Trayvon died for our sins

A jury of his peers ruled that Zimmerman acted in self defense. It's killing, yes, but murder, not according to the laws of the United States of America.

I'm so sorry we're a nation that is divided even over legal matters that were settled by a jury in accordance with the laws of our land.


While I agree with you that according to the law, Zimmerman did not murder Martin, I can't help but point out your hypocrisy where you fail to recognize the same distinction in that abortion is also not "murder" according to the law.
Abortion is unlawful murder according to the laws of the God of Moses, and is punishable by death. Enjoying smearing someone you've been looking to attack for some time to the point of derailing the topic at hand, are you?
We are not governed by the law of Moses, so that's a worthless deflection. As far as looking to attack someone over the hypocrisy you demonstrated ... no, I wasn't looking for it. You just stepped in it and I couldn't help but notice it.
While I agree with you that according to the law, Zimmerman did not murder Martin, I can't help but point out your hypocrisy where you fail to recognize the same distinction in that abortion is also not "murder" according to the law.
Abortion is unlawful murder according to the laws of the God of Moses, and is punishable by death. Enjoying smearing someone you've been looking to attack for some time to the point of derailing the topic at hand, are you?
We are not governed by the law of Moses, so that's a worthless deflection. As far as looking to attack someone over the hypocrisy you demonstrated ... no, I wasn't looking for it. You just stepped in it and I couldn't help but notice it.

Nor are we governed by the your flawed definitions of murder, faun. She was right on point with you. You're deflecting, so therefore you're the hypocrite.
While I agree with you that according to the law, Zimmerman did not murder Martin, I can't help but point out your hypocrisy where you fail to recognize the same distinction in that abortion is also not "murder" according to the law.
Abortion is unlawful murder according to the laws of the God of Moses, and is punishable by death. Enjoying smearing someone you've been looking to attack for some time to the point of derailing the topic at hand, are you?
We are not governed by the law of Moses, so that's a worthless deflection. As far as looking to attack someone over the hypocrisy you demonstrated ... no, I wasn't looking for it. You just stepped in it and I couldn't help but notice it.
We are if we believe in God and keep the law of Moses as Christ did. If one does not engage in out-of-wedlock sex, one does not have to worry about extinguishing the life of an innocent human being whose status is unborn. I stepped in none of your bullshit nor will I ever.
Abortion is unlawful murder according to the laws of the God of Moses, and is punishable by death. Enjoying smearing someone you've been looking to attack for some time to the point of derailing the topic at hand, are you?
We are not governed by the law of Moses, so that's a worthless deflection. As far as looking to attack someone over the hypocrisy you demonstrated ... no, I wasn't looking for it. You just stepped in it and I couldn't help but notice it.

Nor are we governed by the your flawed definitions of murder, faun. She was right on point with you. You're deflecting, so therefore you're the hypocrite.
It's not my definition. "Murder" is a criminal offense, punishable by death in some states and up to life in prison in others.

Except in rare cases, abortion is not a criminal offense. Therefore, it is not "murder" for the exact same reason Zimmerman is not in prison for killing Martin. That reason being the law does not view abortion as murder just as it doesn't view self-defense as murder.

Words have meaning. You should learn them. Unless you enjoy making a complete ass of yourself. In that case, by all means ... carry on.
We are not governed by the law of Moses, so that's a worthless deflection. As far as looking to attack someone over the hypocrisy you demonstrated ... no, I wasn't looking for it. You just stepped in it and I couldn't help but notice it.

Nor are we governed by the your flawed definitions of murder, faun. She was right on point with you. You're deflecting, so therefore you're the hypocrite.
It's not my definition. "Murder" is a criminal offense, punishable by death in some states and up to life in prison in others.

Except in rare cases, abortion is not a criminal offense. Therefore, it is not "murder" for the exact same reason Zimmerman is not in prison for killing Martin. That reason being the law does not view abortion as murder just as it doesn't view self-defense as murder.

Words have meaning. You should learn them. Unless you enjoy making a complete ass of yourself. In that case, by all means ... carry on.
We are not governed by the law of Moses, so that's a worthless deflection. As far as looking to attack someone over the hypocrisy you demonstrated ... no, I wasn't looking for it. You just stepped in it and I couldn't help but notice it.

