"Transgendered" Bathrooms

Astroid that struck the alps.

Evidence of Asteroid Impact For Sodom and Gomorrah ...
Universe Today
Evidence of Asteroid Impact For Sodom and Gomorrah? 10 Apr ... It is probable more people died under the plume than in the Alps due to the impact blast.â€.
Researchers: Asteroid Destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah ...
Fox News Channel
Apr 1, 2008 - He said the size and route of the asteroid meant that it was likely to have crashed into the Austrian Alps at Köfels. As it traveled close to the ...
Assyrian clay tablet points to 'Sodom and Gomorrah' asteroid
The Register
Mar 31, 2008 - Assyrian clay tablet points to 'Sodom and Gomorrah' asteroid ... It is probable more people died under the plume than in the Alps due to the ...
Sodom And Gomorrah: The Köfels Asteroid Impact | Reality ...
Mar 7, 2010 - He said the size and route of the asteroid meant that it was likely to have crashed into the Austrian Alps at Köfels. As it traveled close to the ...
I know you don't have much common sense, but try to follow this.

If there is a Creator, who could make everything in just 6 days, and I mean all the stars and planets, and everything in the whole universe, then couldn't that Creator control anything He wanted to, including asteroids, comets, and all heavenly bodies, and make them do as He wants them to do?

You don't get the meaning of omnipotent, do you?

If there is such a god, he made gays and transgenders. They are his people as well. You do not have a right to abuse them or even deny them rights.
In the US we live by the law, not the bible or god. Transgenders have a right to use the bathroom of their identified gender and to deny them is against the law.

Stuff your bible in the night stand and learn to live and respect all other people of all faiths and orientation as brothers. Didn't Jesus tell you to love thy neighbor? You won't even let them use the bathroom.

Tell me where god or Jesus says transgenders can't use the bathroom?

You abuse your faith, you don't respect god, Jesus or the book, but you want to preach to the rest of us? Go crawl back into your hole.
You have no idea what Jesus said! Good news for you though, some day you will. Hope you don't burn, but I wouldn't lay money that you wont.

I'll burn but not in the way you want. What ever is not used for donation is to be cremated. My ashes will sit on the shelf with my grandmother, my in-laws, my father and my son's dog that died 15 yrs ago

I carry a pinch of each with me on a chain.

What I have done in my life, I have no fear should a god actually exist. My life will speak more than prayers on sundays. I'm not worried about any feather test.

Those with hate towards their fellow man, or transgender woman, should probably get asbestos shoes
. No one hating no one, but rather instead just trying to get back the respect that has been lost in it all. Christian hetero's are becoming some of the most hated people anymore it seems, even though we do nothing to deserve such hatred. To respect each other's space is important and key in all of this stuff going on today.

Respect the right of transgender women to use the girls room and transgender men to use the boys room
I know you don't have much common sense, but try to follow this.

If there is a Creator, who could make everything in just 6 days, and I mean all the stars and planets, and everything in the whole universe, then couldn't that Creator control anything He wanted to, including asteroids, comets, and all heavenly bodies, and make them do as He wants them to do?

You don't get the meaning of omnipotent, do you?

If there is such a god, he made gays and transgenders. They are his people as well. You do not have a right to abuse them or even deny them rights.
In the US we live by the law, not the bible or god. Transgenders have a right to use the bathroom of their identified gender and to deny them is against the law.

Stuff your bible in the night stand and learn to live and respect all other people of all faiths and orientation as brothers. Didn't Jesus tell you to love thy neighbor? You won't even let them use the bathroom.

Tell me where god or Jesus says transgenders can't use the bathroom?

You abuse your faith, you don't respect god, Jesus or the book, but you want to preach to the rest of us? Go crawl back into your hole.
You have no idea what Jesus said! Good news for you though, some day you will. Hope you don't burn, but I wouldn't lay money that you wont.

I'll burn but not in the way you want. What ever is not used for donation is to be cremated. My ashes will sit on the shelf with my grandmother, my in-laws, my father and my son's dog that died 15 yrs ago

I carry a pinch of each with me on a chain.

