Transgender badass challenges Trump.

What a person does in private is no ones business but while in uniform there are standards and codes of conduct. Eroding these in the name of social engineering fucks with the Military's effectiveness.
I see your error clearly. There is no purple grass in nature that we know of but it could possibly be created by botanists if they had a mind to do it. Also a five year old can thrown some purple paint on a lawn and you would have a purple grass oasis in the middle of a sea of green. Would you debunk an expert who
suggests either scenario is possible.

What you are characterizing as an “error” on my part is nothing more than an irrational compulsion on your part to discard or distort objective truth, as necessary, to defend an “expert” who presents an obvious untruth, as well as to defend that untruth itself.

Enough of this conjecture. Consider that we are dealing with a human mind and behaviors connected with it. To understand what we are dealing with we cannot rely solely on the material world. Thought is abstract and so is the process in the mind that governs gender identification. Arguably, whatever force in the mind caused a deviation to occur in contrast to what most of us think of as normal, is a natural thing. Nature had a hand in creating that abstraction. I shudder to think that the phenomenon might be triggered by an evolutionary process. Since men have been fucking over the planet ever since they appeared here, perhaps mother nature is getting retribution by evolving them into a race of hermaphrodites. Just natures way of telling us to go fuck ourselves???

The concept that one's mind may not accept the obvious truth presented by the material world—and instead create and believe its own internal “truth”, which may be completely irreconcilable with the material world—is not anything new. We've know about it for almost as long as humanity has existed. That is what madness is.

The delusions of a madman do not change the material world, no matter how they may shape that madman's perception of the material world. A man who thinks that he is a woman is not a woman, no matter how strong his belief that he is, and no matter what extremes to which he may go to have his body poisoned and mutilated in a futile attempt to become a woman. Sane people know this.

Just how far do the bounds of normalcy extend from its core before fading into the chaotic realm of insanity? Do you really condemn a person for having a gender identification crisis when there are no other signs of madness in their deportment? There is no ever present trickle of saliva dribbling from the corner of Kris's lips. His eyes are not the bloodshot wandering eyes of a unpredictable maniac. He functions like a normal person in every way...gender considered... and is no threat to society. I don't know that Kris thinks he is a woman. He knows he has XY chromosomes and he knows he had an operation to help mesh his body with the feelings he had been harboring in his mind for all those years. Knowing that nature does make mistakes, I can't honestly say whether or not Kris's condition is not one of those mistakes instead of mental illness.

Chris Beck was a fearless Navy SEAL, one could even say reckless. "Come out motherf---er!" he would shout to the Taliban as he charged into the caves of Afghanistan. But there was a reason for this. He had been suppressing who he wanted to be for years, which sometimes made him run headlong towards a possible death.

Kristin Beck, a transgender retired Navy SEAL who used to be named Chris, made a splash in the media Wednesday after President Donald Trump announced he would bar transgender people from serving in the military.

"Let's meet face to face and you tell me I'm not worthy," Beck told Business Insider. "Transgender doesn't matter. Do your service."

The BS ALERT , some more bs from Huff PO no doubt and where some other libtard news site dreamed this bs up.

In 1968, homosexuality was listed in the DSM as a mental disorder. With constant pressure from the left and LGBT activists, the APA compromised itself by removing homosexuality from the DSM and replaced it with a nondescript “sexual orientation disturbance” for people “in conflict with” their sexual orientation.

Clearly, all of the Obama administration’s social engineering mandates must be canceled. The moral underpinnings of our military must be restored. Further, since the DSM has been fully compromised by the left and the LGBT activists, it should no longer be used by the DOD for guidance and should be decertified. There is only one criteria that should apply and that is mission success. Anything that detracts from that objective must be discarded.
The Military’s Social Engineering is Destroying Readiness

The Military’s Social Engineering is Destroying Readiness
Great...b-b-b-b but we are n't talking about homosexuality. Transgendered people are not necessarily homosexuals... I know that is hard for you to accept but its true.

Yeah but it all ties into the same bs. =) All t his BS is still in the " Social Engineering" that Obama the shit stain created.

View attachment 141191
I am not aware of any social engineering ...sorry!
Sorry, but we have a $20 trillion debt, and we don't need to be spending taxpayer money on sexual reassignment surgeries and other expenses involved in accommodating confused individuals.

