Transgender Mom commercial.................

Yeah, yeah...those Righties are dare they expect any sort of standard upheld among society. The anything goes free for all is awesome...Shit, look how productive households are than follow that ideology...they turn out all kinds of positive contributors...You people blow my mind.
How did you get the job? Arbiter of Society. Gaudy title, but how did you get it? What powers, other than the power to tell people how to live their private lives, does the job come with? Can you censor what we see, read and listen to? Is there a copy of the Standards of Society I can peruse so I can know if I'm in accordance with your standards? How will I know when you've peeked under a skirt or into a fly on your pursuit of conformity, purity and production?

And on productivity, are only the poor and struggling middle class exclusively saddled with sexuality that you find icky, or are there LGBT "successful" people too? Do you use your template of acceptability to measure worth based on productivity? My 83 year old mother no longer enjoys a career. Does her worthiness decline because she no longer works? My eight year old grandson doesn't work either. No productivity at all. Is he a greater or lesser threat to you than transgender Moms?

Who the hell are you to judge anyone who is not a criminal or physical threat?

He takes issue with a biological man, putting his penis into the vagina of a woman. Ejaculating into that vagina which biologically joins with the female ova and creating a child, calling himself a mother. The precise and correct term is FATHER.

An adoptive MOM did not use her penis and active sperm to create a child. If that MOM did put his penis into a vagina, ejaculate in that vagina and send sperm off to join with an ovum, that MOM is a FATHER too.

If you do not understand this, perhaps you need a remedial biology course.
You're worried about titles. If a person identifies as a woman, isn't it also a natural thing that such an identity comes with the emotional understanding of a woman, not merely the biological. And doesn't such an emotional being also identify with the maternal?

A person could call him or her self the Scarlet Pimpernel of the family and, so long as the needs of the children are fulfilled, why not? They could call themselves the Tipsycatlover of the family. Or the Nosmo King. The real meaningful part comes from the heart, not the title.

Who ever thought that the issue of motherhood itself would be so contentious. And we can lay that contentiousness squarely at the feet of the uptight Right. Nothing to see here, unless you're suspicious and fearful.

Look, this debate between mentally unstable whackos and "normal" folks has been had a million times over....You've clearly lost your mind and probably due to a traumatic experience that most of us haven't gone through. We can't level with you bud...THANK GOD!
How does one convince a whacko that he or she is a nutcase? It can't be done.

No. It is they who demand that everyone else accept their insanity. Can you imagine having children that associate with the mentally and emotionally confused children that are unfortunate to be born into this fucked up family? This is harming the children most of all.

Your family does not have to associate with a family with a transgender. Their kids are not your concern.
a man that beats his wife and carves the children up for Sunday dinner isn't my concern.

The XYZ Corporation that pollutes the Ohio river isn't my concern.

Omar the bomb maker in Minnesota isn't my concern.

There are a lot of things that aren't my concern, except that for some reason they are.

So you've compared this Mom to a murderous cannibal, a polluting corporation, and a bomb maker. Those people all hurt or kill others. Are you saying a transgender mom is going to hurt or kill others?

Happy Easter
I'm looking for truth, not anecdote. If you don't want to traffic in the truth, how does that make me creepy? It makes you non credible.
Look moron, you are creepy to anyone who feels that you are creepy. What fucktards like you can not comprehend, is that you can not tell other people how to feel. You got that creepy?

Good now go hang upside down with the other batshit crazies
I'm trying to make a rational argument. I haven't attacked anyone. I haven't made any untoward suggestions. My peccadilloes are not the issue or the concern. I never stooped so low to call so,some a fucktard.

And I'm the creepy one.

Anyone who feels you are creepy, with an avatar of a dogs exposed genitals is vindicated.

You got that creepy
My avatar is my dog in her Playmate of the Month pose.

