Traylon Martin mother files for trademark on his name

I'd like to know which attorney out there would be willing to go sue the Black Panthers for copyright infringement.

Id be willing to sue the black panthers if we have a case. No point getting violent people upset without one.
Um...did it ever occur to you asshats that she's doing it to PREVENT someone else from profitting off the death of her child?

Probably not.
It's not like you have empathy for a killed kid or his family or anything.
Or human emotions.

Oh, I am very sure that is exactly what the law firm that Al Sharpton hired for the family has told the family and includes in their press releases.
But I have some beach front property for sale for you in Hahira, Ga. if you believe that.
You see, I do have compassion and it is for the family.
Don't you know how Al Sharpton operates. As we speak he and his entire team are holed up in the most expensive crib around. A few years ago we were in Naples, Fla. and ole Al was down there protesting something and they were all in the Ritz Carlton there.
And guess where they get their $$$.
Bingo. Same here and you know it so quit jockeying around. The family should know better but who can blame them with the circus going on down there and a dead son?
But it is WHAT IT IS and it is about $$$$$.

May be right but when you see the emotions and demonstrations and publicity they are and have been seeking from the start of this and the slogans they are protecting, no that is not what is happening here.
Call me an asshat all you want. I know the difference between chicken salad and chicken shit.
No matter how hard one tries, and they have been trying real hard as the facts that keep coming forward out of this daily are NOT what media led the masses to swallow, you just can not polish a turd.
The human emotions were inflamed by the publicity and the demonstrations, the law firms and the Al Sharptons.
Not from those that object to giving this man a fair hearing on the matter before the goon squads want to string him up.
I feel strongly about this having been raised in the south and seen the other side get the wrong end of the stick with demonstrations such as this. My father who was a white high school principal in the deep south fought off the red neck mobs that wanted to stop blacks from taking the SAT at Dad's high school. He won and had the scars to prove it.
So to me this "he is an asshat if he disagrees with the Martin family and Al Sharpton" is no big deal.
I have been shot at, beat up and left for dead.
This stinks and it is just not from first appearances. It was planned from the start as the law firm sees $$$ and is taking advantage of the family.
I feel for the family as they lost a son.
Could not imagine how that feels.
How many families out there do this after they lost a child?
.0001% if that.
The problem I'm having with all of this is that I want to draw a conclusion that they're being selfish pricks, but then there's that part of me that thinks what you've said. How would I react if, rightly or wrongly, my child had been shot to death and it was on the national news?

May none of us ever have to find out first-hand.

Yes, when I saw the parents and family of this young kid it touched me in a way that I can not explain. I have 3 kids and coached over 50 rec teams over 20 years. I have seen kids die and the parents are never the same. Saw this as a youth in the 60s when 3 of my brothers' friends were killed in Nam. The parents are never the same.

When I saw the Martin family on TV and saw them speak I DO NOT SEE BLACK PEOPLE.

I see parents. Period.
I'd like to know which attorney out there would be willing to go sue the Black Panthers for copyright infringement.

Id be willing to sue the black panthers if we have a case. No point getting violent people upset without one.
Yeah, well I've dealt with attorneys from Philadelphia, and I'm not surprised. Y'all can be some hard asses. :D

So have I. I much prefer the suburban attorneys. Philly attorneys can be jokes.
Yes, when I saw the parents and family of this young kid it touched me in a way that I can not explain. I have 3 kids and coached over 50 rec teams over 20 years. I have seen kids die and the parents are never the same. Saw this as a youth in the 60s when 3 of my brothers' friends were killed in Nam. The parents are never the same.

When I saw the Martin family on TV and saw them speak I DO NOT SEE BLACK PEOPLE.

I see parents. Period.
Indeed. I used to know a guy who was an EMT and was dispatched to the scene at which his young son was dying. I don't want to say that he never "got over" it, because I doubt any parent could, but there was just something in his face that defies description. Maybe a sort of eternal grieving.

In any event, I would certainly give a hearty "FUCK YOU" to the race pimps who have descended upon the family. Despicable slugs one and all.
It may mean she gets control of her son's name.
In the sense that people may want it to use it to forward their agenda.
If that were tried she would have to give consent on how her son's name gets used.

This might not be a bad idea...
I will believe that is her intent until I see or hear otherwise.

it's a good idea.

and that's exactly why it would be done.

Correction for the O/P... I don't know if this has already been stated because I haven't gone over the posts, the mother did not copyright her son's names, but instead copyrighted certain phrases *with* the name so they can be used on T-shirts and she can keep people from counterfeiting them.