The military spends more on boner pills than they do on transgender issues.
Sorry, but that story is simply made up by our corrupt media.
The first person to request a sex change so far has been Bradley Manning....and he was a traitor.
You're broadcasting your stupidity.

Chris Beck was a fearless Navy SEAL, one could even say reckless. "Come out motherf---er!" he would shout to the Taliban as he charged into the caves of Afghanistan. But there was a reason for this. He had been suppressing who he wanted to be for years, which sometimes made him run headlong towards a possible death.

Kristin Beck, a transgender retired Navy SEAL who used to be named Chris, made a splash in the media Wednesday after President Donald Trump announced he would bar transgender people from serving in the military.

"Let's meet face to face and you tell me I'm not worthy," Beck told Business Insider. "Transgender doesn't matter. Do your service."

The BS ALERT , some more bs from Huff PO no doubt and where some other libtard news site dreamed this bs up.

In 1968, homosexuality was listed in the DSM as a mental disorder. With constant pressure from the left and LGBT activists, the APA compromised itself by removing homosexuality from the DSM and replaced it with a nondescript “sexual orientation disturbance” for people “in conflict with” their sexual orientation.

Clearly, all of the Obama administration’s social engineering mandates must be canceled. The moral underpinnings of our military must be restored. Further, since the DSM has been fully compromised by the left and the LGBT activists, it should no longer be used by the DOD for guidance and should be decertified. There is only one criteria that should apply and that is mission success. Anything that detracts from that objective must be discarded.
The Military’s Social Engineering is Destroying Readiness

The Military’s Social Engineering is Destroying Readiness

I think you are confusing civil rights with social engineering. Transgender Americans have every right you have, and that includes serving their country anyway they want to. You and I may not like it but until being transgender is criminalized... there is no stopping them from seeking every right they have under the Constitution.
And I think you progressive LGBT defenders are playing the same game the bible thumpers did way back when, the same fucking bullshit game /I/ a B fought against in Christian Alaska my entire fucking life. It's the "You will believe and follow our beliefs, under threat of the law" game and it disgusts me. Stop acting like you assholes speak for the entire LGBT community, because you do not.

Chris Beck was a fearless Navy SEAL, one could even say reckless. "Come out motherf---er!" he would shout to the Taliban as he charged into the caves of Afghanistan. But there was a reason for this. He had been suppressing who he wanted to be for years, which sometimes made him run headlong towards a possible death.

Kristin Beck, a transgender retired Navy SEAL who used to be named Chris, made a splash in the media Wednesday after President Donald Trump announced he would bar transgender people from serving in the military.

"Let's meet face to face and you tell me I'm not worthy," Beck told Business Insider. "Transgender doesn't matter. Do your service."

Do you even realize you're making President Trump's case for him, and so is Chris Beck.


"He had been suppressing who he wanted to be for years, which sometimes made him run headlong towards a possible death."

This is not something I'd want watching my back in a fight.

But more so, Chris Beck was able to do what he wanted as a Navy Seal before he changed his life. Point is, anyone can serve. They just need to do it as their birth gender. Afterwards, they can do whatever they want just like Chris did.
well you're sending mixed signals here. First you say that you wouldn't want anyone like Chris having your back, then you turn around and say that it's okay for people like him to have your back as long as they don't change their gender. Which is it? And I don't see why someone used the term reckless to describe Chris's behavior as meaningful since they couldn't possibly know his mindset. BTW, he survived a 20-year career as a Navy SEAL and served in some of the most dangerous places on Earth. If he really wanted to commit suicide there was plenty of opportunity to do it, yah?

That's not what I said at all. In fact, you said it for me, if someone doesn't know he really wants to be a women then he can do what he wants, right? I'm not saying I'm OK with it. I'm just stating the facts. But the fact still remains he was reckless and put others in danger due to his confusion which proves Trump's point.

Chris Beck was a fearless Navy SEAL, one could even say reckless. "Come out motherf---er!" he would shout to the Taliban as he charged into the caves of Afghanistan. But there was a reason for this. He had been suppressing who he wanted to be for years, which sometimes made him run headlong towards a possible death.

