Trayvon martins mother is starting in

I can't understand how a man's head was being slammed on concrete and he was near death and he didn't even need a band-aid. Did they run him by the dry cleaners on the way to the police station, because his clothes looked like he had just took them off the rack.

If Zimmerman was just out to kill himself some hapless innocent black yoof, he would have just shoot the little animal right off, not allow it to gt close enough to wrestle with and get his head slammed a few time before pulling his weapon. But you're a big fan of black violence so no reality is going to have you admit the truth. You just keep on killing yourselves for your Uncle Joe's benefit and the agenda of your Democrat masters, as they continue to replace you and your voting blocs with criminal illegal aliens, who are also pushing you and your gangbangers out of their Hoods daily. The death tolls in the Hoods are rising fast already this year, and your plantation master has onlybeen in office what, 6 months? lol
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Funny how a jury heard the OJ case as well, but you still want to label him as a murderer.
He was is a murderer---the evidence CLEARLY showed this and his fellow race ho's throwing up the fist in support of Black criminals doesn't change this fact.
The only reason Zimmerman wasn't found guilty is because the jury was stacked with racist hags just like you. Anyone with common sense could see the fix was on in that case.
You are so full of chit---------even the black jurist had to vote to acquit. The evidence clearly demonstrated that Trayvon attacked Zimmerman for daring to call the cops on his criminal ass---Zimmerman simply defended himself shooting the drugged up violent criminal Trayvon.
Funny how a jury heard the OJ case as well, but you still want to label him as a murderer.

I wasn't aware that OJ had to stab his wife and her piece of fuckmeat boyfriend in self defense. I must have missed that part of the trial.

Did you miss the part where he was acquitted in a Court of Law, why is the standard different for him?
Funny how a jury heard the OJ case as well, but you still want to label him as a murderer.
He was is a murderer---the evidence CLEARLY showed this and his fellow race ho's throwing up the fist in support of Black criminals doesn't change this fact.

Not according to the Law he isn't.

The Trayvon Hoax: Unmasking the Witness Fraud that Divided America - film​

In this stunning work of investigative journalism, filmmaker Joel Gilbert uncovers the true story of the shooting death of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin, a case that divided America. By examining Trayvon’s 750-page cell phone records, Gilbert discovers that the key witness for the prosecution of George Zimmerman, the plus-sized 18-year-old Rachel Jeantel, was a fraud. It was in fact a different girl who was on the phone with Trayvon just before he was shot. She was the 16-year-old named "Diamond" whose recorded conversation with attorney Benjamin Crump ignited the public, swayed President Obama, and provoked the nation's media to demand Zimmerman's arrest. Gilbert's painstaking research takes him through the high schools of Miami, into the back alleys of Little Haiti, and finally to Florida State University where he finds Trayvon's real girlfriend, the real phone witness, Diamond Eugene. Gilbert confirms his revelations with forensic handwriting analysis and DNA testing. After obtaining unredacted court documents and reading Diamond's vast social media archives, Gilbert then reconstructs the true story of Trayvon Martin's troubled teenage life and tragic death. In the process, he exposes in detail the most consequential hoax in recent American judicial history, The Trayvon Hoax, that was ground zero for the downward spiral of race relations in America. This incredible film (and book) has the potential to correct American history and bring America back together again.
walking down the street is suspicious. bull shit. george is A sick dude who wanted to kill. and unfortunatly trayvon was the one he got. he was told by 911 not to follow him and he did it anyway. the only mistake was trayvon made was confronting the psycho.
He was wasnt walking down the street. He was walking in the grass when Zimmerman first saw him, right next to the apartment windows. This is the same kid who got busted by the cops at his school with a bag full of womens jewelry and a screw driver, and refused to say where he got it, so it was confiscated. Do you think maybe this kid is a thief, and maybe he was up to no good that night? Let me guess, you think thats impossible, right?
[Quoye]You are so full of chit---------even the black jurist had to vote to acquit.

The evidence clearly demonstrated that Trayvon attacked Zimmerman for daring to call the cops on his criminal ass---Zimmerman simply defended himself shooting the drugged up violent criminal Trayvon.
Drugged up on Arizona Tea!! Zimmerman is a coward and the only reason racist back him is because he killed a black kid.
Stupid comment. Very stupid. Either get a clue or stop lying------the facts are out there.

