Transgender Mom commercial.................

Nobody has explained how transgenders and homosexuals are bad for society, bad for our country, bad for our families.

I could give you one hundred reasons easily...but how bout I offer just one little tiny reason.
Why would you encourage and support the actions of a person if you wouldn't be willing to support that same action if ALL PEOPLE desired to do the same?
Would you support the end of mankind?
Sounds deep...huh?

Not particularly. You might want to trot out one of the other "hundred reasons."

We just established that you didn't have to be convinced to be straight. Why on earth would you think that eventually all humankind will be gay?
Leave it to the Right Wing to be wrapped so tight that a soap commercial riles them into a lather! Why I said the Right so uptight about below the belt issues? Aren't they supposed to be champions of small, less intrusive government?

They want to shrink the scope and size of government. Make it just small enough to fit into a bedroom or restroom.

Yeah, yeah...those Righties are dare they expect any sort of standard upheld among society. The anything goes free for all is awesome...Shit, look how productive households are than follow that ideology...they turn out all kinds of positive contributors...You people blow my mind.
How did you get the job? Arbiter of Society. Gaudy title, but how did you get it? What powers, other than the power to tell people how to live their private lives, does the job come with? Can you censor what we see, read and listen to? Is there a copy of the Standards of Society I can peruse so I can know if I'm in accordance with your standards? How will I know when you've peeked under a skirt or into a fly on your pursuit of conformity, purity and production?

And on productivity, are only the poor and struggling middle class exclusively saddled with sexuality that you find icky, or are there LGBT "successful" people too? Do you use your template of acceptability to measure worth based on productivity? My 83 year old mother no longer enjoys a career. Does her worthiness decline because she no longer works? My eight year old grandson doesn't work either. No productivity at all. Is he a greater or lesser threat to you than transgender Moms?

Who the hell are you to judge anyone who is not a criminal or physical threat?
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He takes issue with the transgender being called a "Mom" (as if that affects him).

I wonder how he feels about adoptive Moms. They didn't give birth, either.

He takes issue with a biological man, putting his penis into the vagina of a woman. Ejaculating into that vagina which biologically joins with the female ova and creating a child, calling himself a mother. The precise and correct term is FATHER.

An adoptive MOM did not use her penis and active sperm to create a child. If that MOM did put his penis into a vagina, ejaculate in that vagina and send sperm off to join with an ovum, that MOM is a FATHER too.

If you do not understand this, perhaps you need a remedial biology course.
He takes issue with the transgender being called a "Mom" (as if that affects him).

I wonder how he feels about adoptive Moms. They didn't give birth, either.

He takes issue with a biological man, putting his penis into the vagina of a woman. Ejaculating into that vagina which biologically joins with the female ova and creating a child, calling himself a mother. The precise and correct term is FATHER.

An adoptive MOM did not use her penis and active sperm to create a child. If that MOM did put his penis into a vagina, ejaculate in that vagina and send sperm off to join with an ovum, that MOM is a FATHER too.

If you do not understand this, perhaps you need a remedial biology course.

And not calling someone by their proper title horrifies you. It's something to fight about, and be indignant over.

But no one can tell me exactly why.
Nobody has explained how transgenders and homosexuals are bad for society, bad for our country, bad for our families.

Accepting insanity on any level is bad, just bad. You cannot declare biology "standards" which you will no longer accept any more than you can declare physics standards which you will no longer accept and repeal the law of gravity.
He takes issue with the transgender being called a "Mom" (as if that affects him).

I wonder how he feels about adoptive Moms. They didn't give birth, either.

He takes issue with a biological man, putting his penis into the vagina of a woman. Ejaculating into that vagina which biologically joins with the female ova and creating a child, calling himself a mother. The precise and correct term is FATHER.

An adoptive MOM did not use her penis and active sperm to create a child. If that MOM did put his penis into a vagina, ejaculate in that vagina and send sperm off to join with an ovum, that MOM is a FATHER too.

If you do not understand this, perhaps you need a remedial biology course.
You're worried about titles. If a person identifies as a woman, isn't it also a natural thing that such an identity comes with the emotional understanding of a woman, not merely the biological. And doesn't such an emotional being also identify with the maternal?

A person could call him or her self the Scarlet Pimpernel of the family and, so long as the needs of the children are fulfilled, why not? They could call themselves the Tipsycatlover of the family. Or the Nosmo King. The real meaningful part comes from the heart, not the title.

Who ever thought that the issue of motherhood itself would be so contentious. And we can lay that contentiousness squarely at the feet of the uptight Right. Nothing to see here, unless you're suspicious and fearful.
Nobody has explained how transgenders and homosexuals are bad for society, bad for our country, bad for our families.

Accepting insanity on any level is bad, just bad. You cannot declare biology "standards" which you will no longer accept any more than you can declare physics standards which you will no longer accept and repeal the law of gravity.

But WHY? How is it harming you and yours?

They have the right to be "insane" (as you see it) right up until it hurts you or your family or takes away some rights of yours.
He takes issue with the transgender being called a "Mom" (as if that affects him).

I wonder how he feels about adoptive Moms. They didn't give birth, either.