Kristin Beck, a transgender retired Navy SEAL who used to be named Chris, made a splash in the media Wednesday after President Donald Trump announced he would bar transgender people from serving in the military.

"Let's meet face to face and you tell me I'm not worthy," Beck told Business Insider. "Transgender doesn't matter. Do your service."

Do you even realize you're making President Trump's case for him, and so is Chris Beck.


"He had been suppressing who he wanted to be for years, which sometimes made him run headlong towards a possible death."

This is not something I'd want watching my back in a fight.

But more so, Chris Beck was able to do what he wanted as a Navy Seal before he changed his life. Point is, anyone can serve. They just need to do it as their birth gender. Afterwards, they can do whatever they want just like Chris did.
well you're sending mixed signals here. First you say that you wouldn't want anyone like Chris having your back, then you turn around and say that it's okay for people like him to have your back as long as they don't change their gender. Which is it? And I don't see why someone used the term reckless to describe Chris's behavior as meaningful since they couldn't possibly know his mindset. BTW, he survived a 20-year career as a Navy SEAL and served in some of the most dangerous places on Earth. If he really wanted to commit suicide there was plenty of opportunity to do it, yah?

That's not what I said at all. In fact, you said it for me, if someone doesn't know he really wants to be a women then he can do what he wants, right? I'm not saying I'm OK with it. I'm just stating the facts. But the fact still remains he was reckless and put others in danger due to his confusion which proves Trump's point.
Here is exactly what you said in post #36 "This is not something I'd want watching my back in a fight.

But more so, Chris Beck was able to do what he wanted as a Navy Seal before he changed his life. Point is, anyone can serve. They just need to do it as their birth gender. Afterwards, they can do whatever they want just like Chris did."
My response:
If you didn't say it outright, it is definitely implied! And the "reckless" and "suicidal" stuff just doesn't add up on the battlefield. Only one incident was cited in the article. Probably because there were no others. He wouldn't be here if that were true. Nor would he have lasted as a seal for so long if he was constantly putting his team in danger. THINK!!!!! They would have terminated his ass, themselves if that were true.

Chris Beck was a fearless Navy SEAL, one could even say reckless. "Come out motherf---er!" he would shout to the Taliban as he charged into the caves of Afghanistan. But there was a reason for this. He had been suppressing who he wanted to be for years, which sometimes made him run headlong towards a possible death.

Kristin Beck, a transgender retired Navy SEAL who used to be named Chris, made a splash in the media Wednesday after President Donald Trump announced he would bar transgender people from serving in the military.

"Let's meet face to face and you tell me I'm not worthy," Beck told Business Insider. "Transgender doesn't matter. Do your service."

Do you even realize you're making President Trump's case for him, and so is Chris Beck.


"He had been suppressing who he wanted to be for years, which sometimes made him run headlong towards a possible death."

This is not something I'd want watching my back in a fight.

But more so, Chris Beck was able to do what he wanted as a Navy Seal before he changed his life. Point is, anyone can serve. They just need to do it as their birth gender. Afterwards, they can do whatever they want just like Chris did.
well you're sending mixed signals here. First you say that you wouldn't want anyone like Chris having your back, then you turn around and say that it's okay for people like him to have your back as long as they don't change their gender. Which is it? And I don't see why someone used the term reckless to describe Chris's behavior as meaningful since they couldn't possibly know his mindset. BTW, he survived a 20-year career as a Navy SEAL and served in some of the most dangerous places on Earth. If he really wanted to commit suicide there was plenty of opportunity to do it, yah?

That's not what I said at all. In fact, you said it for me, if someone doesn't know he really wants to be a women then he can do what he wants, right? I'm not saying I'm OK with it. I'm just stating the facts. But the fact still remains he was reckless and put others in danger due to his confusion which proves Trump's point.
Here is exactly what you said in post #36 "This is not something I'd want watching my back in a fight.

But more so, Chris Beck was able to do what he wanted as a Navy Seal before he changed his life. Point is, anyone can serve. They just need to do it as their birth gender. Afterwards, they can do whatever they want just like Chris did."
My response:
If you didn't say it outright, it is definitely implied! And the "reckless" and "suicidal" stuff just doesn't add up on the battlefield. Only one incident was cited in the article. Probably because there were no others. He wouldn't be here if that were true. Nor would he have lasted as a seal for so long if he was constantly putting his team in danger. THINK!!!!! They would have terminated his ass, themselves if that were true.

