Transgender badass challenges Trump.

The military spends more on boner pills than they do on transgender issues.

And that should continue.
I don't want ANY of my tax dollars going to help someone change their gender.
What's next? Taxpayers paying for pedophiles to travel to countries where they can "get what they need".?

No thanks. It HAS to stop somewhere.
The Trump campaign was a circus from start to finish. He didn't even expect to win but the media kept giving him far more air time than they did his competitors. Hie took advantage of that by providing entertainment instead of substance. Along the way, his stupidity proved to be right in line with the majority of RW white males who were still seething over Obama's 8 year tenure as president. As one of the the chief "birthers" and critics of Obama, Trump became an infallible icon who would "make America Great White again."
Had the media playing field been even, Trump wouldn't have made it past the GOP primaries....just sayiin'

YOur rehashing of lib bs does not change the facts that Trump would crush your boy like a bug, and then you lefties would be all like, "how could he be so mean to a vet/girl".
Judging by the size of his gut, about the only thing Trump could crush is a beer can. BYW sailors ain't no joke when it comes to playing the dozens.

Your attempt to distract with random garbage makes sense, only if you were trying desperately to distract from the fact that I totally called your playbook.

Here is the post you were so desperately trying to distract from.

YOur rehashing of lib bs does not change the facts that Trump would crush your boy like a bug, and then you lefties would be all like, "how could he be so mean to a vet/girl".
I don't remember distracting or being a leftie but I do have a question. How would Trump "crush" Chris?

I'm not the one with the mad skills, Trump is.

But he would. And you lefties only defense would be to whine about Trump being mean to the vet/girl.
I've seen and heard sailors with far better "mad" skills than Trump could dream of. Kris might was a sailor and she was weaned to be mean and nasty enough to be a navy seal. I think she can handle old man Trump verbally OR physically.
The military spends more on boner pills than they do on transgender issues.

And that should continue.
I don't want ANY of my tax dollars going to help someone change their gender.
What's next? Taxpayers paying for pedophiles to travel to countries where they can "get what they need".?

No thanks. It HAS to stop somewhere.
You'd better write your congresspersons so they can file 13 your letter.
This is what Hispanics think of America.....


I would be happy to buy them a ticket back to where they came from.

Chris Beck was a fearless Navy SEAL, one could even say reckless. "Come out motherf---er!" he would shout to the Taliban as he charged into the caves of Afghanistan. But there was a reason for this. He had been suppressing who he wanted to be for years, which sometimes made him run headlong towards a possible death.

Kristin Beck, a transgender retired Navy SEAL who used to be named Chris, made a splash in the media Wednesday after President Donald Trump announced he would bar transgender people from serving in the military.

"Let's meet face to face and you tell me I'm not worthy," Beck told Business Insider. "Transgender doesn't matter. Do your service."

So....all you think that an individual who has male anatomy should be allowed to room with, shower with and use the bathroom facilities of female soldiers, sailors and airmen.....that is okay with you...right? All they have to do is check a box on paperwork that says they identify as a female, and they get to bunk with 18 year old woman would be required to share a room with an individual who is physically a male....and if she says she is uncomfortable with this situation, she is the bigot and the problem...

That is where you stand...right?

Please read the below article that explains the truth of the actual issue, then you can comment again....

New Army Training Tells Female Soldiers To ‘Accept’ Naked Men

For a soldier to officially change gender requires only some paperwork. A military doctor or civilian medical professional must certify that the transgender person has achieved “stability in the preferred gender” and the soldier must change the gender designation on the soldier’s passport or birth certificate. From that point on, the transgender soldier is “expected to adhere to all military standards associated with their gender,” and “use the billeting, bathroom and shower facilities” of their new gender.

For example, “Vignette Four” of the training module presents the following scenario: “following her transition from male to female (which did not include sex reassignment surgery) and gender marker change in DEERS [DEERS is the military’s personnel database], a transgender Soldier begins using female barracks, bathroom and shower facilities. Because she did not undergo a surgical change, the Soldier still has male genitalia.”

How should troops respond? “Soldiers must accept living and working conditions that are often austere, primitive, and characterized by little or no privacy.”


The slide tells soldiers to “understand that you may encounter individuals in barracks, bathrooms, or shower facilities with physical characteristics of the opposite sex despite having the same gender marker in DEERS.” The next bullet point adds, “all Soldiers should be respectful of the privacy and modesty concerns of others. However, transgender Soldiers are not required or expected to modify or adjust their behavior based on the fact that they do not ‘match’ other Soldiers.” This is a first. The military is normally in the business of telling soldiers to “modify or adjust their behavior” all the time.


