Transgender kids should allowed to play sports like all other children!!!

So are other mental diseases.

But there is no other mental disease for which anyone thinks that it's a valid treatment to compel sane people to play along with the patient's insane delusions; nor to chemically or surgically mutilate the patient's body in a futile attempt to force it to comply with his delusions.

What makes transgenderism so special, that it is to be treated in such manners that everyone would agree is inappropriate and harmful if applied to any other comparable mental disease?
Come on Bobby Boy! Don't you ever get tired of regurgitating that same old tired crap?
Kids are what they are. The adults need to help them through it and not shame them for it. Otherwise they might as well start planning the funeral

"If you don't help transgenders by letting them abuse and mistreat girls, then you're a murderer!" Yeah, okay, misogynist. That'll work.
Clinical Social work actually, from Rutgers. Worked w/ children and families for 32 years
What the hell are you blathering about now?

I'm not surprised an "Internet professional" like yourself is too fucking illiterate to understand English.

Just so you can understand what actual people already know from being able to read, I'm continuing to point out what a bullshitting woman-hating moron you are. Feel free to just assume that any response to you is along those lines, since you have never said and will never say anything that requires me to address you like a person.
Oh so transpeople are pedophiles ? That is really stupid. You people need a new attack line.

It's not an 'attack line', and unlike the other board where you can run and snivel to one of the faggot mods to censor posters you don't like, you will just have to live with being outed as a degenerate liar and freak, no matter how many strawmen you dream up and how often you get handed your ass over fake 'science'.
They're definitely mentally ill.

And faggots rape children at far higher rates than hetero pedoes do, and they self-identify as homosexual when they are as well; some 40% of those pedoes in prison identify as faggots, and we also know from the last major NAMBLA investigation by the FBI they will also rape little girls if no boys are around when they get the urge, so they also rape little girls occasionally as well. Only 10% of faggots are exclusively homosexual anyway, despite all that 'born that way' rubbish they've been coached to babble.
Gradual movement toward that direction last 15 years and this is another one

Only 'Rights' movement to be founded by pedophiles and had pedophile organizations as open members in American history is homosexual' rights' groups like the ILGA. Harry Hay was a proud supporter of NAMBLA, and probably its founder.
You people a a bunch of blathering bigoted morons! All of you

Says some like that hurts coming from your ilk. It is historical fact, and it will be a while before you little degenerates will be able to erase all of it from the internet or books already in print, freak.
Says some like that hurts coming from your ilk. It is historical fact, and it will be a while before you little degenerates will be able to erase all of it from the internet or books already in print, freak.
I'm not getting onto that shit here because it is off topic. I will just that the actual historic fact is that bigots conflate homosexuality-and gay people who have age appropriate relationships- with pedophiles who prey on children of their own gender. It is not the same thing.

You think that I'm a freak? Tell me everything that you think that you know about me. Lets see just how stupid you are.

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