Trayvon martins mother is starting in

lol lolo lol keepo m,aking up storiesl probably means nothing.

Sorry, he was a troubled kid who found trouble.
Zimmerman may have not done well in prison. A lesser charge may have gotten a guilty verdict. That development was having a lot of problems.

Zimmerman would have likely have been killed in prison. Remember that the Black Panthers have a Million Dollar Bounty on him.

I suppose that Z could have linked up with the Latin Kings once he was in the joint, but it would have been tough to protect their hombre with the Liberal Elite demanding Z's blood.
Trayvon Martin earned himself a well deserved Darwin Award.

It's a shame a POS like George Zimmerman had to present it to him.
this has nothing to do with a political position. im not a left either. what ever thats about. Its about a kid being followed by a grown ass adult and trying to play cop. and you sound like one of those dude thin ks the cops just let kyle go evne though his arms were up.

You sound like you got caught at something and hate cops and neighborhood watch groups.
So he should have sat his coward ass in his truck until they got there. The kid who had been lifting shit was caught 2 weeks prior.

You are a punk ass coward just like Zimmerman, had Trayvon been a grown man that little bitch would have took his scary ass on to Target.
lol more delusional fantasies from a fan of violent racist punks. We know why you vermin keep your snivleing and rioting out of the Burbs, hero; too chickenshiit to take on anybody who stands up to your criminal shitfests.
He was is a murderer---the evidence CLEARLY showed this and his fellow race ho's throwing up the fist in support of Black criminals doesn't change this fact.

Not according to the Law he isn't.
The jury was racist----------and OJ is still a murderer. I played hooky from school to watch the trial unfold--there was more than enough evidence to convict his sorry murdering ass.
Uhhh...he was black...probably going to buy drugs. Probably going to cause trouble. He was violent...sounds like a gang member to me.
WEll, he got away, and then came back, so obviously Zimmerman wasn't behaving in a threatening manner; this feral thug of course took that as a sign of weakness and decided to rob him or something. If Zimmerman was just out to shoot some punk the feral animal would never have gotten close enough to wrestle with him and slam his head on the sidewalk repeatedly before Zimmerman defended himself.
Not according to the Law he isn't.
The jury was racist----------and OJ is still a murderer. I played hooky from school to watch the trial unfold--there was more than enough evidence to convict his sorry murdering ass.

I think OJ was just covering up for his son. Guys like OJ wouldn't use knives, he was more of a baseball bat type into beating on people. His son on the other hand was handy with knives; he was a chef or something. He was definitely involved, though, no doubt about that.
Zimmerman should have called the cops to report a suspicious person and went on his way.

When you go looking for trouble don’t be surprised when it finds you.
Why are you lying?
Because he is a shit stirrer.

Go ahead, look at this guys posting history. He is like that troll Basque Bromance. He doesn't really give a shit about anything, nor does he have any conviction behind anything that he posts.

The other day, he posted a thread that was the most white supremacist, low life scummy shit posting thread you could imagine, slandering some woman just b/c she is black.

Every thread he posts is about getting blacks to hate whites, and whites to hate blacks. He is clearly an anti-American Marxist piece of shit, agent provocateur.

He doesn't give a shit what the truth is, his only goal is to get folks riled up and hating each other.

Zimmerman should have called the cops to report a suspicious person and went on his way.

When you go looking for trouble don’t be surprised when it finds you.

He did call the cops, and keeping the reason for the call in sight is also fine; ther eis nothing ilegal about Zimmerman being on a public street. The feral animal just didn't like getting caught at casing places to rob, is all. He most likely was another black racist encouraged to act out his racism.
Zimmerman should have called the cops to report a suspicious person and went on his way.

When you go looking for trouble don’t be surprised when it finds you.
Really? Zimmerman was trying to do something about the crime in his neighborhood--he did nothing wrong. Trayvon attacked and trayvon deserved to be shot for it.

BTW, according to the evidence and testimony---Zimmerman called the cops, when dispatch requested he stop following, he did immediately and went about searching for a HOUSE NUMBER so the cops could find him losing track of violent criminal trayvon. Trayvon circled around hid in the bushes, listening for Zimmerman waiting for him to get off the phone with the cops. As soon as Zimmerman got off the phone to dispatch, Trayvon attacked him.
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now you just making shit up. so stop it. Trayvon had no tools or weapons on him he was coming back from a 7-11 with soda and candy. It was impossible to convict because the prosuction screwed up out of timing and didnt put together trayvons side of the story. All thy had was George was a liar. No enough to convict.
Too bad you never followed the case and the evidence, or you wouldn't make such fake assertions.

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