Trayvon died for our sins

Remember when Rachel Jentel said that he though Zimmerman was gay and might rape him? Funny how libs will ignore homophobia when you can score political points. how cute. Libbies threw other special status groups under the bus. aww

Zimmerman not only told several different versions of his story, but in subsequent brushes with the law, he was found to be telling outright lies in a calm cool demeanor, consistent with sociopath like behavior.

He will be involved in a serious crime again.

I disagree, fervently. I was on Martin's side when this story first broke - i was even quite vocal about it.

I erroneously assumed in a fit of unfounded liberal angst, that a "white man" had gotten away with murder.

What first began my shift in attitude was a video of Zimmerman explaining what happened; It was told with no lying in his words. He was sincere and at this point in my life I can tell the difference - I can spot a liar right away.

I drew the conclusion that either he shot Martin in self defense or he believed that he had.

No. You cannot spot a lying sociopath. That is part of what makes them sociopaths.

Too bad such a tragic event has to be approached in such a shallow, silly way.

There's no way for any of us to know for sure what happened. There were a few "witnesses", but there is no clear, irrefutable evidence.

This, like so many other tragic events, was just turned into a bullshit political cause celebre by people who just love turning things into a cause celebre because it supports their agenda.

No one knows for sure.


There is no way to know for sure what happened, but Zimmerman is not someone to be believed or trusted without question. To paraphrase Obama, Trayvon could have been my nephew, just a regular black teenager going about his business, innocent and unarmed. We do not know if he attacked Zimmerman, we do not know if Zimmerman's rendition of events is at all truthful or whether it is self serving. For me, this subject is not about a political cause or an agenda: it is very personal and very real. People becoming targets because of their color or age or how they dress is a real issue, not politics.

And the lies from the left continue.

That's not a paraphrase you moron that's an outright lie.
This is what your precious messiah said.

"You know, if I had a son, he'd look like Trayvon,"

When I say I am paraphrasing Obama, that is what I am doing. I am talking about myself. Trayvon could have been one of my nephews, when they were that age. I was refering to myself. And you call me a moron. Oh, dear......:lol::lol:
Horse crap - a young kid died - someones child.

We don't have to have a party, but neither was he "murdered" like others are saying.

How about a bit of respect for the dead?
'T' wasn't a "kid". He was already leading the life of a budding gang-banger. He had the opportunity to simply open the door to his old mans latest 'lick' and go inside and lock the door.
He KNEW what he was going to do. He had already sized George up to be a short fat "White Ass Cracker" and T thought he could sucker punch and pound George's head against the concrete and get away with it.
I would have had zero respect for 'T' when he was alive so why would I respect him after he had committed felony assault on a stranger who happened to have a gun and had to defend himself from very likely being murdered or brain damaged and got himself shot dead because of his willful actions?
As far as 'T' being "someone's child" good old Tracy has already replaced 'T' with a new one while the trial was going on. Don't worry about the 'Martins' being upset anymore. When the 'appearance fees' never materialized and HBO never called and the 'ghost writers' never called they 'moved on'.

Martin made a mistake - one I would have possibly committed myself. Who wouldn't go after someone for watching them like a crook? The law is the and you can't start bashing some dudes head into the ground, though.

The "kid" was no gang-banger, if you think that for two seconds you don't know jack about what the word means.

Martin was a young buck trying to act tough, like virtually all other kids his age; it cost him.

So get off the "Martin was a thug and he needed to die" bullshit.

Save it for the real bad people in the world.

I find your post nausea-inducing.
'T' wasn't a "kid". He was already leading the life of a budding gang-banger. He had the opportunity to simply open the door to his old mans latest 'lick' and go inside and lock the door.
He KNEW what he was going to do. He had already sized George up to be a short fat "White Ass Cracker" and T thought he could sucker punch and pound George's head against the concrete and get away with it.
I would have had zero respect for 'T' when he was alive so why would I respect him after he had committed felony assault on a stranger who happened to have a gun and had to defend himself from very likely being murdered or brain damaged and got himself shot dead because of his willful actions?
As far as 'T' being "someone's child" good old Tracy has already replaced 'T' with a new one while the trial was going on. Don't worry about the 'Martins' being upset anymore. When the 'appearance fees' never materialized and HBO never called and the 'ghost writers' never called they 'moved on'.