He takes issue with a biological man, putting his penis into the vagina of a woman. Ejaculating into that vagina which biologically joins with the female ova and creating a child, calling himself a mother. The precise and correct term is FATHER.

An adoptive MOM did not use her penis and active sperm to create a child. If that MOM did put his penis into a vagina, ejaculate in that vagina and send sperm off to join with an ovum, that MOM is a FATHER too.

If you do not understand this, perhaps you need a remedial biology course.
You're worried about titles. If a person identifies as a woman, isn't it also a natural thing that such an identity comes with the emotional understanding of a woman, not merely the biological. And doesn't such an emotional being also identify with the maternal?

A person could call him or her self the Scarlet Pimpernel of the family and, so long as the needs of the children are fulfilled, why not? They could call themselves the Tipsycatlover of the family. Or the Nosmo King. The real meaningful part comes from the heart, not the title.

Who ever thought that the issue of motherhood itself would be so contentious. And we can lay that contentiousness squarely at the feet of the uptight Right. Nothing to see here, unless you're suspicious and fearful.

Because it is insanity and insanity harms everyone that comes into contact with that insanity. It isn't a title, it is a biological truth, a fact. A person might identify as Queen Elizabeth. The family might get on their knees to ask for the boone of going to bed. There is a huge world that is going to say this is insanity. This is enabling insanity. No Queen Elizabeth cannot send the children to the dungeon.

This is not a MOTHER. This is a FATHER. It is a biological truth. He may wear a dress and put curlers in his hair, it doesn't make him a mother. He is a father. He performed all biological functions to make him a father. It's not a title. It is a biological TERM OF ART. The MOTHER of those children, who gave birth to them, who took that penis into her vagina and provided the ova that make them children is sitting right there! She is the mother. She's not the father. She was pregnant. She gave birth to them. She's right there sitting right next to their FATHER!

That's why this is insanity and the needs, the emotional needs and educational needs of the children are not and cannot be met.
Leave it to the Right Wing to be wrapped so tight that a soap commercial riles them into a lather! Why I said the Right so uptight about below the belt issues? Aren't they supposed to be champions of small, less intrusive government?

They want to shrink the scope and size of government. Make it just small enough to fit into a bedroom or restroom.

Yeah, yeah...those Righties are dare they expect any sort of standard upheld among society. The anything goes free for all is awesome...Shit, look how productive households are than follow that ideology...they turn out all kinds of positive contributors...You people blow my mind.
How did you get the job? Arbiter of Society. Gaudy title, but how did you get it? What powers, other than the power to tell people how to live their private lives, does the job come with? Can you censor what we see, read and listen to? Is there a copy of the Standards of Society I can peruse so I can know if I'm in accordance with your standards? How will I know when you've peeked under a skirt or into a fly on your pursuit of conformity, purity and production?

And on productivity, are only the poor and struggling middle class exclusively saddled with sexuality that you find icky, or are there LGBT "successful" people too? Do you use your template of acceptability to measure worth based on productivity? My 83 year old mother no longer enjoys a career. Does her worthiness decline because she no longer works? My eight year old grandson doesn't work either. No productivity at all. Is he a greater or lesser threat to you than transgender Moms?

Who the hell are you to judge anyone who is not a criminal or physical threat?

He takes issue with the transgender being called a "Mom" (as if that affects him).

I wonder how he feels about adoptive Moms. They didn't give birth, either.

He takes issue with a biological man, putting his penis into the vagina of a woman. Ejaculating into that vagina which biologically joins with the female ova and creating a child, calling himself a mother. The precise and correct term is FATHER.

An adoptive MOM did not use her penis and active sperm to create a child. If that MOM did put his penis into a vagina, ejaculate in that vagina and send sperm off to join with an ovum, that MOM is a FATHER too.

If you do not understand this, perhaps you need a remedial biology course.
You're worried about titles. If a person identifies as a woman, isn't it also a natural thing that such an identity comes with the emotional understanding of a woman, not merely the biological. And doesn't such an emotional being also identify with the maternal?

A person could call him or her self the Scarlet Pimpernel of the family and, so long as the needs of the children are fulfilled, why not? They could call themselves the Tipsycatlover of the family. Or the Nosmo King. The real meaningful part comes from the heart, not the title.

Who ever thought that the issue of motherhood itself would be so contentious. And we can lay that contentiousness squarely at the feet of the uptight Right. Nothing to see here, unless you're suspicious and fearful.

Look, this debate between mentally unstable whackos and "normal" folks has been had a million times over....You've clearly lost your mind and probably due to a traumatic experience that most of us haven't gone through. We can't level with you bud...THANK GOD!
How does one convince a whacko that he or she is a nutcase? It can't be done.
Nobody has explained how transgenders and homosexuals are bad for society, bad for our country, bad for our families.

Accepting insanity on any level is bad, just bad. You cannot declare biology "standards" which you will no longer accept any more than you can declare physics standards which you will no longer accept and repeal the law of gravity.

But WHY? How is it harming you and yours?

They have the right to be "insane" (as you see it) right up until it hurts you or your family or takes away some rights of yours.

Insanity has to be stopped everywhere before it spreads. When insanity spreads, those who refuse to accept the insanity pay the price.
Leave it to the Right Wing to be wrapped so tight that a soap commercial riles them into a lather! Why I said the Right so uptight about below the belt issues? Aren't they supposed to be champions of small, less intrusive government?

