Trayvon martins mother is starting in

no he didnt. he kept doing it. said to the cops plenty of times. you ever watch videos of zimmerman talking to the cops. lord people so high or so driunk .their brains cease to function.
I listened to the tape several times. It was quit clear that Zimmerman stopped following Trayvon and had no clue where Trayvon was while he remained on the phone with dispatch hunting for the house number.

Trayvon's fake girlfriend (the moronic cow in the court who claimed to be his girlfriend was not his g/f but the step or 1/2 sister of his girlfriend) testified that she (pretending to be the sister) had stayed on the phone with Trayvon while he hid in the bushes and waited for "the cracker" to get off the phone at which point Trayvon circled behind and attack as he done many others including a bus driver. (Trayvon was in the habit of assaulting others and it had nothing to do with them following his criminal ass....he was simply pissed off that the community watch snagged his criminal ass casing the area and apparently he was showing off for his bitch g/f) The phone went dead when the attack started and the girl friend did not call the police, and hid from the police even once finding out that Trayvon had been killed. Her b/f died in the commission of a felony SHE took part in while on the phone.

It should be noted that it really doesn't matter if Zimmerman followed the criminal-----Zimmerman was legally entitled to follow him. ONLY A JUDGE can order someone to not to. Trayvon had the right to call the cops if he felt threatened. We have come to the point where the laws do not matter, they are applied differently to different people---where criminals IF they are the right color are now magically above the law to some degree if they hold up the race card even if their victim is also part black as Zimmerman was. Time to treat EVERYONE EQUALLY-------no special rights for criminals of color or politicians of all colors.
So the black man accused of killing 2 white folks is acquitted in a Court of Law and he is still a murderer, but a coward with a gun a grown man stalks and kills a 17yr old teenager he is acquitted in a Court of Law and he was acting in self defense. Do you see how stupid that sounds Turtle Shit.

Stalks? LOL!
“In no program that I have ever heard of does someone patrol with a gun in their pocket,” Carmen Caldwell, the Executive Director of Citizens’ Crime Watch of Miami-Dade, told theGrio. “Every city and municipality has their own policies. Here in Miami-Dade we train people only to be the eyes and ears of their communities. Not to follow and most definitely not to carry a weapon.”

It's a good thing he had it.........
So he should have sat his coward ass in his truck until they got there. The kid who had been lifting shit was caught 2 weeks prior.

You are a punk ass coward just like Zimmerman, had Trayvon been a grown man that little bitch would have took his scary ass on to Target.
Cowards sit in trucks, heros stop violent criminals like Trayvon.
He did call the cops, and keeping the reason for the call in sight is also fine; ther eis nothing ilegal about Zimmerman being on a public street. The feral animal just didn't like getting caught at casing places to rob, is all. He most likely was another black racist encouraged to act out his racism.
He was ABSOLUTELY a racist. His fat girlfriend testified that he was calling Zimmerman a "cracker" on the phone.
I hear you internet tough guy, candy ass probably hasn't never been in a fight in your life.
Pipe down you whiney faggot. Anybody who runs around with a silly juvenile handle like 'SuperBadBrutha' is just another little scrawny dork trying to be the 'tough guy', moron. You're just killing time until you get arrested again and get to be the cell block bitch you dream about being. Does your momma buy you cosmetics while you're in prison?
Once he eluded old Tubby, who was he standing his ground against?
He had silly little punks like 'SupaBad' here feeding him racist crap aobut white people being easy to take n stuff, and the stupid little animal believed it; went a ditched stuff he didn't want to get caught with and came back to assault the white guy who caught him casing houses. Goona teach Whitey a lesson in 'street justice', like in those idiot gangster movies on BET these cretins think are 'real'.

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