Like I said...CREEPY!
Often times I wonder just what you Loonies might consider to be bizarre?
If you can't find it bizarre that 6'5" 250lb Bubba with an adam's apple and a penis suddenly feels the need to wear a dress and lipstick...then what the fuck do you find to be bizarre?

It's not "suddenly." It's something people are born with.

So far, no one can explain how this person is such a danger.
When there are transgender teachers in every first grade, because retards like you require it, everyone is effected.

You'd need a lot of transgenders for that to happen.

I would certainly not require that.

And no, still no one is affected.
The fact that you can not see that this would effect the normal YEA I SAID NORMAL kids in these classes and their parents as well, shows that you are a retarded transsexual or just a fool who cares about no one but yourself.

PS. Hillary Cliton lost because of views like yours


How would another person's chosen gender affect you?

"Chosen" gender....say no more. You peeps are batshit crazy for that statement alone.

So? Maybe I'm crazy. Maybe I wear stripes and polka dots in the same outfit.

How does this affect your life?
It would bring humor into mine. But you gender ambivalence attitude is bullshit. How society is defined affects us all unless you are a hermit in the mountains. If children see men parading around like women they will assume it's normal or natural and they are too young to know any better.
If someone were to waste their time and explain it to you, you would still spin and troll and cry about and still ask why no one will explain it too you.
You'd need a lot of transgenders for that to happen.

I would certainly not require that.

And no, still no one is affected.
The fact that you can not see that this would effect the normal YEA I SAID NORMAL kids in these classes and their parents as well, shows that you are a retarded transsexual or just a fool who cares about no one but yourself.

PS. Hillary Cliton lost because of views like yours


How would another person's chosen gender affect you?

"Chosen" gender....say no more. You peeps are batshit crazy for that statement alone.

So? Maybe I'm crazy. Maybe I wear stripes and polka dots in the same outfit.

How does this affect your life?
It would bring humor into mine. But you gender ambivalence attitude is bullshit. How society is defined affects us all unless you are a hermit in the mountains. If children see men parading around like women they will assume it's normal or natural and they are too young to know any better.

If your children are the ones seeing it, it could be a teachable moment to tell them it's not normal (in your view).

But really, that's the best "harm" you can come up with?
The fact that you can not see that this would effect the normal YEA I SAID NORMAL kids in these classes and their parents as well, shows that you are a retarded transsexual or just a fool who cares about no one but yourself.

PS. Hillary Cliton lost because of views like yours


How would another person's chosen gender affect you?

"Chosen" gender....say no more. You peeps are batshit crazy for that statement alone.

So? Maybe I'm crazy. Maybe I wear stripes and polka dots in the same outfit.

How does this affect your life?
It would bring humor into mine. But you gender ambivalence attitude is bullshit. How society is defined affects us all unless you are a hermit in the mountains. If children see men parading around like women they will assume it's normal or natural and they are too young to know any better.

If your children are the ones seeing it, it could be a teachable moment to tell them it's not normal (in your view).

But really, that's the best "harm" you can come up with?
I just explained it to you. I cannot understand things for you.

Let's say bestiality freaks get their way in your amoral anything goes society. Do you think ads with women having sex with dogs would have any influence on kids or society? Before your pea brain flips out and accuses me of comparing bestiality with transgenderism I am referring specifically to your attitude that ambiguous gender normalism has no effect on a society.
The fact that you can not see that this would effect the normal YEA I SAID NORMAL kids in these classes and their parents as well, shows that you are a retarded transsexual or just a fool who cares about no one but yourself.

PS. Hillary Cliton lost because of views like yours


How would another person's chosen gender affect you?

"Chosen" gender....say no more. You peeps are batshit crazy for that statement alone.

So? Maybe I'm crazy. Maybe I wear stripes and polka dots in the same outfit.

How does this affect your life?
It would bring humor into mine. But you gender ambivalence attitude is bullshit. How society is defined affects us all unless you are a hermit in the mountains. If children see men parading around like women they will assume it's normal or natural and they are too young to know any better.

