"Transgender" Teen Recants Bullshit Story about Attack...

"SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — A 15-year-old transgender student in California who claimed to have been beaten and sexually assaulted in a school bathroom recanted after a police investigation failed to back up his story.

The reversal left open the possibility the teen could be charged with making a false criminal report, said Connie Van Putten, a police department spokeswoman.

The student, who is biologically female but identifies as male, had told officers he was leaving a boy's bathroom on Monday morning when three other boys he did not know pushed him inside a large stall and attacked him."



Ergo all transgenders/transexuals are liars

Ergo, all honkies are racists

Ergo, all spics are lazy

Ergo, all ******* are violent

Ergo, all chinks are geniuses

Have I left any stereotypes? After all, this one example is a truism of how all transgender/transexuals act, right?
Ergo all transgenders/transexuals are liars

Ergo, all honkies are racists

Ergo, all spics are lazy

Ergo, all ******* are violent

Ergo, all chinks are geniuses

Have I left any stereotypes? After all, this one example is a truism of how all transgender/transexuals act, right?

This Person is Based in Lies... Starting at Denying their own Design and Acting out on it.


Liberal faggots already in full making excuses mode for the fucking deviant liar.

The fuckign faggot needs to go to jail.

Calls for support after transgender student recants attack story - latimes.com

You know you might have a point and it might even be considered, if you language was not so foul and hate so apparent. You obsession about transsexuals and gay people seems to be far over the top. We get it. You disagree. However, you come off with so much hate and vitriol even when you might have a valid point, its lost in your incessant need to try and validate YOUR feelings and YOUR hate.

No, one should be advocating for this kid IMO, her actions should be seen as deplorable. All it does it mess up cases were there is real crime and real rape. It puts a shadow of doubt on all claims.
They hate sanity and reality. THis bullshit is being forced upon all of us. FUCK them. Fuck everyone who defends this nonsense.

This Person is Based in Lies... Starting at Denying their own Design and Acting out on it.



Sorry we all can't be perfect....

Not asking for Perfection... I have a Rational Expectation for Society to stop Entertaining Mental Illness as something other than what it is. :thup:


Not asking for Perfection... I have a Rational Expectation for Society to stop Entertaining Mental Illness as something other than what it is. :thup:



No you have an ego the size of Africa and don't have any tolerance for behaviours that you consider outside the norm. You have the answer for everything. Your schtick is "If I ruled the world" thus my "we can't always be perfect". You think you have the answer to everything, no matter how complicated the subject matter, nor how much above your limited cerebral intellect the aforementioned subject is.

It's about as much as mental illness as those who prefer to drive a white caddy to those who prefer a brown one. IOW, who gives a fuck? Nobody should. Unless they're a busy body. Are you a busy body, Mal?
Not asking for Perfection... I have a Rational Expectation for Society to stop Entertaining Mental Illness as something other than what it is. :thup:



No you have an ego the size of Africa and don't have any tolerance for behaviours that you consider outside the norm. You have the answer for everything. Your schtick is "If I ruled the world" thus my "we can't always be perfect". You think you have the answer to everything, no matter how complicated the subject matter, nor how much above your limited cerebral intellect the aforementioned subject is.

It's about as much as mental illness as those who prefer to drive a white caddy to those who prefer a brown one. IOW, who gives a fuck? Nobody should. Unless they're a busy body. Are you a busy body, Mal?

If things stay in the Bedrooms, Bathhouse and Park Toilets where I didn't have to see them then maybe you'd have a point...

But since this President all of the way down to you is pushing for Normalizing Mental Illness and further making it Equal to something it's Factually not in Law, then I have something to say.

You are Free to Defy your Natural Design... When you Force that Deviancy on Children in Schools or Parade in the Public Streets or try to Force Laws to be Passed that Defy what is, then I have an Issue.


If things stay in the Bedrooms, Bathhouse and Park Toilets where I didn't have to see them then maybe you'd have a point...