They want to shrink the scope and size of government. Make it just small enough to fit into a bedroom or restroom.

Yeah, yeah...those Righties are dare they expect any sort of standard upheld among society. The anything goes free for all is awesome...Shit, look how productive households are than follow that ideology...they turn out all kinds of positive contributors...You people blow my mind.
How did you get the job? Arbiter of Society. Gaudy title, but how did you get it? What powers, other than the power to tell people how to live their private lives, does the job come with? Can you censor what we see, read and listen to? Is there a copy of the Standards of Society I can peruse so I can know if I'm in accordance with your standards? How will I know when you've peeked under a skirt or into a fly on your pursuit of conformity, purity and production?

And on productivity, are only the poor and struggling middle class exclusively saddled with sexuality that you find icky, or are there LGBT "successful" people too? Do you use your template of acceptability to measure worth based on productivity? My 83 year old mother no longer enjoys a career. Does her worthiness decline because she no longer works? My eight year old grandson doesn't work either. No productivity at all. Is he a greater or lesser threat to you than transgender Moms?

Who the hell are you to judge anyone who is not a criminal or physical threat?

He takes issue with the transgender being called a "Mom" (as if that affects him).

I wonder how he feels about adoptive Moms. They didn't give birth, either.

He takes issue with a biological man, putting his penis into the vagina of a woman. Ejaculating into that vagina which biologically joins with the female ova and creating a child, calling himself a mother. The precise and correct term is FATHER.

An adoptive MOM did not use her penis and active sperm to create a child. If that MOM did put his penis into a vagina, ejaculate in that vagina and send sperm off to join with an ovum, that MOM is a FATHER too.

If you do not understand this, perhaps you need a remedial biology course.
You're worried about titles. If a person identifies as a woman, isn't it also a natural thing that such an identity comes with the emotional understanding of a woman, not merely the biological. And doesn't such an emotional being also identify with the maternal?

A person could call him or her self the Scarlet Pimpernel of the family and, so long as the needs of the children are fulfilled, why not? They could call themselves the Tipsycatlover of the family. Or the Nosmo King. The real meaningful part comes from the heart, not the title.

Who ever thought that the issue of motherhood itself would be so contentious. And we can lay that contentiousness squarely at the feet of the uptight Right. Nothing to see here, unless you're suspicious and fearful.

Look, this debate between mentally unstable whackos and "normal" folks has been had a million times over....You've clearly lost your mind and probably due to a traumatic experience that most of us haven't gone through. We can't level with you bud...THANK GOD!
How does one convince a whacko that he or she is a nutcase? It can't be done.

No. It is they who demand that everyone else accept their insanity. Can you imagine having children that associate with the mentally and emotionally confused children that are unfortunate to be born into this fucked up family? This is harming the children most of all.
He takes issue with the transgender being called a "Mom" (as if that affects him).

I wonder how he feels about adoptive Moms. They didn't give birth, either.

He takes issue with a biological man, putting his penis into the vagina of a woman. Ejaculating into that vagina which biologically joins with the female ova and creating a child, calling himself a mother. The precise and correct term is FATHER.

An adoptive MOM did not use her penis and active sperm to create a child. If that MOM did put his penis into a vagina, ejaculate in that vagina and send sperm off to join with an ovum, that MOM is a FATHER too.

If you do not understand this, perhaps you need a remedial biology course.
You're worried about titles. If a person identifies as a woman, isn't it also a natural thing that such an identity comes with the emotional understanding of a woman, not merely the biological. And doesn't such an emotional being also identify with the maternal?

A person could call him or her self the Scarlet Pimpernel of the family and, so long as the needs of the children are fulfilled, why not? They could call themselves the Tipsycatlover of the family. Or the Nosmo King. The real meaningful part comes from the heart, not the title.

Who ever thought that the issue of motherhood itself would be so contentious. And we can lay that contentiousness squarely at the feet of the uptight Right. Nothing to see here, unless you're suspicious and fearful.

Because it is insanity and insanity harms everyone that comes into contact with that insanity. It isn't a title, it is a biological truth, a fact. A person might identify as Queen Elizabeth. The family might get on their knees to ask for the boone of going to bed. There is a huge world that is going to say this is insanity. This is enabling insanity. No Queen Elizabeth cannot send the children to the dungeon.

This is not a MOTHER. This is a FATHER. It is a biological truth. He may wear a dress and put curlers in his hair, it doesn't make him a mother. He is a father. He performed all biological functions to make him a father. It's not a title. It is a biological TERM OF ART. The MOTHER of those children, who gave birth to them, who took that penis into her vagina and provided the ova that make them children is sitting right there! She is the mother. She's not the father. She was pregnant. She gave birth to them. She's right there sitting right next to their FATHER!

That's why this is insanity and the needs, the emotional needs and educational needs of the children are not and cannot be met.

Leave it to the Right Wing to be wrapped so tight that a soap commercial riles them into a lather! Why I said the Right so uptight about below the belt issues? Aren't they supposed to be champions of small, less intrusive government?

They want to shrink the scope and size of government. Make it just small enough to fit into a bedroom or restroom.