If your children are the ones seeing it, it could be a teachable moment to tell them it's not normal (in your view).

But really, that's the best "harm" you can come up with?

Children should not see men licking other mens assholes anymore than they should see their parents heads being sawed off. But don't let that stop you from licking your dads ass some more..................
How would another person's chosen gender affect you?

"Chosen" gender....say no more. You peeps are batshit crazy for that statement alone.

So? Maybe I'm crazy. Maybe I wear stripes and polka dots in the same outfit.

How does this affect your life?
It would bring humor into mine. But you gender ambivalence attitude is bullshit. How society is defined affects us all unless you are a hermit in the mountains. If children see men parading around like women they will assume it's normal or natural and they are too young to know any better.

If your children are the ones seeing it, it could be a teachable moment to tell them it's not normal (in your view).

But really, that's the best "harm" you can come up with?
I just explained it to you. I cannot understand things for you.

Let's say bestiality freaks get their way in your amoral anything goes society. Do you think ads with women having sex with dogs would have any influence on kids or society? Before your pea brain flips out and accuses me of comparing bestiality with transgenderism I am referring specifically to your attitude that ambiguous gender normalism has no effect on a society.

You are comparing transgenderism with bestiality. And they are NOT comparable, and no one was having sex in a commercial.

I do not have a vision for an "amoral, anything goes society." I just choose the morals that MATTER.

You are using the slippery slope fallacy, without articulating the specific harm done by gays and/or transgenders to anyone.
"Chosen" gender....say no more. You peeps are batshit crazy for that statement alone.

So? Maybe I'm crazy. Maybe I wear stripes and polka dots in the same outfit.

How does this affect your life?
It would bring humor into mine. But you gender ambivalence attitude is bullshit. How society is defined affects us all unless you are a hermit in the mountains. If children see men parading around like women they will assume it's normal or natural and they are too young to know any better.

If your children are the ones seeing it, it could be a teachable moment to tell them it's not normal (in your view).

But really, that's the best "harm" you can come up with?
I just explained it to you. I cannot understand things for you.

Let's say bestiality freaks get their way in your amoral anything goes society. Do you think ads with women having sex with dogs would have any influence on kids or society? Before your pea brain flips out and accuses me of comparing bestiality with transgenderism I am referring specifically to your attitude that ambiguous gender normalism has no effect on a society.

You are comparing transgenderism with bestiality. And they are NOT comparable, and no one was having sex in a commercial.

I do not have a vision for an "amoral, anything goes society." I just choose the morals that MATTER.

You are using the slippery slope fallacy, without articulating the specific harm done by gays and/or transgenders to anyone.

Do you enjoy being a dead twig on the tree of life?
How would another person's chosen gender affect you?

"Chosen" gender....say no more. You peeps are batshit crazy for that statement alone.

So? Maybe I'm crazy. Maybe I wear stripes and polka dots in the same outfit.

How does this affect your life?
It would bring humor into mine. But you gender ambivalence attitude is bullshit. How society is defined affects us all unless you are a hermit in the mountains. If children see men parading around like women they will assume it's normal or natural and they are too young to know any better.

If your children are the ones seeing it, it could be a teachable moment to tell them it's not normal (in your view).

But really, that's the best "harm" you can come up with?

Children should not see men licking other mens assholes anymore than they should see their parents heads being sawed off. But don't let that stop you from licking your dads ass some more..................

You are a disgusting human being.

That's not me insulting you, by the way. It's just my considered opinion of you, and it's warranted.
So? Maybe I'm crazy. Maybe I wear stripes and polka dots in the same outfit.

How does this affect your life?
It would bring humor into mine. But you gender ambivalence attitude is bullshit. How society is defined affects us all unless you are a hermit in the mountains. If children see men parading around like women they will assume it's normal or natural and they are too young to know any better.

