Trayvon martins mother is starting in

He was a proud product of a degenerate violent racist black culture. Sorry but nobody is obligated to allow themselves to be assaulted and robbed by these feral animals just because they're black and Al Sharpton says we should.
he was doing nothing. just walking home. stop making shit up. put the jack daniels down.
Really? Zimmerman was trying to do something about the crime in his neighborhood--he did nothing wrong. Trayvon attacked and trayvon deserved to be shot for it.

BTW, according to the evidence and testimony---Zimmerman called the cops, when dispatch requested he stop following, he did immediately and went about searching for a HOUSE NUMBER so the cops could find him losing track of violent criminal trayvon. Trayvon circled around hid in the bushes, listening for Zimmerman waiting for him to get off the phone with the cops. As soon as Zimmerman got off the phone to dispatch, Trayvon attacked him.
no he didnt. he kept doing it. said to the cops plenty of times. you ever watch videos of zimmerman talking to the cops. lord people so high or so driunk .their brains cease to function.
lol more delusional fantasies from a fan of violent racist punks. We know why you vermin keep your snivleing and rioting out of the Burbs, hero; too chickenshiit to take on anybody who stands up to your criminal shitfests.
I hear you internet tough guy, candy ass probably hasn't never been in a fight in your life.
Not according to the Law he isn't.
The jury was racist----------and OJ is still a murderer. I played hooky from school to watch the trial unfold--there was more than enough evidence to convict his sorry murdering ass.

So the black man accused of killing 2 white folks is acquitted in a Court of Law and he is still a murderer, but a coward with a gun a grown man stalks and kills a 17yr old teenager he is acquitted in a Court of Law and he was acting in self defense. Do you see how stupid that sounds Turtle Shit.
He was a proud product of a degenerate violent racist black culture. Sorry but nobody is obligated to allow themselves to be assaulted and robbed by these feral animals just because they're black and Al Sharpton says we should.
Zimmerman was the adult dumbass and he initiated this whole event, but you give him a pass because he did something your coward ass probably wishes you could do.
i followed it. you didnt. you keep making shit up . becaue you dont care what the truth.l you just had an obession with being right.

Ah now you're just trolling, and badly at that. We demand a lot better from trolls here, and you don't make the grade, too infantile.
Zimmerman was the adult dumbass and he initiated this whole event, but you give him a pass because he did something your coward ass probably wishes you could do.
lol more rubbish. Your punk ass yoof thought he had a victim to abuse, and forgot to do the usual gangsta thing and round a dozen homies to help him, and got his punk ass wasted. You really hate facts, since they all make your stupid degenerate 'culture' look like the loser club it is. lol at 'initiated'; you get that from reading a dictionary in jail?
lol more rubbish. Your punk ass yoof thought he had a victim to abuse, and forgot to do the usual gangsta thing and round a dozen homies to help him, and got his punk ass wasted. You really hate facts, since they all make your stupid degenerate 'culture' look like the loser club it is. lol at 'initiated'; you get that from reading a dictionary in jail?
That's what your racist ass folks used to do when they were wearing the white sheets show up 10 or more deep like the cowards they were. Racist cowards like you are a joke, you are a little bitch by yourself you turn bad when you've got 5 or 6 of your buddies or a gun with you. Zimmerman was a bitch that when after a kid, the coward would have kept riding if that was a grown man. Your weak ass is cut from the same cloth.
That's what your racist ass folks used to do when they were wearing the white sheets show up 10 or more deep like the cowards they were. Racist cowards like you are a joke, you are a little bitch by yourself you turn bad when you've got 5 or 6 of your buddies or a gun with you. Zimmerman was a bitch that when after a kid, the coward would have kept riding if that was a grown man. Your weak ass is cut from the same cloth.
lol the only Klan people you ever saw were the ones who butt raped you after school every day. You liked it then and are pissed off they don't call you any more. All your bullshit is just another plea for Whitey to save your worthless ass.
OReally? Zimmerman was trying to do something about the crime in his neighborhood--he did nothing wrong. Trayvon attacked and trayvon deserved to be shot for it.

BTW, according to the evidence and testimony---Zimmerman called the cops, when dispatch requested he stop following, he did immediately and went about searching for a HOUSE NUMBER so the cops could find him losing track of violent criminal trayvon. Trayvon circled around hid in the bushes, listening for Zimmerman waiting for him to get off the phone with the cops. As soon as Zimmerman got off the phone to dispatch, Trayvon attacked him.
I agree that Zimmerman did nothing illegal.

Lets say Zimmerman had obeyed the dispatcher’s request to the letter, and continued on his way. Trayvon Martin would likely be alive today possibly in prison. Zimmerman wouldn’t have went through all the emotional difficulty and expense of being on trial and all the problems since.