Yeah, yeah...those Righties are dare they expect any sort of standard upheld among society. The anything goes free for all is awesome...Shit, look how productive households are than follow that ideology...they turn out all kinds of positive contributors...You people blow my mind.
How did you get the job? Arbiter of Society. Gaudy title, but how did you get it? What powers, other than the power to tell people how to live their private lives, does the job come with? Can you censor what we see, read and listen to? Is there a copy of the Standards of Society I can peruse so I can know if I'm in accordance with your standards? How will I know when you've peeked under a skirt or into a fly on your pursuit of conformity, purity and production?

And on productivity, are only the poor and struggling middle class exclusively saddled with sexuality that you find icky, or are there LGBT "successful" people too? Do you use your template of acceptability to measure worth based on productivity? My 83 year old mother no longer enjoys a career. Does her worthiness decline because she no longer works? My eight year old grandson doesn't work either. No productivity at all. Is he a greater or lesser threat to you than transgender Moms?

Who the hell are you to judge anyone who is not a criminal or physical threat?

He takes issue with the transgender being called a "Mom" (as if that affects him).

I wonder how he feels about adoptive Moms. They didn't give birth, either.

He takes issue with a biological man, putting his penis into the vagina of a woman. Ejaculating into that vagina which biologically joins with the female ova and creating a child, calling himself a mother. The precise and correct term is FATHER.

An adoptive MOM did not use her penis and active sperm to create a child. If that MOM did put his penis into a vagina, ejaculate in that vagina and send sperm off to join with an ovum, that MOM is a FATHER too.

If you do not understand this, perhaps you need a remedial biology course.
You're worried about titles. If a person identifies as a woman, isn't it also a natural thing that such an identity comes with the emotional understanding of a woman, not merely the biological. And doesn't such an emotional being also identify with the maternal?

A person could call him or her self the Scarlet Pimpernel of the family and, so long as the needs of the children are fulfilled, why not? They could call themselves the Tipsycatlover of the family. Or the Nosmo King. The real meaningful part comes from the heart, not the title.

Who ever thought that the issue of motherhood itself would be so contentious. And we can lay that contentiousness squarely at the feet of the uptight Right. Nothing to see here, unless you're suspicious and fearful.

Look, this debate between mentally unstable whackos and "normal" folks has been had a million times over....You've clearly lost your mind and probably due to a traumatic experience that most of us haven't gone through. We can't level with you bud...THANK GOD!
How does one convince a whacko that he or she is a nutcase? It can't be done.

Nobody has explained how transgenders and homosexuals are bad for society, bad for our country, bad for our families.

Accepting insanity on any level is bad, just bad. You cannot declare biology "standards" which you will no longer accept any more than you can declare physics standards which you will no longer accept and repeal the law of gravity.

But WHY? How is it harming you and yours?

They have the right to be "insane" (as you see it) right up until it hurts you or your family or takes away some rights of yours.

Insanity has to be stopped everywhere before it spreads. When insanity spreads, those who refuse to accept the insanity pay the price.

Insanity is bad. But this "insanity" doesn't hurt any of you.

Guess what? Your hate does more to harm our society than that person's "insanity" does.
He takes issue with the transgender being called a "Mom" (as if that affects him).

I wonder how he feels about adoptive Moms. They didn't give birth, either.

He takes issue with a biological man, putting his penis into the vagina of a woman. Ejaculating into that vagina which biologically joins with the female ova and creating a child, calling himself a mother. The precise and correct term is FATHER.

An adoptive MOM did not use her penis and active sperm to create a child. If that MOM did put his penis into a vagina, ejaculate in that vagina and send sperm off to join with an ovum, that MOM is a FATHER too.

If you do not understand this, perhaps you need a remedial biology course.
You're worried about titles. If a person identifies as a woman, isn't it also a natural thing that such an identity comes with the emotional understanding of a woman, not merely the biological. And doesn't such an emotional being also identify with the maternal?

A person could call him or her self the Scarlet Pimpernel of the family and, so long as the needs of the children are fulfilled, why not? They could call themselves the Tipsycatlover of the family. Or the Nosmo King. The real meaningful part comes from the heart, not the title.

Who ever thought that the issue of motherhood itself would be so contentious. And we can lay that contentiousness squarely at the feet of the uptight Right. Nothing to see here, unless you're suspicious and fearful.

Because it is insanity and insanity harms everyone that comes into contact with that insanity. It isn't a title, it is a biological truth, a fact. A person might identify as Queen Elizabeth. The family might get on their knees to ask for the boone of going to bed. There is a huge world that is going to say this is insanity. This is enabling insanity. No Queen Elizabeth cannot send the children to the dungeon.

This is not a MOTHER. This is a FATHER. It is a biological truth. He may wear a dress and put curlers in his hair, it doesn't make him a mother. He is a father. He performed all biological functions to make him a father. It's not a title. It is a biological TERM OF ART. The MOTHER of those children, who gave birth to them, who took that penis into her vagina and provided the ova that make them children is sitting right there! She is the mother. She's not the father. She was pregnant. She gave birth to them. She's right there sitting right next to their FATHER!