If your children are the ones seeing it, it could be a teachable moment to tell them it's not normal (in your view).

But really, that's the best "harm" you can come up with?
I just explained it to you. I cannot understand things for you.

Let's say bestiality freaks get their way in your amoral anything goes society. Do you think ads with women having sex with dogs would have any influence on kids or society? Before your pea brain flips out and accuses me of comparing bestiality with transgenderism I am referring specifically to your attitude that ambiguous gender normalism has no effect on a society.

You are comparing transgenderism with bestiality. And they are NOT comparable, and no one was having sex in a commercial.

I do not have a vision for an "amoral, anything goes society." I just choose the morals that MATTER.

You are using the slippery slope fallacy, without articulating the specific harm done by gays and/or transgenders to anyone.

Do you enjoy being a dead twig on the tree of life?

Oh, bless your heart. You just have no clue what you're talking about, but you're trying to hurt me with it, anyway.
"Chosen" gender....say no more. You peeps are batshit crazy for that statement alone.

So? Maybe I'm crazy. Maybe I wear stripes and polka dots in the same outfit.

How does this affect your life?
It would bring humor into mine. But you gender ambivalence attitude is bullshit. How society is defined affects us all unless you are a hermit in the mountains. If children see men parading around like women they will assume it's normal or natural and they are too young to know any better.

If your children are the ones seeing it, it could be a teachable moment to tell them it's not normal (in your view).

But really, that's the best "harm" you can come up with?

Children should not see men licking other mens assholes anymore than they should see their parents heads being sawed off. But don't let that stop you from licking your dads ass some more..................

You are a disgusting human being.

That's not me insulting you, by the way. It's just my considered opinion of you, and it's warranted.

And you show yourself licking another mans asshole when there are children watching.. Dude this is what you are arguing is acceptable. So seriously I am proud that you do not have a favorable opinion of me.

PS. Stay far away from my children........................carve it in stone
So? Maybe I'm crazy. Maybe I wear stripes and polka dots in the same outfit.

How does this affect your life?
It would bring humor into mine. But you gender ambivalence attitude is bullshit. How society is defined affects us all unless you are a hermit in the mountains. If children see men parading around like women they will assume it's normal or natural and they are too young to know any better.

If your children are the ones seeing it, it could be a teachable moment to tell them it's not normal (in your view).

But really, that's the best "harm" you can come up with?

Children should not see men licking other mens assholes anymore than they should see their parents heads being sawed off. But don't let that stop you from licking your dads ass some more..................

You are a disgusting human being.

That's not me insulting you, by the way. It's just my considered opinion of you, and it's warranted.

And you show yourself licking another mans asshole when there are children watching.. Dude this is what you are arguing is acceptable. So seriously I am proud that you do not have a favorable opinion of me.

PS. Stay far away from my children........................carve it in stone

^^^ Hallucinations.
It would bring humor into mine. But you gender ambivalence attitude is bullshit. How society is defined affects us all unless you are a hermit in the mountains. If children see men parading around like women they will assume it's normal or natural and they are too young to know any better.

If your children are the ones seeing it, it could be a teachable moment to tell them it's not normal (in your view).

But really, that's the best "harm" you can come up with?
I just explained it to you. I cannot understand things for you.

Let's say bestiality freaks get their way in your amoral anything goes society. Do you think ads with women having sex with dogs would have any influence on kids or society? Before your pea brain flips out and accuses me of comparing bestiality with transgenderism I am referring specifically to your attitude that ambiguous gender normalism has no effect on a society.

You are comparing transgenderism with bestiality. And they are NOT comparable, and no one was having sex in a commercial.

I do not have a vision for an "amoral, anything goes society." I just choose the morals that MATTER.

You are using the slippery slope fallacy, without articulating the specific harm done by gays and/or transgenders to anyone.

Do you enjoy being a dead twig on the tree of life?

