“Travis told police Arbery “squared up” like he was going to attack.” So he shot him in the chest.

(1) Enters upon the land or premises of another person or into any part of any vehicle, railroad car, aircraft, or watercraft of another person for an unlawful purpose;
there is this
What was the unlawful purpose?
all he needed was intent.
Proving intent is extremely difficult and I doubt you could do it.

Furthermore, you have to prove that the McMichael's were aware at all that Arbery had been in the house before they chased him down. So far, by their own statements, we know they were not aware.
Why else would he go in after making sure no one saw him go in? It’s on film yet again
Just to poke around like basically everyone else who wanders onto construction sites.

Your incredulity is not a strong legal argument.
But the biggest reason is that after the first shot, we see Arbery for seconds, basically entirely in left profile, and extremely grainy. You think we are going to pick out a 2 inch hole in his shirt based on the quality of footage we have is absurd.
funny, he lost no strength until the last shot. or didn't you see that either?

stick no hammer
chest holes with no blood.

you have real issues prosecuting.
Nope. The suspects did the job of prosecuting for us. They admitted they illegally pursued and attempted to arrest the man putting him in fear of his life and admitted to shooting him before Arbery ever touched them.

Some crackpot theory that Arbery wasn’t shot because there was no blood in the grainy cell phone footage is about as weak as you could possibly get.
no law against pursuit. so you're wrong there. They never said arrest. They called the cops to do that. you forgot that fact didn't you? of course you did, you hate facts.

White T-shirt no blood for almost two minutes and you claim he was shot in the chest prior to the kill shot. I laugh.
Two minutes? From where do you get 2 minutes? The entire physical altercation lasts about 10 seconds.

The amount of time that AA!s front of shirt is visible in the video during the altercation can’t be more than a second. Anyway, They know the order the wounds were inflicted. And they have the shirt. Surely no one but a complete racist idiot would argue there is no blood from the first shot.
first shot was the wrist. when he grabbed the gun. watch the video.
Liar. Travis says the first shot was to the chest. What on Earth makes a loser like you think you know better than the guy who shot him??
You know we have a video right lol
You mean the video where you can't see the first shot?
There is 4 additional mins to the follow or arbery.. where is it?
Asked and answered.
Really, you're too stupid to understand what "asked and answered" means??

It means you already asked me that question and I already answered it.
No I didn’t
The D.A. has it but it does help you since nothing in it shows the first shot being fired.
Could show the hammer, could show a lot hehe
How can it show something that exists nowhere beyond hallucinations?
How many times did they ask arbery to stop?
Numerous. Also told him to get on the ground. Who the hell do these guys think they are that they have a right to command others to do something?
Concerned citizens have a right to defend their neighborhood. I know certain fascists abhor that idea, they want BLM and Antifa thugs to be able to terrorize any neighborhood they want.
"Concerned citizens"? Isn't that code for the White Citizen's Council?

White Citizens' Councils (WCC)

In response to the 1954 Brown v. Board of Education decision ending school segregation, white segregationists throughout the South created the White Citizens’ Councils (WCC). These local groups typically drew a more middle and upper class membership than the Ku Klux Klan and, in addition to using violence and intimidation to counter civil rights goals, they sought to economically and socially oppress blacks. Martin Luther King faced WCC attacks as soon as the Montgomery bus boycott began and was a target of these groups throughout his career.

In January 1956, a month after the start of the boycott, W. A. Gayle, the mayor of Montgomery, joined the WCC, publicly declaring, “I think every right-thinking white person in Montgomery, Alabama and the South should do the same. We must make certain that Negroes are not allowed to force their demands on us” (Azbell, “Council Official Says”). By the next month WCC membership had doubled. The WCC attempted multiple strategies to stop the boycott, from prosecuting the boycott organizers to pressuring insurance agencies throughout the South to cancel policies for church-owned vehicles. King appealed to President Dwight D. Eisenhower to investigate violence perpetrated by WCC members after Montgomery Improvement Association members’ homes were bombed, and effigies of a black man and a white man “who ‘talked integration’” were hung in downtown Montgomery (Papers 3:357). The attorney general responded to King’s appeal, writing that “the activities of the White Citizens Council … [do] not appear to indicate violations of federal criminal statutes” (Papers 3:365).

In a 1956 New York speech, King described the WCC as a modern Ku Klux Klan, targeting black and white people supportive of civil rights. “They must be held responsible for all of the terror, the mob rule, and brutal murders that have encompassed the South over the last several years,” King said. “It is an indictment on America and democracy that these ungodly and unethical and un-Christian and un-American councils have been able to exist all of these months without a modicum of criticism from the federal government” (Papers 3:475).

