Transgender kids should allowed to play sports like all other children!!!

To all of you idiotic, paranoid , hysterical bigots. I am sick of your ignorant bullshit and will not have it anymore.

Common and reoccurring themes have been....

1.You insist that there is no biological basis for transgender/ gender dysphoria. "People are either mail or female and that is that". Yet you all ignore scientific information that has been posted here and on other threads that refutes what you claim. You either ignore it, or dismiss it as bull shit. You say that advocates for trans people are ignoring science, while that is exactly what you are doing.

2. You oppose trans girls from participating in girls sports, but ignore the fact -also documented here - that those trans girls are not boys and do not necessarily have superior streingth and ability to the cisgender girls

3. You stupidly conflate transgender issues with sexual orientation and show no sign that you have any knowledge of the complex inter-relationship between the two, or even understand that there is a difference. Tell me again who is denying science.

4. You deny that trans people have the right to identify as the gender that they believe themselves to be, but show no compassion or empathy towards them, and fail to acknowledge the pain and confusion that children experience. You offer not support or help and show no concern that your attitude is what drives these young people to self destructive behaviors . Yet you arrogantly assert YOUR right to identify as you choose.

5. The most egregious assertion is that there is somehow a connection between transgender and pedophilia. Are you people really that fucking stupid?? And don't bother replying with anything about the Drag Queen Story Hour . I have posted about that too. Do your fucking homework and try to understand the concept

My work is done here Fuck off, all of you
So now we have yet another species? They are referred to as "mails".
Why the fuck don't we see biological females insist on competing in male sports? It's always the other way around.
Why is that ASSHOLE?
How the hell did we end up as a society even discussing this stupid shit?

How low do we have to sink to even be discussing laws for men, women and other? There is no fucking other.

Because we're spoiled and the left constantly and always dips into lowest common denominators in an attempt to normalize them as they decay a dumbed down society for power & cash.

No, the point is that you're trying to use it as an excuse to marginalize women and push your agenda. Piss off.

Women are not even his primary target.

Take note of how many of his posts are about associating and attributing degenerate sexual perversions with children.

When he's advocating such pervasive evil and insanity, I think everything and everyone normal is the target.
By Megan Rapinoe

Can't ever recall a person with purple hair normal or stable.

Purple hair? Is that the depth of you intellectual ability to comment on this issue? Do you think that this is a big fucking joke? Is is possible that you do not understand that these trans children are human beings who are struggling with their gender identity and are desperate to fit in and to be accepted?

This whole issue about trans girls in women's sports is hysterical and bigoted bullshit just like the bathroom issue is hysterical and bigoted bullshit. In both cases, it is not about protecting anyone. It is about marginalizing and excluding those who are different.
Consider the fact that there is a wide variation in the size and physical abilities among both boys and girls. Consider the fact that some girls are larger and stronger than some boys. A trans girl will not necessarily have an advantage over a cisgender girl. If a trans girl cannot do sports with the girls because of fear of an unfair advantage, and cannot do sports with the boys.....because SHE is not a boy, where does she go?
If you people were really concerned about children, you would try to find solutions, How about considering weight classes as is already done in boxing and wrestling? Kids on a team, of any gender could be required to fall within certain physical parameters. But no, you don’t want to hear that shit because it undermines the basis of your bigotry. You just want too bitch and complain and make life as difficult as possible for these kids. Shame, shame, shame
LOLOL.....You typed all that for me. Fuck you and drop dead.LOLOLOLOL

God Damned purple haired freaks...............LOLOLOLOLOL
And don't flatter yourself in thinking that I wrote that for you. I wrote in what is proboblt a hopeless attempt to raise the level of discourse to something above that of a special ed. grade

But your proposal makes no sense.
The reason some do better than others are due to physical parameters.
So if you separate by physical parameters, then you will prevent trans women from being allowed to compete with XX female women.

The mistake is to even assume sports competition is even a good idea for anyone?
It certainly is not necessary.

And the greatest harm would be if trans women would be allowed to compete with XX women, because no XX women then would ever have any chance of winning at all, and it would rob half the population of being able to compete in sports at all. Your solution would harm the greatest number of people, all XX women, in order to appease the smallest number of people, the trans women.
Just one problem. . It is not as simple as xx vs. xy
So the X and Y chromosomes determine sex, unless a single-gene mutation intervenes and then they don’t. Could gene variants, perhaps specific sets of them, somehow set the stage for the gestation of a transgender individual?

