“Travis told police Arbery “squared up” like he was going to attack.” So he shot him in the chest.

Again, not one made a step towards AA.

How did TM get from the drivers’ side of the truck to the front of the truck? That’s a least ten steps, liar.
He moved around the open door, that didn’t get him closer. He moved away from him . Right?

you should really watch the video
Dumbfuck... Travis was in the middle of the oncoming lane as Arbery approached...


How the fuck did he end up here if he didn't move towards Arbery? Did Arbery pull him across the street to the truck...?

He moved around the open door, that didn’t get him closer.

He moved to the front of the truck after moving around the open door. He was in front of the truck before AA reached the front of the truck. And TM shot AA before the altercation started:

Richard Dial: (01:05:06)​
Yeah, the first shot, yes, sir. After the first shot, then, because Travis McMichael doesn’t back up here in the first shot. That’s first shot. There’s physical confrontation. You see Travis McMichael backing up there is physical altercation at this point. You see that, you hear the second shot is off camera as well, but you do see the blood mist come into the camera screen.​

Jesse Evans: (01:05:38)​
And this is all, the altercation you talked about, that Travis McMichael made an admission about.​

Richard Dial: (01:05:45)​
Yes, sir. That’s correct.​

I’m sure you are too ignorant to understand what the bold text means.

it at least means you are a lying to defend a murderer.
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Again, not one made a step towards AA.

How did TM get from the drivers’ side of the truck to the front of the truck? That’s a least ten steps, liar.
He moved around the open door, that didn’t get him closer. He moved away from him . Right?

you should really watch the video
Dumbfuck... Travis was in the middle of the oncoming lane as Arbery approached...

View attachment 349017

How the fuck did he end up here if he didn't move towards Arbery? Did Arbery pull him across the street to the truck...?


TM’s shadow is moving left from right in this view. He is backing up.


This puts TM more than 4 ft to the right of the centerline when the first shot was fired into AA’s chest. That puts the tip of the shotgun at least 6 ft across the centerline when it was fired into AA’s chest.

And the judge heard that TM did not back up Until after the first shot.

Richard Dial: (01:05:06) Yeah, the first shot, yes, sir. After the first shot, then, because Travis McMichael doesn’t back up here in the first shot.
He moved around the open door, that didn’t get him closer.

He moved to the front of the truck after moving around the open door. He was in front of the truck before AA reached the front of the truck. And TM shot AA before the altercation started:

Richard Dial: (01:05:06)​
Yeah, the first shot, yes, sir. After the first shot, then, because Travis McMichael doesn’t back up here in the first shot. That’s first shot. There’s physical confrontation. You see Travis McMichael backing up there is physical altercation at this point. You see that, you hear the second shot is off camera as well, but you do see the blood mist come into the camera screen.​

Jesse Evans: (01:05:38)​
And this is all, the altercation you talked about, that Travis McMichael made an admission about.​

Richard Dial: (01:05:45)​
Yes, sir. That’s correct.​

I’m sure you are too ignorant to understand what the bold text means.

it at least means you are a lying to defend a murderer.
Oddly enough, Travis opened the truck door before heading towards towards Arbery. It was closed as Arbery approached. I believe he might have opened it to encourage Arbery to run around the passenger side.
Richard Dial: . Mr. Arbery’s coming towards Mr. McMichael’s truck. Mr. McMichael is outside of the driver’s side of the truck, armed with the shotgun at this point. Mr. Arbery then comes, sees Mr. McMichael, changes and goes around the passenger side of the vehicle, not towards Travis McMichael, but around him. And then Travis McMichael changes his position to the front of the vehicle and at that point is when Mr. Arbery sees Travis McMichael change position in front of the vehicle and then engages Mr. McMichael
Exactly what the video shows. Again, not one made a step towards AA. AA engaged. He was the aggressor. Period

No Travis was. By committing Aggravated Assault Travis can not claim self defense. The death is a crime. The circumstances mean it was murder. Open and shut.
son, I have but one argument. so again you're fabricating a story. are you a fiction writer? watch the video. everything anyone needs to see is there. A man minding his own business next to his truck in the street. You know no more than that. Anything beyond that is fabricated.
This is really sad. You make it sound like he was just enjoying the beautiful day, maybe smoking a cigarette or something instead of having deliberately placed himself in that position knowing that Arbery would have to either pass his vehicle or turn around and face the vehicle Roddy was driving.