Martin made a mistake - one I would have possibly committed myself. Who wouldn't go after someone for watching them like a crook? The law is the and you can't start bashing some dudes head into the ground, though.

The "kid" was no gang-banger, if you think that for two seconds you don't know jack about what the word means.

Martin was a young buck trying to act tough, like virtually all other kids his age; it cost him.

So get off the "Martin was a thug and he needed to die" bullshit.

Save it for the real bad people in the world.
I posted: ".....A 'budding' gang-banger'.
No rational person with an IQ higher than a slice of Wonder bread would "go after" a stranger at night, AFTER they had already got to the doorstep of where they were staying. That makes absolutely no sense what so ever. The jury didn't think it made any sense either.
As for calling 'T' a 'young buck' I think you better be careful making what many in the professional 'race-whoring' business would call a clearly 'racist' remark.
Martin was a thug and someone sooner than later would have done to him what is happening to, as you call them, "young bucks" in every inner city in every country in the world every day.
I was born in Cook County Hospital. I have lived in 'Chicagoland'. I know what 'gang-banger' means.

Bah, you guys are a bunch of Keisha-eaters! Don't come messing around b'more or the boys in da hood 'll pull your card. :lol:

(I keed)
'T' wasn't a "kid". He was already leading the life of a budding gang-banger. He had the opportunity to simply open the door to his old mans latest 'lick' and go inside and lock the door.
He KNEW what he was going to do. He had already sized George up to be a short fat "White Ass Cracker" and T thought he could sucker punch and pound George's head against the concrete and get away with it.
I would have had zero respect for 'T' when he was alive so why would I respect him after he had committed felony assault on a stranger who happened to have a gun and had to defend himself from very likely being murdered or brain damaged and got himself shot dead because of his willful actions?
As far as 'T' being "someone's child" good old Tracy has already replaced 'T' with a new one while the trial was going on. Don't worry about the 'Martins' being upset anymore. When the 'appearance fees' never materialized and HBO never called and the 'ghost writers' never called they 'moved on'.

Martin made a mistake - one I would have possibly committed myself. Who wouldn't go after someone for watching them like a crook? The law is the and you can't start bashing some dudes head into the ground, though.

The "kid" was no gang-banger, if you think that for two seconds you don't know jack about what the word means.

Martin was a young buck trying to act tough, like virtually all other kids his age; it cost him.

So get off the "Martin was a thug and he needed to die" bullshit.

Save it for the real bad people in the world.

I find your post nausea-inducing.

Me? :confused:
Zimmerman not only told several different versions of his story, but in subsequent brushes with the law, he was found to be telling outright lies in a calm cool demeanor, consistent with sociopath like behavior.

He will be involved in a serious crime again.

I disagree, fervently. I was on Martin's side when this story first broke - i was even quite vocal about it.

I erroneously assumed in a fit of unfounded liberal angst, that a "white man" had gotten away with murder.

What first began my shift in attitude was a video of Zimmerman explaining what happened; It was told with no lying in his words. He was sincere and at this point in my life I can tell the difference - I can spot a liar right away.

I drew the conclusion that either he shot Martin in self defense or he believed that he had.

No. You cannot spot a lying sociopath. That is part of what makes them sociopaths.

Well, that makes me very sad that you have such low regard for my opinion.

I am a very good judge of character. It comes from years of dealing with all different sorts of people.

Here's a grand idea, if you disagree with my posts, why don't you try and sway me over to your side rather than to attack me personally?
I disagree, fervently. I was on Martin's side when this story first broke - i was even quite vocal about it.

I erroneously assumed in a fit of unfounded liberal angst, that a "white man" had gotten away with murder.