No, it really is that simple. Absolutely nothing there changes the fact that a person who has two X chromosomes is a female, and a person who has an X and a Y is a male.
The point is that it established a biological explaination for the very compelling beliefs that some people have that they are not the gender that they were assigned at birth. The haste of your response indictes to me that you didn't bother to read the whole post, and my guess is that you are too incurious and intellectually limited to allow yourself to be exposed to any information that challeges the faulty beliefs that you cling to inorder o justify your bigotry

No, the point is that you're trying to use it as an excuse to marginalize women and push your agenda. Piss off.
Horseshit! That does not make any damned sense. You are ignoring what I said and just making some shit up. Again, you clearly did not read the post. Rather you just fire off some moronic knee jerrk response.

No, it's not horseshit. It's just something you don't want to face in yourself and admit.

And don't flatter yourself that you're entitled to have your bullshit treated as though it's serious. I am under no obligation, certainly not to the likes of you, to waste my valuable time checking to see if there are pink elephants flying overhead before dismissing you as a misogynistic lunatic. I already know you.
To all of you idiotic, paranoid , hysterical bigots. I am sick of your ignorant bullshit and will not have it anymore.

Common and reoccurring themes have been....

1.You insist that there is no biological basis for transgender/ gender dysphoria. "People are either mail or female and that is that". Yet you all ignore scientific information that has been posted here and on other threads that refutes what you claim. You either ignore it, or dismiss it as bull shit. You say that advocates for trans people are ignoring science, while that is exactly what you are doing.

2. You oppose trans girls from participating in girls sports, but ignore the fact -also documented here - that those trans girls are not boys and do not necessarily have superior streingth and ability to the cisgender girls

3. You stupidly conflate transgender issues with sexual orientation and show no sign that you have any knowledge of the complex inter-relationship between the two, or even understand that there is a difference. Tell me again who is denying science.

4. You deny that trans people have the right to identify as the gender that they believe themselves to be, but show no compassion or empathy towards them, and fail to acknowledge the pain and confusion that children experience. You offer not support or help and show no concern that your attitude is what drives these young people to self destructive behaviors . Yet you arrogantly assert YOUR right to identify as you choose.

5. The most egregious assertion is that there is somehow a connection between transgender and pedophilia. Are you people really that fucking stupid?? And don't bother replying with anything about the Drag Queen Story Hour . I have posted about that too. Do your fucking homework and try to understand the concept

My work is done here Fuck off, all of you

I just heard, "You refuse to agree with me, so I'm just going to leave before someone makes me prove my assertions, rather than just declaring them right because they sound nice!"

You're not only a fool, you're a cowardly fool. Happy retreat, and do enjoy knowing yourself for what we know you as.
I just heard, "You refuse to agree with me, so I'm just going to leave before someone makes me prove my assertions, rather than just declaring them right because they sound nice!"
Horshit! I most certainly proved my poingt with documentation that I am sure yiu ignored. I will be right here any time you want to try to actually post something that is factual and that is not just whining about the awful trans people. I am not counting on much from you
I just heard, "You refuse to agree with me, so I'm just going to leave before someone makes me prove my assertions, rather than just declaring them right because they sound nice!"
Horshit! I most certainly proved my poingt with documentation that I am sure yiu ignored. I will be right here any time you want to try to actually post something that is factual and that is not just whining about the awful trans people. I am not counting on much from you

It's so cute when you leftists try to pretend you still have something to say.
PC brought a gender identity thread forward though it cannot now be found. This one is just as timely, due to recent news in Wisconsin for doctors, SRS and gender identity, reported on

20 Jul 2021 UW to Start LGBTQ+ Fellowship Program for Doctors

Which means that badger is in the belly of the beast, in prime position for critique and expose’.
1.You insist that there is no biological basis for transgender/ gender dysphoria. "People are either mail or female and that is that". Yet you all ignore scientific information that has been posted here and on other threads that refutes what you claim. You either ignore it, or dismiss it as bull shit. You say that advocates for trans people are ignoring science, while that is exactly what you are doing.
PC brought a gender identity thread forward though it cannot now be found. This one is just as timely, due to recent news in Wisconsin for doctors, SRS and gender identity, reported on

20 Jul 2021 UW to Start LGBTQ+ Fellowship Program for Doctors

Which means that badger is in the belly of the beast, in prime position for critique and expose’.
Except that the laugh’s on you, as the critique and expose’ goes nomadic.
who said they couldn't play in sports? please post someone who said such nonsense. Perhaps what you meant to post was that Girls don't want boys to play in their sport because it is an unfair advantage. Please feel free to straighten that fact out.
Lib loons always chirping about counselors to engage active criminals.
This is where counselors are actually needed.
PC brought a gender identity thread forward though it cannot now be found. This one is just as timely, due to recent news in Wisconsin for doctors, SRS and gender identity, reported on

20 Jul 2021 UW to Start LGBTQ+ Fellowship Program for Doctors

Which means that badger is in the belly of the beast, in prime position for critique and expose’.

Are they trying to play sports too?

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