Whatever, at the end of the day the OP proved Trump's point. That's all that really matters.
And I think you progressive LGBT defenders are playing the same game the bible thumpers did way back when, the same fucking bullshit game /I/ a B fought against in Christian Alaska my entire fucking life. It's the "You will believe and follow our beliefs, under threat of the law" game and it disgusts me. Stop acting like you assholes speak for the entire LGBT community, because you do not.
I am certainly NOT defending the LGBT community. I am defending the integrity of the Constitution which infers treating US citizens equally. I don't consider that an act of's just plain old American.

Chris Beck was a fearless Navy SEAL, one could even say reckless. "Come out motherf---er!" he would shout to the Taliban as he charged into the caves of Afghanistan. But there was a reason for this. He had been suppressing who he wanted to be for years, which sometimes made him run headlong towards a possible death.

Kristin Beck, a transgender retired Navy SEAL who used to be named Chris, made a splash in the media Wednesday after President Donald Trump announced he would bar transgender people from serving in the military.

"Let's meet face to face and you tell me I'm not worthy," Beck told Business Insider. "Transgender doesn't matter. Do your service."

Do you even realize you're making President Trump's case for him, and so is Chris Beck.


"He had been suppressing who he wanted to be for years, which sometimes made him run headlong towards a possible death."

This is not something I'd want watching my back in a fight.

But more so, Chris Beck was able to do what he wanted as a Navy Seal before he changed his life. Point is, anyone can serve. They just need to do it as their birth gender. Afterwards, they can do whatever they want just like Chris did.
well you're sending mixed signals here. First you say that you wouldn't want anyone like Chris having your back, then you turn around and say that it's okay for people like him to have your back as long as they don't change their gender. Which is it? And I don't see why someone used the term reckless to describe Chris's behavior as meaningful since they couldn't possibly know his mindset. BTW, he survived a 20-year career as a Navy SEAL and served in some of the most dangerous places on Earth. If he really wanted to commit suicide there was plenty of opportunity to do it, yah?

That's not what I said at all. In fact, you said it for me, if someone doesn't know he really wants to be a women then he can do what he wants, right? I'm not saying I'm OK with it. I'm just stating the facts. But the fact still remains he was reckless and put others in danger due to his confusion which proves Trump's point.
Here is exactly what you said in post #36 "This is not something I'd want watching my back in a fight.

But more so, Chris Beck was able to do what he wanted as a Navy Seal before he changed his life. Point is, anyone can serve. They just need to do it as their birth gender. Afterwards, they can do whatever they want just like Chris did."
My response:
If you didn't say it outright, it is definitely implied! And the "reckless" and "suicidal" stuff just doesn't add up on the battlefield. Only one incident was cited in the article. Probably because there were no others. He wouldn't be here if that were true. Nor would he have lasted as a seal for so long if he was constantly putting his team in danger. THINK!!!!! They would have terminated his ass, themselves if that were true.

Whatever, at the end of the day the OP proved Trump's point. That's all that really matters.
No, you think the op proved Trump's point. That doesn't mean it does. Do you think all potential transgenders are suicidal based on one article that tickled your fancy? I suspect they are as diverse in their character and mental status as any of us straight normal folks. Why must everything be black and white for you RW group thinkers.
Don't be ridiculous.
Some of us more than others.

The sole arbiter of that should be God, not other humans. But having the courage to bring those flaws to light in the face of man and God is admirable. So few are willing to do that; so, we have no way of knowing who is or who is not more flawed than Kris.

The point of this is he proves the reasoning of why he shouldn't be allowed to serve.

Kris has already served before he physically became a transgender. He kept his mental gender identification to himself while he served and apparently didn't exhibit any tendencies to wear women's garb during that time... at least not in public. Obviously he was focused on successfully overcoming his inner feelings so he could continue doing what he loved...being a navy seal.
From that perspective, there were no grounds for anyone to say he should not have been allowed to serve.