Nor are we governed by the your flawed definitions of murder, faun. She was right on point with you. You're deflecting, so therefore you're the hypocrite.
It's not my definition. "Murder" is a criminal offense, punishable by death in some states and up to life in prison in others.

Except in rare cases, abortion is not a criminal offense. Therefore, it is not "murder" for the exact same reason Zimmerman is not in prison for killing Martin. That reason being the law does not view abortion as murder just as it doesn't view self-defense as murder.

Words have meaning. You should learn them. Unless you enjoy making a complete ass of yourself. In that case, by all means ... carry on.

Accepting injustice and miscarriages of justice isn't helpful.

Fixing problems, however, is helpful.

The only injustice that is occuring is that there are still people who want to punish a man who was defending himself. He is not guilty. Accept it. You can't fight the truth and win.

The truth?

The truth was he was playing cop..chased a kid while in his vehicle, then when that was no longer possible got out of his car, fully armed, chased the kid into a dark area and shot him.

That killed the kid.

That's not "self defense" in most of the country..and the civilized world.
That must have happened on Uranus pal.
You must be hilarious to be around.
There's zero point in continually putting up the actual facts for people like you again and again. You're the worst thing anyone can be on any forum: Boring.
Abortion is unlawful murder according to the laws of the God of Moses, and is punishable by death. Enjoying smearing someone you've been looking to attack for some time to the point of derailing the topic at hand, are you?
We are not governed by the law of Moses, so that's a worthless deflection. As far as looking to attack someone over the hypocrisy you demonstrated ... no, I wasn't looking for it. You just stepped in it and I couldn't help but notice it.
We are if we believe in God and keep the law of Moses as Christ did. If one does not engage in out-of-wedlock sex, one does not have to worry about extinguishing the life of an innocent human being whose status is unborn. I stepped in none of your bullshit nor will I ever.
Don't be ridiculous. "Murder" is a criminal offense for which the government can lock you up in prison for as long as they choose. The U.S. does not adhere to the laws of Moses. It can't Constitutionally and it doesn't. If it did, adultery would be a criminal offense as would not honoring your parents as would praying to another god.

And yeah, you stepped in it -- but it wasn't my bullshit. It was your own hypocrisy of calling one non-criminal act, "murder," while calling another non-criminal act, "killing."
While I agree with you that according to the law, Zimmerman did not murder Martin, I can't help but point out your hypocrisy where you fail to recognize the same distinction in that abortion is also not "murder" according to the law.
Abortion is unlawful murder according to the laws of the God of Moses, and is punishable by death. Enjoying smearing someone you've been looking to attack for some time to the point of derailing the topic at hand, are you?
We are not governed by the law of Moses, so that's a worthless deflection. As far as looking to attack someone over the hypocrisy you demonstrated ... no, I wasn't looking for it. You just stepped in it and I couldn't help but notice it.
Interesting, I suppose I'd be wasting my time with you explaining that the 10 Commandments was a very progressive and serious attempt at universal law. They were purported to be written by the hand of God, thus trumping the wills of the big burritos of the time. It was essentially the first constitution. But that is way beyond you, surely.
Abortion is unlawful murder according to the laws of the God of Moses, and is punishable by death. Enjoying smearing someone you've been looking to attack for some time to the point of derailing the topic at hand, are you?
We are not governed by the law of Moses, so that's a worthless deflection. As far as looking to attack someone over the hypocrisy you demonstrated ... no, I wasn't looking for it. You just stepped in it and I couldn't help but notice it.
Interesting, I suppose I'd be wasting my time with you explaining that the 10 Commandments was a very progressive and serious attempt at universal law. They were purported to be written by the hand of God, thus trumping the wills of the big burritos of the time. It was essentially the first constitution. But that is way beyond you, surely.
You have no idea what you're taking about.
We are not governed by the law of Moses, so that's a worthless deflection. As far as looking to attack someone over the hypocrisy you demonstrated ... no, I wasn't looking for it. You just stepped in it and I couldn't help but notice it.
Interesting, I suppose I'd be wasting my time with you explaining that the 10 Commandments was a very progressive and serious attempt at universal law. They were purported to be written by the hand of God, thus trumping the wills of the big burritos of the time. It was essentially the first constitution. But that is way beyond you, surely.
You have no idea what you're taking about.
Do you have any idea of your ignorance?
We are not governed by the law of Moses, so that's a worthless deflection. As far as looking to attack someone over the hypocrisy you demonstrated ... no, I wasn't looking for it. You just stepped in it and I couldn't help but notice it.