What I have done in my life, I have no fear should a god actually exist. My life will speak more than prayers on sundays. I'm not worried about any feather test.

Those with hate towards their fellow man, or transgender woman, should probably get asbestos shoes
. No one hating no one, but rather instead just trying to get back the respect that has been lost in it all. Christian hetero's are becoming some of the most hated people anymore it seems, even though we do nothing to deserve such hatred. To respect each other's space is important and key in all of this stuff going on today.

Respect the right of transgender women to use the girls room and transgender men to use the boys room
Transsexuals are a totally artificial and tiny group. Why do they NEED all this? As it is, we spend millions for handicapped restrooms/wheelchair accessible restrooms (let alone parking) for a tiny minority that I rarely ever see? And we need to accede even further for an even tinier group that doesn't merit this attention? Let alone the sexual baggage political correctness won't correct?
If there is such a god, he made gays and transgenders. They are his people as well. You do not have a right to abuse them or even deny them rights.
In the US we live by the law, not the bible or god. Transgenders have a right to use the bathroom of their identified gender and to deny them is against the law.

Stuff your bible in the night stand and learn to live and respect all other people of all faiths and orientation as brothers. Didn't Jesus tell you to love thy neighbor? You won't even let them use the bathroom.

Tell me where god or Jesus says transgenders can't use the bathroom?

You abuse your faith, you don't respect god, Jesus or the book, but you want to preach to the rest of us? Go crawl back into your hole.
You have no idea what Jesus said! Good news for you though, some day you will. Hope you don't burn, but I wouldn't lay money that you wont.

I'll burn but not in the way you want. What ever is not used for donation is to be cremated. My ashes will sit on the shelf with my grandmother, my in-laws, my father and my son's dog that died 15 yrs ago

I carry a pinch of each with me on a chain.

What I have done in my life, I have no fear should a god actually exist. My life will speak more than prayers on sundays. I'm not worried about any feather test.

Those with hate towards their fellow man, or transgender woman, should probably get asbestos shoes
. No one hating no one, but rather instead just trying to get back the respect that has been lost in it all. Christian hetero's are becoming some of the most hated people anymore it seems, even though we do nothing to deserve such hatred. To respect each other's space is important and key in all of this stuff going on today.

Respect the right of transgender women to use the girls room and transgender men to use the boys room
Transsexuals are a totally artificial and tiny group. Why do they NEED all this? As it is, we spend millions for handicapped restrooms/wheelchair accessible restrooms (let alone parking) for a tiny minority that I rarely ever see? And we need to accede even further for an even tinier group that doesn't merit this attention? Let alone the sexual baggage political correctness won't correct?

You don't think those with handicaps or disabilities should have a right to access the bathroom?

Even transgenders have a right, which the courts recognize. Anti-LGBT bills are toilet paper and going down.
As it is, we spend millions for handicapped restrooms/wheelchair accessible restrooms (let alone parking) for a tiny minority that I rarely ever see?
If you rarely see the disable, I suggest you see an eye doctor. 1 in 5 Americans are disabled. Over 7 million are in wheelchairs. Providing facilities that the disable need to be productive members of society is a good investment.

In regard to unisex restrooms, I think private business and government should be encourage to provide them where practical but it shouldn't be mandated. If you need a private restroom, then you should be prepared to find one. They do exist and as the need is made public there will be more. It's not just transgender people who prefer the privacy and safety of a lockable private restroom.
I know you don't have much common sense, but try to follow this.

If there is a Creator, who could make everything in just 6 days, and I mean all the stars and planets, and everything in the whole universe, then couldn't that Creator control anything He wanted to, including asteroids, comets, and all heavenly bodies, and make them do as He wants them to do?

You don't get the meaning of omnipotent, do you?

If there is such a god, he made gays and transgenders. They are his people as well. You do not have a right to abuse them or even deny them rights.
In the US we live by the law, not the bible or god. Transgenders have a right to use the bathroom of their identified gender and to deny them is against the law.

