Transgender badass challenges Trump.

If he has a mental problem now he had it when he was in service. …

Where does that reasoning come from?
Maybe he's got a tumor or something now that he didn't have back then, and it has attacked the sexual identity part of his brain, or affected his hormone production or something.

People can develop mental illness. They aren't necessarily born with it, you moron.

I should think that for some people, the stresses of being in a job that involves so much danger, and death, and destruction, could very well do it. Perhaps Mr. Beck was fine when he went into the Navy, and even up through his becoming a Seal; and something about the experiences of that job f•••ed up what was previously a healthy mind, turning him on to the path of becoming the sick freak that he now is.
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How dare he say who can or cannot serve when he had the chance to serve his country and wouldn't?
He's Commander in Chief. It's his job to say who can and cannot serve. And as always, he's made the right call. There is no room in the U.S. military for the mentally ill. As someone else on this board already stated in this thread - it requires individuals of sound mind and body.
Too late , Kris retired years ago. But to engage you, I don't know if the president has the Constitutional power to discriminate against an American citizen like that. And for those already serving openly, they have signed a contract that, if broken, can be worth a small fortune.
If he has a mental problem now he had it when he was in service. …

Where does that reasoning come from?
Maybe he's got a tumor or something now that he didn't have back then, and it has attacked the sexual identity part of his brain, or affected his hormone production or something.

People can develop mental illness. They aren't necessarily born with it, you moron.

I should think that for some people, the stresses of being in a job that involves so much danger, and death,and destruction, could very well do it. Perhaps Mr. Beck was fine when he went into the Navy, and even up through his becoming a Seal; and something about the experiences of that job f•••ed up what was previously a healthy mind, turning him on to the path of becoming the sick freak that he now is.
In the article Kris describes his childhood proclivities towards crossdressing. A situation that was addressed sternly by his father. So he developed that predilection at an early age but tucked it away in the recesses of his mind until much later.
My point is that, if true, I wouldn't be so quick as to say those suicidal tendencies are standard for all transgender people. As you might have heard, veterans are committing suicide in record numbers these days. And it appears that most of them are average Joes. Don't try and make suicidal tendencies on the battle field solely a transgender issue.

It's a proven fact that “transgenders” have an exceptionally-high suicide rate, and this remains true regardless of how their condition is or is not treated. It is also true that combat veterans have an unusually high suicide rate, though not as bad as that of “transgenders”. Understandably, being around too much death and destruction tends to f••• with people's minds in a very bad way.

If anything, this is yet another good argument against letting trannies into the military. They're already f•••-ed-up enough as it is; why allow them into a situation that will very likely f••• them up even more?
A draft dodging pussy like Trump would pee his pants if he had to be on stage with Kris.
As opposed to Barack Insane Obama - who spent decades in special forces defending this nation around the world?

Oh wait...that's right...Obama was a limp-wristed bi-sexual who spent all of his time snorting cocaine and smoking pot. At least President Trump spent his life 100% clean. He doesn't even drink alcohol. Which is really why all of you progressives hate him.
I will resist the urge to strike back simply because both presidents have been compared and judged at this stage of their presidencies. Let the record speak for itself.
Trump is NOT professional. He is a charlatan who can't even believe he is president.
Kind of like Barack Insane Obama. A freaking community organizer who woke up one day and said "holy shit...these people actually elected me president" while laughing.

President Trump spent decades creating jobs, involved in international business deals overseas, negotiating, etc. He's a billion times more qualified to be president than the ghetto community organizer ever was or ever will be.

Thanks for sharing!
If he has a mental problem now he had it when he was in service.
Every time a progressive speaks, the world bursts out laughing. How does one wrap their head around such an absurd comment?

A mental health problem - like a physical health problem - can occur at any time. This statement is like saying "if he had a heart attack yesterday, he was having it 10 years ago in combat". :eusa_doh:
Actually, the article addresses the origins of his TG predilections. If you had taken the time to read it, you wouldn't have made such a fool of yourself.
It started when he was a child.

Chris Beck was a fearless Navy SEAL, one could even say reckless. "Come out motherf---er!" he would shout to the Taliban as he charged into the caves of Afghanistan. But there was a reason for this. He had been suppressing who he wanted to be for years, which sometimes made him run headlong towards a possible death.

Kristin Beck, a transgender retired Navy SEAL who used to be named Chris, made a splash in the media Wednesday after President Donald Trump announced he would bar transgender people from serving in the military.