More fauxrage over nothing.
Here we have a tragedy with a young kid getting killed and what does the mother do?

File trademark rights for his name so she can cash in.

Now we know why Al, Jesse and all the lawyers came down.

Makes me want to puke.

I did a search and all it did was link me back to this thread.

you got a link that shows she's doing this?

It was in one of the news articles, though most people missed that little prize.
Here we have a tragedy with a young kid getting killed and what does the mother do?

File trademark rights for his name so she can cash in.

Now we know why Al, Jesse and all the lawyers came down.

Makes me want to puke.

I did a search and all it did was link me back to this thread.

you got a link that shows she's doing this?

It was in one of the news articles, though most people missed that little prize.

try reading my post above so you at least get some semblance of reality. mmmkay?
Um...did it ever occur to you asshats that she's doing it to PREVENT someone else from profitting off the death of her child?

Probably not.
It's not like you have empathy for a killed kid or his family or anything.
Or human emotions.

Yeah, it's not like she's doing this so SHE can profit off her dead child.....
The power of two-timing Jessie, Fasting Al, et al is keeping the racial hatred alive and tunneling fear into their burgeoning bank accounts.

Sad part is, she's a mother, her grief is real. Nothing can bring her dead son back to life.

Unfortunately, the young man's private life was likely hidden from her and was too much of a shock to learn her son attacked a man known for giving druggies a hard time.

I think Sharp, Jackson, et al, should pack their bags and go back home. The force is not with them in this instance.

Just sayin. :eusa_whistle:

Zimmerman called Martin a fucking coon...but three weeks later, it's Al who is making this about race. riiiiiight

Zimmerman comes from a multi racial family. It's not clear what he said on the 911 tape.
Um...did it ever occur to you asshats that she's doing it to PREVENT someone else from profitting off the death of her child?

Probably not.
It's not like you have empathy for a killed kid or his family or anything.
Or human emotions.

Yeah, it's not like she's doing this so SHE can profit off her dead child.....

She's not necessarily doing that.... I am not a mother, but... if I was... and I was in the position that she's in... I would probably do the same... to protect his name. Absolutely nothing wrong with that. There are - sadly - a lot of freaks in this country who will seek to use certain phrases for profit. She's protecting that. I see nothing wrong with what she's doing... no doubt under legal advice.
Well if she's doing this to stop others from profiting off Trayvons name I am ok with that, and I don't see what the problem is.
The power of two-timing Jessie, Fasting Al, et al is keeping the racial hatred alive and tunneling fear into their burgeoning bank accounts.

Sad part is, she's a mother, her grief is real. Nothing can bring her dead son back to life.

Unfortunately, the young man's private life was likely hidden from her and was too much of a shock to learn her son attacked a man known for giving druggies a hard time.

I think Sharp, Jackson, et al, should pack their bags and go back home. The force is not with them in this instance.

Just sayin. :eusa_whistle:

Zimmerman called Martin a fucking coon...but three weeks later, it's Al who is making this about race. riiiiiight

Zimmerman comes from a multi racial family. It's not clear what he said on the 911 tape.

In all fairness just because you come from a multi racial family does not mean you are not a racist, I met many half Hispanic/Half whites in California who despised Blacks.
Zimmerman called Martin a fucking coon...but three weeks later, it's Al who is making this about race. riiiiiight

Zimmerman comes from a multi racial family. It's not clear what he said on the 911 tape.

In all fairness just because you come from a multi racial family does not mean you are not a racist, I met many half Hispanic/Half whites in California who despised Blacks.

By multi-racial, his father meant "multi" including blacks. One of Zimmerman's best friends, and one that spoke out for him is black.
Zimmerman called Martin a fucking coon...but three weeks later, it's Al who is making this about race. riiiiiight

Zimmerman comes from a multi racial family. It's not clear what he said on the 911 tape.

In all fairness just because you come from a multi racial family does not mean you are not a racist, I met many half Hispanic/Half whites in California who despised Blacks.

I agree but don't you believe that media, Al Sharpton and these thousands marching need SOME evidence that he IS a racist before jumping to the absurd conclsuion WITHOUT any evidence that he is?
As of now the lynch mob has labeled him a racist.
With NO evidence.
So with no evidence that he is a racist it makes a lot better sense to be leaning far, far, far on the side he IS NOT a racist.
Same as there is NO evidence Martin was a thug.
I see where most are more than willing to give Martin the benefit of the doubt and they give Zimmerman NO benefit of the doubt.
I give them BOTH the benefit of the doubt.

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