Translating the doublespeak from liberals

"Liberals" want to take people's property?

But Harter, like thousands of other landowners, doesn’t have much choice. Two days earlier, Harter had been in court trying to stop TransCanada, which had asked a judge to let it exercise eminent domain and force Harter to give it access to his land.

Harter lost.

Keystone XL pipeline is issue of property rights for some ranchers - The Washington Post

How little you understand.

BTW, just because liberal oppose this project does not mean the decision to invoke eminent domain is one steeped in conservatism.
Conversely, eminent domain is the law. The court decision was a matter of law.
Under eminent domain, all landowners are offered compensation in fair market value in exchange for the taking.

It's not just liberals that oppose the Keystone pipeline.

Medicaid Estate Recovery is also a law and the individual is being compensated with long term nursing care.
Naturally you can support this contention with public policy polling?

Ya know who answers those polls? People with nothing better to do than yak on the phone answering questions that are asked in a certain way so as to elicit a predetermined response.
People who are not working. People living off the dole. People who are uninformed.
Idiots who think in terms of 10 second soundbites.
Do you really think that if a pollster was honest and asked. " if so and so were to raise your taxes by 25%, would you vote for them?, the one being polled would say "yes"?

Riiiiggghttt...the polls are wrong, Romney's gonna win! Puhleese.

Can the OP's contention, that "Liberals know that their agenda isn't popular with the majority" be supported with facts? Did "non liberals" win the popular vote in 5 out of the last 6 Presidential elections? Did over a million more people vote for Democrats or Republicans in 2012?

WOW another far left poster showing that they have no clue on which they speak...
Liberals know that their agenda isn't popular with the majority ...

Really? That must be why you live in a Liberal country, with Liberty and Rights,, and Freedoms, and any time something says Public not Private, that's because we had a hand in it. It's Liberal country, founded by Liberals, containing lots of not very bright reactionaries and libertarians likes yourself who think that Liberalism is bad thing instead of realizing that without it they would still be singing God Save The Queen now.

BTW, you're welcome.

i presume you are speaking of THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ? ?

YES !!!! you are welcome to the biggest pile of bullshit ever posted by any fucking liberal. :up:
Whenever you hear the word "freedom" from conservatives, that means freedom for big business to do as they please, not for the average person.

Whenever you hear the term "personal responsibility", that means everyone else should be responsible, not them.

Whenever you hear the term "small government" that doesn't include the military or anything they directly benefit from.

Whenever you hear the term "mooching poor" that refers to all the other poor people, not themselves. They are poor too, but not a part of the "moochers".

Whenever you hear the term "I think" from RDD-1210 you know he's lying.

Since I never said "I think" once in my post, I guess we can agree it's all truth.

Thanks turnip!

Since I never said "I think"...
EXACTLY.., you liberfools are totally incapable of thinking, you ALL rely on your FEEEEEELINGS

trying to think would destroy that miniscule brain you might have. :up: ... :clap: ... :lmao:
corporations hire your mommy and daddy leftard; and pay for dems to pander to and enslave minorities in welfare dependence

and they are making record profits under obama

so whose overlords are they left-wing nutjob?

Oh but the profits?.....They won't "share" them..
As though the fruits of one's labor are an entitlement.

Are you saying corporations aren't entitled to their profits?
Really? That must be why you live in a Liberal country, with Liberty and Rights,, and Freedoms, and any time something says Public not Private, that's because we had a hand in it. It's Liberal country, founded by Liberals, containing lots of not very bright reactionaries and libertarians likes yourself who think that Liberalism is bad thing instead of realizing that without it they would still be singing God Save The Queen now.

BTW, you're welcome.
You keep repeating your dogma as if we all belonged to your faith. We don't. Modern day liberals oppose much of the Constitution, calling it a living breathing document. Liberals didn't see to it that its' citizens could arm themselves or the central government couldn't trample on state's rights. No sale!
Really? That must be why you live in a Liberal country, with Liberty and Rights,, and Freedoms, and any time something says Public not Private, that's because we had a hand in it. It's Liberal country, founded by Liberals, containing lots of not very bright reactionaries and libertarians likes yourself who think that Liberalism is bad thing instead of realizing that without it they would still be singing God Save The Queen now.

BTW, you're welcome.
You keep repeating your dogma as if we all belonged to your faith. We don't. Modern day liberals oppose much of the Constitution, calling it a living breathing document. Liberals didn't see to it that its' citizens could arm themselves or the central government couldn't trample on state's rights. No sale!
Tell us, if you can change something, is it living or dead? Can I say change the Mayflower Compact? Is it in force? Can I change the Constitution, and it is in force?
Really? That must be why you live in a Liberal country, with Liberty and Rights,, and Freedoms, and any time something says Public not Private, that's because we had a hand in it. It's Liberal country, founded by Liberals, containing lots of not very bright reactionaries and libertarians likes yourself who think that Liberalism is bad thing instead of realizing that without it they would still be singing God Save The Queen now.