Consider what these policies mean in real life: Most Army showers look like a prison cell with several showerheads on the wall. Anyone who has dealt with the practical challenges of funneling 30 people through them in ten minutes understands that “privacy” will be incompatible with reality. Female soldiers who feel uncomfortable sharing facilities with individuals who still have “physical characteristics of the opposite sex” will just have to put up with it.

The adjustments to “billeting” are equally intrusive. Modern barracks resemble college dorms, with two soldiers of the same sex — now “gender marker” — sharing rooms just large enough to accommodate the basic necessities of military life. The training forbids any commander from ordering a transgender soldier to use a facility that is inconsistent with his “gender marker,” and rejects the idea of separate facilities for transgender soldiers. If separate facilities of any kind are created, they must be for soldiers who feel uncomfortable sharing facilities with a member of the opposite biological sex. In short, the rest of the unit must adjust, not the individual transgender soldier.

Watch My Genitals While I Urinate
The changes also affect drug-testing procedures. DoD Instruction 1010.16 requires urine specimens to be “collected under the direct observation of a designated individual of the same sex as the Service member providing the specimen.” To be blunt, “observers” must watch the urine sample leave the tested soldier’s body and enter the collection cup.

Under the new rules, however, “absent an exception to policy, the observer will be the same gender as the Soldier being observed (as reflected by the gender marker in DEERS).” The change is justified by interpreting the term “sex” in existing drug testing regulations to mean the same thing as “gender.” Lest there be any confusion: the policy means that an 18-year-old female soldier may be forced to drop her pants and urinate in a cup in front of an anatomically male non-commissioned officer who has a female “gender marker,” and vice versa.
And another little known glitch to this mess.......

As important as privacy and respect are, the biggest problem with the policy is its effect on the military’s core purpose of battle readiness. For example, under the policy, a male infantryman who cannot meet the bare minimum requirement of 42 pushups and is therefore considered a liability in combat can switch his “gender marker” to female and suddenly be qualified. Even though he retains the exact same physical characteristics, and can do only 19 push-ups, he will now be a combat-ready female infantry soldier, eligible to hold the exact same role in his former unit.
1. Nothing I said, could in any way, be interpreted as trying to make suicidal tendencies solely a transgender issue.

Yes it could be inferred until you made yourself clear just now. And that was the direction others were taking so you blended in quite well with them.

I'm not responsible for others. My words were clear and nothing I said could reasonable be interpreted the way you did. You put that out there. It had nothing to do with me.

do not claim that suicidal tendencies are standard for all transgender people. I do claim that they are always some form of fucked up. It is never JUST gender issues. And thus banning them is reasonable and not animus based.

Are you a clinical psychiatrist or something? Under what auspices did you conduct your peer reviewed study?

Nope. Just an astute observer of humanity. Transpeople are fucked up. With a host of issues.

THe op gave one example and he was fucked up. He went into battle suicidal, with his comrades depending on him.

I really hope none of them paid a price for that shit.

I wonder how many of his "normal" team mates were suicidal as well. In any event. I don't think we can make a clinical assessment based on one event where he yelled into a cave and charged in. I'd have to see evidence that he did things like that repeatedly. That believe me, I know from experience that was highly unlikely...

All I know of him is your op, which made it sound like NOT a one time thing.
Some of us more than others.

The sole arbiter of that should be God, not other humans. But having the courage to bring those flaws to light in the face of man and God is admirable. So few are willing to do that; so, we have no way of knowing who is or who is not more flawed than Kris.

The point of this is he proves the reasoning of why he shouldn't be allowed to serve.

Kris has already served before he physically became a transgender. He kept his mental gender identification to himself while he served and apparently didn't exhibit any tendencies to wear women's garb during that time... at least not in public. Obviously he was focused on successfully overcoming his inner feelings so he could continue doing what he loved...being a navy seal.
From that perspective, there were no grounds for anyone to say he should not have been allowed to serve.

Depending on the source, there may be several thousand transgender personnel in the armed forces; some of them openly.
It is the careers of those who are openly transgender that are on the line. But keep in mind that some are mission essential personnel, some have invested years in the military and all have a contract that is about to be broken $$$$! Yes, I put those dollar signs out there for a reason!

He waited till after he left the service to reveal his secret.
A secret that can easily be used to blackmail him into giving away military secrets.

Not after he left the service! He can't be blackmailed now. While he served, he was the picture of Republicanism...a wife,two kids and a job he loved.