What first began my shift in attitude was a video of Zimmerman explaining what happened; It was told with no lying in his words. He was sincere and at this point in my life I can tell the difference - I can spot a liar right away.

I drew the conclusion that either he shot Martin in self defense or he believed that he had.

No. You cannot spot a lying sociopath. That is part of what makes them sociopaths.

Well, that makes me very sad that you have such low regard for my opinion.

I am a very good judge of character. It comes from years of dealing with all different sorts of people.

Here's a grand idea, if you disagree with my posts, why don't you try and sway me over to your side rather than to attack me personally?

No thanks. I have a better idea. :thup:
No. You cannot spot a lying sociopath. That is part of what makes them sociopaths.

Well, that makes me very sad that you have such low regard for my opinion.

I am a very good judge of character. It comes from years of dealing with all different sorts of people.

Here's a grand idea, if you disagree with my posts, why don't you try and sway me over to your side rather than to attack me personally?

No thanks. I have a better idea. :thup:

So do I - off my friends list.

You have a lot to learn about the difference between agreeing with someone and being their friend.

You agree to disagree - you don't stomp your feet and have a fit when you don't see eye to eye.

This is the most childish and hurtful thing that has happened to me on this site. Going to take a while to get over it.

Take care.
Well, that makes me very sad that you have such low regard for my opinion.

I am a very good judge of character. It comes from years of dealing with all different sorts of people.

Here's a grand idea, if you disagree with my posts, why don't you try and sway me over to your side rather than to attack me personally?

No thanks. I have a better idea. :thup:

So do I - off my friends list.

You have a lot to learn about the difference between agreeing with someone and being their friend.

You agree to disagree - you don't stomp your feet and have a fit when you don't see eye to eye.

This is the most childish and hurtful thing that has happened to me on this site. Going to take a while to get over it.

Take care.

What the hell? You just attributed a whole bunch of shit to me that did not happen - ... and then said I was going off your friend's list.

And you're hurt.

This is probably one of the stranger exchanges I've ever seen on this board. I feel like a stage prop. All manner of drama unfolding around me, as I stand here.

There is no way to know for sure what happened, but Zimmerman is not someone to be believed or trusted without question. To paraphrase Obama, Trayvon could have been my nephew, just a regular black teenager going about his business, innocent and unarmed. We do not know if he attacked Zimmerman, we do not know if Zimmerman's rendition of events is at all truthful or whether it is self serving. For me, this subject is not about a political cause or an agenda: it is very personal and very real. People becoming targets because of their color or age or how they dress is a real issue, not politics.

And the lies from the left continue.

That's not a paraphrase you moron that's an outright lie.
This is what your precious messiah said.

"You know, if I had a son, he'd look like Trayvon,"

When I say I am paraphrasing Obama, that is what I am doing. I am talking about myself. Trayvon could have been one of my nephews, when they were that age. I was refering to myself. And you call me a moron. Oh, dear......:lol::lol:

Yes you are a moron.
And the lies from the left continue.

That's not a paraphrase you moron that's an outright lie.
This is what your precious messiah said.

"You know, if I had a son, he'd look like Trayvon,"

When I say I am paraphrasing Obama, that is what I am doing. I am talking about myself. Trayvon could have been one of my nephews, when they were that age. I was refering to myself. And you call me a moron. Oh, dear......:lol::lol:

Yes you are a moron.

Do you have a point besides being a giant prick?

Please comment on the thread, thanks.
How come you always think "bringing people together" relies on the rest of us accepting the unacceptable.

The murder of Trayvon was unacceptable. Period.

You could maybe excuse some stupid people for buying the self defense claim, but after what Zimmerman has done since, yeah, he killed that kid. He'll probably kill someone else before he's done.

Joe likes to provide examples of my point.

He's very helpful that way.


Accepting injustice and miscarriages of justice isn't helpful.

Fixing problems, however, is helpful.

The only injustice that is occuring is that there are still people who want to punish a man who was defending himself. He is not guilty. Accept it. You can't fight the truth and win.
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