Transgender kids should allowed to play sports like all other children!!!

The point is that it established a biological explaination for the very compelling beliefs that some people have that they are not the gender that they were assigned at birth. The haste of your response indictes to me that you didn't bother to read the whole post, and my guess is that you are too incurious and intellectually limited to allow yourself to be exposed to any information that challeges the faulty beliefs that you cling to inorder o justify your bigotry

Hard biology trumps the insane delusions of one who is fucked-up in the head. Always.

It truly takes a TheProgressivePatriot level of mentally- and morally-fucked-up to call insane delusions “science”.
Thank you for confirming that your reading comprehension level is sub first grade
Horseshit! That does not make any damned sense. You are ignoring what I said and just making some shit up. Again, you clearly did not read the post. Rather you just fire off some moronic knee jerrk [sic] response.

Thank you for confirming that your reading comprehension level is sub first grade

The problem is not with anyone's literacy in reading your post.

The problem is that your post is total bullshit. No mount of literacy on anyone's part can make a silk purse out of the sows' ears that you keep posting.
To all of you idiotic, paranoid , hysterical bigots. I am sick of your ignorant bullshit and will not have it anymore.

Common and reoccurring themes have been....

1.You insist that there is no biological basis for transgender/ gender dysphoria. "People are either mail or female and that is that". Yet you all ignore scientific information that has been posted here and on other threads that refutes what you claim. You either ignore it, or dismiss it as bull shit. You say that advocates for trans people are ignoring science, while that is exactly what you are doing.

2. You oppose trans girls from participating in girls sports, but ignore the fact -also documented here - that those trans girls are not boys and do not necessarily have superior streingth and ability to the cisgender girls

3. You stupidly conflate transgender issues with sexual orientation and show no sign that you have any knowledge of the complex inter-relationship between the two, or even understand that there is a difference. Tell me again who is denying science.

4. You deny that trans people have the right to identify as the gender that they believe themselves to be, but show no compassion or empathy towards them, and fail to acknowledge the pain and confusion that children experience. You offer not support or help and show no concern that your attitude is what drives these young people to self destructive behaviors . Yet you arrogantly assert YOUR right to identify as you choose.

5. The most egregious assertion is that there is somehow a connection between transgender and pedophilia. Are you people really that fucking stupid?? And don't bother replying with anything about the Drag Queen Story Hour . I have posted about that too. Do your fucking homework and try to understand the concept

My work is done here Fuck off, all of you
Horseshit! That does not make any damned sense. You are ignoring what I said and just making some shit up. Again, you clearly did not read the post. Rather you just fire off some moronic knee jerrk [sic] response.

Thank you for confirming that your reading comprehension level is sub first grade

The problem is not with anyone's literacy in reading your post.

The problem is that your post is total bullshit. No mount of literacy on anyone's part can make a silk purse out of the sows' ears that you keep posting.
I Beg to differ. You are willfully and pathetically ignorant and fearful of the truth that would undermine that basis of your bigotry
To all of you idiotic, paranoid , hysterical bigots. I am sick of your ignorant bullshit and will not have it anymore.

Feel free to leave this forum, then.

You're not going to convince sane people to embrace your batshit crazy and immoral and anti-scientific bullshit, no matter how much you scream and cry and throw a tantrum over it. If you insist on posting this crap, expect that sane people will continue to call it out for what it is.

Common and reoccurring themes have been....

1.You insist that there is no biological basis for transgender/ gender dysphoria. "People are either mail [sic] or female and that is that". Yet you all ignore scientific information that has been posted here and on other threads that refutes what you claim. You either ignore it, or dismiss it as bull shit. You say that advocates for trans people are ignoring science, while that is exactly what you are doing.

2. You oppose trans girls from participating in girls sports, but ignore the fact -also documented here - that those trans girls are not boys and do not necessarily have superior streingth [sic] and ability to the cisgender girls

3. You stupidly conflate transgender issues with sexual orientation and show no sign that you have any knowledge of the complex inter-relationship between the two, or even understand that there is a difference. Tell me again who is denying science.