But you do raise an interesting question: Will his revelation affect his retirement pay? Should it?
It depends.
Threatening the president is a felony.
Why do you consider what he saiid a threat?
Because when someone challenges me to a fight I consider that a threat.

I can name dozens of my former team members that would love to personally kick that guy's ass just for general purposes.
He had the nerve to serve based on a lie.
We all knew that sucking dick and smoking pot was against regulations.
What he does after he leaves active duty is up to him, but if he wants to start talking trash for political purposes to prop up Democrats and enemies of the White House, I have issues with that.
He is now the posterboy for hypocrisy.
A fraud.
You haven't been following the thread. Kris never challenged Trump to a fist fight. He just wanted Trump to tell him to his face he isn't fit to serve.
I believe he just wanted a chance to defend what he believes is a noble cause for TG prospects wanting to make a career in the military. Some of them, already serving openly, are about to lose the benefit of retirement. Now I must laugh at your accusation that he lied. Really... As I have already explained a while back, Chris was not a flaming fag nor did the op say he engaged in homosexual activities while in uniform. I saw no reference to that in the article but I might have missed it... feel free to point it out if I did. You are just winging it now based on assumptions. But if you can accept the vapid lies of your hero in the White house...and those lies manifest in abundance on a daily basis... how dare you even bring the topic of lying into this conversation. BTW, not all transgenders are homosexuals either before or after their transformation. Besides, there is no question on the entry documents referring to transgender proclivities but there are questions pertaining to homosexual tendencies. If Kris wasn't gay he didn't lie.
So you claim that calling out the president isn't a threat.
And you also claim that he waited till after he left the service to become a fudge-packer.
Or are you claiming that he wants to look and sound like a woman so he can fuck women?
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He waited till after he left the service to reveal his secret.
A secret that can easily be used to blackmail him into giving away military secrets.
Not after he left the service! He can't be blackmailed now.
He can't be blackmailed after he left the service? How do you figure? He's still very much aware of classified information: from U.S. weapon systems, to tactical techniques, to operations they were involved in, to locations of enemy facilities, and on and on and on. The Navy Seals have a term: OpSec. It means Operational Security and it includes things like how they operate tactically. This man knows all of that information and can easily be blackmailed.
How can he be blackmailed when his secret is already out. Go get some coffee and clear your head.
We aren't talking about ex-military.
We're talking about active duty.
Trump didn't ban Transgenders.......he's only putting back in place regulations that have always been in place..
This is just another intentional stinkbomb from Obummer....

He is saying that transgenders are not all weak Sissys.
No, the problem is that they are mentally disturbed.

Being a good soldier is not about talking trash, like idiots and the naive seem to think it is.

It is about being stable mentally, even under horrible mental stress and pressure to get it right under fire.

Now that he has mutilated himself the evidence would suggest that he is not mentally stable enough for armed force service, which is a privilege not a right. The same goes for queers and dykes.
And I think you progressive LGBT defenders are playing the same game the bible thumpers did way back when, the same fucking bullshit game /I/ a B fought against in Christian Alaska my entire fucking life. It's the "You will believe and follow our beliefs, under threat of the law" game and it disgusts me. Stop acting like you assholes speak for the entire LGBT community, because you do not.
I am certainly NOT defending the LGBT community. I am defending the integrity of the Constitution which infers treating US citizens equally. I don't consider that an act of's just plain old American.
Er...the constitution doesn't infer that anybody can get into the military.
But it does confer equality before the law and the Declaration of Independence does infer that all men are created equal. The DOI doesn't say women are created equal but you aren't going to get technical about that are you, woman?
No, it does not *confer* equality before the law. It protects it.
Sorry bout that,

1. But those three mexicans shooting middle finger at this Nations founders, are apparently in the wrong country, they should be sent back to where they came from, if they are American citizens then they should be found out whom they are and destroyed in every way.

Kind Regards,
If he has a mental problem now he had it when he was in service.
Every time a progressive speaks, the world bursts out laughing. How does one wrap their head around such an absurd comment?

A mental health problem - like a physical health problem - can occur at any time. This statement is like saying "if he had a heart attack yesterday, he was having it 10 years ago in combat". :eusa_doh:
Actually, the article addresses the origins of his TG predilections. If you had taken the time to read it, you wouldn't have made such a fool of yourself.
It started when he was a child.
Yes, it usually does, right after they are raped by someone who views himself as a *mentor*.
He is saying that transgenders are not all weak Sissys.
No, the problem is that they are mentally disturbed.

