Transgender girl will not attend her high school graduation after Mississippi judge denies request for her to wear a dress

No you are not correct. That trannie is telling the school that they have to accept who he thinks he is.
Nope. The transgendered individual merely wants to wear what they want to wear. It requires no acceptance on your part.

You just don’t get to tell them what to do. It’s that simple.
Nor is there a logical reason to say no hats in the hallways at school, no chewing gum in class, no cake in the cafeteria, no pens to do math, or thousands of other rules that schools have.

Hats in the hallway can hide your identity, chewing gum gets put on chairs or the floor and is very hard to clean up, math requires regular correcting and it one cannot erase a pen.

FWIW, there is a very logical reason to not allow biological males in girls and women's privacy spaces and in their sports. But the people who express concern about a dude not allowed to disguise himself as a girl never seem to have concerns about women's privacy or fairness in athletics.

I agree 100% there are very logical reasons to not allow biological males in girls and women's privacy spaces and in their sports, yet see no reason a dude cannot wear a dress. I enjoy being the exception.
We are talking about a transgender Girl
denoting or relating to a person whose gender identity does not correspond with the sex registered for them at birth.
so yeah he transitioned to a girl (she)
So yeah what? He can have children? Hysterectomy? Miscarriage?
He's a dude that is pretending to be something he's not.
The transgendered student isn’t trying to tell anyone what to wear to graduation.
They are demanding that other students deny reality and call them a gender they are not.

In countless schools across the land, these same Orwellian demands are backed up by jack booted School boards and school administrations.
The transgendered student isn’t trying to tell anyone what to wear to graduation.
So you Moon Bats are fine with students wearing Confederate flag shirts, even if it pisses the Negroes off? Glad to hear that. The students should embrace history.
Transgender derangement syndrome.

It’s a mental illness where you feel threatened and persecuted because of the presence of transgendered people.
Whatevs. These people are mentally ill and can mostly be pitied. Those like you are just hateful. Most Americans, even good ole boys down south (like myself) don't care what others do in their bedrooms or how they dress or think of themselves.
The line gets drawn when they demand the right to indoctrinate or physically mutilate CHILDREN. This young person could have worn anything he wanted to under that gown and no one in the school administration could have done a thing about it. He CHOSE to make a public fight. Why? Likely for money or fame.
So you Moon Bats are fine with students wearing Confederate flag shirts, even if it pisses the Negroes off? Glad to hear that. The students should embrace history.
At no point in time did I say that you can wear whatever you want.

Just that if you let one person wear something, you let others wear it too.

But thanks for reminding us all of your deep seated racism.

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