That's why this is insanity and the needs, the emotional needs and educational needs of the children are not and cannot be met.

Leave it to the Right Wing to be wrapped so tight that a soap commercial riles them into a lather! Why I said the Right so uptight about below the belt issues? Aren't they supposed to be champions of small, less intrusive government?

They want to shrink the scope and size of government. Make it just small enough to fit into a bedroom or restroom.

Yeah, yeah...those Righties are dare they expect any sort of standard upheld among society. The anything goes free for all is awesome...Shit, look how productive households are than follow that ideology...they turn out all kinds of positive contributors...You people blow my mind.
How did you get the job? Arbiter of Society. Gaudy title, but how did you get it? What powers, other than the power to tell people how to live their private lives, does the job come with? Can you censor what we see, read and listen to? Is there a copy of the Standards of Society I can peruse so I can know if I'm in accordance with your standards? How will I know when you've peeked under a skirt or into a fly on your pursuit of conformity, purity and production?

And on productivity, are only the poor and struggling middle class exclusively saddled with sexuality that you find icky, or are there LGBT "successful" people too? Do you use your template of acceptability to measure worth based on productivity? My 83 year old mother no longer enjoys a career. Does her worthiness decline because she no longer works? My eight year old grandson doesn't work either. No productivity at all. Is he a greater or lesser threat to you than transgender Moms?

Who the hell are you to judge anyone who is not a criminal or physical threat?

He takes issue with the transgender being called a "Mom" (as if that affects him).

I wonder how he feels about adoptive Moms. They didn't give birth, either.

He takes issue with a biological man, putting his penis into the vagina of a woman. Ejaculating into that vagina which biologically joins with the female ova and creating a child, calling himself a mother. The precise and correct term is FATHER.

An adoptive MOM did not use her penis and active sperm to create a child. If that MOM did put his penis into a vagina, ejaculate in that vagina and send sperm off to join with an ovum, that MOM is a FATHER too.

If you do not understand this, perhaps you need a remedial biology course.
You're worried about titles. If a person identifies as a woman, isn't it also a natural thing that such an identity comes with the emotional understanding of a woman, not merely the biological. And doesn't such an emotional being also identify with the maternal?

A person could call him or her self the Scarlet Pimpernel of the family and, so long as the needs of the children are fulfilled, why not? They could call themselves the Tipsycatlover of the family. Or the Nosmo King. The real meaningful part comes from the heart, not the title.

Who ever thought that the issue of motherhood itself would be so contentious. And we can lay that contentiousness squarely at the feet of the uptight Right. Nothing to see here, unless you're suspicious and fearful.

Look, this debate between mentally unstable whackos and "normal" folks has been had a million times over....You've clearly lost your mind and probably due to a traumatic experience that most of us haven't gone through. We can't level with you bud...THANK GOD!
How does one convince a whacko that he or she is a nutcase? It can't be done.

Nobody has explained how transgenders and homosexuals are bad for society, bad for our country, bad for our families.

Accepting insanity on any level is bad, just bad. You cannot declare biology "standards" which you will no longer accept any more than you can declare physics standards which you will no longer accept and repeal the law of gravity.

But WHY? How is it harming you and yours?

They have the right to be "insane" (as you see it) right up until it hurts you or your family or takes away some rights of yours.

Insanity has to be stopped everywhere before it spreads. When insanity spreads, those who refuse to accept the insanity pay the price.

Insanity is bad. But this "insanity" doesn't hurt any of you.

Guess what? Your hate does more to harm our society than that person's "insanity" does.

There are times when "hate" is called for. If it took "hate" to remove the children from this craziness, then hate is certainly called for.
Leave it to the Right Wing to be wrapped so tight that a soap commercial riles them into a lather! Why I said the Right so uptight about below the belt issues? Aren't they supposed to be champions of small, less intrusive government?

They want to shrink the scope and size of government. Make it just small enough to fit into a bedroom or restroom.

Yeah, yeah...those Righties are dare they expect any sort of standard upheld among society. The anything goes free for all is awesome...Shit, look how productive households are than follow that ideology...they turn out all kinds of positive contributors...You people blow my mind.
How did you get the job? Arbiter of Society. Gaudy title, but how did you get it? What powers, other than the power to tell people how to live their private lives, does the job come with? Can you censor what we see, read and listen to? Is there a copy of the Standards of Society I can peruse so I can know if I'm in accordance with your standards? How will I know when you've peeked under a skirt or into a fly on your pursuit of conformity, purity and production?

And on productivity, are only the poor and struggling middle class exclusively saddled with sexuality that you find icky, or are there LGBT "successful" people too? Do you use your template of acceptability to measure worth based on productivity? My 83 year old mother no longer enjoys a career. Does her worthiness decline because she no longer works? My eight year old grandson doesn't work either. No productivity at all. Is he a greater or lesser threat to you than transgender Moms?

Who the hell are you to judge anyone who is not a criminal or physical threat?

He takes issue with the transgender being called a "Mom" (as if that affects him).

I wonder how he feels about adoptive Moms. They didn't give birth, either.

He takes issue with a biological man, putting his penis into the vagina of a woman. Ejaculating into that vagina which biologically joins with the female ova and creating a child, calling himself a mother. The precise and correct term is FATHER.