Stuff your bible in the night stand and learn to live and respect all other people of all faiths and orientation as brothers. Didn't Jesus tell you to love thy neighbor? You won't even let them use the bathroom.

Tell me where god or Jesus says transgenders can't use the bathroom?

You abuse your faith, you don't respect god, Jesus or the book, but you want to preach to the rest of us? Go crawl back into your hole.
You have no idea what Jesus said! Good news for you though, some day you will. Hope you don't burn, but I wouldn't lay money that you wont.

I'll burn but not in the way you want. What ever is not used for donation is to be cremated. My ashes will sit on the shelf with my grandmother, my in-laws, my father and my son's dog that died 15 yrs ago

I carry a pinch of each with me on a chain.

What I have done in my life, I have no fear should a god actually exist. My life will speak more than prayers on sundays. I'm not worried about any feather test.

Those with hate towards their fellow man, or transgender woman, should probably get asbestos shoes
. No one hating no one, but rather instead just trying to get back the respect that has been lost in it all. Christian hetero's are becoming some of the most hated people anymore it seems, even though we do nothing to deserve such hatred. To respect each other's space is important and key in all of this stuff going on today.

Respect the right of transgender women to use the girls room and transgender men to use the boys room
. Nope, not gonna happen... If they want to be different then fine, but they must accept the consequences of being different, and not think that those of us who see ourselves as being in a majority still in this nation, are somehow expected to change the whole world or turn it upside down for a few who are on some kind of self serving trip in their own minds now. They will just have to wait their turn before they can decide to change the things in which they don't like, and until then they need to respect the majority who are not agreeing with what they are seeing as some kind of social experiment or life altering plan in which the transgenders have for themselves, and then want by force the rest of the nation to go along with it, and the (key word's) are "by force".
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You have no idea what Jesus said! Good news for you though, some day you will. Hope you don't burn, but I wouldn't lay money that you wont.

I'll burn but not in the way you want. What ever is not used for donation is to be cremated. My ashes will sit on the shelf with my grandmother, my in-laws, my father and my son's dog that died 15 yrs ago

I carry a pinch of each with me on a chain.

What I have done in my life, I have no fear should a god actually exist. My life will speak more than prayers on sundays. I'm not worried about any feather test.

Those with hate towards their fellow man, or transgender woman, should probably get asbestos shoes
. No one hating no one, but rather instead just trying to get back the respect that has been lost in it all. Christian hetero's are becoming some of the most hated people anymore it seems, even though we do nothing to deserve such hatred. To respect each other's space is important and key in all of this stuff going on today.

Respect the right of transgender women to use the girls room and transgender men to use the boys room
Transsexuals are a totally artificial and tiny group. Why do they NEED all this? As it is, we spend millions for handicapped restrooms/wheelchair accessible restrooms (let alone parking) for a tiny minority that I rarely ever see? And we need to accede even further for an even tinier group that doesn't merit this attention? Let alone the sexual baggage political correctness won't correct?

You don't think those with handicaps or disabilities should have a right to access the bathroom?

Even transgenders have a right, which the courts recognize. Anti-LGBT bills are toilet paper and going down.
. You equate transgender to having a handicap or disability ? Well alrighty then... This is the mindset of those who go against the grain... They will do and say anything to make a point, even if they are ridiculous in doing so.
. If you want to try giving ancient history, then do tell what happened to Sodom and Gomorrah, and do tell why it happened.

Astroid that struck the alps.

Evidence of Asteroid Impact For Sodom and Gomorrah ...
Universe Today
Evidence of Asteroid Impact For Sodom and Gomorrah? 10 Apr ... It is probable more people died under the plume than in the Alps due to the impact blast.â€.
Researchers: Asteroid Destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah ...
Fox News Channel
Apr 1, 2008 - He said the size and route of the asteroid meant that it was likely to have crashed into the Austrian Alps at Köfels. As it traveled close to the ...
Assyrian clay tablet points to 'Sodom and Gomorrah' asteroid
The Register
Mar 31, 2008 - Assyrian clay tablet points to 'Sodom and Gomorrah' asteroid ... It is probable more people died under the plume than in the Alps due to the ...
Sodom And Gomorrah: The Köfels Asteroid Impact | Reality ...
Mar 7, 2010 - He said the size and route of the asteroid meant that it was likely to have crashed into the Austrian Alps at Köfels. As it traveled close to the ...
I know you don't have much common sense, but try to follow this.

