"Transgendered" Bathrooms

I'll burn but not in the way you want. What ever is not used for donation is to be cremated. My ashes will sit on the shelf with my grandmother, my in-laws, my father and my son's dog that died 15 yrs ago

I carry a pinch of each with me on a chain.

What I have done in my life, I have no fear should a god actually exist. My life will speak more than prayers on sundays. I'm not worried about any feather test.

Those with hate towards their fellow man, or transgender woman, should probably get asbestos shoes
. No one hating no one, but rather instead just trying to get back the respect that has been lost in it all. Christian hetero's are becoming some of the most hated people anymore it seems, even though we do nothing to deserve such hatred. To respect each other's space is important and key in all of this stuff going on today.

Respect the right of transgender women to use the girls room and transgender men to use the boys room
Transsexuals are a totally artificial and tiny group. Why do they NEED all this? As it is, we spend millions for handicapped restrooms/wheelchair accessible restrooms (let alone parking) for a tiny minority that I rarely ever see? And we need to accede even further for an even tinier group that doesn't merit this attention? Let alone the sexual baggage political correctness won't correct?

You don't think those with handicaps or disabilities should have a right to access the bathroom?

Even transgenders have a right, which the courts recognize. Anti-LGBT bills are toilet paper and going down.
. You equate transgender to having a handicap or disability ? Well alrighty then... This is the mindset of those who go against the grain... They will do and say anything to make a point, even if they are ridiculous in doing so.
. Re-read and must clarify something... When I said this is the mindset of those who go against the grain, I was talking about transgender minds, and how they choose to go against the grain no matter how ridiculous their excuses are for doing so.
. No one hating no one, but rather instead just trying to get back the respect that has been lost in it all. Christian hetero's are becoming some of the most hated people anymore it seems, even though we do nothing to deserve such hatred. To respect each other's space is important and key in all of this stuff going on today.

Respect the right of transgender women to use the girls room and transgender men to use the boys room
Transsexuals are a totally artificial and tiny group. Why do they NEED all this? As it is, we spend millions for handicapped restrooms/wheelchair accessible restrooms (let alone parking) for a tiny minority that I rarely ever see? And we need to accede even further for an even tinier group that doesn't merit this attention? Let alone the sexual baggage political correctness won't correct?

You don't think those with handicaps or disabilities should have a right to access the bathroom?

Even transgenders have a right, which the courts recognize. Anti-LGBT bills are toilet paper and going down.
. You equate transgender to having a handicap or disability ? Well alrighty then... This is the mindset of those who go against the grain... They will do and say anything to make a point, even if they are ridiculous in doing so.

Everyone has a right to use the bathroom, even if "you" don't like it.
. Your right, but they best behave themselves when they do, and they best be in the right one that matches their gender as is stated on their birth certificate. No one will be for a person being in the restroom that doesn't match the gender that is stated on their birth certificate, and if they do say that their all for it, then they are fools.
So does someone have an answer for this ?

Transgender women are legally women and have the right to use the girls room to powder their nose.

Is a person that HASN'T had the reassignment surgery yet, LEGALLY the sex they simply claim they are ?
. They won't be the sex they claim they are, even after the surgery. It's all a con straight out of hell.
The Real Threat to North Carolina's Children Has Nothing to ...
The Huffington Post
Apr 10, 2016 - Actually, that's not the real reason, but it still works just as well. .... the "immediate threat" of transgender folks in bathrooms more easily than the ...

Transgender teen Jazz Jennings reveals the hurtful ...
Daily Mail
Aug 13, 2015 - 'Please make it die a horrible, painful death': Transgender teen Jazz ... comments and violent death threats she receives from online trolls .... Not right: The transgender teen is used to strangers talking about her on the internet.

Transgender threat? Other states don't see an issue | Crosscut
Feb 10, 2016 - A Las Vegas police department spokesman said that the department has seen no rise in sex crimes relating to protections for transgender ...

Are men afraid of transgender women? - Telegraph
www.telegraph.co.uk › Men › Thinking Man
The Daily Telegraph
Aug 19, 2015 - The existence of transgender women pose a threat to this concept of masculinity. ... They are not 'men' to begin with – even though outward ...

In bathrooms or out, transgenders no threat | Boston Herald
Boston Herald
Apr 9, 2009 - She was confused, I soon learned, because the mother of her classmate - let's call him “So and So” - was now So and So's daddy. Oh my ...

Clearing the Confusion about God, Transgender, and ...
www.ravenfoundation.org › Blogs › Religion
3 days ago - The accusation that the transgender community poses a threat is absurdly, satanically, false. The transgender community poses no threat.