Oh, bless your heart. You just have no clue what you're talking about, but you're trying to hurt me with it, anyway.

How many children do you have? I have three..................

You have none, because the only eggs your boyfriends asshole has, came out of a chicken
It would bring humor into mine. But you gender ambivalence attitude is bullshit. How society is defined affects us all unless you are a hermit in the mountains. If children see men parading around like women they will assume it's normal or natural and they are too young to know any better.

If your children are the ones seeing it, it could be a teachable moment to tell them it's not normal (in your view).

But really, that's the best "harm" you can come up with?

Children should not see men licking other mens assholes anymore than they should see their parents heads being sawed off. But don't let that stop you from licking your dads ass some more..................

You are a disgusting human being.

That's not me insulting you, by the way. It's just my considered opinion of you, and it's warranted.

And you show yourself licking another mans asshole when there are children watching.. Dude this is what you are arguing is acceptable. So seriously I am proud that you do not have a favorable opinion of me.

PS. Stay far away from my children........................carve it in stone

^^^ Hallucinations.

LOL Dud your significant other retard helpy you with that
If your children are the ones seeing it, it could be a teachable moment to tell them it's not normal (in your view).

But really, that's the best "harm" you can come up with?
I just explained it to you. I cannot understand things for you.

Let's say bestiality freaks get their way in your amoral anything goes society. Do you think ads with women having sex with dogs would have any influence on kids or society? Before your pea brain flips out and accuses me of comparing bestiality with transgenderism I am referring specifically to your attitude that ambiguous gender normalism has no effect on a society.

You are comparing transgenderism with bestiality. And they are NOT comparable, and no one was having sex in a commercial.

I do not have a vision for an "amoral, anything goes society." I just choose the morals that MATTER.

You are using the slippery slope fallacy, without articulating the specific harm done by gays and/or transgenders to anyone.

Do you enjoy being a dead twig on the tree of life?

Oh, bless your heart. You just have no clue what you're talking about, but you're trying to hurt me with it, anyway.

How many children do you have? I have three..................

You have none, because the only eggs your boyfriends asshole has, came out of a chicken

Drumroll please
"Chosen" gender....say no more. You peeps are batshit crazy for that statement alone.

So? Maybe I'm crazy. Maybe I wear stripes and polka dots in the same outfit.

How does this affect your life?
It would bring humor into mine. But you gender ambivalence attitude is bullshit. How society is defined affects us all unless you are a hermit in the mountains. If children see men parading around like women they will assume it's normal or natural and they are too young to know any better.

If your children are the ones seeing it, it could be a teachable moment to tell them it's not normal (in your view).

But really, that's the best "harm" you can come up with?
I just explained it to you. I cannot understand things for you.

Let's say bestiality freaks get their way in your amoral anything goes society. Do you think ads with women having sex with dogs would have any influence on kids or society? Before your pea brain flips out and accuses me of comparing bestiality with transgenderism I am referring specifically to your attitude that ambiguous gender normalism has no effect on a society.

You are comparing transgenderism with bestiality. And they are NOT comparable, and no one was having sex in a commercial.

I do not have a vision for an "amoral, anything goes society." I just choose the morals that MATTER.

You are using the slippery slope fallacy, without articulating the specific harm done by gays and/or transgenders to anyone.
Wrong, I even explained in advance, since I realize you're a halfwit, that I was addressing your attitude that normalization has no effect on society. YOU want to chose morals for society, not the other way around. That's because you are a leftist totalitarian power freak.
If your children are the ones seeing it, it could be a teachable moment to tell them it's not normal (in your view).

But really, that's the best "harm" you can come up with?
I just explained it to you. I cannot understand things for you.

Let's say bestiality freaks get their way in your amoral anything goes society. Do you think ads with women having sex with dogs would have any influence on kids or society? Before your pea brain flips out and accuses me of comparing bestiality with transgenderism I am referring specifically to your attitude that ambiguous gender normalism has no effect on a society.