If there is a Creator, who could make everything in just 6 days, and I mean all the stars and planets, and everything in the whole universe, then couldn't that Creator control anything He wanted to, including asteroids, comets, and all heavenly bodies, and make them do as He wants them to do?

You don't get the meaning of omnipotent, do you?

If there is such a god, he made gays and transgenders. They are his people as well. You do not have a right to abuse them or even deny them rights.
In the US we live by the law, not the bible or god. Transgenders have a right to use the bathroom of their identified gender and to deny them is against the law.

Stuff your bible in the night stand and learn to live and respect all other people of all faiths and orientation as brothers. Didn't Jesus tell you to love thy neighbor? You won't even let them use the bathroom.

Tell me where god or Jesus says transgenders can't use the bathroom?

You abuse your faith, you don't respect god, Jesus or the book, but you want to preach to the rest of us? Go crawl back into your hole.
You have no idea what Jesus said! Good news for you though, some day you will. Hope you don't burn, but I wouldn't lay money that you wont.

I'll burn but not in the way you want. What ever is not used for donation is to be cremated. My ashes will sit on the shelf with my grandmother, my in-laws, my father and my son's dog that died 15 yrs ago

I carry a pinch of each with me on a chain.

What I have done in my life, I have no fear should a god actually exist. My life will speak more than prayers on sundays. I'm not worried about any feather test.

Those with hate towards their fellow man, or transgender woman, should probably get asbestos shoes
You can tell me I hate transgendered people all you want, and i'll still call you an idiot.

It's idiotic to have males and females using the same bathroom at the same time. Period. If you cant see that, then you need help. And I pity your kids, and hope you never have grandkids, cause with your sense, you probably think molesting them is doing them a favor. And I'm sure you wouldn't have a problem with a so called transgendered man molesting a child of either sex.

People like you need to be put away, in the lunatic asylum where you belong. Before you get to other people's kids.

So are you on the sexual offender registry? I bet you are. I bet you just love kids. love, love, love, kids. And you think you are doing them a favor by molesting them.

Can you prove that you don't? I'll tell my name on here, I bet you won't, cause I bet you are a child predator. That spreads love all over, love this and love that, and show love and live love, and you are full of crap.

Damn pedophile.
Those with hate towards their fellow man, or transgender woman, should probably get asbestos shoes
But disagreeing with a liberal is hate. Which is actually quite hateful in itself. Easy to overlook though if you are smug, superior and condescending. Liberal in other words.
I'll burn but not in the way you want. What ever is not used for donation is to be cremated. My ashes will sit on the shelf with my grandmother, my in-laws, my father and my son's dog that died 15 yrs ago

I carry a pinch of each with me on a chain.

What I have done in my life, I have no fear should a god actually exist. My life will speak more than prayers on sundays. I'm not worried about any feather test.

Those with hate towards their fellow man, or transgender woman, should probably get asbestos shoes
. No one hating no one, but rather instead just trying to get back the respect that has been lost in it all. Christian hetero's are becoming some of the most hated people anymore it seems, even though we do nothing to deserve such hatred. To respect each other's space is important and key in all of this stuff going on today.

Respect the right of transgender women to use the girls room and transgender men to use the boys room
Transsexuals are a totally artificial and tiny group. Why do they NEED all this? As it is, we spend millions for handicapped restrooms/wheelchair accessible restrooms (let alone parking) for a tiny minority that I rarely ever see? And we need to accede even further for an even tinier group that doesn't merit this attention? Let alone the sexual baggage political correctness won't correct?

You don't think those with handicaps or disabilities should have a right to access the bathroom?

Even transgenders have a right, which the courts recognize. Anti-LGBT bills are toilet paper and going down.
. You equate transgender to having a handicap or disability ? Well alrighty then... This is the mindset of those who go against the grain... They will do and say anything to make a point, even if they are ridiculous in doing so.