"Let's meet face to face and you tell me I'm not worthy," Beck told Business Insider. "Transgender doesn't matter. Do your service."

He/she/it, was not transgender when it was in the Seals. It has a mental problem and is not worthy of being in the military anymore. I'll tell that to his face. Let him hit me and I'll sue his psycho ass.
If he has a mental problem now he had it when he was in service. But you don't object to his being in service as long as he didn't undergo the critical surgery.
It is the actual sex change that you have a problem with, not the mental state...RIGHT?

You don't know that his mental problem didn't start after his service. In fact, you don't know shit.

Transgendered people have a mental illness, those people should not be in the military.
I know what he said about the origins of his TG leanings from the article. Why don't you read it?
How dare he say who can or cannot serve when he had the chance to serve his country and wouldn't?
He's Commander in Chief. It's his job to say who can and cannot serve. And as always, he's made the right call. There is no room in the U.S. military for the mentally ill. As someone else on this board already stated in this thread - it requires individuals of sound mind and body.
Too late , Kris retired years ago. But to engage you, I don't know if the president has the Constitutional power to discriminate against an American citizen like that. And for those already serving openly, they have signed a contract that, if broken, can be worth a small fortune.

I don't know if the president has the Constitutional power to discriminate against an American citizen like that.

The military has no obligation to allow someone to enlist if they are mentally unstable or could harm unit performance. That's not illegal discrimination, that's common sense.
My point is that, if true, I wouldn't be so quick as to say those suicidal tendencies are standard for all transgender people. As you might have heard, veterans are committing suicide in record numbers these days. And it appears that most of them are average Joes. Don't try and make suicidal tendencies on the battle field solely a transgender issue.

It's a proven fact that “transgenders” have an exceptionally-high suicide rate, and this remains true regardless of how their condition is or is not treated. It is also true that combat veterans have an unusually high suicide rate, though not as bad as that of “transgenders”. Understandably, being around too much death and destruction tends to f••• with people's minds in a very bad way.

If anything, this is yet another good argument against letting trannies into the military. They're already f•••-ed-up enough as it is; why allow them into a situation that will very likely f••• them up even more?

If I remember correctly, all recruits have to take a battery of tests including psychological tests such as the MMPI ( Minnesota Multi-phase Psychological Inventory.) Pass that and act normal are in. But recruits like Chris, having no criminal background are prized. Add his high cognitive ability and apparent combat prowess to the mix and he was an ideal 'cruit. But I am puzzled by all you guys on the right who never served. Chris might have served in your place or the place of a dear relative, Anyone as qualified on paper as Chris was ought to be allowed to go put his/her life on the line for the nation. So many of YOU have not been wiling to make that sacrifice.
How dare he say who can or cannot serve when he had the chance to serve his country and wouldn't?
He's Commander in Chief. It's his job to say who can and cannot serve. And as always, he's made the right call. There is no room in the U.S. military for the mentally ill. As someone else on this board already stated in this thread - it requires individuals of sound mind and body.
Too late , Kris retired years ago. But to engage you, I don't know if the president has the Constitutional power to discriminate against an American citizen like that. And for those already serving openly, they have signed a contract that, if broken, can be worth a small fortune.

I don't know if the president has the Constitutional power to discriminate against an American citizen like that.

The military has no obligation to allow someone to enlist if they are mentally unstable or could harm unit performance. That's not illegal discrimination, that's common sense.
Well, a precedent has now been set since 2010...haven't you heard?
Whats that word I'm looking for? Hmm.....anecdotal? Yeah, that's the word.
I could NOT be suicidal while my comrades are depending on me.
I haven't heard that he ever let his friends down in combat!!

Maybe they were lucky, and despite this guys problems, none of them ever paid a price for it.

I certainly hope that is the case.

Regardless, if the op is correct, it supports the case AGAINST such people in the service.

The op does not support the case AGAINST such people in the service. Are you talking about Chris or Kris? If it's Chris, no one would ever know. Kris, as an open TG would never have joined the military during the era she served as Chris. But, since 2010, openly TG folks have been allowed to join; and, there has not been any serious backlash reported among the troops as a result.

The op claims he was suicidal during combat.

If true, that is the end of the debate. HE should not have been there.

IF he never got any of his comrades hurt or killed with his reckless suicidal behavior, that is a good thing, but not the type of chance that we want to subject our men to.
My point is that, if true, I wouldn't be so quick as to say those suicidal tendencies are standard for all transgender people. As you might have heard, veterans are committing suicide in record numbers these days. And it appears that most of them are average Joes. Don't try and make suicidal tendencies on the battle field solely a transgender issue.