You are comparing transgenderism with bestiality. And they are NOT comparable, and no one was having sex in a commercial.

I do not have a vision for an "amoral, anything goes society." I just choose the morals that MATTER.

You are using the slippery slope fallacy, without articulating the specific harm done by gays and/or transgenders to anyone.

Do you enjoy being a dead twig on the tree of life?

Oh, bless your heart. You just have no clue what you're talking about, but you're trying to hurt me with it, anyway.

How many children do you have? I have three..................

You have none, because the only eggs your boyfriends asshole has came out of a chicken

You are getting off the discussion because you can't answer a simple question.

First, you paint a visual that would be disturbing, so that people reading will associate transgenderism with a sexual act. Then you begin talking about children. Right after that disturbing picture, to reinforce that transgenderism is something to protect children from.

It's actually pretty clever, and effective to the ignorant.

But you still haven't answered how a transgender individual hurts anyone else.
I just explained it to you. I cannot understand things for you.

Let's say bestiality freaks get their way in your amoral anything goes society. Do you think ads with women having sex with dogs would have any influence on kids or society? Before your pea brain flips out and accuses me of comparing bestiality with transgenderism I am referring specifically to your attitude that ambiguous gender normalism has no effect on a society.

You are comparing transgenderism with bestiality. And they are NOT comparable, and no one was having sex in a commercial.

I do not have a vision for an "amoral, anything goes society." I just choose the morals that MATTER.

You are using the slippery slope fallacy, without articulating the specific harm done by gays and/or transgenders to anyone.

Do you enjoy being a dead twig on the tree of life?

Oh, bless your heart. You just have no clue what you're talking about, but you're trying to hurt me with it, anyway.

How many children do you have? I have three..................

You have none, because the only eggs your boyfriends asshole has came out of a chicken

You are getting off the discussion because you can't answer a simple question.

First, you paint a visual that would be disturbing, so that people reading will associate transgenderism with a sexual act. Then you begin talking about children. Right after that disturbing picture, to reinforce that transgenderism is something to protect children from.

It's actually pretty clever, and effective to the ignorant.

But you still haven't answered how a transgender individual hurts anyone else.

Child abuse

So? Maybe I'm crazy. Maybe I wear stripes and polka dots in the same outfit.

How does this affect your life?
It would bring humor into mine. But you gender ambivalence attitude is bullshit. How society is defined affects us all unless you are a hermit in the mountains. If children see men parading around like women they will assume it's normal or natural and they are too young to know any better.

If your children are the ones seeing it, it could be a teachable moment to tell them it's not normal (in your view).

But really, that's the best "harm" you can come up with?
I just explained it to you. I cannot understand things for you.

Let's say bestiality freaks get their way in your amoral anything goes society. Do you think ads with women having sex with dogs would have any influence on kids or society? Before your pea brain flips out and accuses me of comparing bestiality with transgenderism I am referring specifically to your attitude that ambiguous gender normalism has no effect on a society.

You are comparing transgenderism with bestiality. And they are NOT comparable, and no one was having sex in a commercial.

I do not have a vision for an "amoral, anything goes society." I just choose the morals that MATTER.

You are using the slippery slope fallacy, without articulating the specific harm done by gays and/or transgenders to anyone.
Wrong, I even explained in advance, since I realize you're a halfwit, that I was addressing your attitude that normalization has no effect on society. YOU want to chose morals for society, not the other way around. That's because you are a leftist totalitarian power freak.

How am I setting morality for society? I'm not the one telling people how they must dress, or act, or what they have to call themselves. Hell, I'm not even telling you how to react to people that you find disgusting. YOU are the one up in arms over a 5-second snippet of commercial that you somehow believe will lead to the ruin of society and the acceptance of raw sex acts on tv.

I never said that normalization will have no effect on society. I'm asking how it will hurt our society. Big difference.

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