Martin did attack him as per court testimony and common sense. The call to dispatch which was recorded----clearly showed that Zimmerman had stopped following violent thug and habitual criminal Trayvon and had instead set about to track down the nearest house number so the cops where already dispatched could find him. This is clearly heard on the recording. Secondly, Trayvon deadbeat piece of shit criminal daddy didn't live in the area. He was staying with his girlfriend who owned a home there where Trayvon was also staying. The girlfriends house was but a few minutes walk so the faster, thinner, younger FOOTBALL player Trayvon could have easily walked to the house and been inside in what about 3 minutes max.

What came out during the testimony was that Trayvon while on the phone with his girlfriend (who wasn't the girl who claimed to be his girlfriend in court) hid in the bushes listening to Zimmermans call to the police dispatch and waited for Zimmerman to get off the phone with them.. As soon as Z-man hung up the phone, Trayvon attacked him from behind while Trayvon still was on the phone with the girlfriend. The phone went dead ----and the g/f did not call cops. Trayvon was found dead---and the g/f did not call cops.....she hid from the cops as she was party to the felonies committed--her b/f attacking zimmerman and since her boyfriend died in the commision she too should have been charged with murder. She was hiding from police so much for her crimes, that she had her step Sister pretend to be Trayvons Girlfriend---you know the fat retarded on who couldn't even write in cursive.

Because martin attacked Zimmerman for calling the cops on him, SELF DEFENSE allowed Zimmerman to shoot violent Thug MARTIN.

Do you think anyone would believe this rubbish.?Zimmerman was stalking Martin. Martin just tried to defend himself. Florida is so far into the cesspool that it allows stalkers to shoot unarmed people and get away with it. What in the hell was Zimmerman doing stalking this kid while armed? How would you handle a stalker if you were not armed.

Every time that a black guy gets killed, the right-wingers concoct some narrative about how the black guy was in the wrong and the "poor" armed (non-black) guy was just acting in "self defense." It's all BS and people are wise to it now.
Do you think anyone would believe this rubbish.?Zimmerman was stalking Martin. Martin just tried to defend himself. Florida is so far into the cesspool that it allows stalkers to shoot unarmed people and get away with it. What in the hell was Zimmerman doing stalking this kid while armed? How would you handle a stalker if you were not armed.

Every time that a black guy gets killed, the right-wingers concoct some narrative about how the black guy was in the wrong and the "poor" armed (non-black) guy was just acting in "self defense." It's all BS and people are wise to it now.

That wasn't what the jury found. The multi ethnic panel of citizens who took time off to hear the case decided that Mr. Zimmerman was acting in self defense.

Why do you think they were lying here?
Rubbish. It was just a political lynching attempt, and never anything else. But apparently you think black people have some sort of right to slam white peoples' heads on sidewalks and kill them, so its obvious you will just regurgitate rubbish.
trayvon never did slam his head. and trayvon should not have played the tough guy and confronted that psycho. call the cops let them handle it.
Violent criminal Trayvon attacked Zimmerman beating his head into the ground---Zimmerman shot Trayvon as an act of Self Defense. Seen plenty of times that criminals especially blakc ones attack other people forcing them to defend themselves.
nope.l trayvon had no record of being criminal;/ just dumb teenger liking to look tough.
Do you think anyone would believe this rubbish.?Zimmerman was stalking Martin. Martin just tried to defend himself. Florida is so far into the cesspool that it allows stalkers to shoot unarmed people and get away with it. What in the hell was Zimmerman doing stalking this kid while armed? How would you handle a stalker if you were not armed.