1. Nothing I said, could in any way, be interpreted as trying to make suicidal tendencies solely a transgender issue.

2. I do not claim that suicidal tendencies are standard for all transgender people. I do claim that they are always some form of fucked up. It is never JUST gender issues. And thus banning them is reasonable and not animus based.
As Trump is a professional at that, you could only want that if you were planning to pretend that something about Kris made him untouchable.

Which is bullshit.
Trump is NOT professional. He is a charlatan who can't even believe he is president. A draft dodging pussy like Trump would pee his pants if he had to be on stage with Kris. How dare he say who can or cannot serve when he had the chance to serve his country and wouldn't?

He is getting a paycheck based on his ability to handle that type of confrontation. And his winning against 16 primary opponents and then Hillary, shows that he is world class at it.

There is NO WAY, that you would want a representative of yours going up against him, unless you are planning ahead of time to declare said rep to be "untouchable" for some bullshit reason.

And then can gin up "outrage" over the fact that Trump crushed your boy, like the little girl he wants to be.

The Trump campaign was a circus from start to finish. He didn't even expect to win but the media kept giving him far more air time than they did his competitors. Hie took advantage of that by providing entertainment instead of substance. Along the way, his stupidity proved to be right in line with the majority of RW white males who were still seething over Obama's 8 year tenure as president. As one of the the chief "birthers" and critics of Obama, Trump became an infallible icon who would "make America Great White again."
Had the media playing field been even, Trump wouldn't have made it past the GOP primaries....just sayiin'

YOur rehashing of lib bs does not change the facts that Trump would crush your boy like a bug, and then you lefties would be all like, "how could he be so mean to a vet/girl".
Judging by the size of his gut, about the only thing Trump could crush is a beer can. BYW sailors ain't no joke when it comes to playing the dozens.

Your attempt to distract with random garbage makes sense, only if you were trying desperately to distract from the fact that I totally called your playbook.

Here is the post you were so desperately trying to distract from.

YOur rehashing of lib bs does not change the facts that Trump would crush your boy like a bug, and then you lefties would be all like, "how could he be so mean to a vet/girl".
How dare he say who can or cannot serve when he had the chance to serve his country and wouldn't?
He's Commander in Chief. It's his job to say who can and cannot serve. And as always, he's made the right call. There is no room in the U.S. military for the mentally ill. As someone else on this board already stated in this thread - it requires individuals of sound mind and body.
Too late , Kris retired years ago. But to engage you, I don't know if the president has the Constitutional power to discriminate against an American citizen like that. And for those already serving openly, they have signed a contract that, if broken, can be worth a small fortune.

I don't know if the president has the Constitutional power to discriminate against an American citizen like that.

The military has no obligation to allow someone to enlist if they are mentally unstable or could harm unit performance. That's not illegal discrimination, that's common sense.
Well, a precedent has now been set since 2010...haven't you heard?

Just because they mistakenly allowed people to enlist in the past, doesn't mean we should continue the mistake.
1. Nothing I said, could in any way, be interpreted as trying to make suicidal tendencies solely a transgender issue.

Yes it could be inferred until you made yourself clear just now. And that was the direction others were taking so you blended in quite well with them.

2. I do not claim that suicidal tendencies are standard for all transgender people. I do claim that they are always some form of fucked up. It is never JUST gender issues. And thus banning them is reasonable and not animus based.

Are you a clinical psychiatrist or something? Under what auspices did you conduct your peer reviewed study?
1. Nothing I said, could in any way, be interpreted as trying to make suicidal tendencies solely a transgender issue.

Yes it could be inferred until you made yourself clear just now. And that was the direction others were taking so you blended in quite well with them.

I'm not responsible for others. My words were clear and nothing I said could reasonable be interpreted the way you did. You put that out there. It had nothing to do with me.

2. I do not claim that suicidal tendencies are standard for all transgender people. I do claim that they are always some form of fucked up. It is never JUST gender issues. And thus banning them is reasonable and not animus based.

Are you a clinical psychiatrist or something? Under what auspices did you conduct your peer reviewed study?[/QUOTE]

Nope. Just an astute observer of humanity. Transpeople are fucked up. With a host of issues.

THe op gave one example and he was fucked up. He went into battle suicidal, with his comrades depending on him.