An individual carries a concealed handgun for his own self defense when his life or health is seriously threatened or to defend the life or health of another person. Legally carrying a weapon does not make an individual a cop.

Many argue Zimmerman was a wannabe cop and was acting like one by trailing Zimmerman which led to the attack. Some argue that Martin was confronted by Zimmerman who drew his weapon and Marin fearing for his life attacked Zimmerman in his own self defense. If course there are a few who say Zimmerman was a vigilante fighting crime in his neighborhood like a cloaked cartoon super hero.

The simple solution I recommend is when you see someone suspicious call the cops and let them handle the problem. You don’t end up bankrupt from attorney fees or “the most hated man in America.”

To be fair I live in the free state of Florida and Governor DeSantis backs police in this state. The cops here are still proactive rather than reactive as in far too many cities that have defunded their police. Today if you follow my advise in many liberal cities the cops may not even bother to respond. However if you do what Zimmerman did and kill a black teenager in similar circumstances, your city will burn. What a mess.
Never claimed to be tough internet guy, you cowards brag about a coward murdering a 17yr old teenager. That is real manly.
Of course you think you are, so quit trying to lie your way out of it, wimp. IF a17 year old wants to play badass gangster, then they get to suffer the consequences. Maybe your ilk should make a little effort to dissuade them from attacking people and trying to murder them instead of bloviating and crying like white people are your problem and not yourselves, shit for brains.
I agree that Zimmerman did nothing illegal.

Lets say Zimmerman had obeyed the dispatcher’s request to the letter, and continued on his way. Trayvon Martin would likely be alive today possibly in prison. Zimmerman wouldn’t have went through all the emotional difficulty and expense of being on trial and all the problems since.

An individual carries a concealed handgun for his own self defense when his life or health is seriously threatened or to defend the life or health of another person. Legally carrying a weapon does not make an individual a cop.

Many argue Zimmerman was a wannabe cop and was acting like one by trailing Zimmerman which led to the attack. Some argue that Martin was confronted by Zimmerman who drew his weapon and Marin fearing for his life attacked Zimmerman in his own self defense. If course there are a few who say Zimmerman was a vigilante fighting crime in his neighborhood like a cloaked cartoon super hero.

The simple solution I recommend is when you see someone suspicious call the cops and let them handle the problem. You don’t end up bankrupt from attorney fees or “the most hated man in America.”

To be fair I live in the free state of Florida and Governor DeSantis backs police in this state. The cops here are still proactive rather than reactive as in far too many cities that have defunded their police. Today if you follow my advise in many liberal cities the cops may not even bother to respond. However if you do what Zimmerman did and kill a black teenager in similar circumstances, your city will burn. What a mess.

He was part of an organized watch group. the town there had one of the highest crime rates in the country. The fact is the racists are all pissed off because one of their low life feral animals got itself killed attacking a white guy, and that is all they're pissed off about. They could care less about black lives, and they prove that every single day by the crime rates in their own neighborhoods.
He did call the cops, and keeping the reason for the call in sight is also fine; ther eis nothing ilegal about Zimmerman being on a public street. The feral animal just didn't like getting caught at casing places to rob, is all. He most likely was another black racist encouraged to act out his racism.
It is my bet that if you asked Zimmerman today if he would do the same thing again and he was totally honest — he would say, “No.”

I am not arguing with what you posted by any means.

In life you can do everything right and still end up in a world of trouble.

If you are a citizen legally carrying a firearm it is wisest to avoid any and all confrontations. For example if you get in an argument with some fool and it looks about to turn physical the smartest move is to walk away even if it makes you look like a coward.
He was part of an organized watch group. the town there had one of the highest crime rates in the country. The fact is the racists are all pissed off because one of their low life feral animals got itself killed attacking a white guy, and that is all they're pissed off about. They could care less about black lives, and they prove that every single day by the crime rates in their own neighborhoods.

Zimmerman told the police he was part of a watch group. That was a questionable statement.

When 28-year-old George Zimmerman was discovered by Sanford, Florida police standing over the body of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin, they accepted Zimmerman’s claim that he killed in self-defense as a neighborhood watch captain. Now, through a statement released by the National Sheriffs’ Association (NSA) — the parent organization of USAonWatch-Neighborhood Watch — it has been revealed that Zimmerman was not a member of any group recognized by the organization. Zimmerman violated the central tenets of Neighborhood Watch by following Martin, confronting him and carrying a concealed weapon.

“In no program that I have ever heard of does someone patrol with a gun in their pocket,” Carmen Caldwell, the Executive Director of Citizens’ Crime Watch of Miami-Dade, told theGrio. “Every city and municipality has their own policies. Here in Miami-Dade we train people only to be the eyes and ears of their communities. Not to follow and most definitely not to carry a weapon.”

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