Every time that a black guy gets killed, the right-wingers concoct some narrative about how the black guy was in the wrong and the "poor" armed (non-black) guy was just acting in "self defense." It's all BS and people are wise to it now.
he was a black kid. zimmerman as an adult should have used commonsense.
You are so full of chit---------even the black jurist had to vote to acquit. The evidence clearly demonstrated that Trayvon attacked Zimmerman for daring to call the cops on his criminal ass---Zimmerman simply defended himself shooting the drugged up violent criminal Trayvon.
Trayvon had no idea the cops were coming . all he knew is some strange man was following him all over the neighborhood. the jury had no choice they royaly screwed up because of timming .
He was wasnt walking down the street. He was walking in the grass when Zimmerman first saw him, right next to the apartment windows. This is the same kid who got busted by the cops at his school with a bag full of womens jewelry and a screw driver, and refused to say where he got it, so it was confiscated. Do you think maybe this kid is a thief, and maybe he was up to no good that night? Let me guess, you think thats impossible, right?

wrong trayvon was walking down the side walk when he saw him and he thought he was suspicious because trayvon answered his phone which was clipped to the waste band of his jeans and because his hood was on his head because it was raining. Trayvon did cut through the grass , that most kids cut through who live there untill zimmerman would not stop following him. and trayvon was not suspendended that time not for the jewelery and tool. which cops got and didnt nothing to any one about. he was suspended for writing on wall and it was on school camera the priniciple just made up his own nerative of what that stuff was about ./ he had an idea.

The Trayvon Hoax: Unmasking the Witness Fraud that Divided America - film​

In this stunning work of investigative journalism, filmmaker Joel Gilbert uncovers the true story of the shooting death of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin, a case that divided America. By examining Trayvon’s 750-page cell phone records, Gilbert discovers that the key witness for the prosecution of George Zimmerman, the plus-sized 18-year-old Rachel Jeantel, was a fraud. It was in fact a different girl who was on the phone with Trayvon just before he was shot. She was the 16-year-old named "Diamond" whose recorded conversation with attorney Benjamin Crump ignited the public, swayed President Obama, and provoked the nation's media to demand Zimmerman's arrest. Gilbert's painstaking research takes him through the high schools of Miami, into the back alleys of Little Haiti, and finally to Florida State University where he finds Trayvon's real girlfriend, the real phone witness, Diamond Eugene. Gilbert confirms his revelations with forensic handwriting analysis and DNA testing. After obtaining unredacted court documents and reading Diamond's vast social media archives, Gilbert then reconstructs the true story of Trayvon Martin's troubled teenage life and tragic death. In the process, he exposes in detail the most consequential hoax in recent American judicial history, The Trayvon Hoax, that was ground zero for the downward spiral of race relations in America. This incredible film (and book) has the potential to correct American history and bring America back together again.

this case was dropped lol lol all of geroges fakes lawsuit were dropped. you are funny.
this case was dropped lol lol all of geroges fakes lawsuit were dropped. you are funny.
That has nothing to do with the video I posted, and you need to post links that all of Zimmerman's lawsuits were dismissed.
wrong trayvon was walking down the side walk when he saw him and he thought he was suspicious because trayvon answered his phone which was clipped to the waste band of his jeans and because his hood was on his head because it was raining. Trayvon did cut through the grass , that most kids cut through who live there untill zimmerman would not stop following him. and trayvon was not suspendended that time not for the jewelery and tool. which cops got and didnt nothing to any one about. he was suspended for writing on wall and it was on school camera the priniciple just made up his own nerative of what that stuff was about ./ he had an idea.
Dude, not only was he suspended, he wasnt going to school at all. He was staying with his dad, nowhere near his school. As for the cops, they didnt bust Trayvon because, they never found his victim. Trayvon never tried to get the jewelry he stole back from the cops though.
Dude, not only was he suspended, he wasnt going to school at all. He was staying with his dad, nowhere near his school. As for the cops, they didnt bust Trayvon because, they never found his victim. Trayvon never tried to get the jewelry he stole back from the cops though.
stop making shit up. we have no idea the story on those things. they wre not his and cops too them and did nothig. no report nothing. they probably tossed them. i wouild think more of it if prinicple had saud lockers were broken into reently but he did nt. he was suspended for writing on a school wall that time. and im not a dude. and not trans . im a lady have some respect. geez. and he was not kicked out of school and he never dropped out. he was spending his suspincion time with his dad. i beleive it was a week. and the weeks suspicion he had when he ws staying with his dad was becasue he had a bong and pot seed on him. the first two suspicions the drawing on the wall and being late to many times to class., both timre he spent the days at his grandmas and she had him working around house. but he still went hom to mom. she didnt want him siting around the house watchng tv.

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