Everyone has a right to use the bathroom, even if "you" don't like it.
Astroid that struck the alps.

Evidence of Asteroid Impact For Sodom and Gomorrah ...
Universe Today
Evidence of Asteroid Impact For Sodom and Gomorrah? 10 Apr ... It is probable more people died under the plume than in the Alps due to the impact blast.â€.
Researchers: Asteroid Destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah ...
Fox News Channel
Apr 1, 2008 - He said the size and route of the asteroid meant that it was likely to have crashed into the Austrian Alps at Köfels. As it traveled close to the ...
Assyrian clay tablet points to 'Sodom and Gomorrah' asteroid
The Register
Mar 31, 2008 - Assyrian clay tablet points to 'Sodom and Gomorrah' asteroid ... It is probable more people died under the plume than in the Alps due to the ...
Sodom And Gomorrah: The Köfels Asteroid Impact | Reality ...
Mar 7, 2010 - He said the size and route of the asteroid meant that it was likely to have crashed into the Austrian Alps at Köfels. As it traveled close to the ...
I know you don't have much common sense, but try to follow this.

If there is a Creator, who could make everything in just 6 days, and I mean all the stars and planets, and everything in the whole universe, then couldn't that Creator control anything He wanted to, including asteroids, comets, and all heavenly bodies, and make them do as He wants them to do?

You don't get the meaning of omnipotent, do you?

If there is such a god, he made gays and transgenders. They are his people as well. You do not have a right to abuse them or even deny them rights.
In the US we live by the law, not the bible or god. Transgenders have a right to use the bathroom of their identified gender and to deny them is against the law.

Stuff your bible in the night stand and learn to live and respect all other people of all faiths and orientation as brothers. Didn't Jesus tell you to love thy neighbor? You won't even let them use the bathroom.

Tell me where god or Jesus says transgenders can't use the bathroom?

You abuse your faith, you don't respect god, Jesus or the book, but you want to preach to the rest of us? Go crawl back into your hole.
You have no idea what Jesus said! Good news for you though, some day you will. Hope you don't burn, but I wouldn't lay money that you wont.

I'll burn but not in the way you want. What ever is not used for donation is to be cremated. My ashes will sit on the shelf with my grandmother, my in-laws, my father and my son's dog that died 15 yrs ago

I carry a pinch of each with me on a chain.

What I have done in my life, I have no fear should a god actually exist. My life will speak more than prayers on sundays. I'm not worried about any feather test.

Those with hate towards their fellow man, or transgender woman, should probably get asbestos shoes
You can tell me I hate transgendered people all you want, and i'll still call you an idiot.

It's idiotic to have males and females using the same bathroom at the same time. Period. If you cant see that, then you need help. And I pity your kids, and hope you never have grandkids, cause with your sense, you probably think molesting them is doing them a favor. And I'm sure you wouldn't have a problem with a so called transgendered man molesting a child of either sex.

People like you need to be put away, in the lunatic asylum where you belong. Before you get to other people's kids.

So are you on the sexual offender registry? I bet you are. I bet you just love kids. love, love, love, kids. And you think you are doing them a favor by molesting them.

Can you prove that you don't? I'll tell my name on here, I bet you won't, cause I bet you are a child predator. That spreads love all over, love this and love that, and show love and live love, and you are full of crap.

Damn pedophile.

Hetero sexuals are pedophiles

are you going to ban children from using the bathroom even with their parents?

Most abuse will be someone they know and it does not happen in a public bathroom but the childs home
So does someone have an answer for this ?

Transgender women are legally women and have the right to use the girls room to powder their nose.

Is a person that HASN'T had the reassignment surgery yet, LEGALLY the sex they simply claim they are ?
So does someone have an answer for this ?

Transgender women are legally women and have the right to use the girls room to powder their nose.

Is a person that HASN'T had the reassignment surgery yet, LEGALLY the sex they simply claim they are ?