BTW, you're welcome.
You keep repeating your dogma as if we all belonged to your faith. We don't. Modern day liberals oppose much of the Constitution, calling it a living breathing document. Liberals didn't see to it that its' citizens could arm themselves or the central government couldn't trample on state's rights. No sale!
Tell us, if you can change something, is it living or dead? Can I say change the Mayflower Compact? Is it in force? Can I change the Constitution, and it is in force?

You can change it by amending it, not by "interpreting" it into non-existence.
You keep repeating your dogma as if we all belonged to your faith. We don't. Modern day liberals oppose much of the Constitution, calling it a living breathing document. Liberals didn't see to it that its' citizens could arm themselves or the central government couldn't trample on state's rights. No sale!
Tell us, if you can change something, is it living or dead? Can I say change the Mayflower Compact? Is it in force? Can I change the Constitution, and it is in force?

You can change it by amending it, not by "interpreting" it into non-existence.
If I can amend it then it must be living.
Really? That must be why you live in a Liberal country, with Liberty and Rights,, and Freedoms, and any time something says Public not Private, that's because we had a hand in it. It's Liberal country, founded by Liberals, containing lots of not very bright reactionaries and libertarians likes yourself who think that Liberalism is bad thing instead of realizing that without it they would still be singing God Save The Queen now.

BTW, you're welcome.
You keep repeating your dogma as if we all belonged to your faith. We don't. Modern day liberals oppose much of the Constitution, calling it a living breathing document. Liberals didn't see to it that its' citizens could arm themselves or the central government couldn't trample on state's rights. No sale!
Tell us, if you can change something, is it living or dead? Can I say change the Mayflower Compact? Is it in force? Can I change the Constitution, and it is in force?

Yes, we can change the Constitution, if we use the method for change established by the Constitution. Or, we can call it a "living document" and allow five lawyers in black robes to redefine it as they see fit. That has really worked out well, hasn't it?
You keep repeating your dogma as if we all belonged to your faith. We don't. Modern day liberals oppose much of the Constitution, calling it a living breathing document. Liberals didn't see to it that its' citizens could arm themselves or the central government couldn't trample on state's rights. No sale!
Tell us, if you can change something, is it living or dead? Can I say change the Mayflower Compact? Is it in force? Can I change the Constitution, and it is in force?

Yes, we can change the Constitution, if we use the method for change established by the Constitution. Or, we can call it a "living document" and allow five lawyers in black robes to redefine it as they see fit. That has really worked out well, hasn't it?
Yes, it has. Either way, it's alive, obviously.
Tell us, if you can change something, is it living or dead? Can I say change the Mayflower Compact? Is it in force? Can I change the Constitution, and it is in force?
It's been ammended to on rare occasion since the founders made it very difficult. The left has owned the White House and Congress on numerous occassions, Obama had two years of it. You bet, there would have been a lot of living and breathing of that old document if it was doable.
Changed 17 times in 220 years? Sounds like it's living eh?

It's been changed hundreds of times by 5 lawyers on the Supreme Court.

Must be pretty live then? Dead things don't change much.

Dead things are ignored, and that's what Congress and the Supreme Court does with regard to the Constitution. When a libturd like you refers to the "living Constitution," they mean the Constitution that means whatever the Supreme Court says it means. In other words, it's an utterly meaningless Constitution. It has no legal force any longer.
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Whenever you hear the word "freedom" from conservatives, that means freedom for big business to do as they please, not for the average person.

Whenever you hear the term "personal responsibility", that means everyone else should be responsible, not them.

Whenever you hear the term "small government" that doesn't include the military or anything they directly benefit from.

Whenever you hear the term "mooching poor" that refers to all the other poor people, not themselves. They are poor too, but not a part of the "moochers".

If you're going to commit painfully prolonged intellectual suicide, might you do it somewhere else? That way one needn't wade through the dumb to get at the nuggets. Really. We have more than enough of this sort of mindlessness on this board already. Thank you for your consideration.
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The fantasy is the one created by Rush, and Fox, and Sarah, that you live in. I live in the real world were decisions must be made and actions taken.

Oh my the far left propaganda machine is now working over time. Do they get paid more by posting certain keywords and names?
Just keep lying to yourself. That's why you are losing elections you should have won.

No, we lose elections because the Left practices prolific voter fraud!!

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