They boxed him in and while he can see that Travis was indeed standing on the driver's side of the vehicle with the door open as soon as Arbery changed his trajectory and began to pass the vehicle on the right side, presumably to avoid the man standing their with a shotgun who had been chasing after him and yelling at him to stop, Travis repositioned himself from standing next to the driver side door to standing in front of the vehicle at about the midway point.

The whole reason Travis and his two buddies were positioned where they were was so that they could attempt an unlawful armed citizen's arrest. Travis has admitted as much, which means that he cannot make a valid claim of self-defense if for no other reason than the three stooges were the aggressors in this scenario.

We can't see Travis raising and pointing the gun at Arbery's chest or at what point Arbery attempted to use his hands to deflect the weapon pointed at him because the truck is blocking that vantage point but the fact remains, that but for the actions of the posse, Arbery would not have found himself in the untenable position of attempting to disarm a man with a firearm using his bare hand.

They caused this, not Arbery.

Bottom line, just because we DO see Arbery forcing Travis back by his advance and attempt to grab the shotgun does not make him the aggressor. How you all fail to see this is beyond mind boggling.

I hope neither you or Jits carry a firearm because your understanding of when you're allowed to use it, or more specifically your lack thereof, puts a lot of people in peril.
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They boxed him in and while he can see that Travis was indeed standing on the driver's side of the vehicle with the door open as soon as Arbery changed his trajectory and began to pass the vehicle on the right side, presumably to avoid the man standing their with a shotgun who had been chasing after him and yelling at him to stop, Travis repositioned himself from standing next to the driver side door to standing in front of the vehicle at about the midway point.
you should watch the video. And, understand what boxed in means. too fking funny sally.

Arbery couldn't see the truck in the middle of the road? Are you contending he didn't notice the wide open lawns of the neighborhood with houses that he had free access to go to and call police if he felt threatened? you don't see that huh? wow, now that there is some mental issue sally.
They boxed him in and while he can see that Travis was indeed standing on the driver's side of the vehicle with the door open as soon as Arbery changed his trajectory and began to pass the vehicle on the right side, presumably to avoid the man standing their with a shotgun who had been chasing after him and yelling at him to stop, Travis repositioned himself from standing next to the driver side door to standing in front of the vehicle at about the midway point.
you should watch the video. And, understand what boxed in means. too fking funny sally.

Arbery couldn't see the truck in the middle of the road? Are you contending he didn't notice the wide open lawns of the neighborhood with houses that he had free access to go to and call police if he felt threatened? you don't see that huh? wow, now that there is some mental issue sally.
Dumbfuck, Arbery had attempted to get away from them several times -- they kept hunting him down. Even hitting him with their vehicle. They no choice but to fight for his life.

They're going to jail and all you'll get to do is bitch & moan, but... but... but the video!!!
They boxed him in and while he can see that Travis was indeed standing on the driver's side of the vehicle with the door open as soon as Arbery changed his trajectory and began to pass the vehicle on the right side, presumably to avoid the man standing their with a shotgun who had been chasing after him and yelling at him to stop, Travis repositioned himself from standing next to the driver side door to standing in front of the vehicle at about the midway point.
you should watch the video. And, understand what boxed in means. too fking funny sally.

Arbery couldn't see the truck in the middle of the road? Are you contending he didn't notice the wide open lawns of the neighborhood with houses that he had free access to go to and call police if he felt threatened? you don't see that huh? wow, now that there is some mental issue sally.

