Transgender issue backfires on women

God wanted me to be a woman I am happy like that

Why go against God wishes?

That is awesome. Now, imagine how it would be if you were not happy. What if you felt out of place? What if you felt grossly uncomfortable? What if you truly identify with masculinity?

Unfortunately everyone is not happens. Perhaps you should read some books about is real....and not as simple as going against God.
Then be a masculine woman. Problem solved.

Dear JoeMoma
of course, they will naturally keep some of their masculine traits they were born with. That's not the point, it's not just external appearance.

The point is the choice depends on the person, not on outside society
dictating for them.

You decide for yourself how you want to express yourself and live your life. And these people face a challenging struggle to accept and deal with who they are. It's not for us to dictate that for them.

(and likewise, neither should they dictate policy for anyone else either for the same reasons. respect for each person's beliefs and choice should be mutual, not forced one way or the other, especially NOT by govt where subjective BELIEFS are involved that are personal choices)
God wanted me to be a woman I am happy like that

Why go against God wishes?

That is awesome. Now, imagine how it would be if you were not happy. What if you felt out of place? What if you felt grossly uncomfortable? What if you truly identify with masculinity?

Unfortunately everyone is not happens. Perhaps you should read some books about is real....and not as simple as going against God.
You sound as stupid as a bag of hammers

Really Rustic?

Have you ever had a friend go through transgender issues?
Do you have any idea what it's like for someone with a female
personality or soul to be born in a male body and have to come
to terms with society's expectations and rules on gender?

I had a friend come out ONLINE when I didn't quite understand it either.
This person admitted feeling constant suppressed resentment over
having to put up with all the male things that society expected of men.
Didn't see it as a choice, but hated it. Was married and totally repressed.

When we started talking about the Bible and whether Christianity judged people for cross dressing and not respecting male/female roles as etched in stone, I said it was more about spiritual gender. We "the people in society ie humanity" are ALL the body or "Bride" of Christ or the "female in the relationship" submitting to universal law or truth that the "male figure or Lord" is used to symbolize. I said it didn't have to be rigid male/female roles but we all serve as helpmeets sometimes, and other times we serve as leaders/teachers and the male "authority" roles.
It depends on the spirit.

Well my friend ended up coming out admitting "he" had always FELT FEMALE, so I started to talk to HER as a HER, calling her "girlfriend" and "goddess" and assuring her she was a beautiful soul inside.

And before either of us knew it, SHE came out as one of these transgender personalities born in the opposite body and hating it for 23 years until finally confronting this and deciding to let it go and start over.

Now this is one of my happier friends who truly did find liberation by making the transition and deciding to express and live as female. And not live a lie trying to act male if that just DIDN'T FIT personality wise.

I have another friend who is transgender who feels terribly alienated and betrayed by society, and is hurt and insulted when called by the opposite pronoun etc. This friend is happier being called a monster by Christians than trying to deal with someone like me who doesn't see either side of the LGBT issues "as being monsters". Sometimes it's easier to demonize people and rationalize the hostility than it is to make peace.

So if you look at what Joanimaroni said, this is very fair and including some of what both sides feel about this. This is on the side of bridging the gap in understanding in order to make peace with these issues.

Not stupid at all Rustic but shows a greater understanding of how deep these issues really go. I disagree with you and think the opposite!
Transgender issues people are sick.

Be GLAD you don't have these problems SmokeALib
Be GLAD you are normal and hopefully able to have healthy compassion for others less fortunate than yourself.
God wanted me to be a woman I am happy like that

Why go against God wishes?

That is awesome. Now, imagine how it would be if you were not happy. What if you felt out of place? What if you felt grossly uncomfortable? What if you truly identify with masculinity?

Unfortunately everyone is not happens. Perhaps you should read some books about is real....and not as simple as going against God.
You sound as stupid as a bag of hammers

Really Rustic?

Have you ever had a friend go through transgender issues?
Do you have any idea what it's like for someone with a female
personality or soul to be born in a male body and have to come
to terms with society's expectations and rules on gender?

I had a friend come out ONLINE when I didn't quite understand it either.
This person admitted feeling constant suppressed resentment over
having to put up with all the male things that society expected of men.
Didn't see it as a choice, but hated it. Was married and totally repressed.

When we started talking about the Bible and whether Christianity judged people for cross dressing and not respecting male/female roles as etched in stone, I said it was more about spiritual gender. We "the people in society ie humanity" are ALL the body or "Bride" of Christ or the "female in the relationship" submitting to universal law or truth that the "male figure or Lord" is used to symbolize. I said it didn't have to be rigid male/female roles but we all serve as helpmeets sometimes, and other times we serve as leaders/teachers and the male "authority" roles.
It depends on the spirit.

Well my friend ended up coming out admitting "he" had always FELT FEMALE, so I started to talk to HER as a HER, calling her "girlfriend" and "goddess" and assuring her she was a beautiful soul inside.

And before either of us knew it, SHE came out as one of these transgender personalities born in the opposite body and hating it for 23 years until finally confronting this and deciding to let it go and start over.

Now this is one of my happier friends who truly did find liberation by making the transition and deciding to express and live as female. And not live a lie trying to act male if that just DIDN'T FIT personality wise.

I have another friend who is transgender who feels terribly alienated and betrayed by society, and is hurt and insulted when called by the opposite pronoun etc. This friend is happier being called a monster by Christians than trying to deal with someone like me who doesn't see either side of the LGBT issues "as being monsters". Sometimes it's easier to demonize people and rationalize the hostility than it is to make peace.