Transgender 'Threat': Are You Kidding Me, Mike Huckabee?
Jun 3, 2015 - The transgender "threat" you speak of is about as realistic as pink unicorns. ... of Christina St Jean and does not reflect the views of the Inquisitr.

Federal law dooms transgender bathroom bans: Column
USA Today
Apr 13, 2016 - Federal law dooms transgender bathroom bans: Column Punitive laws .... They are crusading against a tiny minority that poses no real threat.

Republican Legislators Larger Bathroom Threat than ...
Mar 29, 2016 - Republican Legislators Larger Bathroom Threat than Transgender ... transgender women as a threat in restrooms - seemingly, no thought was ...
Mayor de Blasio Mandates City Facilities Provide Bathroom ...
New York City
Mar 7, 2016 - New York City is proud to enforce one of the strongest human rights laws in the ... that denies access to bathroom or single sex facilities based on gender identity ... “Every day, no matter where they go, transgender and gender ... to allow individuals to use the bathroom consistent with their gender identity, ...

NYC Will Fine You $250000 For 'Misgendering' A Transsexual
Breitbart News Network
Dec 27, 2015 - Did you call a transsexual person "he" or "she" when they preferred to ... the NYC Commission on Human Rights have updated a law on ... Some transgender and gender non-conforming people prefer to use ... Other violations of the law include refusing to allow individuals to use single-sex facilities such as ...
I would like to actually see all states statutes on what LEGALLY constitutes a man or a woman.

If a person is still biologically a man, then I cannot see how the law could possibly recognize them LEGALLY to be a woman.
The Real Threat to North Carolina's Children Has Nothing to ...
The Huffington Post
Apr 10, 2016 - Actually, that's not the real reason, but it still works just as well. .... the "immediate threat" of transgender folks in bathrooms more easily than the ...

Transgender teen Jazz Jennings reveals the hurtful ...
Daily Mail
Aug 13, 2015 - 'Please make it die a horrible, painful death': Transgender teen Jazz ... comments and violent death threats she receives from online trolls .... Not right: The transgender teen is used to strangers talking about her on the internet.

Transgender threat? Other states don't see an issue | Crosscut
Feb 10, 2016 - A Las Vegas police department spokesman said that the department has seen no rise in sex crimes relating to protections for transgender ...

Are men afraid of transgender women? - Telegraph
www.telegraph.co.uk › Men › Thinking Man
The Daily Telegraph
Aug 19, 2015 - The existence of transgender women pose a threat to this concept of masculinity. ... They are not 'men' to begin with – even though outward ...

In bathrooms or out, transgenders no threat | Boston Herald
Boston Herald
Apr 9, 2009 - She was confused, I soon learned, because the mother of her classmate - let's call him “So and So” - was now So and So's daddy. Oh my ...

Clearing the Confusion about God, Transgender, and ...
www.ravenfoundation.org › Blogs › Religion
3 days ago - The accusation that the transgender community poses a threat is absurdly, satanically, false. The transgender community poses no threat.

Transgender 'Threat': Are You Kidding Me, Mike Huckabee?
Jun 3, 2015 - The transgender "threat" you speak of is about as realistic as pink unicorns. ... of Christina St Jean and does not reflect the views of the Inquisitr.

Federal law dooms transgender bathroom bans: Column
USA Today
Apr 13, 2016 - Federal law dooms transgender bathroom bans: Column Punitive laws .... They are crusading against a tiny minority that poses no real threat.

Republican Legislators Larger Bathroom Threat than ...
Mar 29, 2016 - Republican Legislators Larger Bathroom Threat than Transgender ... transgender women as a threat in restrooms - seemingly, no thought was ...

That's why we have Hate Crime laws
Mayor de Blasio Mandates City Facilities Provide Bathroom ...
New York City
Mar 7, 2016 - New York City is proud to enforce one of the strongest human rights laws in the ... that denies access to bathroom or single sex facilities based on gender identity ... “Every day, no matter where they go, transgender and gender ... to allow individuals to use the bathroom consistent with their gender identity, ...

NYC Will Fine You $250000 For 'Misgendering' A Transsexual
Breitbart News Network
Dec 27, 2015 - Did you call a transsexual person "he" or "she" when they preferred to ... the NYC Commission on Human Rights have updated a law on ... Some transgender and gender non-conforming people prefer to use ... Other violations of the law include refusing to allow individuals to use single-sex facilities such as ...