But since this President all of the way down to you is pushing for Normalizing Mental Illness and further making it Equal to something it's Factually not in Law, then I have something to say.

You are Free to Defy your Natural Design... When you Force that Deviancy on Children in Schools or Parade in the Public Streets or try to Force Laws to be Passed that Defy what is, then I have an Issue.



But it's not a mental illness Mal. In your opinion it is, but as the saying goes, opinions are like arseholes. And more importantly, opinions - in a lot of cases including this one - are not facts.

What is the natural design of one may not be the natural design of another. Is it natural to like Brussel Sprouts? I dunno, but some people love 'em and some hate 'em. I hate 'em. I am abnormal? It's not like transgender or homosexual behaviour suddenly popped out of the genie bottle 12 months ago. It has been around at least the Ancient Greeks but more likely before then.

At the end of the day, your opinion fits into one tiny, little box. It's called bigotry.
If things stay in the Bedrooms, Bathhouse and Park Toilets where I didn't have to see them then maybe you'd have a point...

But since this President all of the way down to you is pushing for Normalizing Mental Illness and further making it Equal to something it's Factually not in Law, then I have something to say.

You are Free to Defy your Natural Design... When you Force that Deviancy on Children in Schools or Parade in the Public Streets or try to Force Laws to be Passed that Defy what is, then I have an Issue.



But it's not a mental illness Mal. In your opinion it is, but as the saying goes, opinions are like arseholes. And more importantly, opinions - in a lot of cases including this one - are not facts.

What is the natural design of one may not be the natural design of another. Is it natural to like Brussel Sprouts? I dunno, but some people love 'em and some hate 'em. I hate 'em. I am abnormal? It's not like transgender or homosexual behaviour suddenly popped out of the genie bottle 12 months ago. It has been around at least the Ancient Greeks but more likely before then.

At the end of the day, your opinion fits into one tiny, little box. It's called bigotry.

I don't shut up because you call me a Bigot... If you are looking to shut someone down I'd move along there, Champ. :thup:

It's not my Opinion... It's what is. Every single "Homosexual" is Designed and Equipped by Nature to Couple with the Opposite Sex.

It is either Choice or Defect that they don't... And that is not my nor Society's Burden.


The only thing this young woman has achieved as a result of her actions is another blemish on the image of transgendered people. In general, don't make stuff up about people attacking you, especially when it is politically inflammatory, because if people discover your lie the backlash will be fierce and justified. It hurts your cause.
I don't shut up because you call me a Bigot... If you are looking to shut someone down I'd move along there, Champ. :thup:

It's not my Opinion... It's what is. Every single "Homosexual" is Designed and Equipped by Nature to Couple with the Opposite Sex.

It is either Choice or Defect that they don't... And that is not my nor Society's Burden.



Oh god no! No way do I want you to shut up! I love bigots being out in the open, that way you can see them coming. Nothing worse than a bigot hiding behind the skirt of anonymity.

Of course it is an opinion. You have absolutely not one shred of evidence that homosexuality is a mental illness. Just your bigotted opinion. Carry on!
I don't shut up because you call me a Bigot... If you are looking to shut someone down I'd move along there, Champ. :thup:

It's not my Opinion... It's what is. Every single "Homosexual" is Designed and Equipped by Nature to Couple with the Opposite Sex.

It is either Choice or Defect that they don't... And that is not my nor Society's Burden.



Oh god no! No way do I want you to shut up! I love bigots being out in the open, that way you can see them coming. Nothing worse than a bigot hiding behind the skirt of anonymity.

Of course it is an opinion. You have absolutely not one shred of evidence that homosexuality is a mental illness. Just your bigotted opinion. Carry on!

Just the Fact that Nature Designed and Equipped them to couple with Opposite Sex... their Defiance is either Defect or Choice.

Not my Opinion.

When you come back be sure to bring with you the Written Justification of the APA's for removing the from the Mental list.



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