Transgender kids should allowed to play sports like all other children!!!

You think it’s abuse to tell a boy that his notions that he’s a girl cannot be supported?

and yes.

Because kids are impressionable, immature and have no idea.

You can't marry, buy cigarettes, drive, work in lawful employment, drink alcohol, get a tattoo, even buy energy drinks some places if you're a child but hey let them decide they are the opposite sex and just enable it, even encourage it.

What could possibly go wrong
In both cases, it is not about protecting anyone.

You really are trash. It's obvious you were never athletic. "Trans" girls should NEVER be allowed to play with "real" girls. They work their asses off to excel and because some confused kid think's he is a girl he walks out AND dominates because of HIS testosterone level, you are an anti science bigot.
You have no fucking idea what you are talking about. Transwomen/ girls are not necessarity stronger, faster, larger than cic gender women. There is a whole range of such atributes withing each gender. Furthermore, many transwomen who were gendered at birth as males do in fact have biological female chemestry and genetics. This sports thing is just another bullshit way of punishing and marginalizing trans people just as with the bathroom issue.

It is also retalition for having lost the pathetic fight against same sex marriage. It is clear that the attacks on transpeople intensified at the same time that same sex marriage becam the law of the land. Haters have got to hate. It is just a matter of who is the most vulnerable target
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You have no fucking idea what you are talking about. Transwomen/ girls are not necessarity stronger, faster, larger than cic gender women. There is a whole range of such atributes withing each gender. Furthermore, many transwomen who were gendered at birth as males do in fact have biological female chemestry and genetics. This sports thinbg is just another bullshit way of punishing and marginalizing trans people just with the bathroom issue

I know EXACTLY what I am talking about. Trot one of your FTM persons out there and watch what happens to them.
To all of you idiotic, paranoid , hysterical bigots. I am sick of your ignorant bullshit and will not have it anymore.

Common and reoccurring themes have been....

1.You insist that there is no biological basis for transgender/ gender dysphoria. "People are either mail or female and that is that". Yet you all ignore scientific information that has been posted here and on other threads that refutes what you claim. You either ignore it, or dismiss it as bull shit. You say that advocates for trans people are ignoring science, while that is exactly what you are doing.

2. You oppose trans girls from participating in girls sports, but ignore the fact -also documented here - that those trans girls are not boys and do not necessarily have superior streingth and ability to the cisgender girls

3. You stupidly conflate transgender issues with sexual orientation and show no sign that you have any knowledge of the complex inter-relationship between the two, or even understand that there is a difference. Tell me again who is denying science.

4. You deny that trans people have the right to identify as the gender that they believe themselves to be, but show no compassion or empathy towards them, and fail to acknowledge the pain and confusion that children experience. You offer not support or help and show no concern that your attitude is what drives these young people to self destructive behaviors . Yet you arrogantly assert YOUR right to identify as you choose.

5. The most egregious assertion is that there is somehow a connection between transgender and pedophilia. Are you people really that fucking stupid?? And don't bother replying with anything about the Drag Queen Story Hour . I have posted about that too. Do your fucking homework and try to understand the concept

My work is done here Fuck off, all of you
Right on Bro! Word up! You tell it like it is!
You have no fucking idea what you are talking about. Transwomen/ girls are not necessarity stronger, faster, larger than cic gender women. There is a whole range of such atributes withing each gender. Furthermore, many transwomen who were gendered at birth as males do in fact have biological female chemestry and genetics. This sports thinbg is just another bullshit way of punishing and marginalizing trans people just with the bathroom issue


You have no fucking idea what you are talking about. Transwomen/ girls are not necessarity stronger, faster, larger than cic gender women. There is a whole range of such atributes withing each gender. Furthermore, many transwomen who were gendered at birth as males do in fact have biological female chemestry and genetics. This sports thinbg is just another bullshit way of punishing and marginalizing trans people just with the bathroom issue
Welp, here’s a retard that doesn’t know how testosterone and gender works.
What the fuck are you blathering about? Can you address the point that i made or not? Can you refute it or not? Calling me a retard does not make you sound one bit smart
Well it’s pretty simple actually. Young boys go through this thing called puberty, they get a testosterone boost which makes them faster, stronger and a bit more aggressive than the females. The females at this age get a boost in estrogen. Which does absolutely nothing for them sports wise. It makes their boobs bigger and prepares their vaginas and overies to produce eggs in preparation for pregnancy.

Honestly I’m going to stop here. I feel bad your parents didn’t have this discussion with you and now I have to. You really shouldn’t have to get the birds and the bees talk online.
Whon the fuck said that gender is a choice? That is as stupid as stupid gets and clearly demonstrates your willful ignorance of the issue,
Of course gender is a choice. If you're born a man and think you're a woman, you chose to get your dick removed and a vagina built.
Welp, here’s a retard that doesn’t know how testosterone and gender works.

Also someone who thinks, "I have a dick, so that makes me smart and means I know more about womanhood than women do". He doesn't actually give a damn about "transgender" people at all. He just hates women, probably because they laugh at him and take out restraining orders, and his natural misogyny and hostility just kneejerks to supporting any agenda that lets him attack women.

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