An adoptive MOM did not use her penis and active sperm to create a child. If that MOM did put his penis into a vagina, ejaculate in that vagina and send sperm off to join with an ovum, that MOM is a FATHER too.

If you do not understand this, perhaps you need a remedial biology course.
You're worried about titles. If a person identifies as a woman, isn't it also a natural thing that such an identity comes with the emotional understanding of a woman, not merely the biological. And doesn't such an emotional being also identify with the maternal?

A person could call him or her self the Scarlet Pimpernel of the family and, so long as the needs of the children are fulfilled, why not? They could call themselves the Tipsycatlover of the family. Or the Nosmo King. The real meaningful part comes from the heart, not the title.

Who ever thought that the issue of motherhood itself would be so contentious. And we can lay that contentiousness squarely at the feet of the uptight Right. Nothing to see here, unless you're suspicious and fearful.

Look, this debate between mentally unstable whackos and "normal" folks has been had a million times over....You've clearly lost your mind and probably due to a traumatic experience that most of us haven't gone through. We can't level with you bud...THANK GOD!
How does one convince a whacko that he or she is a nutcase? It can't be done.

No. It is they who demand that everyone else accept their insanity. Can you imagine having children that associate with the mentally and emotionally confused children that are unfortunate to be born into this fucked up family? This is harming the children most of all.

Your family does not have to associate with a family with a transgender. Their kids are not your concern.
He takes issue with the transgender being called a "Mom" (as if that affects him).

I wonder how he feels about adoptive Moms. They didn't give birth, either.

He takes issue with a biological man, putting his penis into the vagina of a woman. Ejaculating into that vagina which biologically joins with the female ova and creating a child, calling himself a mother. The precise and correct term is FATHER.

An adoptive MOM did not use her penis and active sperm to create a child. If that MOM did put his penis into a vagina, ejaculate in that vagina and send sperm off to join with an ovum, that MOM is a FATHER too.

If you do not understand this, perhaps you need a remedial biology course.
You're worried about titles. If a person identifies as a woman, isn't it also a natural thing that such an identity comes with the emotional understanding of a woman, not merely the biological. And doesn't such an emotional being also identify with the maternal?

A person could call him or her self the Scarlet Pimpernel of the family and, so long as the needs of the children are fulfilled, why not? They could call themselves the Tipsycatlover of the family. Or the Nosmo King. The real meaningful part comes from the heart, not the title.

Who ever thought that the issue of motherhood itself would be so contentious. And we can lay that contentiousness squarely at the feet of the uptight Right. Nothing to see here, unless you're suspicious and fearful.

Because it is insanity and insanity harms everyone that comes into contact with that insanity. It isn't a title, it is a biological truth, a fact. A person might identify as Queen Elizabeth. The family might get on their knees to ask for the boone of going to bed. There is a huge world that is going to say this is insanity. This is enabling insanity. No Queen Elizabeth cannot send the children to the dungeon.

This is not a MOTHER. This is a FATHER. It is a biological truth. He may wear a dress and put curlers in his hair, it doesn't make him a mother. He is a father. He performed all biological functions to make him a father. It's not a title. It is a biological TERM OF ART. The MOTHER of those children, who gave birth to them, who took that penis into her vagina and provided the ova that make them children is sitting right there! She is the mother. She's not the father. She was pregnant. She gave birth to them. She's right there sitting right next to their FATHER!

That's why this is insanity and the needs, the emotional needs and educational needs of the children are not and cannot be met.

Leave it to the Right Wing to be wrapped so tight that a soap commercial riles them into a lather! Why I said the Right so uptight about below the belt issues? Aren't they supposed to be champions of small, less intrusive government?

They want to shrink the scope and size of government. Make it just small enough to fit into a bedroom or restroom.

Yeah, yeah...those Righties are dare they expect any sort of standard upheld among society. The anything goes free for all is awesome...Shit, look how productive households are than follow that ideology...they turn out all kinds of positive contributors...You people blow my mind.
How did you get the job? Arbiter of Society. Gaudy title, but how did you get it? What powers, other than the power to tell people how to live their private lives, does the job come with? Can you censor what we see, read and listen to? Is there a copy of the Standards of Society I can peruse so I can know if I'm in accordance with your standards? How will I know when you've peeked under a skirt or into a fly on your pursuit of conformity, purity and production?

And on productivity, are only the poor and struggling middle class exclusively saddled with sexuality that you find icky, or are there LGBT "successful" people too? Do you use your template of acceptability to measure worth based on productivity? My 83 year old mother no longer enjoys a career. Does her worthiness decline because she no longer works? My eight year old grandson doesn't work either. No productivity at all. Is he a greater or lesser threat to you than transgender Moms?

Who the hell are you to judge anyone who is not a criminal or physical threat?

He takes issue with the transgender being called a "Mom" (as if that affects him).

I wonder how he feels about adoptive Moms. They didn't give birth, either.

He takes issue with a biological man, putting his penis into the vagina of a woman. Ejaculating into that vagina which biologically joins with the female ova and creating a child, calling himself a mother. The precise and correct term is FATHER.

An adoptive MOM did not use her penis and active sperm to create a child. If that MOM did put his penis into a vagina, ejaculate in that vagina and send sperm off to join with an ovum, that MOM is a FATHER too.