You do understand that the three men spoke to the police for hours? They gave statements. The statements are on the record and evidence. I only ask because your information seems lacking.
They boxed him in and while he can see that Travis was indeed standing on the driver's side of the vehicle with the door open as soon as Arbery changed his trajectory and began to pass the vehicle on the right side, presumably to avoid the man standing their with a shotgun who had been chasing after him and yelling at him to stop, Travis repositioned himself from standing next to the driver side door to standing in front of the vehicle at about the midway point.
you should watch the video. And, understand what boxed in means. too fking funny sally.

Arbery couldn't see the truck in the middle of the road? Are you contending he didn't notice the wide open lawns of the neighborhood with houses that he had free access to go to and call police if he felt threatened? you don't see that huh? wow, now that there is some mental issue sally.

You do understand that the three men spoke to the police for hours? They gave statements. The statements are on the record and evidence. I only ask because your information seems lacking.
I watched the video. many times. I'm still waiting to see you all make an accurate argument. that's all. Until then, I don't need to read their statements. I have the video.
They boxed him in and while he can see that Travis was indeed standing on the driver's side of the vehicle with the door open as soon as Arbery changed his trajectory and began to pass the vehicle on the right side, presumably to avoid the man standing their with a shotgun who had been chasing after him and yelling at him to stop, Travis repositioned himself from standing next to the driver side door to standing in front of the vehicle at about the midway point.
you should watch the video. And, understand what boxed in means. too fking funny sally.

Arbery couldn't see the truck in the middle of the road? Are you contending he didn't notice the wide open lawns of the neighborhood with houses that he had free access to go to and call police if he felt threatened? you don't see that huh? wow, now that there is some mental issue sally.

You do understand that the three men spoke to the police for hours? They gave statements. The statements are on the record and evidence. I only ask because your information seems lacking.
I watched the video. many times. I'm still waiting to see you all make an accurate argument. that's all. Until then, I don't need to read their statements. I have the video.
It's no one else's fault you're too uneducated to comprehend the stand your ground law. Arbery had no duty to retreat and the law backs him resorting to lethal self-defense if necessary to protect his own life.
They boxed him in and while he can see that Travis was indeed standing on the driver's side of the vehicle with the door open as soon as Arbery changed his trajectory and began to pass the vehicle on the right side, presumably to avoid the man standing their with a shotgun who had been chasing after him and yelling at him to stop, Travis repositioned himself from standing next to the driver side door to standing in front of the vehicle at about the midway point.
you should watch the video. And, understand what boxed in means. too fking funny sally.

Arbery couldn't see the truck in the middle of the road? Are you contending he didn't notice the wide open lawns of the neighborhood with houses that he had free access to go to and call police if he felt threatened? you don't see that huh? wow, now that there is some mental issue sally.

You do understand that the three men spoke to the police for hours? They gave statements. The statements are on the record and evidence. I only ask because your information seems lacking.
I watched the video. many times. I'm still waiting to see you all make an accurate argument. that's all. Until then, I don't need to read their statements. I have the video.

Their statements are why they are in jail. Their statements are why they are charged with Felonies. Their statements are why they will be convicted and sent to Prison. You are like a Flat Earth loon. You won’t even look at the evidence. You have made up your mind.
They boxed him in and while he can see that Travis was indeed standing on the driver's side of the vehicle with the door open as soon as Arbery changed his trajectory and began to pass the vehicle on the right side, presumably to avoid the man standing their with a shotgun who had been chasing after him and yelling at him to stop, Travis repositioned himself from standing next to the driver side door to standing in front of the vehicle at about the midway point.
you should watch the video. And, understand what boxed in means. too fking funny sally.

Arbery couldn't see the truck in the middle of the road? Are you contending he didn't notice the wide open lawns of the neighborhood with houses that he had free access to go to and call police if he felt threatened? you don't see that huh? wow, now that there is some mental issue sally.

You do understand that the three men spoke to the police for hours? They gave statements. The statements are on the record and evidence. I only ask because your information seems lacking.
I watched the video. many times. I'm still waiting to see you all make an accurate argument. that's all. Until then, I don't need to read their statements. I have the video.

