Trayvon martins mother is starting in

because they did not feel they had time todo it right. so they went with him being a liar and it wasnt enough.

Rubbish. It was just a political lynching attempt, and never anything else. But apparently you think black people have some sort of right to slam white peoples' heads on sidewalks and kill them, so its obvious you will just regurgitate rubbish.
Rubbish. It was just a political lynching attempt, and never anything else. But apparently you think black people have some sort of right to slam white peoples' heads on sidewalks and kill them, so its obvious you will just regurgitate rubbish.
I can't understand how a man's head was being slammed on concrete and he was near death and he didn't even need a band-aid. Did they run him by the dry cleaners on the way to the police station, because his clothes looked like he had just took them off the rack.
Great link! A defense attorney's web page? You have got to be kidding me! It's an opinion, written by a defense attorney who is not and never has been a prosecutor.

That's like getting a baseball umpire to do color commentary on a football game.

I didn't read the article. It was just the first link that popped up.

We all know that Zimmerman was not guilty.
George Zimmerman…. The first and last time I heard the press use the phrase “white-Hispanic”. Looking at Zimmerman, the man is definitely Latino. He and President Obama are both half white.
That's the right wing lie that has been told over and over.

The jury heard the testimony and determined it wasn't a "lie" , much less a politically motivated "lie".

The self proclaimed "No Limit N-Word" was the aggressor, and the testimony from the fat chick was that Martin saw Zimmerman as a creepy "ass cracker"- iow, as a Homo.
Zimmerman beat the rap because of an unbelievably idiotic Florida law. Martin did not attack him. He was stalking Martin, who was unarmed.

Martin's mother sent him to stay with his father because he had been suspended from school, and she did not want him to enjoy his suspension in the company of friends of whom she did not approve while she was at work.
Stupid comment. Very stupid. Either get a clue or stop lying------the facts are out there.

Martin did attack him as per court testimony and common sense. The call to dispatch which was recorded----clearly showed that Zimmerman had stopped following violent thug and habitual criminal Trayvon and had instead set about to track down the nearest house number so the cops where already dispatched could find him. This is clearly heard on the recording. Secondly, Trayvon deadbeat piece of shit criminal daddy didn't live in the area. He was staying with his girlfriend who owned a home there where Trayvon was also staying. The girlfriends house was but a few minutes walk so the faster, thinner, younger FOOTBALL player Trayvon could have easily walked to the house and been inside in what about 3 minutes max.

What came out during the testimony was that Trayvon while on the phone with his girlfriend (who wasn't the girl who claimed to be his girlfriend in court) hid in the bushes listening to Zimmermans call to the police dispatch and waited for Zimmerman to get off the phone with them.. As soon as Z-man hung up the phone, Trayvon attacked him from behind while Trayvon still was on the phone with the girlfriend. The phone went dead ----and the g/f did not call cops. Trayvon was found dead---and the g/f did not call cops.....she hid from the cops as she was party to the felonies committed--her b/f attacking zimmerman and since her boyfriend died in the commision she too should have been charged with murder. She was hiding from police so much for her crimes, that she had her step Sister pretend to be Trayvons Girlfriend---you know the fat retarded on who couldn't even write in cursive.

Because martin attacked Zimmerman for calling the cops on him, SELF DEFENSE allowed Zimmerman to shoot violent Thug MARTIN.
Well we know that is false, how many times have we seen this in America.
Violent criminal Trayvon attacked Zimmerman beating his head into the ground---Zimmerman shot Trayvon as an act of Self Defense. Seen plenty of times that criminals especially blakc ones attack other people forcing them to defend themselves.
[Quot]The jury heard the testimony and determined it wasn't a "lie" , much less a politically motivated "lie".

The self proclaimed "No Limit N-Word" was the aggressor, and the testimony from the fat chick was that Martin saw Zimmerman as a creepy "ass cracker"- iow, as a Homo.

Funny how a jury heard the OJ case as well, but you still want to label him as a murderer.
Violent criminal Trayvon attacked Zimmerman beating his head into the ground---Zimmerman shot Trayvon as an act of Self Defense. Seen plenty of times that criminals especially blakc ones attack other people forcing them to defend themselves.
The only reason Zimmerman wasn't found guilty is because the jury was stacked with racist hags just like you. Anyone with common sense could see the fix was on in that case.

Funny how a jury heard the OJ case as well, but you still want to label him as a murderer.

I don't want to label OJ as anything

Funny how a jury heard the OJ case as well, but you still want to label him as a murderer.

I wasn't aware that OJ had to stab his wife and her piece of fuckmeat boyfriend in self defense. I must have missed that part of the trial.
Are you always such a charmer?
I'm a humanitarian as well as an animal rights activist. It's criminal to turn feral animals loose in civilized areas, where they will just end up hurting humans and getting themselves shot. There are plenty of preserves in Africa where these animals can be allowed to run free, like Somalia or Zimbabwe.
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