If you do not understand this, perhaps you need a remedial biology course.
You're worried about titles. If a person identifies as a woman, isn't it also a natural thing that such an identity comes with the emotional understanding of a woman, not merely the biological. And doesn't such an emotional being also identify with the maternal?

A person could call him or her self the Scarlet Pimpernel of the family and, so long as the needs of the children are fulfilled, why not? They could call themselves the Tipsycatlover of the family. Or the Nosmo King. The real meaningful part comes from the heart, not the title.

Who ever thought that the issue of motherhood itself would be so contentious. And we can lay that contentiousness squarely at the feet of the uptight Right. Nothing to see here, unless you're suspicious and fearful.

Look, this debate between mentally unstable whackos and "normal" folks has been had a million times over....You've clearly lost your mind and probably due to a traumatic experience that most of us haven't gone through. We can't level with you bud...THANK GOD!
How does one convince a whacko that he or she is a nutcase? It can't be done.

Nobody has explained how transgenders and homosexuals are bad for society, bad for our country, bad for our families.

Accepting insanity on any level is bad, just bad. You cannot declare biology "standards" which you will no longer accept any more than you can declare physics standards which you will no longer accept and repeal the law of gravity.

But WHY? How is it harming you and yours?

They have the right to be "insane" (as you see it) right up until it hurts you or your family or takes away some rights of yours.

Insanity has to be stopped everywhere before it spreads. When insanity spreads, those who refuse to accept the insanity pay the price.

Insanity is bad. But this "insanity" doesn't hurt any of you.

Guess what? Your hate does more to harm our society than that person's "insanity" does.

There are times when "hate" is called for. If it took "hate" to remove the children from this craziness, then hate is certainly called for.

Well, you've got the hate. But you haven't explained how this hurts the kids.
He takes issue with a biological man, putting his penis into the vagina of a woman. Ejaculating into that vagina which biologically joins with the female ova and creating a child, calling himself a mother. The precise and correct term is FATHER.

An adoptive MOM did not use her penis and active sperm to create a child. If that MOM did put his penis into a vagina, ejaculate in that vagina and send sperm off to join with an ovum, that MOM is a FATHER too.

If you do not understand this, perhaps you need a remedial biology course.
You're worried about titles. If a person identifies as a woman, isn't it also a natural thing that such an identity comes with the emotional understanding of a woman, not merely the biological. And doesn't such an emotional being also identify with the maternal?

A person could call him or her self the Scarlet Pimpernel of the family and, so long as the needs of the children are fulfilled, why not? They could call themselves the Tipsycatlover of the family. Or the Nosmo King. The real meaningful part comes from the heart, not the title.

Who ever thought that the issue of motherhood itself would be so contentious. And we can lay that contentiousness squarely at the feet of the uptight Right. Nothing to see here, unless you're suspicious and fearful.

Because it is insanity and insanity harms everyone that comes into contact with that insanity. It isn't a title, it is a biological truth, a fact. A person might identify as Queen Elizabeth. The family might get on their knees to ask for the boone of going to bed. There is a huge world that is going to say this is insanity. This is enabling insanity. No Queen Elizabeth cannot send the children to the dungeon.

This is not a MOTHER. This is a FATHER. It is a biological truth. He may wear a dress and put curlers in his hair, it doesn't make him a mother. He is a father. He performed all biological functions to make him a father. It's not a title. It is a biological TERM OF ART. The MOTHER of those children, who gave birth to them, who took that penis into her vagina and provided the ova that make them children is sitting right there! She is the mother. She's not the father. She was pregnant. She gave birth to them. She's right there sitting right next to their FATHER!

That's why this is insanity and the needs, the emotional needs and educational needs of the children are not and cannot be met.

Yeah, yeah...those Righties are dare they expect any sort of standard upheld among society. The anything goes free for all is awesome...Shit, look how productive households are than follow that ideology...they turn out all kinds of positive contributors...You people blow my mind.
How did you get the job? Arbiter of Society. Gaudy title, but how did you get it? What powers, other than the power to tell people how to live their private lives, does the job come with? Can you censor what we see, read and listen to? Is there a copy of the Standards of Society I can peruse so I can know if I'm in accordance with your standards? How will I know when you've peeked under a skirt or into a fly on your pursuit of conformity, purity and production?

And on productivity, are only the poor and struggling middle class exclusively saddled with sexuality that you find icky, or are there LGBT "successful" people too? Do you use your template of acceptability to measure worth based on productivity? My 83 year old mother no longer enjoys a career. Does her worthiness decline because she no longer works? My eight year old grandson doesn't work either. No productivity at all. Is he a greater or lesser threat to you than transgender Moms?

Who the hell are you to judge anyone who is not a criminal or physical threat?

He takes issue with a biological man, putting his penis into the vagina of a woman. Ejaculating into that vagina which biologically joins with the female ova and creating a child, calling himself a mother. The precise and correct term is FATHER.

An adoptive MOM did not use her penis and active sperm to create a child. If that MOM did put his penis into a vagina, ejaculate in that vagina and send sperm off to join with an ovum, that MOM is a FATHER too.