Being a good soldier is not about talking trash, like idiots and the naive seem to think it is.

It is about being stable mentally, even under horrible mental stress and pressure to get it right under fire.

Now that he has mutilated himself the evidence would suggest that he is not mentally stable enough for armed force service, which is a privilege not a right. The same goes for queers and dykes.
I get the feeling this guy just likes dressing up as a woman.
He's just a guy that likes looking feminine and still likes women.
The biggest problem he would have is dealing with all of the Neanderthals in Special Ops.
The military spends more on boner pills than they do on transgender issues.

And that should continue.
I don't want ANY of my tax dollars going to help someone change their gender.
What's next? Taxpayers paying for pedophiles to travel to countries where they can "get what they need".?

No thanks. It HAS to stop somewhere.

Such a stupid remark.
I get the feeling this guy just likes dressing up as a woman.
He's just a guy that likes looking feminine and still likes women.
The biggest problem he would have is dealing with all of the Neanderthals in Special Ops.

Yeah, combat arms is not a career path for the timid or frail, but they are very intelligent people.

They have to be to handle all the training that they receive and many of them go on to be operators for the intell community and secret service.

Chris Beck was a fearless Navy SEAL, one could even say reckless. "Come out motherf---er!" he would shout to the Taliban as he charged into the caves of Afghanistan. But there was a reason for this. He had been suppressing who he wanted to be for years, which sometimes made him run headlong towards a possible death.

Kristin Beck, a transgender retired Navy SEAL who used to be named Chris, made a splash in the media Wednesday after President Donald Trump announced he would bar transgender people from serving in the military.

"Let's meet face to face and you tell me I'm not worthy," Beck told Business Insider. "Transgender doesn't matter. Do your service."
Transgender people are free to serve, they just have to be the sex they were born with, just like Chris Beck did when he served the US Navy honorably. Hes free to wear a dress as a civilian, but not as an enlisted military member on duty.

Chris Beck was a fearless Navy SEAL, one could even say reckless. "Come out motherf---er!" he would shout to the Taliban as he charged into the caves of Afghanistan. But there was a reason for this. He had been suppressing who he wanted to be for years, which sometimes made him run headlong towards a possible death.

Kristin Beck, a transgender retired Navy SEAL who used to be named Chris, made a splash in the media Wednesday after President Donald Trump announced he would bar transgender people from serving in the military.

"Let's meet face to face and you tell me I'm not worthy," Beck told Business Insider. "Transgender doesn't matter. Do your service."

He/she/it, was not transgender when it was in the Seals. It has a mental problem and is not worthy of being in the military anymore. I'll tell that to his face. Let him hit me and I'll sue his psycho ass.
If he has a mental problem now he had it when he was in service. But you don't object to his being in service as long as he didn't undergo the critical surgery.
It is the actual sex change that you have a problem with, not the mental state...RIGHT?

You don't know that his mental problem didn't start after his service. In fact, you don't know shit.

Transgendered people have a mental illness, those people should not be in the military.
I know what he said about the origins of his TG leanings from the article. Why don't you read it?

I did, it's irrelevant. TG is an illness and a person who has it has no business in the military. The military did not know before hand that he had the sickness.
My point is that, if true, I wouldn't be so quick as to say those suicidal tendencies are standard for all transgender people. As you might have heard, veterans are committing suicide in record numbers these days. And it appears that most of them are average Joes. Don't try and make suicidal tendencies on the battle field solely a transgender issue.

It's a proven fact that “transgenders” have an exceptionally-high suicide rate, and this remains true regardless of how their condition is or is not treated. It is also true that combat veterans have an unusually high suicide rate, though not as bad as that of “transgenders”. Understandably, being around too much death and destruction tends to f••• with people's minds in a very bad way.

If anything, this is yet another good argument against letting trannies into the military. They're already f•••-ed-up enough as it is; why allow them into a situation that will very likely f••• them up even more?

If I remember correctly, all recruits have to take a battery of tests including psychological tests such as the MMPI ( Minnesota Multi-phase Psychological Inventory.) Pass that and act normal are in. But recruits like Chris, having no criminal background are prized. Add his high cognitive ability and apparent combat prowess to the mix and he was an ideal 'cruit. But I am puzzled by all you guys on the right who never served. Chris might have served in your place or the place of a dear relative, Anyone as qualified on paper as Chris was ought to be allowed to go put his/her life on the line for the nation. So many of YOU have not been wiling to make that sacrifice.

I served, TG is an illness. They need help, not acceptance.

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