King encountered WCC groups all over the South, from Selma, Alabama—the first Alabama town to create a White Citizens’ Council—to Jackson, Mississippi, where Medgar Evers, the local National Association for the Advancement of Colored People chairman, was killed by a WCC member. King feared that WCC activities would prevent white moderates from becoming involved in desegregation issues. WCC groups, King argued, “demand absolute conformity from whites and abject submission from Negroes.… What channels of communication had once existed between whites and Negroes have thus now been largely closed” (King, 16 October 1959).

As late as 1966, the White Citizens’ Council teamed up with the virulently anti-Communist John Birch Society to petition the federal government to investigate whether King and over 100,000 other rights activists had Communist connections. Yet King believed that their power was fading: “Two years ago Americans, in a presidential election, overwhelmingly rejected representatives of Birchism and the White Citizens Council,” he said, referring to Barry Goldwater’s defeat by Lyndon B. Johnson. “It is my honest opinion that this same majority still finds repulsive persons who strive to impose 19th Century standards upon our society” (King, 26 May 1966).
White Citizens' Councils (WCC)
there's a video, you should watch it.

I did watch the Video and did figure out that TM ran from this scene.............

.............to the front of the Truck where TM shot AA in the chest before the struggle for the gun began.
Yep that’s murder. Murder resulting from aggravated assault.
Just to poke around like basically everyone else who wanders onto construction sites.

Your incredulity is not a strong legal argument
And yet, I’m fking spot on
I’m sure you think so, but time and time again, you’ve made stupid arguments and has to retreat to another stupid argument after the first one fell apart.

Seriously. Lots of people looked around the site. Only one group of kids took a couple of boards. That’s it. Presence on the site isn’t proof of criminal intent.
Lynching? All three men have lawyers. All three men have been charged in accordance with the established law. All three have had the preliminary hearings in accordance with normal standards and practices. That is a lynching according to you?
all three will be free shortly. you should actually watch the video.

I’ve watched the video. I’ve watched the three and a half hour preliminary. I watched the closing arguments for the preliminary. I’ve read the news, and online reports so far provided. So have you. Despite this you still insist on a secret video not mentioned, or referenced by anyone. You ignore 95% of the information, and scream like a petulant child to watch the video. We have.

Here is what I see. A man standing in the street to block the path of another. I see a second man in the bed of the pick up truck, acting as lookout. I see the video shot by a third man. The man in the street is committing a crime. The crime is Aggravated Assault. The crime is committed when you use a weapon in a threatening manner without legal justification. No justification exists in the video. The man running attempts to avoid the armed lunatic in the street by going to the right. The armed lunatic goes around the front of the truck to cut off the man.

I’ve read the reports. I’ve watched the videos. I know I have not seen all the evidence. But so far I have seen nothing that would cause me to think it was anything but murder under the laws of this state. Nothing that would justify the actions of the McMichaels.
Just to poke around like basically everyone else who wanders onto construction sites.

Your incredulity is not a strong legal argument
And yet, I’m fking spot on
I’m sure you think so, but time and time again, you’ve made stupid arguments and has to retreat to another stupid argument after the first one fell apart.

Seriously. Lots of people looked around the site. Only one group of kids took a couple of boards. That’s it. Presence on the site isn’t proof of criminal intent.
son, I have but one argument. so again you're fabricating a story. are you a fiction writer? watch the video. everything anyone needs to see is there. A man minding his own business next to his truck in the street. You know no more than that. Anything beyond that is fabricated.
Here is what I see. A man standing in the street to block the path of another
Yes a man standing in the street. He is blocking no one. His car isn't set up to block access to the road. if so, it would have been turned 90 degrees. Now, do you see a man running in the street? how far from the truck would you say the man is at the start of the video? 100 yards? A football field length? I do. Do you see anyone around the man at that point? if not, then he isn't being obstructed because he continues running toward the truck in the street. Do you see anyone come from the truck to stop him? nope. Do you see anyone move toward him? nope. Does the man have open ground to run in? yep. So you can either actually watch the video or continue to fabricate something you have no knowledge of.
Just to poke around like basically everyone else who wanders onto construction sites.

Your incredulity is not a strong legal argument
And yet, I’m fking spot on
I’m sure you think so, but time and time again, you’ve made stupid arguments and has to retreat to another stupid argument after the first one fell apart.