Their statements are why they are in jail. Their statements are why they are charged with Felonies. Their statements are why they will be convicted and sent to Prison. You are like a Flat Earth loon. You won’t even look at the evidence. You have made up your mind.
Video shows what happened
They boxed him in and while he can see that Travis was indeed standing on the driver's side of the vehicle with the door open as soon as Arbery changed his trajectory and began to pass the vehicle on the right side, presumably to avoid the man standing their with a shotgun who had been chasing after him and yelling at him to stop, Travis repositioned himself from standing next to the driver side door to standing in front of the vehicle at about the midway point.
you should watch the video. And, understand what boxed in means. too fking funny sally.

Arbery couldn't see the truck in the middle of the road? Are you contending he didn't notice the wide open lawns of the neighborhood with houses that he had free access to go to and call police if he felt threatened? you don't see that huh? wow, now that there is some mental issue sally.

You do understand that the three men spoke to the police for hours? They gave statements. The statements are on the record and evidence. I only ask because your information seems lacking.
I watched the video. many times. I'm still waiting to see you all make an accurate argument. that's all. Until then, I don't need to read their statements. I have the video.

Their statements are why they are in jail. Their statements are why they are charged with Felonies. Their statements are why they will be convicted and sent to Prison. You are like a Flat Earth loon. You won’t even look at the evidence. You have made up your mind.
Video shows what happened
Yup, sure does. It shows 3 men, at least 2 of them armed, hunted down an unarmed jogger for about 4 minutes, trying to prevent him from getting away from them until they finally shot and killed him in cold blood because he wouldn't get down on the ground for them.
Video shows what happened

It shows part of what happened. It does not show what happened when the first shot was fired and hit AA in the chest. It does not show TM repositioning from the side of the truck to the front of the truck where his intent was to block AA’s chosen escape path.

Since we cannot see it, we can certainly take TM’s word that when AA ‘squared up like he was going to attack” he shot him in the chest. That was at point blank range because a truck is only six feet six inches wide and TM ran to at least the center of the truck. And GBI told the judge that TM did not start to back way from AA until after he shot him in front of the truck, and that the first shot was out of camara view.

So you being the idiot you are , think you see AA attack a stationary TM a struggle for the gun and then the first shot.

The most important result of your ignorance is that you are hallucinating a scenario where your racist killer hero will get off on self defense that never happened. But even if your hallucinations were reflective of reality, an led AA just decided “fuck it” I’m gonna kick the fatass asshole’s ass, and runs ten feet at him, TM still can’t claim self defense because he had been engaged in a felony during the five minutes before the fatal shot.

The attorney explained to the judge that this is a ‘but for’ murder as a result of bringing deadly weapons while engaged aggravated assault.

When GM told TM to grab his gun and get in a truck to chase a black man jogging down the road - the first second that AA had reason to believe he could be harmed by three white men trying to catch him, That is aggravated assult - a felony.

So, but for GM telling TM grab his gun and WB joining the chase, AA would be alive today.
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They boxed him in and while he can see that Travis was indeed standing on the driver's side of the vehicle with the door open as soon as Arbery changed his trajectory and began to pass the vehicle on the right side, presumably to avoid the man standing their with a shotgun who had been chasing after him and yelling at him to stop, Travis repositioned himself from standing next to the driver side door to standing in front of the vehicle at about the midway point.
you should watch the video. And, understand what boxed in means. too fking funny sally.

Arbery couldn't see the truck in the middle of the road? Are you contending he didn't notice the wide open lawns of the neighborhood with houses that he had free access to go to and call police if he felt threatened? you don't see that huh? wow, now that there is some mental issue sally.

You do understand that the three men spoke to the police for hours? They gave statements. The statements are on the record and evidence. I only ask because your information seems lacking.
I watched the video. many times. I'm still waiting to see you all make an accurate argument. that's all. Until then, I don't need to read their statements. I have the video.