So the city sanctioned it, they must now allow all men (because they are simalarily situated to trans-lesbian) in those same facilities.

Way to go
If they are actually transgendered, that's a different story. Got a penis? It goes in the men's room. No penis? Women's.

It's the gender neutral ones I have a problem with. From now on any time I see one when I have to piss, I'm using it and podding all over the seat, floor, handle, all over.
I know you don't have much common sense, but try to follow this.

If there is a Creator, who could make everything in just 6 days, and I mean all the stars and planets, and everything in the whole universe, then couldn't that Creator control anything He wanted to, including asteroids, comets, and all heavenly bodies, and make them do as He wants them to do?

You don't get the meaning of omnipotent, do you?

If there is such a god, he made gays and transgenders. They are his people as well. You do not have a right to abuse them or even deny them rights.
In the US we live by the law, not the bible or god. Transgenders have a right to use the bathroom of their identified gender and to deny them is against the law.

Stuff your bible in the night stand and learn to live and respect all other people of all faiths and orientation as brothers. Didn't Jesus tell you to love thy neighbor? You won't even let them use the bathroom.

Tell me where god or Jesus says transgenders can't use the bathroom?

You abuse your faith, you don't respect god, Jesus or the book, but you want to preach to the rest of us? Go crawl back into your hole.
You have no idea what Jesus said! Good news for you though, some day you will. Hope you don't burn, but I wouldn't lay money that you wont.

I'll burn but not in the way you want. What ever is not used for donation is to be cremated. My ashes will sit on the shelf with my grandmother, my in-laws, my father and my son's dog that died 15 yrs ago

I carry a pinch of each with me on a chain.

What I have done in my life, I have no fear should a god actually exist. My life will speak more than prayers on sundays. I'm not worried about any feather test.

Those with hate towards their fellow man, or transgender woman, should probably get asbestos shoes
You can tell me I hate transgendered people all you want, and i'll still call you an idiot.

It's idiotic to have males and females using the same bathroom at the same time. Period. If you cant see that, then you need help. And I pity your kids, and hope you never have grandkids, cause with your sense, you probably think molesting them is doing them a favor. And I'm sure you wouldn't have a problem with a so called transgendered man molesting a child of either sex.

People like you need to be put away, in the lunatic asylum where you belong. Before you get to other people's kids.

So are you on the sexual offender registry? I bet you are. I bet you just love kids. love, love, love, kids. And you think you are doing them a favor by molesting them.

Can you prove that you don't? I'll tell my name on here, I bet you won't, cause I bet you are a child predator. That spreads love all over, love this and love that, and show love and live love, and you are full of crap.

Damn pedophile.

Hetero sexuals are pedophiles

are you going to ban children from using the bathroom even with their parents?

Most abuse will be someone they know and it does not happen in a public bathroom but the childs home
Yep, you're a pedophile. How long you been molesting children? Do us a favor, and put a bullet through your head, ya damn pedophile.
Respect the right of transgender women to use the girls room and transgender men to use the boys room
Transsexuals are a totally artificial and tiny group. Why do they NEED all this? As it is, we spend millions for handicapped restrooms/wheelchair accessible restrooms (let alone parking) for a tiny minority that I rarely ever see? And we need to accede even further for an even tinier group that doesn't merit this attention? Let alone the sexual baggage political correctness won't correct?

You don't think those with handicaps or disabilities should have a right to access the bathroom?

Even transgenders have a right, which the courts recognize. Anti-LGBT bills are toilet paper and going down.
. You equate transgender to having a handicap or disability ? Well alrighty then... This is the mindset of those who go against the grain... They will do and say anything to make a point, even if they are ridiculous in doing so.

Everyone has a right to use the bathroom, even if "you" don't like it.
. Your right, but they best behave themselves when they do, and they best be in the right one that matches their gender as is stated on their birth certificate. No one will be for a person being in the restroom that doesn't match the gender that is stated on their birth certificate, and if they do say that their all for it, then they are fools.
Were, in the constitution, is there a guarantee to gay same sex transgendered access to restrooms? This is an issue made out of whole cloth, it's preposterous . A solution in need of a problem. Same sex restrooms, that is something we take for granted. Mixed usage restrooms are fine, just as long as there are locks on the doors and armed guards at beck and call. That's what it will take for me to support this ridiculous proposition.
. No this won't work because people are experts at deception and deceptive practices. You just about need a screener from airport security to screen the restrooms now. Pandora's box has been thrown wide open now, so it will be interesting watching the idiots try to close it back shut.

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