So if you look at what Joanimaroni said, this is very fair and including some of what both sides feel about this. This is on the side of bridging the gap in understanding in order to make peace with these issues.

Not stupid at all Rustic but shows a greater understanding of how deep these issues really go. I disagree with you and think the opposite!

Thank you for sharing. Transgender is not an act, it is not to get attention or publicity!

How would you feel if you had a child that was in the middle of a horrible gender crisis? Struggling daily to feel comfortable? It is not something you can talk them out of or beat it out of or humiliate them out really isn't.
God wanted me to be a woman I am happy like that

Why go against God wishes?

That is awesome. Now, imagine how it would be if you were not happy. What if you felt out of place? What if you felt grossly uncomfortable? What if you truly identify with masculinity?

Unfortunately everyone is not happens. Perhaps you should read some books about is real....and not as simple as going against God.
You sound as stupid as a bag of hammers

Really Rustic?

Have you ever had a friend go through transgender issues?
Do you have any idea what it's like for someone with a female
personality or soul to be born in a male body and have to come
to terms with society's expectations and rules on gender?

I had a friend come out ONLINE when I didn't quite understand it either.
This person admitted feeling constant suppressed resentment over
having to put up with all the male things that society expected of men.
Didn't see it as a choice, but hated it. Was married and totally repressed.

When we started talking about the Bible and whether Christianity judged people for cross dressing and not respecting male/female roles as etched in stone, I said it was more about spiritual gender. We "the people in society ie humanity" are ALL the body or "Bride" of Christ or the "female in the relationship" submitting to universal law or truth that the "male figure or Lord" is used to symbolize. I said it didn't have to be rigid male/female roles but we all serve as helpmeets sometimes, and other times we serve as leaders/teachers and the male "authority" roles.
It depends on the spirit.

Well my friend ended up coming out admitting "he" had always FELT FEMALE, so I started to talk to HER as a HER, calling her "girlfriend" and "goddess" and assuring her she was a beautiful soul inside.

And before either of us knew it, SHE came out as one of these transgender personalities born in the opposite body and hating it for 23 years until finally confronting this and deciding to let it go and start over.

Now this is one of my happier friends who truly did find liberation by making the transition and deciding to express and live as female. And not live a lie trying to act male if that just DIDN'T FIT personality wise.

I have another friend who is transgender who feels terribly alienated and betrayed by society, and is hurt and insulted when called by the opposite pronoun etc. This friend is happier being called a monster by Christians than trying to deal with someone like me who doesn't see either side of the LGBT issues "as being monsters". Sometimes it's easier to demonize people and rationalize the hostility than it is to make peace.

So if you look at what Joanimaroni said, this is very fair and including some of what both sides feel about this. This is on the side of bridging the gap in understanding in order to make peace with these issues.

Not stupid at all Rustic but shows a greater understanding of how deep these issues really go. I disagree with you and think the opposite!

Thank you for sharing. Transgender is not an act, it is not to get attention or publicity!

How would you feel if you had a child that was in the middle of a horrible gender crisis? Struggling daily to feel comfortable? It is not something you can talk them out of or beat it out of or humiliate them out really isn't.

Thank you Joanimaroni
What's ironic is I was trying to help my friend not feel resentful or rejecting of Christianity as judgmental when I understood it as inclusive and healing.

What was healing to my friend was coming out and embracing HER true identity and going with that. I couldn't see what was going on across the ocean linked only by computers and internet. But the reports from family and friends was "why was Ian suddenly so happy" where they had NEVER seen such joy and happiness before, only suppressed sullenness. But Ian had literally become a new person, and when someone you love is suddenly so happy and RELIEVED to be free to be themselves, you can't help but be happy for that person!

When I describe the process of spiritual healing to people who aren't familiar with it and don't know it's real, I explain that it works the same whether someone comes out as gay, straight, transgender, etc. The point is to FORGIVE any past issues or conflicts that led up to that point, and to be free to restore and accept their natural born self. Regardless what that turns out to be. They are set free.

I thought I was just encouraging a friend to let go of guilt, judgment and rejection and to feel free and unconditional spiritually, not bogged down by resentment. But I didn't expect that person to "let go" to the point of coming out completely which I didn't foresee.

We even shared a joke afterwards, when Ian came out to rather conservative parents about transitioning to female. Ian's mother asked if this could please wait until after a certain sister's upcoming wedding, so they didn't have to explain to everyone. So we joked about the stress this was putting on their poor mother: instead of losing a daughter and gaining a son, she was losing a son and gaining a daughter!
God wanted me to be a woman I am happy like that

Why go against God wishes?

That is awesome. Now, imagine how it would be if you were not happy. What if you felt out of place? What if you felt grossly uncomfortable? What if you truly identify with masculinity?

Unfortunately everyone is not happens. Perhaps you should read some books about is real....and not as simple as going against God.

No point arguing with that one. She doesn't have anything against trannies. She's just steering the herd.
The transgender movement is ridiculous! They are even fooling children because they are not realists. It's a promoted lifestyle with a sorry excuse. Get help with your delusion, don't expect everyone to play along.

I'm a black man but, can I be a white female if I choose. Sure I can, in fact since I like women I'll just be a white lesbian women. I can change my race and gender and get all the hot lesbians I want right?
The transgender movement is ridiculous! They are even fooling children because they are not realists. It's a promoted lifestyle with a sorry excuse. Get help with your delusion, don't expect everyone to play along.

I'm a black man but, can I be a white female if I choose. Sure I can, in fact since I like women I'll just be a white lesbian women. I can change my race and gender and get all the hot lesbians I want right?

How enlightening....I never realized it was all about sex!

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