Trayvon martins mother is starting in

No the police stop violent criminals, which Trayvon wasn't. Punk ass cowards who are 28yrs old stalk 17yr old boys.
First off, that wasnt "stalking". Secondly, i have seen zero evidence that suggests Trayvon showed him his ID. Thirdly, if he DID know Trayvon was 17, he should watch him much more closely, since 17 year old black males are the most prolific criminals in the nation.

Your arguments are dumb.
[Quoye]First off, that wasnt "stalking". Secondly, i have seen zero evidence that suggests Trayvon showed him his ID.
That is exactly what he was doing, what obligation did he have to show him anything?

Thirdly, if he DID know Trayvon was 17, he should watch him much more closely, since 17 year old black males are the most prolific criminals in the nation.

BS, you can look at a kid and tell how old he is. Prove that instead of just giving us your racist opinion.
Your arguments are dumb.
Your opinion is dumb.
Pipe down you whiney faggot. Anybody who runs around with a silly juvenile handle like 'SuperBadBrutha' is just another little scrawny dork trying to be the 'tough guy', moron. You're just killing time until you get arrested again and get to be the cell block bitch you dream about being. Does your momma buy you cosmetics while you're in prison?
Damn why do you right wing, racist come on here and tell us what your homosexual fantasies are? So you are wanting to be gang raped, wow.
this has nothing to do with a political position
LOL it was ALL political. The local DA wasn't going to prosecute. Al Sharpton and the Democratic lying machine stepped in and raised such a fuss that the governor felt compelled to appoint a special prosecutor who was a left-wing hack and prosecuted ZImmerman - and lost, of course. It's all political. Why do you think that leftist media doesn't cover the plethora of crime in Democratic ghettos? The only reason Zimmerman got prosecuted is because he is a "white-Hispanic" and Treyvon was BLACK. There's a SHITLOAD of horrific crimes that the media doesn't cover because the attacker is black and the victim is white. Anyway, thanks for the laugh.
It's a good thing he had it.........
Zimmerman had called the police. They told him not to follow Trayvon. If at that moment he would have got back into his vehicle and left he would have had no reason to use his weapon.

As I said you don’t go looking for trouble as it may find you.

If you have a concealed weapons permit you shouldn’t go around looking for the opportunity to shoot someone or even appear to be doing that. The law frowns on vigilantes.

Be aware you can do everything right and use your legally concealed handgun to defend yourself from an attacker who intends to murder you and still end up facing some gung-ho prosecutor. You will likely go bankrupt and you may end up in prison. Also even cops who legitimately shoot someone often suffer psychological problems from the incident. You may also and if so you may end up adding a psychiatrist’s fees to the amount of money you owe.

From the title you can tell the following article is biased but it does show the problems Zimmerman has had since he encountered Trayvon.

Zimmerman had called the police. They told him not to follow Trayvon. If at that moment he would have got back into his vehicle and left he would have had no reason to use his weapon.

As I said you don’t go looking for trouble as it may find you.

If you have a concealed weapons permit you shouldn’t go around looking for the opportunity to shoot someone or even appear to be doing that. The law frowns on vigilantes.

Be aware you can do everything right and use your legally concealed handgun to defend yourself from an attacker who intends to murder you and still end up facing some gung-ho prosecutor. You will likely go bankrupt and you may end up in prison. Also even cops who legitimately shoot someone often suffer psychological problems from the incident. You may also and if so you may end up adding a psychiatrist’s fees to the amount of money you owe.

From the title you can tell the following article is biased but it does show the problems Zimmerman has had since he encountered Trayvon.

Zimmerman had called the police. They told him not to follow Trayvon. If at that moment he would have got back into his vehicle and left he would have had no reason to use his weapon.

And if Trayvon walked home after he eluded Tubby, he'd have least a little longer.

As I said you don’t go looking for trouble as it may find you.

Yeah.....Trayvon probably had that same thought in his last few moments.
Zimmerman had called the police. They told him not to follow Trayvon. If at that moment he would have got back into his vehicle and left he would have had no reason to use his weapon.

And if Trayvon walked home after he eluded Tubby, he'd have least a little longer.

As I said you don’t go looking for trouble as it may find you.

Yeah.....Trayvon probably had that same thought in his last few moments
As you look at the results play Monday morning quarterback. Pretend you are Zimmerman. What would you do knowing what happened to him?

Zimmerman had called the police. They told him not to follow Trayvon. If at that moment he would have got back into his vehicle and left he would have had no reason to use his weapon.

As I said you don’t go looking for trouble as it may find you.

If you have a concealed weapons permit you shouldn’t go around looking for the opportunity to shoot someone or even appear to be doing that. The law frowns on vigilantes.

Be aware you can do everything right and use your legally concealed handgun to defend yourself from an attacker who intends to murder you and still end up facing some gung-ho prosecutor. You will likely go bankrupt and you may end up in prison. Also even cops who legitimately shoot someone often suffer psychological problems from the incident. You may also and if so you may end up adding a psychiatrist’s fees to the amount of money you owe.

From the title you can tell the following article is biased but it does show the problems Zimmerman has had since he encountered Trayvon.

Logic and the ability to reason escape you.
Trayvon had a scratch on his index finger, ONE scratch idiot. Post the part of the autopsy that says he had injuries to his knuckles lying POS.
Its right there in the article retard, which doesnt mention anything about a scratch on his index finger, but your dishonest debate tactics are noted.

"The medical examiner found two injuries on Martin's body: the fatal gunshot wound on his chest and broken skin on his knuckles..."

Did you notice the "s" at the end of the word "knuckles"? :laugh:
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