4. You deny that trans people have the right to identify as the gender that they believe themselves to be, but show no compassion or empathy towards them, and fail to acknowledge the pain and confusion that children experience. You offer not support or help and show no concern that your attitude is what drives these young people to self destructive behaviors . Yet you arrogantly assert YOUR right to identify as you choose.

5. The most egregious assertion is that there is somehow a connection between transgender and pedophilia. Are you people really that fucking stupid?? And don't bother replying with anything about the Drag Queen Story Hour . I have posted about that too. Do your fucking homework and try to understand the concept

My work is done here Fuck off, all of you

Last edited:
To all of you idiotic, paranoid , hysterical bigots. I am sick of your ignorant bullshit and will not have it anymore.

Common and reoccurring themes have been....

1.You insist that there is no biological basis for transgender/ gender dysphoria. "People are either mail or female and that is that". Yet you all ignore scientific information that has been posted here and on other threads that refutes what you claim. You either ignore it, or dismiss it as bull shit. You say that advocates for trans people are ignoring science, while that is exactly what you are doing.

2. You oppose trans girls from participating in girls sports, but ignore the fact -also documented here - that those trans girls are not boys and do not necessarily have superior streingth and ability to the cisgender girls

3. You stupidly conflate transgender issues with sexual orientation and show no sign that you have any knowledge of the complex inter-relationship between the two, or even understand that there is a difference. Tell me again who is denying science.

4. You deny that trans people have the right to identify as the gender that they believe themselves to be, but show no compassion or empathy towards them, and fail to acknowledge the pain and confusion that children experience. You offer not support or help and show no concern that your attitude is what drives these young people to self destructive behaviors . Yet you arrogantly assert YOUR right to identify as you choose.

5. The most egregious assertion is that there is somehow a connection between transgender and pedophilia. Are you people really that fucking stupid?? And don't bother replying with anything about the Drag Queen Story Hour . I have posted about that too. Do your fucking homework and try to understand the concept

My work is done here Fuck off, all of you
First of all nobody gives a fuck how upset you are.

Second, you destroyed your own thread in the first sentence of point #1. Acknowledging that you crazies suffer from dysphoria negates all of your claims that trans men are actually women. You have admitted for all to see you’re a man with a mental disorder. Which actually should be a strong basis upon which to ban you from women’s sports or even tolerate your participation in any part of society. You’re a fucking lunatic in a dress.
To all of you idiotic, paranoid , hysterical bigots. I am sick of your ignorant bullshit and will not have it anymore.

Common and reoccurring themes have been....

1.You insist that there is no biological basis for transgender/ gender dysphoria. "People are either mail or female and that is that". Yet you all ignore scientific information that has been posted here and on other threads that refutes what you claim. You either ignore it, or dismiss it as bull shit. You say that advocates for trans people are ignoring science, while that is exactly what you are doing.

2. You oppose trans girls from participating in girls sports, but ignore the fact -also documented here - that those trans girls are not boys and do not necessarily have superior streingth and ability to the cisgender girls

3. You stupidly conflate transgender issues with sexual orientation and show no sign that you have any knowledge of the complex inter-relationship between the two, or even understand that there is a difference. Tell me again who is denying science.

4. You deny that trans people have the right to identify as the gender that they believe themselves to be, but show no compassion or empathy towards them, and fail to acknowledge the pain and confusion that children experience. You offer not support or help and show no concern that your attitude is what drives these young people to self destructive behaviors . Yet you arrogantly assert YOUR right to identify as you choose.

5. The most egregious assertion is that there is somehow a connection between transgender and pedophilia. Are you people really that fucking stupid?? And don't bother replying with anything about the Drag Queen Story Hour . I have posted about that too. Do your fucking homework and try to understand the concept

My work is done here Fuck off, all of you
Ok, but it's unfair to women to force them to compete against biological males. For this the only fair thing to do is have three gender categories and allow anyone who wants to, to compete in the third class.
To all of you idiotic, paranoid , hysterical bigots. I am sick of your ignorant bullshit and will not have it anymore.

