Trayvon martins mother is starting in

They were divorced....

You have heard of divorce before right?
"If the apple supposedly doesn’t fall far from the tree, Trayvon Martin’s father Tracy has been pruning his tree of his past to make sure his son’s image isn’t tarnished by it. Photos have emerged of Tracy Martin after his son’s death in which there is a tattoo on the side of his neck with an undefinable word; a later photo shows that tattoo was erased, replaced by a tattoo with two hands clasped in prayer. Other photos show Martin alternatively posing with a group that brandished the Crips gang finger signs or stood with a different group in front of raining dollar bills; both pictures featured Martin making a hand sign that The Conservative Tree House says are gang-related."

Like father, like son.

like we need this now with all racial tension going on. yikes.

Its self lynching.

If blacks would stop 1- committing crimes, 2- stop fighting/resisting the police then the amount of blacks killed by cops would go down exponentially.

Blacks killed by cops are probablly 93% their own fault. They put things in motion themselves that lead to the cop killing them and only have themselves to blame. But they wont ever admit that, blacks are without a doubt the world heavy weights in self denial and reflection of guilt. No one ever in the history of the world has ever been as good at blaming others for their own problems and avoiding blame than blacks.
trayvon never did slam his head. and trayvon should not have played the tough guy and confronted that psycho. call the cops let them handle it.

He did call the cops, moron; that's what neighborhood watch people do, especially in high crime areas. the fact is the little thug ran away, most likely to ditch something, like his dope or burglary tools, then came back and assualted Zimmerman. Your claims are just rubbish, is all, and even a hostile jury, DA, and judge found it impossible to convict him for a fake crime just to appease a bunch of racist vermin threatening riots.
Ok, so Trayvon Martin attacked someone who had not displayed any physical aggression, gets shot, and suddenly the victim of his attack, George Zimmerman, is responsible.

The same is true with Kyle Rittenhouse.

Of course, the left had no problem with Ashley Babbitt being murdered.

this has nothing to do with a political position. im not a left either. what ever thats about. Its about a kid being followed by a grown ass adult and trying to play cop. and you sound like one of those dude thin ks the cops just let kyle go evne though his arms were up.
It's a shame his mother wasn't this concerned for him when he was alive.
It's hard to concentrate when your in the throws of orgasm number thirteen that day..... it's hard to find now but there was a lot of info about Mz Martin and a rotating bedroom door that was constantly spinning, I can remember a few threads back on the Political Jack Boards from years back.... I wonder if I can still find them?

He did call the cops, moron; that's what neighborhood watch people do, especially in high crime areas. the fact is the little thug ran away, most likely to ditch something, like his dope or burglary tools, then came back and assualted Zimmerman. Your claims are just rubbish, is all, and even a hostile jury, DA, and judge found it impossible to convict him for a fake crime just to appease a bunch of racist vermin threatening riots.
now you just making shit up. so stop it. Trayvon had no tools or weapons on him he was coming back from a 7-11 with soda and candy. It was impossible to convict because the prosuction screwed up out of timing and didnt put together trayvons side of the story. All thy had was George was a liar. No enough to convict.
Martin was a thug whose destiny was to catch a bullit. The only good thing is that he is STILL dea
Its self lynching.

If blacks would stop 1- committing crimes, 2- stop fighting/resisting the police then the amount of blacks killed by cops would go down exponentially.

Blacks killed by cops are probablly 93% their own fault. They put things in motion themselves that lead to the cop killing them and only have themselves to blame. But they wont ever admit that, blacks are without a doubt the world heavy weights in self denial and reflection of guilt. No one ever in the history of the world has ever been as good at blaming others for their own problems and avoiding blame than blacks.
I agree with everything your saying but Trayvons case was not the same as all this. Just because stupied people think it does. I hate like hell his mother thinks that too. Trayvons is completly different from the others.
"If the apple supposedly doesn’t fall far from the tree, Trayvon Martin’s father Tracy has been pruning his tree of his past to make sure his son’s image isn’t tarnished by it. Photos have emerged of Tracy Martin after his son’s death in which there is a tattoo on the side of his neck with an undefinable word; a later photo shows that tattoo was erased, replaced by a tattoo with two hands clasped in prayer. Other photos show Martin alternatively posing with a group that brandished the Crips gang finger signs or stood with a different group in front of raining dollar bills; both pictures featured Martin making a hand sign that The Conservative Tree House says are gang-related."

Like father, like so
Not this crapola again!

Ohh Skittles........
im tell you. and Trayvon was not in a gang .
He did call the cops, moron; that's what neighborhood watch people do, especially in high crime areas.
So he should have sat his coward ass in his truck until they got there. The kid who had been lifting shit was caught 2 weeks prior.
the fact is the little thug ran away, most likely to ditch something, like his dope or burglary tools, then came back and assualted Zimmerman. Your claims are just rubbish, is all, and even a hostile jury, DA, and judge found it impossible to convict him for a fake crime just to appease a bunch of racist vermin threatening riots.
You are a punk ass coward just like Zimmerman, had Trayvon been a grown man that little bitch would have took his scary ass on to Target.
Uhhh...he was black...probably going to buy drugs. Probably going to cause trouble. He was violent...sounds like a gang member to me.
So he should have sat his coward ass in his truck until they got there. The kid who had been lifting shit was caught 2 weeks prior.

You are a punk ass coward just like Zimmerman, had Trayvon been a grown man that little bitch would have took his scary ass on to Target.
Wrong. Blacks are always cowards. The only way they fight is to "swarm" or to "Sucka Punch".
So he should have sat his coward ass in his truck until they got there. The kid who had been lifting shit was caught 2 weeks prior.

You are a punk ass coward just like Zimmerman, had Trayvon been a grown man that little bitch would have took his scary ass on to Target.
Zimmerman may have not done well in prison. A lesser charge may have gotten a guilty verdict. That development was having a lot of problems.
Zimmerman may have not done well in prison. A lesser charge may have gotten a guilty verdict. That development was having a lot of problem
Uhhh...he was black...probably going to buy drugs. Probably going to cause trouble. He was violent...sounds like a gang member to me.

lol lolo lol keepo m,aking up storiesl probably means nothing.

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