Seriously. Lots of people looked around the site. Only one group of kids took a couple of boards. That’s it. Presence on the site isn’t proof of criminal intent.
son, I have but one argument. so again you're fabricating a story. are you a fiction writer? watch the video. everything anyone needs to see is there. A man minding his own business next to his truck in the street. You know no more than that. Anything beyond that is fabricated.

In what universe would anyone consider the corroborating statements of the three accused men be considered "fabrications" without any evidence to the contrary?

You're argument is pathetic.
Just to poke around like basically everyone else who wanders onto construction sites.

Your incredulity is not a strong legal argument
And yet, I’m fking spot on
I’m sure you think so, but time and time again, you’ve made stupid arguments and has to retreat to another stupid argument after the first one fell apart.

Seriously. Lots of people looked around the site. Only one group of kids took a couple of boards. That’s it. Presence on the site isn’t proof of criminal intent.
son, I have but one argument. so again you're fabricating a story. are you a fiction writer? watch the video. everything anyone needs to see is there. A man minding his own business next to his truck in the street. You know no more than that. Anything beyond that is fabricated.

In what universe would anyone consider the corroborating statements of the three accused men be considered "fabrications" without any evidence to the contrary?

You're argument is pathetic.
what about what they said? the video doesn't support it.
Just to poke around like basically everyone else who wanders onto construction sites.

Your incredulity is not a strong legal argument
And yet, I’m fking spot on
I’m sure you think so, but time and time again, you’ve made stupid arguments and has to retreat to another stupid argument after the first one fell apart.

Seriously. Lots of people looked around the site. Only one group of kids took a couple of boards. That’s it. Presence on the site isn’t proof of criminal intent.
son, I have but one argument. so again you're fabricating a story. are you a fiction writer? watch the video. everything anyone needs to see is there. A man minding his own business next to his truck in the street. You know no more than that. Anything beyond that is fabricated.

In what universe would anyone consider the corroborating statements of the three accused men be considered "fabrications" without any evidence to the contrary?

You're argument is pathetic.
what about what they said? the video doesn't support it.
It completely supports it.

Apparently when the actual video is reviewed (not the uploaded version with compression) Arbery is seen with blood soaking the front of his shirt in a couple of frames after the first shot and before the second shot. That's according to the testimony from the lead agent reviewing the case.
Just to poke around like basically everyone else who wanders onto construction sites.

Your incredulity is not a strong legal argument
And yet, I’m fking spot on
I’m sure you think so, but time and time again, you’ve made stupid arguments and has to retreat to another stupid argument after the first one fell apart.

Seriously. Lots of people looked around the site. Only one group of kids took a couple of boards. That’s it. Presence on the site isn’t proof of criminal intent.
son, I have but one argument. so again you're fabricating a story. are you a fiction writer? watch the video. everything anyone needs to see is there. A man minding his own business next to his truck in the street. You know no more than that. Anything beyond that is fabricated.

You're truly fucked in the head, cretin. A man standing in the middle of a public street yelling at another man to get down on the ground -- is not minding his own business.

Arbery did not attack Travis per Travis until after Arbery was shot and wounded in the chest.

I’m asking the following question of all those who have sworn in the name of Trump that they saw Amaud Arbery, on the video, attack a hero first and then they can hear the first shot being fired.

Do you accept the testimony from Travis McMichael that he shot and wounded an unarmed man in the chest at polnt blank range because the unarmed jogger “squared up” like he was going to attack.”

Travus told police that the unarmed man he was confronting and trying to detain did not attack him before he was wounded in the chest by the first

According to reports from the preliminary hearing we learned yesterday that: “Travis told police Arbery “squared up” like he was going to attack.” So he shot him in the chest.

And we learned exactly where the two men were according to the man who had his finger on the trigger when the the first shot wounded an unarmed man In his chest.

“That’s when Arbery ran around the passenger side of Travis’ truck, and the two men met in front of it.”

So is this true or false or fake news:

“That’s when Arbery ran around the passenger side of Travis’ truck, and the two men met in front of it. Dial said Travis told police Arbery “squared up” like he was going to attack. He said Travis then fired the first shot into Arbery’s chest.”

Can any of you who thought they saw on the video TravisM being attacked first and a struggle for shotgun starts and the heard the first shot go off reply to this thread and admit you were wrong based on what you hero murderer told police about the ambush and murder of an unarmed man who was jogging on a public street.
Travis was a victim....I hope the judge throws out this case and the prosecutors are put in jail for this obvious injustice against these 3 men.....

And George Floyd deserved what he got too....