Common and reoccurring themes have been....

1.You insist that there is no biological basis for transgender/ gender dysphoria. "People are either mail or female and that is that". Yet you all ignore scientific information that has been posted here and on other threads that refutes what you claim. You either ignore it, or dismiss it as bull shit. You say that advocates for trans people are ignoring science, while that is exactly what you are doing.

2. You oppose trans girls from participating in girls sports, but ignore the fact -also documented here - that those trans girls are not boys and do not necessarily have superior streingth and ability to the cisgender girls

3. You stupidly conflate transgender issues with sexual orientation and show no sign that you have any knowledge of the complex inter-relationship between the two, or even understand that there is a difference. Tell me again who is denying science.

4. You deny that trans people have the right to identify as the gender that they believe themselves to be, but show no compassion or empathy towards them, and fail to acknowledge the pain and confusion that children experience. You offer not support or help and show no concern that your attitude is what drives these young people to self destructive behaviors . Yet you arrogantly assert YOUR right to identify as you choose.

5. The most egregious assertion is that there is somehow a connection between transgender and pedophilia. Are you people really that fucking stupid?? And don't bother replying with anything about the Drag Queen Story Hour . I have posted about that too. Do your fucking homework and try to understand the concept

My work is done here Fuck off, all of you
Ok, but it's unfair to women to force them to compete against biological males. For this the only fair thing to do is have three gender categories and allow anyone who wants to, to compete in the third class.
Why should tax payers be footing the bill for a public schools lunacy? Male, Female, and what? mental cases?
To all of you idiotic, paranoid , hysterical bigots. I am sick of your ignorant bullshit and will not have it anymore.

Common and reoccurring themes have been....

1.You insist that there is no biological basis for transgender/ gender dysphoria. "People are either mail or female and that is that". Yet you all ignore scientific information that has been posted here and on other threads that refutes what you claim. You either ignore it, or dismiss it as bull shit. You say that advocates for trans people are ignoring science, while that is exactly what you are doing.

2. You oppose trans girls from participating in girls sports, but ignore the fact -also documented here - that those trans girls are not boys and do not necessarily have superior streingth and ability to the cisgender girls

3. You stupidly conflate transgender issues with sexual orientation and show no sign that you have any knowledge of the complex inter-relationship between the two, or even understand that there is a difference. Tell me again who is denying science.

4. You deny that trans people have the right to identify as the gender that they believe themselves to be, but show no compassion or empathy towards them, and fail to acknowledge the pain and confusion that children experience. You offer not support or help and show no concern that your attitude is what drives these young people to self destructive behaviors . Yet you arrogantly assert YOUR right to identify as you choose.

5. The most egregious assertion is that there is somehow a connection between transgender and pedophilia. Are you people really that fucking stupid?? And don't bother replying with anything about the Drag Queen Story Hour . I have posted about that too. Do your fucking homework and try to understand the concept

My work is done here Fuck off, all of you
Ok, but it's unfair to women to force them to compete against biological males. For this the only fair thing to do is have three gender categories and allow anyone who wants to, to compete in the third class.
Why should tax payers be footing the bill for a public schools lunacy? Male, Female, and what? mental cases?
IF we, the tax payer, have to pay for female sports to make it fair for females the argument can be made that we need to be fair to those who are neither male nor female. The only alternative is to make them all coed and if they want a specific sex'd sports team they need to be self sufficient, ie profitable.
but it's unfair to women to force them to compete against biological males. For this the only fair thing to do is have three gender categories and allow anyone who wants to, to compete in the third class.
These freaks are still males even after they cut off their penis and call themselves Suzy

If they want to compete in sports they should compete against other men
To all of you idiotic, paranoid , hysterical bigots. I am sick of your ignorant bullshit and will not have it anymore.

Common and reoccurring themes have been....

1.You insist that there is no biological basis for transgender/ gender dysphoria. "People are either mail or female and that is that". Yet you all ignore scientific information that has been posted here and on other threads that refutes what you claim. You either ignore it, or dismiss it as bull shit. You say that advocates for trans people are ignoring science, while that is exactly what you are doing.

