Transgender Flight Attendant Who Starred in United Airlines Commercial Dead at 25 in Apparent Suicide

So you are hanging your hat on what some tranny MPH has to say?

Good catch. Though it's not exactly clear that this Diana Tordoff is a tranny, but it doesn't take much Googling to see that “she” comes at this with a pre-established bias.

From “Her” own web site

Diana Tordoff, PhD, MPH is a Postdoctoral Scholar with The PRIDE Study at Stanford University’s School of Medicine. Dr. Tordoff received her PhD and MPH in Epidemiology at the University of Washington and received the NIH Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award Individual Predoctoral Fellowship (F31) for her doctoral dissertation. She received a BA with honors in Mathematics and Economics from Vassar College. Dr. Tordoff has over ten years experience working with LGBTQ communities. Her research interests include:
  • Queer and transgender health equity;
  • Sexual health and HIV/STI prevention;
  • Phylogenetics and molecular epidemiology; and,
  • Community-based participatory research methods.

This wouldn't be the first time that Coyote has been caught citing a “scholarly” article written by a fucked-up freak with an obvious bias.

See, also: Another Anti-Drag Lawmaker Caught in Drag Himself
Kayleigh Scott, who was named Kyle before transitioning, was found dead Monday in a Denver, Colorado, apartment after posting on Instagram earlier in the day the intent to commit suicide, according to a TMZ report.

In 2020, Kayleigh Scott received national exposure by starring in a United Airlines commercial that focused on Scott’s transition from a man to a woman. “I am trans and I am proud,” Scott said.

Transgender Flight Attendant Who Starred in United Airlines Commercial Dead at 25 in Apparent Suicide

Unfortunately suicide is common with mental illness. It's more common when said illness is untreated or enabled and treated improperly for profit.

If society gave him help for his mental illness, instead of celebrating it, perhaps this outcome could have been avoided.

Maybe you so-called normies should stop persecuting people so they don't commit suicide.

That is a simplistic view of suicide, it is much more complicated and he seemed to have been accepted by his company and he was supported. When a person is unhappy with who they are and they find what they believe is the solution and it doesn’t make them happy, suicide can be a result. Suicide is not about acceptance, it is a about being in a very dark place and seeing no other way out, to believe that it is just because of not being accepted is simplistic.
About 40% of trannies commit suicide. That's just how it is. It's something I've known since the 80s.
About 40% of trannies commit suicide. That's just how it is. It's something I've known since the 80s.

And, of course, the 40% in the 80s was 40% of a TINY number. How that the state school system is encouraging it, those numbers have exploded.
mmm….no. The post is about a person, with a mental illness that has a high mortality rate, who died despite treatment, and you are celebrating it.

The “treatment” that he received was to pander to his insane delusions, to the point of mutilating his body in a futile attempt to force it to conform to his delusions, to make him a minor celebrity on the basis of his delusions. Even to make him the start of a commercial, celebrating his madness.

Nothing at all done to actually treat the underlying mental illness, nor even to recognize it for what it clearly was.

And this is the result of that treatment. He's dead.
What category will OP's subject will fall under? Men or women?
Trick question. There is no such thing as sex or gender except for limited purposes … like international Women’s Day, Title IX and period pads in the boys’ locker rooms and bathrooms.
The leftists pushing this are our modern-day Pharisees standing on the street corner screaming to all the world "Look at ME! Aren't I virtuous!". There is nothing at all behind it, though.
It's really just all about appearances and feeding their own ego.

Except that the Pharisees were not proclaiming their ersatz virtue based on harm that they were actively and willfully causing to others.
Two tragically disappointed guys walked out of the strip joint and one asked the other, “Did ya see the dick on that last one?”

They both cried a little.

The end.
If we had followed rightist science at the time, more would be dead.

We cannot know that. Perhaps this guy was doomed to off himself, no matter what was done to try to help him.

We can know that he got the very best possible version of your side's idea of “treatment”, and we can very clearly see what the result thereof was.