Here is what I see. A man standing in the street to block the path of another
Yes a man standing in the street. He is blocking no one. His car isn't set up to block access to the road. if so, it would have been turned 90 degrees. Now, do you see a man running in the street? how far from the truck would you say the man is at the start of the video? 100 yards? A football field length? I do. Do you see anyone around the man at that point? if not, then he isn't being obstructed because he continues running toward the truck in the street. Do you see anyone come from the truck to stop him? nope. Do you see anyone move toward him? nope. Does the man have open ground to run in? yep. So you can either actually watch the video or continue to fabricate something you have no knowledge of.

You are ignorant of Georgia law. I see criminal activity because I am not.
Travis was a victim....I hope the judge throws out this case and the prosecutors are put in jail for this obvious injustice against these 3 men.....

Victim of what?

An unarmed man “squared up” like he was going to attack so Travis shoots him in the chest. How is the man with the shotgun the victim? Can you explain such victimization?

Travis admitted he is a stupid and a coward, are all of you gun pukes just as cowardly and stupid??

“That’s when Arbery ran around the passenger side of Travis’ truck, and the two men met in front of it. Dial said Travis told police Arbery “squared up” like he was going to attack. He said Travis then fired the first shot into Arbery’s chest.”
Do you see anyone come from the truck to stop him? nope.

No, you racist moron, because the camera was focused on AA and the yard and trees on the passenger side of the truck. We cannot see what TM was doing in the video but we have TM’s words to police that AA squared up like he was going to attack so he shot him in the chest.

I call TM admitting he shot AA in the chest before there was a struggle for the weapon, was a clear attempt to stop AA dead or alive.

Do you see anyone move toward him? nope.

We know TM ‘changed position‘ from driver side of the truck to a position in front of the truck. This from the transcript of the preliminary hearing on June 4:

Richard Dial: . Mr. Arbery’s coming towards Mr. McMichael’s truck. Mr. McMichael is outside of the driver’s side of the truck, armed with the shotgun at this point. Mr. Arbery then comes, sees Mr. McMichael, changes and goes around the passenger side of the vehicle, not towards Travis McMichael, but around him. And then Travis McMichael changes his position to the front of the vehicle and at that point is when Mr. Arbery sees Travis McMichael change position in front of the vehicle and then engages Mr. McMichael.​

Because we cannot see TM move to a position in front of the truck, does not mean he didn’t. We can see TM’s shadow under the front of the truck and his hat through the windshield while in front of the truck. We know he was there because Richard Dial from the GBI told the judge TM MOVED to a position at the front of the truck.

TM clearly moved towards AA’s escape path to block him and from that blocking position he shot AA in the chest.

Does the man have open ground to run in? yep.

No. He was shot in the chest once so he tried to grab the gun to prevent getting shot again or in the back.

I expect AA was in shock instantly after being shot in the chest from close range.
Richard Dial: . Mr. Arbery’s coming towards Mr. McMichael’s truck. Mr. McMichael is outside of the driver’s side of the truck, armed with the shotgun at this point. Mr. Arbery then comes, sees Mr. McMichael, changes and goes around the passenger side of the vehicle, not towards Travis McMichael, but around him. And then Travis McMichael changes his position to the front of the vehicle and at that point is when Mr. Arbery sees Travis McMichael change position in front of the vehicle and then engages Mr. McMichael
Exactly what the video shows. Again, not one made a step towards AA. AA engaged. He was the aggressor. Period
Richard Dial: . Mr. Arbery’s coming towards Mr. McMichael’s truck. Mr. McMichael is outside of the driver’s side of the truck, armed with the shotgun at this point. Mr. Arbery then comes, sees Mr. McMichael, changes and goes around the passenger side of the vehicle, not towards Travis McMichael, but around him. And then Travis McMichael changes his position to the front of the vehicle and at that point is when Mr. Arbery sees Travis McMichael change position in front of the vehicle and then engages Mr. McMichael
Exactly what the video shows. Again, not one made a step towards AA. AA engaged. He was the aggressor. Period
"not one made a step towards AA"

You're fucking deranged, rightie. :cuckoo:

Travis is seen on video about 5 feet or so to the left of the truck as Arbery approaches. He's then seen in front of the truck on the driver's side when Arbery is at the front of the truck on the passenger's side.

So how the fuck did Travis get to the front of the truck if he didn't take "one made a step towards AA?"

Again, not one made a step towards AA.

How did TM get from the drivers’ side of the truck to the front of the truck? That’s a least ten steps, liar.
These cult45 zombies are truly fucked in the head. They see thing that aren't there -- Arbery intending to steal something from that house under construction ... Arbery throwing a hammer .... wearing Timberland boots ... Travis not moving towards Arbery ...

Insane. :cuckoo:

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