You need to at least listen to what your racist idiot murderer told his friendly white cops before the GBI got involved;

12:57 p.m.: Sheffield asks if Travis McMichael told police that Arbery placed his hands on Travis McMichael’s gun prior to him shooting it the first time. Dial: No. “He was very inconsistent about what occurred during that time frame.”

12:53 p.m.: Dial: Travis McMichael said that as Arbery was coming at him he could tell he “was going to fight.”

And maybe you can understand that TM definitely committed felony aggravated assault according to the law when AA was running toward the truck and still 90 feet away from TMs pointed shotgun:

1:04 p.m.: Sheffield asks Dial to explain the aggravated assault charge against Travis McMichael. Dial: The charge stems from Travis McMichael pointing his shotgun at Arbery. Under questioning from Sheffield, Dial says Travis McMichael told Arbery to stop and to get on the ground before he shot him.

And this wraps it up as murder;

Merritt also said that Dial’s testimony undermines the argument that the McMichaels acted in self defense. Dial contradicted Greg McMichael’s statement to police that the first shot by his son Travis McMichael was to Arbery’s hand.​

“The first shot was to the chest - what that indicates to us was that was nit a defensive shot, it was an offensive shot,” Merritt said. “He planned to kill Ahmaud Arbery by shooting him body center mass in the chest.​

“It wasn’t in response to an assault on him. It helps us establish the intent requisite for murder.”​
And maybe you can understand that TM definitely committed felony aggravated assault according to the law when AA was running toward the truck and still 90 feet away from TMs pointed shotgun
Never happened. I watched the video.

shotgun was pointed toward the ground toward the truck
And maybe you can understand that TM definitely committed felony aggravated assault according to the law when AA was running toward the truck and still 90 feet away from TMs pointed shotgun
Never happened. I watched the video.

shotgun was pointed toward the ground toward the truck

I started a thread a while back. What to do if you are involved in a Shooting. I said at that time, and many times for many years before, say nothing to the Police.

So Travis and Greg essentially talked themselves into Prison. They can’t get away from the statements they made to the police at the scene and at the station. Roddy can’t get away from his statements. The three of them talked their way into trouble.

Of course, there was little chance given the circumstances that they would avoid jail. However, let’s discuss the statements. You say the events never happened. Yet the three of them said the events did happen. So now, what can you do?

If the three of them lied about their actions, which is your assertion, they are still going to jail. They made false statements to the Police. In Georgia, that’s a Felony. So getting on the stand during their trial and saying they lied in their initial statements just means that if they are found Not Guilty of the Murder and all that, they then will be charged in about a day, if that long, with making a false statement to a Police Officer.

Now, what do you think is going to happen? The Jury is going to hear all the evidence, not just the video. The Jury is going to hear the statements, and stare at the three men while they listen, or look in horror as they recount what happened for the recordings.

Guilty, Guilty, Guilty. I’ve said this before. The only one who has a hope in hell of realistically avoiding prison is Roddy. But even if he is found Not Guilty, the case against the McMichaels is not harmed. They are going to prison.

You like the videos. You should have watched the videos. The closing arguments. Travis’s lawyer claiming it was self defense. Weakly claiming. He knows that is the only defense he has, and is going to go with it, but it won’t fly, and he knows that too. Greg’s lawyer saying that Greg was just along for the Ride, Greg had no knowledge of the intent of his Son to kill AA. Roddy, who was just following along trying to help. His lawyer literally said that he had no idea that the McMichael’s were doing anything illegal. That’s why I said he has a chance. It is possible that the Jury will decide that he was really a well meaning idiot.

Of course, with you limited attention span you probably haven’t read this far anyway. But as I have said many times. you can talk your way into trouble, it’s hard to talk your way out.
And maybe you can understand that TM definitely committed felony aggravated assault according to the law when AA was running toward the truck and still 90 feet away from TMs pointed shotgun
Never happened. I watched the video.

shotgun was pointed toward the ground toward the truck

So you are saying that Travis, Greg, and Roddy committed Felony False Statement to a Police Officer instead of Felony Aggravated Assault and Murder?

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