Transgender Flight Attendant Who Starred in United Airlines Commercial Dead at 25 in Apparent Suicide

Well we see where "following the science" as concocted by the leftists got us with the covid.....I need not go into detail but suffice it to say it was a cluster-fuck.

If we had followed rightist science at the time, more would be dead.

So it follows that enabling the mentally ill under the guise of some kind of faux gender altering "treatment" pushed by leftists is no different.

Oh? So your “science” is based on a combination of dislike for transgender people combined with the fact that some still end up committing suicide despite treatment. How scientific.

Thus far transition (even just social and hormones) seem to be the method with the most counting results.

After everything that dude was still a dude with mental issues that got so bad where he off-ed himself......No sensible person can square that except maybe the bean counters at the facilities that profited off of it where he was mangled for life.....Those procedures are cash up front.
I seriously doubt that it is very profitable. Got any data supporting that?
Kayleigh Scott, who was named Kyle before transitioning, was found dead Monday in a Denver, Colorado, apartment after posting on Instagram earlier in the day the intent to commit suicide, according to a TMZ report.

In 2020, Kayleigh Scott received national exposure by starring in a United Airlines commercial that focused on Scott’s transition from a man to a woman. “I am trans and I am proud,” Scott said.

Transgender Flight Attendant Who Starred in United Airlines Commercial Dead at 25 in Apparent Suicide

Unfortunately suicide is common with mental illness. It's more common when said illness is untreated or enabled and treated improperly for profit.

If society gave him help for his mental illness, instead of celebrating it, perhaps this outcome could have been avoided.
Here is something else for you to chew on. Less than half of people who kill themselves are mentally again, you fail to prove that trans people are mentally ill

Look you fucking troll. Contribute something to the topic or shut the fuck up!
I have already contributed to the subject.

You are on record as referring to a three year old boy as being a girl, and that is CENTRAL to this very fad.

Adults are confirming transexualism in little children WAY too early in the poor kid's lives and it messes them up so badly that suicides such as this one are often a byproduct.

Here is something else for you to chew on. Less than half of people who kill themselves are mentally again, you fail to prove that trans people are mentally ill

Tell me how one knows they are in the body of a different sex having never been in said body.

Sorry, not possible.

The definition of mental illness.

And a medical doctor cannot cure a mental illness.
Tell me how one knows they are in the body of a different sex having never been in said body.

Sorry, not possible.

The definition of mental illness.

And a medical doctor cannot cure a mental illness.
Have you noticed that the two posters here who DON'T have children are the chief proponents of turning other people's children into transexuals?
If we had followed rightist science at the time, more would be dead.

Oh? So your “science” is based on a combination of dislike for transgender people combined with the fact that some still end up committing suicide despite treatment. How scientific.

Thus far transition (even just social and hormones) seem to be the method with the most counting results.

I seriously doubt that it is very profitable. Got any data supporting that?

The following should actually scare you....The fact that such a report (and many more like it) is even available shows that the medical community is all in on the whole thing. After all there not a lot of things out there that can show a 11.23% growth potential. It's sick.


Have you noticed that the two posters here who DON'T have children are the chief proponents of turning other people's children into transexuals?

My favorite lefty is the one that brings up the Priest and Boyscouts child abuse cases. Both were done by homosexuals.

They keep destroying their own arguments.

It is entertaining
My favorite lefty is the one that brings up the Priest and Boyscouts child abuse cases. Both were done by homosexuals.

They keep destroying their own arguments.

It is entertaining

That one states quite openly that it wants to turn all children into bisexuals.
Just looking at some of the leftist responses they sure seem overly invested in the whole sex change thing.....Maybe they are really invested in it.....After all a 11.23 growth potential is nothing to sneeze at.

Boston Children’s Hospital’s transgender insanity reveals how unhinged elites make money off our kids
.....and calling people "groomers" if they oppose turning 3 year olds ino transexuals.

Of course, that is only against the rules here when applied to the ACTUAL groomers.
Relevant reading...

A recent study indicated that 42% of the Gen Z demograph had been diagnosed with a mental health condition. That's tens of millions of people.

Just looking at some of the leftist responses they sure seem overly invested in the whole sex change thing.....Maybe they are really invested in it.....After all a 11.23 growth potential is nothing to sneeze at.

Boston Children’s Hospital’s transgender insanity reveals how unhinged elites make money off our kids
And when you factor in this movement to take children from their homes once the state has turned them into a transexual, you have all the makings of a truly dystopian society.
Somebody should have warned him...............Too late now though.
Someone et al should have told him many times the following adage, "wherever you go there you are." Get mental help first and become happy or content and THEN make your choices.
The following should actually scare you....The fact that such a report (and many more like it) is even available shows that the medical community is all in on the whole thing. After all there not a lot of things out there that can show a 11.23% growth potential. It's sick.


Coyote does not have children. She does not think like a parent nor have the maternal and emotional bond to a child as does a parent. She only has a political agenda. That agenda invests all power in the state and none in the individual, so she supports an all powerful state OWNING people's children.

The entire thrust behind the transexual cult involves divorcing children from the family structure and replacing all the associated bonds with a bond to the state. What better way than getting to young children, convincing them they were born to the wrong gender, making sure they do not tell their parents and then using the power of the state to harass the parents if they object?
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Coyote does not have children. She does not think like a parent nor have the maternal and emotional bond to a child as does a parent. She only has a political agenda. That agenda invests all power in the state and none in the individual, so she supports an all powerful state OWNING people's children.

The entire thrust behind the transexual cult involves divorcing children from the family structure and replacing all the associated bonds with a bond to the state. What better way than getting to young children, convincing them they were born to the wrong gender, making sure they do not tell their parents and then using the power of the state to harass the parents if they object?

I found it very telling when she claimed ignorance of the profit potential around the medical profession preying upon the weak-minded.

I'm so jaded that nothing much surprises me these days but when you see something like that in black and white it's abhorrent.

And I thought that woman that gave a seminar on the profit potential of trans surgery was the end-all of depravity. That was just the tip.

Take a dive into the various gender altering "services" being made available to the weak-minded and it will curl your toes. Evil incarnate is sitting-up shop right in your local hospital.
I found it very telling when she claimed ignorance of the profit potential around the medical profession preying upon the weak-minded.

I'm so jaded that nothing much surprises me these days but when you see something like that in black and white it's abhorrent.

And I thought that woman that gave a seminar on the profit potential of trans surgery was the end-all of depravity. That was just the tip.

Take a dive into the various gender altering "services" being made available to the weak-minded and it will curl your toes. Evil incarnate is sitting-up shop right in your local hospital.
The profit potential is such that I have to wonder if various school boards are receiving kickbacks for producing transgender children.

Since this whole new tranny cult is centered around getting at children - unmistakenly so - it does bring up a lot of questions. "Follow the money" is always good advice.
Fact is, you pretend you care but you aren’t fooling anyone. You certainly didn’t care about suicide before. They are just your latest political pawns in a culture war designed to erase anyone who isn’t of your politically correct gender identity from the cultural landscape. You have no alternative treatments that show an equal or better rate of success do you?
No wonder Amazon is short on torches and pitchforks.

You don't give a shit about this guy, either, nor about any others who will be driven to the same fate.

To you, all he is, or ever was, is a martyr for the insane and evil agenda that you are intent on pushing. Another sacrifice on the alter of your Satanic cult of sexual degeneracy, nothing more.

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