Depending on the source, there may be several thousand transgender personnel in the armed forces; some of them openly.
It is the careers of those who are openly transgender that are on the line. But keep in mind that some are mission essential personnel, some have invested years in the military and all have a contract that is about to be broken $$$$! Yes, I put those dollar signs out there for a reason!

He waited till after he left the service to reveal his secret.
A secret that can easily be used to blackmail him into giving away military secrets.

Not after he left the service! He can't be blackmailed now. While he served, he was the picture of Republicanism...a wife,two kids and a job he loved.

But you do raise an interesting question: Will his revelation affect his retirement pay? Should it?
It depends.
Threatening the president is a felony.
Sorry, but we have a $20 trillion debt, and we don't need to be spending taxpayer money on sexual reassignment surgeries and other expenses involved in accommodating confused individuals.

The military spends more on boner pills than they do on transgender issues.
Sorry, but that story is simply made up by our corrupt media.
The first person to request a sex change so far has been Bradley Manning....and he was a traitor.
You're broadcasting your stupidity.
Some of us more than others.

The sole arbiter of that should be God, not other humans. But having the courage to bring those flaws to light in the face of man and God is admirable. So few are willing to do that; so, we have no way of knowing who is or who is not more flawed than Kris.

The point of this is he proves the reasoning of why he shouldn't be allowed to serve.

Kris has already served before he physically became a transgender. He kept his mental gender identification to himself while he served and apparently didn't exhibit any tendencies to wear women's garb during that time... at least not in public. Obviously he was focused on successfully overcoming his inner feelings so he could continue doing what he loved...being a navy seal.
From that perspective, there were no grounds for anyone to say he should not have been allowed to serve.

Depending on the source, there may be several thousand transgender personnel in the armed forces; some of them openly.
It is the careers of those who are openly transgender that are on the line. But keep in mind that some are mission essential personnel, some have invested years in the military and all have a contract that is about to be broken $$$$! Yes, I put those dollar signs out there for a reason!

He waited till after he left the service to reveal his secret.
A secret that can easily be used to blackmail him into giving away military secrets.

Not after he left the service! He can't be blackmailed now. While he served, he was the picture of Republicanism...a wife,two kids and a job he loved.

But you do raise an interesting question: Will his revelation affect his retirement pay? Should it?
It depends.
Threatening the president is a felony.
Why do you consider what he saiid a threat?

Chris Beck was a fearless Navy SEAL, one could even say reckless. "Come out motherf---er!" he would shout to the Taliban as he charged into the caves of Afghanistan. But there was a reason for this. He had been suppressing who he wanted to be for years, which sometimes made him run headlong towards a possible death.

Kristin Beck, a transgender retired Navy SEAL who used to be named Chris, made a splash in the media Wednesday after President Donald Trump announced he would bar transgender people from serving in the military.

"Let's meet face to face and you tell me I'm not worthy," Beck told Business Insider. "Transgender doesn't matter. Do your service."

So, he was suicidal in combat?

That's not good. How much danger did his reckless behavior put his comrades in?

I hope he did not get any of them killed.
He's clearly mentally ill. Challenging a 71 year old man to a fight doesn't make you any less mentally ill.
A verbal altercation would be nice to see on television between Trump and Kris.

As Trump is a professional at that, you could only want that if you were planning to pretend that something about Kris made him untouchable.

Which is bullshit.
Trump is NOT professional. He is a charlatan who can't even believe he is president. A draft dodging pussy like Trump would pee his pants if he had to be on stage with Kris. How dare he say who can or cannot serve when he had the chance to serve his country and wouldn't?

He is getting a paycheck based on his ability to handle that type of confrontation. And his winning against 16 primary opponents and then Hillary, shows that he is world class at it.

There is NO WAY, that you would want a representative of yours going up against him, unless you are planning ahead of time to declare said rep to be "untouchable" for some bullshit reason.

And then can gin up "outrage" over the fact that Trump crushed your boy, like the little girl he wants to be.

Chris Beck was a fearless Navy SEAL, one could even say reckless. "Come out motherf---er!" he would shout to the Taliban as he charged into the caves of Afghanistan. But there was a reason for this. He had been suppressing who he wanted to be for years, which sometimes made him run headlong towards a possible death.

