Translation: BETO


Constitutionalist / Universalist
Jan 21, 2010
National Freedmen's Town District
Below is my translation into "conservative speak"
for BETO's speech to a Texas crowd. (NOTE: I support BETO in claiming the Astrodome to set up a People's Congress for representing individuals and parties left out of the current structures. Whoever doesn't win election as Texas Senator could hold a secondary position addressing immigration, trafficking, and sanctuary cities, using the Dome to host conferences and organize working groups to redevelop sustainable campus towns, jobs and business districts along the Mexican side of the Border. I'd vote for BETO to manage this, with Hillary Clinton, Obama and all other Democratic party leaders rallying for accommodations for Dreamers, Immigrants, Workers and Students asking for support.

Here is the Video of BETO and my "translation" below:

"Whether you are Democrat or Republican, whatever your beliefs or Creeds, that doesn't matter. We will use all your tax dollars to pay for social programs whether you believe it's Constitutional or not. Too bad. This is America, where any white Democrat with Rich white friends can use White privilege to buy campaign ads, say whatever we want by free speech, vote whatever we want to by majority rule, charge taxpayers more money to pay for that or pay through courts to sue to stop us. And blame it on Republicans for obstructing agenda that is unconstitutional to begin with. That's what I rely on. You to keep voting for me and donating all your money to this instead of investing in your own health care, housing and education. As long as you depend on people like me promising you rights through govt, people will pay me to run for office while you remain helpless and dependent on party and govt. And you wonder why the rich like me get richer, the poor like you get shafted, and we never run out of ways to blame the other party for what we do to ourselves. Amen!"
Beto and the Democrats regard the middle class taxpayers as their slaves who should be silent and work.

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