Nor are we governed by the your flawed definitions of murder, faun. She was right on point with you. You're deflecting, so therefore you're the hypocrite.
It's not my definition. "Murder" is a criminal offense, punishable by death in some states and up to life in prison in others.

Except in rare cases, abortion is not a criminal offense. Therefore, it is not "murder" for the exact same reason Zimmerman is not in prison for killing Martin. That reason being the law does not view abortion as murder just as it doesn't view self-defense as murder.

Words have meaning. You should learn them. Unless you enjoy making a complete ass of yourself. In that case, by all means ... carry on.

So is feticide. Laws have meaning, and luckily they don't adhere to your standards either.

18 U.S. Code § 1841


(1) Whoever engages in conduct that violates any of the provisions of law listed in subsection (b) and thereby causes the death of, or bodily injury (as defined in section 1365) to, a child, who is in utero at the time the conduct takes place, is guilty of a separate offense under this section.


(A) Except as otherwise provided in this paragraph, the punishment for that separate offense is the same as the punishment provided under Federal law for that conduct had that injury or death occurred to the unborn child’s mother.

(B) An offense under this section does not require proof that—

(i) the person engaging in the conduct had knowledge or should have had knowledge that the victim of the underlying offense was pregnant; or

(ii) the defendant intended to cause the death of, or bodily injury to, the unborn child.

(C) If the person engaging in the conduct thereby intentionally kills or attempts to kill the unborn child, that person shall instead of being punished under sub paragraph (A), be punished as provided under sections 1111, 1112, and 1113 of this title for intentionally killing or attempting to kill a human being.

Although this law doesn't cover abortion, it may as well set the parameters for what age a person has to be for murder to be murder. So, if killing an unborn baby in the womb in the commission of a crime is considered murder, what does that make abortion?
We are not governed by the law of Moses, so that's a worthless deflection. As far as looking to attack someone over the hypocrisy you demonstrated ... no, I wasn't looking for it. You just stepped in it and I couldn't help but notice it.
Interesting, I suppose I'd be wasting my time with you explaining that the 10 Commandments was a very progressive and serious attempt at universal law. They were purported to be written by the hand of God, thus trumping the wills of the big burritos of the time. It was essentially the first constitution. But that is way beyond you, surely.
You have no idea what you're taking about.

We are not governed by the law of Moses, so that's a worthless deflection. As far as looking to attack someone over the hypocrisy you demonstrated ... no, I wasn't looking for it. You just stepped in it and I couldn't help but notice it.
Interesting, I suppose I'd be wasting my time with you explaining that the 10 Commandments was a very progressive and serious attempt at universal law. They were purported to be written by the hand of God, thus trumping the wills of the big burritos of the time. It was essentially the first constitution. But that is way beyond you, surely.
You have no idea what you're taking about.

Speak for yourself.
I'm sure the left was simply aghast when they found out in testimony that Trayvon was going to attack George because he thought he was gay.

Poor Trayvon found out the hard way that not only was George NOT gay, but legally armed and able to defend himself.

This case is one of the few where the left conveniently overlooks gay bashing.

Martin thought he was about to be raped.

And Zimmerman was chasing him.

That's what self defense looks like.
When was the last time someone "who was about to be raped" left their front door step and went looking for their potential rapist in the dark? 'DD' told the court T was basically safe and all he needed to do was go inside. She said she told him to do so. She said T told her no he was going to basically go and find his potential rapist and beat the shit out of him.
Which he tried to do.
He got dead for his trouble.
Wake up pal.
Interesting, I suppose I'd be wasting my time with you explaining that the 10 Commandments was a very progressive and serious attempt at universal law. They were purported to be written by the hand of God, thus trumping the wills of the big burritos of the time. It was essentially the first constitution. But that is way beyond you, surely.
You have no idea what you're taking about.
Do you have any idea of your ignorance?
If you think you know what you're talking about, explain what the law of Moses has to do with U.S. law... Explain how the law of Moses was "essentially the first constitution" and not the Stele of Hammurabi, which predates the Ten Commandments ....

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