2. You oppose trans girls from participating in girls sports, but ignore the fact -also documented here - that those trans girls are not boys and do not necessarily have superior strength and ability to the cisgender girls

3. You stupidly conflate transgender issues with sexual orientation and show no sign that you have any knowledge of the complex inter-relationship between the two, or even understand that there is a difference. Tell me again who is denying science.

4. You deny that trans people have the right to identify as the gender that they believe themselves to be, but show no compassion or empathy towards them, and fail to acknowledge the pain and confusion that children experience. You offer not support or help and show no concern that your attitude is what drives these young people to self destructive behaviors . Yet you arrogantly assert YOUR right to identify as you choose.

5. The most egregious assertion is that there is somehow a connection between transgender and pedophilia. Are you people really that fucking stupid?? And don't bother replying with anything about the Drag Queen Story Hour . I have posted about that too. Do your fucking homework and try to understand the concept

My work is done here Fuck off, all of you

1. Of course there can be a biological basis for transgender/ gender dysphoria. That has nothing to do with the main problem, which is how do you let this small minority compete in sports without harming the vast majority?

2. Here is your biggest problem. While some trans females may not have much of an illegal advantage, certainly some do. And it only takes one to ruin it for everyone. There can be no doubt that some trans girls have massive muscle, bone, lung, etc., capacity from the decade or more of illegal steroids. And you can't ignore that or else you have to let all women have access to the same steroids, which would actually be eliminating women's sports entirely, replacing it instead with some sort of steroid hybrid competition that would take its place.

3. I think it may be you who has transgender issues wrong. Since people are only concerned about their appearance in terms of sexual orientation, that likely is all that matters. If a person wants a particular appearance without it corresponding to what is attractive to the gender they want to attract for sex, then they are totally confused, wrong, and in need of therapy. No one should want an appearance so they can look in a mirror and appreciate it. Appearance is totally and completely just about attracting sexual partners, and anything else would be strangely narcissistic.

4. Children are irrelevant. There is no sexual orientation until puberty, in which case they are no longer children really. Nor do I see choice having much to do with it for anyone. Sexuality is mostly physical stimulation, not appearance, so there really is not such a great need to choose at all.

5. But I agree pedophilia is totally irrelevant. Pedophilia likely is an aversion to both sexes, and not a sexual orientation dysphoria.
To all of you idiotic, paranoid , hysterical bigots. I am sick of your ignorant bullshit and will not have it anymore.

Common and reoccurring themes have been....

1.You insist that there is no biological basis for transgender/ gender dysphoria. "People are either mail or female and that is that". Yet you all ignore scientific information that has been posted here and on other threads that refutes what you claim. You either ignore it, or dismiss it as bull shit. You say that advocates for trans people are ignoring science, while that is exactly what you are doing.

2. You oppose trans girls from participating in girls sports, but ignore the fact -also documented here - that those trans girls are not boys and do not necessarily have superior streingth and ability to the cisgender girls

3. You stupidly conflate transgender issues with sexual orientation and show no sign that you have any knowledge of the complex inter-relationship between the two, or even understand that there is a difference. Tell me again who is denying science.

4. You deny that trans people have the right to identify as the gender that they believe themselves to be, but show no compassion or empathy towards them, and fail to acknowledge the pain and confusion that children experience. You offer not support or help and show no concern that your attitude is what drives these young people to self destructive behaviors . Yet you arrogantly assert YOUR right to identify as you choose.