If they have begun transition therapy

It is more than just putting on a dress.
And screw the feelings and concerns of millions of biological women who could likely feel uncomfortable having a biological man in their locker room or bathroom.
Their concerns don't matter, the only thing that matters are the feelings of the 1% who feel like they are a woman in a mans body.
Liberals are certifiable.

And that's the side that is so fond of falsely accusing its opposition of waging a “war on women”.
Most pedophiles are usually heterosexuals

Nearly all pedophiles are male, yet boys are sexually abused at almost the same rate as girls.

By definition, a man who is sexually interested in boys is not a heterosexual. Given that homosexuals make up only about 2% to 4% of the population, and yet close to 50% of child molesters I think this rather solidly proves a correlation between homosexuality and child molestation.
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So does someone have an answer for this ?

Transgender women are legally women and have the right to use the girls room to powder their nose.

Is a person that HASN'T had the reassignment surgery yet, LEGALLY the sex they simply claim they are ?

In some places, it may be “true”; but it doesn't validate it.

A law could be passed that declares that 2+2=100. This could be established as a legal “fact”. But doing so will not change the underlying unalterable truth that if you have two things, and you add two more things, then you only have four of those, and not a hundred; any more than a law declaring a man to be a woman will change the underlying biological fact that the person in question is a man and not a woman.
transphobes loose the argument. Trans are not a danger to women.http://www.patheos.com/blogs/friend...der-rights-as-a-threat-to-women-and-children/
Cartoon Depicts Transgender Rights as a Threat to Women ...

Mar 1, 2016 - I am a woman and I'm not threatened at all about a transwoman coming into the bathroom with me at all! What she does in her stall doesn't ...

This is Not About the Safety of Women and Girls
The Huffington Post
1 day ago - The concern being that bathroom bills put the safety of women and ... whom the attorney general found to be a threat to women, keep his job ... Where do they think transgender individuals have been using the bathroom all ...

Predictions of trans bathroom harassment unfounded
Mar 31, 2016 - 'I'm not aware of any police-related cases — none,' said D.C. Police ... bathrooms because of threats against women by a transgender person.

Opponents Of LGBT Protections Are Clueless About ...
Oct 23, 2015 - Most importantly, transgender women are not predators; they are ... to a simple question: when it comes to bathrooms, what about transgender men? ... policing and stereotypes are a very real threat to transgender men. “When ...

15 Experts Debunk Right-Wing Transgender Bathroom Myth
Media Matters for America
Mar 20, 2014 - Have you heard the one about the trans woman who went into a female changing ... No: that's not joke, so much as persistent urban myth. ... to convince the public that trans people are somehow a "threat" in public bathrooms.

Should Transgender Women Use Woman's Bathrooms ...
Apr 7, 2015 - Many transgender women have not had the reassignment surgery due to a .... Transgenders, real transgenders do not pose a threat to women.

Bathroom Battlegrounds and Penis Panics - Contexts
Aug 20, 2015 - Critics did not discuss “transgender rights legislation,” but rather ... the threat that transgender-supportive bills present to cisgender women and ...

My transgender daughter should not have to use the men's ...
Chicago Tribune
Feb 21, 2016 - My transgender daughter should not have to use the men's restroom. All Gender ... A sign for an all-gender bathroom is displayed at the Naropa University Nalanda Campus in Boulder, Colo., in January 2016. ... There was no rational choice other than to support her as a girl. ... She's not a threat to anyone.

Stop Using Women's Safety To Justify Transphobia - Role ...
Apr 12, 2016 - Trans women in the bathrooms that match their gender do not threaten women's safety. Lack of access to birth control threatens women's safety ...

Unpacking the Public Bathroom Debate for Cis People: Why ...
Jan 28, 2015 - One is that allowing trans women to use women's bathrooms or ... view that is not only oppressive, but also puts trans people in danger.

Bathroom bills: yet another attempt to use women as a ... - Vox
3 days ago - Transgender bathroom bills have been getting a lot of backlash lately, but there's a ... But research has not shown women to be more vulnerable in public ... The idea that different groups threaten women's virtue and safety has ...

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