and now he's trying to claim it back by challenging the President.

I'm sure that LIbErals will love this sick freak.
Personally, I'm not an advocate of transgenderism. However, an American hero of any stripe deserves praise from all of us. And she was one of the very best. Can you do what she did? Can you pass the test to get into the Navy Seals? Keep in mind that very few can.
you're right.

*very few can*

so what do people do? try to pass him/her off as a normal transgender when we all know she/he (i'll swap those around to be fair i suppose) is an extreme example of it. besides, who really feels tough challenging a 70 year old man?
koshergrl ... I cannot say that I have ever "humored" an imaginary friend, nor has anyone I know - including school councilors when my youngest tried to pull that "invisible friend did it" bullshit. ~shrug~
Irrelevant. *shrug*

Perhaps. I'd like to see a poll on how many folks humor invisible friends, does one exist? I don't think it's the norm up here in Alaska, but then again, we're a different country from the lower 48 fruitcakes...
It's irrelevant, I was just making a point.

We humor crazy people. It doesn't men they aren't nuts. It also doesn't mean that they're correct in their delusions.
koshergrl ... I cannot say that I have ever "humored" an imaginary friend, nor has anyone I know - including school councilors when my youngest tried to pull that "invisible friend did it" bullshit. ~shrug~
Irrelevant. *shrug*

Perhaps. I'd like to see a poll on how many folks humor invisible friends, does one exist? I don't think it's the norm up here in Alaska, but then again, we're a different country from the lower 48 fruitcakes...
It's irrelevant, I was just making a point.

We humor crazy people. It doesn't men they aren't nuts. It also doesn't mean that they're correct in their delusions.

It might be irrelevant, doesn't mean I'm not curious now.

Regardless it's not the norm up here, in fact, when stoned or drunk people start talking crazy we call APD to take them to the drunk tank...

Chris Beck was a fearless Navy SEAL, one could even say reckless. "Come out motherf---er!" he would shout to the Taliban as he charged into the caves of Afghanistan. But there was a reason for this. He had been suppressing who he wanted to be for years, which sometimes made him run headlong towards a possible death.

Kristin Beck, a transgender retired Navy SEAL who used to be named Chris, made a splash in the media Wednesday after President Donald Trump announced he would bar transgender people from serving in the military.

"Let's meet face to face and you tell me I'm not worthy," Beck told Business Insider. "Transgender doesn't matter. Do your service."
Transgender people are free to serve, they just have to be the sex they were born with, just like Chris Beck did when he served the US Navy honorably. Hes free to wear a dress as a civilian, but not as an enlisted military member on duty.
Think Again:
Military could spend up to $8.4M annually on gender reassignment treatments

Starting the first week of October, the government will pay for gender reassignment treatments and surgeries for eligible soldiers — an estimated expense between $2.4 million to $8.4 million per year.

There are between 1,320 and 6,630 transgender troops in the active-duty force of 1.3 million, according the RAND Corp. which conducted a study for the Pentagon. Of those troops, RAND estimates that between 30 and 140 would like hormone treatment, and 25 to 130 would seek surgery.

The Defense Department policy states if a service member’s ability to serve is hindered by a “medical condition or medical treatment related to their gender identity,” they will be treated. When an active duty service member receives approval from a military medical provider to undergo gender transition, the commander must approvethe timing of medical treatment.

Defense Department spokesman Air Force Maj. Ben Sakrisson said starting Oct. 3, the military health program will cover therapy and hormone treatments for Tricare beneficiaries with gender dysphoria. According to Sakrisson, gender reassignment surgeries for active-duty personnel will be conducted at either a military hospital or, if qualified care is unavailable at a military facility, at a private hospital paid by Tricare.
Yes, thats the article im referring to. Its bullshit.

First off, they are basing it off of how many military members admitted in polls that they ARE transgender. Am i supposed to believe that every TG member admitted to being one? Secondly, once we start handing out free reassignment surgeries, do you think that maybe, just maybe... more transgender people will join in order to get their $140,000 surgery for free? I figure you will see several thousand more join in the first month alone.

Your article is fucking childish and unrealistic and you bought into it because your stupid.
My point is that, if true, I wouldn't be so quick as to say those suicidal tendencies are standard for all transgender people. As you might have heard, veterans are committing suicide in record numbers these days. And it appears that most of them are average Joes. Don't try and make suicidal tendencies on the battle field solely a transgender issue.

It's a proven fact that “transgenders” have an exceptionally-high suicide rate, and this remains true regardless of how their condition is or is not treated. It is also true that combat veterans have an unusually high suicide rate, though not as bad as that of “transgenders”. Understandably, being around too much death and destruction tends to f••• with people's minds in a very bad way.

If anything, this is yet another good argument against letting trannies into the military. They're already f•••-ed-up enough as it is; why allow them into a situation that will very likely f••• them up even more?

If I remember correctly, all recruits have to take a battery of tests including psychological tests such as the MMPI ( Minnesota Multi-phase Psychological Inventory.) Pass that and act normal are in. But recruits like Chris, having no criminal background are prized. Add his high cognitive ability and apparent combat prowess to the mix and he was an ideal 'cruit. But I am puzzled by all you guys on the right who never served. Chris mentalmight have served in your place or the place of a dear relative, Anyone as qualified on paper as Chris was ought to be allowed to go put his/her life on the line for the nation. So many of YOU have not been wiling to make that sacrifice.

I served, TG is an illness. They need help, not acceptance.
Thanks for your service. But we have to clear something up here. Using correct terms would help. The clinical definition of the condition associated with TG
is Gender Dysphoria or Gender Identity Disorder. I'd prefer to use the latter as an acronym : GID. That will suffice to separate people who have not undergone the surgery from those TG who have.

Some experts say GID is an illness, others say it isn't. I don't know. But no matter what we think, a person with GID doesn't have to reveal his/her secret and can then serve like Chris did. The GID would never be diagnosed as long as the person didn't engage in behavior that would unveil his/her secret. That certainly includes not getting a surgical gender realignment while on active duty. After reading some of the posts here I have reassessed this issue. I don't think the military should pay for transgender surgery. But I am still undecided as to whether the condition is a mental illness or a mistake of nature. I guess while the GOP is in power GID is a mental illness. When the Democrats come back, if ever, GID will be a mistake of nature that needs to be accommodated.

I agree except at the last, it's a mental disorder and that doesn't, or shouldn't, change depending on who's in power.
And I can also agree with you except that mental disorder, to me suggests the person has some mental defect that causes him to be socially dysfunctional; extreme cases would include persons likely to be exceptionally vulnerable or a danger to others and themselves.. Chris, as a person with GID, may have been reckless on occasion, ostensibly with
a dearhwish as the catalyst. And that bravado might have had something to do with his frustration at being trapped in the wrong body.Then again, it might have been tied to the same stresses "normal " suicidal soldiers experience.
In either case, the remedy has been fixed apparently. Chris was no longer suicidal after he was transformed into Kris.. It appears that ending the frustration of not being the proper gender via surgery has cured
Kris of being suicidal.

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