5. The most egregious assertion is that there is somehow a connection between transgender and pedophilia. Are you people really that fucking stupid?? And don't bother replying with anything about the Drag Queen Story Hour . I have posted about that too. Do your fucking homework and try to understand the concept

My work is done here Fuck off, all of you
Ok, but it's unfair to women to force them to compete against biological males. For this the only fair thing to do is have three gender categories and allow anyone who wants to, to compete in the third class.
Why should tax payers be footing the bill for a public schools lunacy? Male, Female, and what? mental cases?
IF we, the tax payer, have to pay for female sports to make it fair for females the argument can be made that we need to be fair to those who are neither male nor female. The only alternative is to make them all coed and if they want a specific sex'd sports team they need to be self sufficient, ie profitable.
No. We don’t need to do that at all. There are two genders. Period. End of discussion. We have decided the girls need some extra money they could never earn on their own and that’s fine. There’s no need to also fund unicorn leagues and men that can’t compete in their own group as well.

If you’re a man and can only beat women in sports that doesn’t make you a woman. It makes you a worthless fuck who shouldn’t be in sports at all.
By Megan Rapinoe

Can't ever recall a person with purple hair normal or stable.

Purple hair? Is that the depth of you intellectual ability to comment on this issue? Do you think that this is a big fucking joke? Is is possible that you do not understand that these trans children are human beings who are struggling with their gender identity and are desperate to fit in and to be accepted?

This whole issue about trans girls in women's sports is hysterical and bigoted bullshit just like the bathroom issue is hysterical and bigoted bullshit. In both cases, it is not about protecting anyone. It is about marginalizing and excluding those who are different.
Consider the fact that there is a wide variation in the size and physical abilities among both boys and girls. Consider the fact that some girls are larger and stronger than some boys. A trans girl will not necessarily have an advantage over a cisgender girl. If a trans girl cannot do sports with the girls because of fear of an unfair advantage, and cannot do sports with the boys.....because SHE is not a boy, where does she go?
If you people were really concerned about children, you would try to find solutions, How about considering weight classes as is already done in boxing and wrestling? Kids on a team, of any gender could be required to fall within certain physical parameters. But no, you don’t want to hear that shit because it undermines the basis of your bigotry. You just want too bitch and complain and make life as difficult as possible for these kids. Shame, shame, shame

I have to congratulate you, because generally speaking PROGS on this board are unable to write beyond one sentence that represents projection, parroting &/or out of context.

You're still full of shit though, ILMAO @ but but but some women are strong than men.
I will conggratulae you on some othes here when you show some interest in actually finding a working solution to the issue instead of talking the easy way out and banning all trans kids from all sports. I understand that it;s a difficult issue that there are no easy answers to,. but unlike you, I also understand that these are real human beings andwe have a duty to try to accomodate them and allow them to have the same opportunities as others

In America we have accommodation laws that require businesses to make reasonable accommodations for those that are handicapped, it does not displace those that don't have a handicapped and allows equality.

Allowing a male to compete with females in a female league does not allow equality, it is inequality at it's very core. Make sports leagues for transgenders, they can play and win on equal footing. Even Jenner realizes the massive advantage males have over females in sports.
There's no reason for tax-payers to pay for transgender sports in school. You'd need one for males ID as females & vise versa and they'd carry no interest anyway.
You are what you are born and not what you want to be gender wise
Boys are mostly bigger stronger and faster than girls

sweet and simple really
It’s become so stupid. A man who can’t compete with other men can simply decide they’re a woman and compete there? Fuck off faggot.
If a person is that confused then they have more important issues to address in their personal lives than sports. Next thing I’ll hear is there are Men’s Women’s, and transgender sports team’s? I for one am sick and tired of being told what I should do, think, and accept from the LBGT community.
Imagine having to bend the knee to freaks like THIS:

It is the equivalent of being forced to join in their mental illness. Not for this old man. These people really need to leave folks alone or at some point, they are going to wish they had.
If a person is that confused then they have more important issues to address in their personal lives than sports. Next thing I’ll hear is there are Men’s Women’s, and transgender sports team’s? I for one am sick and tired of being told what I should do, think, and accept from the LBGT community.
Imagine having to bend the knee to freaks like THIS:

It is the equivalent of being forced to join in their mental illness. Not for this old man. These people really need to leave folks alone or at some point, they are going to wish they had.

So lady like. Someone should have just started beating his ass.
I'd like to watch a totally transgender league of all professional sports.
They can all compete against whoever/whatever they want.

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