It would certainly be a difficult argument to make that any different course of treatment would have produced a worse result than what your treatment produced.
Except that the Pharisees were not proclaiming their ersatz virtue based on harm that they were actively and willfully causing to others.
This is true.

I think, though, that it is important to address the entire scop of this phenomenon, as it isn't one person committing suicide but an entire SYSTEM creating it that now consists of layers of adults identifying children at the earliest ages imaginable, reinforcing ideas in their head that they are the wrong gender, providing them extra nurturing to confirm the gender to which they were not born and none of it done for the child's sake, but for the adult's.
Oh? So your “science” is based on a combination of dislike for transgender people combined with the fact that some still end up committing suicide despite treatment. How scientific.

No, our science is based on actual science, and not, as your “science” is, on the insane delusions of fucked -up mental cases, nor on trying to pander thereto.
so again, you fail to prove that trans people are mentally ill

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof. It is obvious to any sane person that someone who sincerely believes himself to be something that he clearly is not—for example, a man that believes himself to be a woman—is mentally ill.

To claim that such a person is not mentally ill would be an extraordinary claim, and it would be on you to prove it with extraordinary proof. And you cannot muster even ordinary proof, much less the extraordinarily level required in this case, to support your premise.
You are on record as referring to a three year old boy as being a girl…

The motive there is very obvious. A sexually-confused little boy, groomed that way from a very young age, artificially stunted with puberty blockers, is the perfect foundation on which to build the perfect bacha bāzī.

We don't know anyone who is likely to want such a bacha bāzī for his own use, do we?
The motive there is very obvious. A sexually-confused little boy, groomed that way from a very young age, artificially stunted with puberty blockers, is the perfect foundation on which to build the perfect bacha bāzī.

We don't know anyone who is likely to want such a bacha bāzī for his own use, do we?
It is all about getting to the most vulnerable and impressionable.
Have you noticed that the two posters here who DON'T have children are the chief proponents of turning other people's children into transexuals [sic]?

Beyond that, both of them, in other contexts have also argued staunchly in defense of various forms of sexual abuse against children.

It is clear on which side they both stand, and it is not on the side of actual human beings.
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof. It is obvious to any sane person that someone who sincerely believes himself to be something that he clearly is not—for example, a man that believes himself to be a woman—is mentally ill.

To claim that such a person is not mentally ill would be an extraordinary claim, and it would be on you to prove it with extraordinary proof. And you cannot muster even ordinary proof, much less the extraordinarily level required in this case, to support your premise.
I don’t think these men literally think they’re women. They’re well aware they were born biological men.

They’re men who want to be women and, in their heads, feel they have a woman’s brain. Or soul. Or whatever. And if they’re of age, let them.

In the case of children, I think kids absolutely do *not* have the ability to “know” this. I am convinced the recent surge in trans-ism in kids is due to normal adolescent desires to rebel, to be different, to shock their parents and simply to be dramatic and emotional when people “mis-gender” or “dead-name” them.

They see all the other trans-kids get to pick new names and get all that attention and they want in, whether they’re really trans or not.

As for adults, let them get the surgery and take the hormones if they want. I don’t get why any man would want to be an ugly woman, but hey it’s a free country.
Relevant reading...

A recent study indicated that 42% of the Gen Z demograph had been diagnosed with a mental health condition. That's tens of millions of people.

https:[slash slash]www.harmonyhit[dot]com/state-of-gen-z-mental-health/

The site linked in your post appears to be a malware site. At least MalwareBytes thinks it is.

I always kind of wonder what the endgame-plan ever was for people who commit to full gender reassignment.

In the case of MTF, they almost never really look anything like actual women. Gay men, lesbians and straight men are all not interested in them. I suppose there’s a niche of people (men?) who have a sexual fetish for trans women, but that’s hardly the basis for a relationship.

And are they really “living as women” anyway? People might be kind and polite and indulge them, and their friends and family might stick by them, but I doubt very much that any of them really looks at them as women.

And then there’s the fact that so many of them have tragic endings to their lives, like this flight attendant. Yeah, you could argue it’s from social persecution, but I suspect it’s more that their “new” lives aren’t what they thought it would be.

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