If you do not understand this, perhaps you need a remedial biology course.
You're worried about titles. If a person identifies as a woman, isn't it also a natural thing that such an identity comes with the emotional understanding of a woman, not merely the biological. And doesn't such an emotional being also identify with the maternal?

A person could call him or her self the Scarlet Pimpernel of the family and, so long as the needs of the children are fulfilled, why not? They could call themselves the Tipsycatlover of the family. Or the Nosmo King. The real meaningful part comes from the heart, not the title.

Who ever thought that the issue of motherhood itself would be so contentious. And we can lay that contentiousness squarely at the feet of the uptight Right. Nothing to see here, unless you're suspicious and fearful.

Look, this debate between mentally unstable whackos and "normal" folks has been had a million times over....You've clearly lost your mind and probably due to a traumatic experience that most of us haven't gone through. We can't level with you bud...THANK GOD!
How does one convince a whacko that he or she is a nutcase? It can't be done.

Accepting insanity on any level is bad, just bad. You cannot declare biology "standards" which you will no longer accept any more than you can declare physics standards which you will no longer accept and repeal the law of gravity.

But WHY? How is it harming you and yours?

They have the right to be "insane" (as you see it) right up until it hurts you or your family or takes away some rights of yours.

Insanity has to be stopped everywhere before it spreads. When insanity spreads, those who refuse to accept the insanity pay the price.

Insanity is bad. But this "insanity" doesn't hurt any of you.

Guess what? Your hate does more to harm our society than that person's "insanity" does.

There are times when "hate" is called for. If it took "hate" to remove the children from this craziness, then hate is certainly called for.

Well, you've got the hate. But you haven't explained how this hurts the kids.

So far you've followed regressive protocol to the tee. You've publicly professed your love and support for our welfare recipients, our illegals, our gays and trannys...etc etc but I've yet to read anything from you where you publicly display any love or support for anyone or anything that may fall in the "normal" column. Care for any?
Leave it to the Right Wing to be wrapped so tight that a soap commercial riles them into a lather! Why I said the Right so uptight about below the belt issues? Aren't they supposed to be champions of small, less intrusive government?

They want to shrink the scope and size of government. Make it just small enough to fit into a bedroom or restroom.

Yeah, yeah...those Righties are dare they expect any sort of standard upheld among society. The anything goes free for all is awesome...Shit, look how productive households are than follow that ideology...they turn out all kinds of positive contributors...You people blow my mind.
How did you get the job? Arbiter of Society. Gaudy title, but how did you get it? What powers, other than the power to tell people how to live their private lives, does the job come with? Can you censor what we see, read and listen to? Is there a copy of the Standards of Society I can peruse so I can know if I'm in accordance with your standards? How will I know when you've peeked under a skirt or into a fly on your pursuit of conformity, purity and production?

And on productivity, are only the poor and struggling middle class exclusively saddled with sexuality that you find icky, or are there LGBT "successful" people too? Do you use your template of acceptability to measure worth based on productivity? My 83 year old mother no longer enjoys a career. Does her worthiness decline because she no longer works? My eight year old grandson doesn't work either. No productivity at all. Is he a greater or lesser threat to you than transgender Moms?

Who the hell are you to judge anyone who is not a criminal or physical threat?

He takes issue with the transgender being called a "Mom" (as if that affects him).

I wonder how he feels about adoptive Moms. They didn't give birth, either.

He takes issue with a biological man, putting his penis into the vagina of a woman. Ejaculating into that vagina which biologically joins with the female ova and creating a child, calling himself a mother. The precise and correct term is FATHER.

An adoptive MOM did not use her penis and active sperm to create a child. If that MOM did put his penis into a vagina, ejaculate in that vagina and send sperm off to join with an ovum, that MOM is a FATHER too.

If you do not understand this, perhaps you need a remedial biology course.
You're worried about titles. If a person identifies as a woman, isn't it also a natural thing that such an identity comes with the emotional understanding of a woman, not merely the biological. And doesn't such an emotional being also identify with the maternal?

A person could call him or her self the Scarlet Pimpernel of the family and, so long as the needs of the children are fulfilled, why not? They could call themselves the Tipsycatlover of the family. Or the Nosmo King. The real meaningful part comes from the heart, not the title.

Who ever thought that the issue of motherhood itself would be so contentious. And we can lay that contentiousness squarely at the feet of the uptight Right. Nothing to see here, unless you're suspicious and fearful.

Look, this debate between mentally unstable whackos and "normal" folks has been had a million times over....You've clearly lost your mind and probably due to a traumatic experience that most of us haven't gone through. We can't level with you bud...THANK GOD!
How does one convince a whacko that he or she is a nutcase? It can't be done.

No. It is they who demand that everyone else accept their insanity. Can you imagine having children that associate with the mentally and emotionally confused children that are unfortunate to be born into this fucked up family? This is harming the children most of all.

Your family does not have to associate with a family with a transgender. Their kids are not your concern.
a man that beats his wife and carves the children up for Sunday dinner isn't my concern.

The XYZ Corporation that pollutes the Ohio river isn't my concern.

Omar the bomb maker in Minnesota isn't my concern.

There are a lot of things that aren't my concern, except that for some reason they are.

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