Kristin Beck, a transgender retired Navy SEAL who used to be named Chris, made a splash in the media Wednesday after President Donald Trump announced he would bar transgender people from serving in the military.

"Let's meet face to face and you tell me I'm not worthy," Beck told Business Insider. "Transgender doesn't matter. Do your service."

He/she/it, was not transgender when it was in the Seals. It has a mental problem and is not worthy of being in the military anymore. I'll tell that to his face. Let him hit me and I'll sue his psycho ass.
How sad. Someone who, by accounts, as a great and heroic man, had himself chemically- and surgically-mutilated in a vain attempt to renounce his manhood, and now he's trying to claim it back by challenging the President.

I'm sure that LIbErals will love this sick freak.
Personally, I'm not an advocate of transgenderism. However, an American hero of any stripe deserves praise from all of us. And she was one of the very best. Can you do what she did? Can you pass the test to get into the Navy Seals? Keep in mind that very few can.

I could NOT be suicidal while my comrades are depending on me.
I haven't heard that he ever let his friends down in combat!!

Maybe they were lucky, and despite this guys problems, none of them ever paid a price for it.

I certainly hope that is the case.

Regardless, if the op is correct, it supports the case AGAINST such people in the service.

The op does not support the case AGAINST such people in the service. Are you talking about Chris or Kris? If it's Chris, no one would ever know. Kris, as an open TG would never have joined the military during the era she served as Chris. But, since 2010, openly TG folks have been allowed to join; and, there has not been any serious backlash reported among the troops as a result.

The op claims he was suicidal during combat.

If true, that is the end of the debate. HE should not have been there.

IF he never got any of his comrades hurt or killed with his reckless suicidal behavior, that is a good thing, but not the type of chance that we want to subject our men to.
So, he was suicidal in combat?

That's not good. How much danger did his reckless behavior put his comrades in?

I hope he did not get any of them killed.
He's clearly mentally ill. Challenging a 71 year old man to a fight doesn't make you any less mentally ill.
A verbal altercation would be nice to see on television between Trump and Kris.

As Trump is a professional at that, you could only want that if you were planning to pretend that something about Kris made him untouchable.

Which is bullshit.
Trump is NOT professional. He is a charlatan who can't even believe he is president. A draft dodging pussy like Trump would pee his pants if he had to be on stage with Kris. How dare he say who can or cannot serve when he had the chance to serve his country and wouldn't?

He is getting a paycheck based on his ability to handle that type of confrontation. And his winning against 16 primary opponents and then Hillary, shows that he is world class at it.

There is NO WAY, that you would want a representative of yours going up against him, unless you are planning ahead of time to declare said rep to be "untouchable" for some bullshit reason.

And then can gin up "outrage" over the fact that Trump crushed your boy, like the little girl he wants to be.

The Trump campaign was a circus from start to finish. He didn't even expect to win but the media kept giving him far more air time than they did his competitors. Hie took advantage of that by providing entertainment instead of substance. Along the way, his stupidity proved to be right in line with the majority of RW white males who were still seething over Obama's 8 year tenure as president. As one of the the chief "birthers" and critics of Obama, Trump became an infallible icon who would "make America Great White again."
Had the media playing field been even, Trump wouldn't have made it past the GOP primaries....just sayiin'

Chris Beck was a fearless Navy SEAL, one could even say reckless. "Come out motherf---er!" he would shout to the Taliban as he charged into the caves of Afghanistan. But there was a reason for this. He had been suppressing who he wanted to be for years, which sometimes made him run headlong towards a possible death.

Kristin Beck, a transgender retired Navy SEAL who used to be named Chris, made a splash in the media Wednesday after President Donald Trump announced he would bar transgender people from serving in the military.

"Let's meet face to face and you tell me I'm not worthy," Beck told Business Insider. "Transgender doesn't matter. Do your service."

He/she/it, was not transgender when it was in the Seals. It has a mental problem and is not worthy of being in the military anymore. I'll tell that to his face. Let him hit me and I'll sue his psycho ass.
If he has a mental problem now he had it when he was in service. But you don't object to his being in service as long as he didn't undergo the critical surgery.
It is the actual sex change that you have a problem with, not the mental state...RIGHT?

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