I really hope none of them paid a price for that shit.
Trump is NOT professional. He is a charlatan who can't even believe he is president. A draft dodging pussy like Trump would pee his pants if he had to be on stage with Kris. How dare he say who can or cannot serve when he had the chance to serve his country and wouldn't?

He is getting a paycheck based on his ability to handle that type of confrontation. And his winning against 16 primary opponents and then Hillary, shows that he is world class at it.

There is NO WAY, that you would want a representative of yours going up against him, unless you are planning ahead of time to declare said rep to be "untouchable" for some bullshit reason.

And then can gin up "outrage" over the fact that Trump crushed your boy, like the little girl he wants to be.

The Trump campaign was a circus from start to finish. He didn't even expect to win but the media kept giving him far more air time than they did his competitors. Hie took advantage of that by providing entertainment instead of substance. Along the way, his stupidity proved to be right in line with the majority of RW white males who were still seething over Obama's 8 year tenure as president. As one of the the chief "birthers" and critics of Obama, Trump became an infallible icon who would "make America Great White again."
Had the media playing field been even, Trump wouldn't have made it past the GOP primaries....just sayiin'

YOur rehashing of lib bs does not change the facts that Trump would crush your boy like a bug, and then you lefties would be all like, "how could he be so mean to a vet/girl".
Judging by the size of his gut, about the only thing Trump could crush is a beer can. BYW sailors ain't no joke when it comes to playing the dozens.

Your attempt to distract with random garbage makes sense, only if you were trying desperately to distract from the fact that I totally called your playbook.

Here is the post you were so desperately trying to distract from.

YOur rehashing of lib bs does not change the facts that Trump would crush your boy like a bug, and then you lefties would be all like, "how could he be so mean to a vet/girl".
I don't remember distracting or being a leftie but I do have a question. How would Trump "crush" Chris?
He is getting a paycheck based on his ability to handle that type of confrontation. And his winning against 16 primary opponents and then Hillary, shows that he is world class at it.

There is NO WAY, that you would want a representative of yours going up against him, unless you are planning ahead of time to declare said rep to be "untouchable" for some bullshit reason.

And then can gin up "outrage" over the fact that Trump crushed your boy, like the little girl he wants to be.

The Trump campaign was a circus from start to finish. He didn't even expect to win but the media kept giving him far more air time than they did his competitors. Hie took advantage of that by providing entertainment instead of substance. Along the way, his stupidity proved to be right in line with the majority of RW white males who were still seething over Obama's 8 year tenure as president. As one of the the chief "birthers" and critics of Obama, Trump became an infallible icon who would "make America Great White again."
Had the media playing field been even, Trump wouldn't have made it past the GOP primaries....just sayiin'

YOur rehashing of lib bs does not change the facts that Trump would crush your boy like a bug, and then you lefties would be all like, "how could he be so mean to a vet/girl".
Judging by the size of his gut, about the only thing Trump could crush is a beer can. BYW sailors ain't no joke when it comes to playing the dozens.

Your attempt to distract with random garbage makes sense, only if you were trying desperately to distract from the fact that I totally called your playbook.

Here is the post you were so desperately trying to distract from.

YOur rehashing of lib bs does not change the facts that Trump would crush your boy like a bug, and then you lefties would be all like, "how could he be so mean to a vet/girl".
I don't remember distracting or being a leftie but I do have a question. How would Trump "crush" Chris?

I'm not the one with the mad skills, Trump is.

But he would. And you lefties only defense would be to whine about Trump being mean to the vet/girl.
1. Nothing I said, could in any way, be interpreted as trying to make suicidal tendencies solely a transgender issue.

Yes it could be inferred until you made yourself clear just now. And that was the direction others were taking so you blended in quite well with them.

I'm not responsible for others. My words were clear and nothing I said could reasonable be interpreted the way you did. You put that out there. It had nothing to do with me.

do not claim that suicidal tendencies are standard for all transgender people. I do claim that they are always some form of fucked up. It is never JUST gender issues. And thus banning them is reasonable and not animus based.

Are you a clinical psychiatrist or something? Under what auspices did you conduct your peer reviewed study?

Nope. Just an astute observer of humanity. Transpeople are fucked up. With a host of issues.

THe op gave one example and he was fucked up. He went into battle suicidal, with his comrades depending on him.

I really hope none of them paid a price for that shit.

I wonder how many of his "normal" team mates were suicidal as well. In any event. I don't think we can make a clinical assessment based on one event where he yelled into a cave and charged in. I'd have to see evidence that he did things like that repeatedly. That believe me, I know from experience that was highly unlikely...

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