Treason in High Office


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
The situation is becoming dire as our Southern border is being overwhelmed by Soros financed masses of immigrants heading to the USA before Trumps wall can be built, and it is being built as this video displays.

This rush to get through our border is currently at the rate of over 4,000 people each day. Our border security system is being overwhelmed by these invaders that are sponsored and aided by treason.

DHS: Border Crossings Reach 4,100 Migrants in One Day

[Customs and Border Protection] officials say they are particularly alarmed by the soaring number of unaccompanied juveniles in crowded detention cells because Health and Human Services can’t place them in shelters fast enough. CBP officials said they have 1,350 underage migrants in holding cells without a parent — and 20 percent are 12 years old or younger...

But the inflow of foreign children and youths into Americans’ blue-collar schools and jobs is aided by statements from McAleenan and other agency officials who say the young migrants cannot be repatriated until Congress changes a 2008 law. But that law targeted “severe trafficking,” such as the involuntary movement of prostitutes under the control of international criminal gangs.

The cross-border flow of children and youths — dubbed “UACs” — is also being protected by a clause in the 2019 budget which makes it difficult for enforcement officials to detect and deport the foreign parents who pay coyotes to deliver their children to the U.S. border agents who then relay the young migrants to temporary shelters run by the Department of Health and Human Services. The parents then pick up their children at the shelters by offering to “sponsor” them until a later court hearing. The UAC-smuggling clause was demanded by Democratic negotiators and approved in February by the GOP negotiators, who had earlier agreed to exclude DHS experts from the closed-door talks.

McAleenan pinned the blame on Congress and the judges who have jointly cut legal holes in the border fences by allowing migrants to stream into U.S. cities, jobs, and schools if they merely ask for asylum:

The increase in family units is a direct response to the vulnerabilities in our legal frameworks where migrants and smugglers know that they will be released and be allowed to stay in the U.S. indefinitely pending immigration proceedings that could be many years out. This is due to court orders that undermine the integrity of our immigration system. There is no questioning [about] why this is happening.

“This economic migration … is overwhelming [the smaller] legitimate asylum population,” that is likely to win court cases for asylum, he said.
I would like to use historical Poland as an example of what I am talking about. In the late 1700's, Poland an ancient nation with a history going back over a thousand years at that time, was overwhelmed by German, Swedish and Cossack Russian immigrants which were unassimilated and they exploited Poland's laws against the Polish nation.

Patriotic Poles tried to stop this process but they were betrayed by Senators of their own nation who refused to cooperate with badly needed reforms, representing the interests of Russia, German and Austria instead.

This is the result of that inaction.


People it can happen to us just as easily, if not easier than it happened to Poland.

We need border security years ago, and laws funding better border security were passed, but failed in implementation by Bush the Younger and Obama the Messiah.

Time is running out and approaching a time when we will have zero border security and this is exactly what George Soros and the Democrat national leaders want.

It is time for the American citizens to take a stand or perish from the map as did Poland.

This video describes the Polish collapse and it has uncanny resemblance to our current situation.

The treasonous slime who feed at the hands of multinational corporations and serve these corporations instead of our country are the moral rot that threatens us and which breed treason in our nation to paralyze us and keep us unable to take effective action.
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Lol, CandyPorn thinks the subject about our nation collapsing like Poland is funny.

What a freaking idiot.
and not one of em will be allowed to live in the gated communities of the San Diego San Francisco corridor
The situation is becoming dire...
Jim, serious question, in two parts:

1. Why isn't Trump requiring enforcement of existing labor laws?
2. Why aren't Trump supporters demanding that he enforce existing labor laws?

Work is the biggest and strongest draw by far. Why aren't we addressing this?
wow, what unadulterated horse shit!!

QUOTE="JimBowie1958, post: 22099154, member: 32813" The situation is becoming dire as our Southern border is being overwhelmed by Soros financed masses of immigrants heading to the USA before Trumps wall can be built, and it is being built as this video displays.

This rush to get through our border is currently at the rate of over 4,000 people each day. Our border security system is being overwhelmed by these invaders that are sponsored and aided by treason.

[Customs and Border Protection] officials say they are particularly alarmed by the soaring number of unaccompanied juveniles in crowded detention cells because Health and Human Services can’t place them in shelters fast enough. CBP officials said they have 1,350 underage migrants in holding cells without a parent — and 20 percent are 12 years old or younger...

But the inflow of foreign children and youths into Americans’ blue-collar schools and jobs is aided by statements from McAleenan and other agency officials who say the young migrants cannot be repatriated until Congress changes a 2008 law. But that law targeted “severe trafficking,” such as the involuntary movement of prostitutes under the control of international criminal gangs.

The cross-border flow of children and youths — dubbed “UACs” — is also being protected by a clause in the 2019 budget which makes it difficult for enforcement officials to detect and deport the foreign parents who pay coyotes to deliver their children to the U.S. border agents who then relay the young migrants to temporary shelters run by the Department of Health and Human Services. The parents then pick up their children at the shelters by offering to “sponsor” them until a later court hearing.

The increase in family units is a direct response to the vulnerabilities in our legal frameworks where migrants and smugglers know that they will be released and be allowed to stay in the U.S. indefinitely pending immigration proceedings that could be many years out. This is due to court orders that undermine the integrity of our immigration system. There is no questioning [about] why this is happening.

“This economic migration … is overwhelming [the smaller] legitimate asylum population,” that is likely to win court cases for asylum, he said.

I would like to use historical Poland as an example of what I am talking about. In the late 1700's, Poland an ancient nation with a history going back over a thousand years at that time, was overwhelmed by German, Swedish and Cossack Russian immigrants which were unassimilated and they exploited Poland's laws against the Polish nation.

Patriotic Poles tried to stop this process but they were betrayed by Senators of their own nation who refused to cooperate with badly needed reforms, representing the interests of Russia, German and Austria instead.

The treasonous slime who feed at the hands of multinational corporations and serve these corporations instead of our country are the moral rot that threatens us and which breed treason in our nation to paralyze us and keep us unable to take effective action.[/QUOTE

So you are actually quoting Breitbart as a source? Why? Trying to be funny? Was your whole silly ass post a satire of what a brain-dead paranoid xenophobic trump stooge might say when he laughingly believes all that bullshit about coyotes bringing in kids, paid by George Soros, the same kind of crap the Nazis used to smear Jews in Germany, saying the Jews were paying off the communists and other countries of the world, and journalists to send immigrants to Germany along with the Jews, TO REPLACE THEM...Every racist white nationalist website, gathering, speech, slogan spews that crazy ass shit and, sadly, more and more mentally challenged losers of the white race want to blame jews and muslims and immigrants and blacks and latinos and gays and independent women for their lousy, inferior lives so they take up this white nationalist bullshit cause out of fear of their own inferiority. As evidenced by this stupid, racist, paranoid first post of this thread, by Jim Bowie.
The situation is becoming dire...
Jim, serious question, in two parts:

1. Why isn't Trump requiring enforcement of existing labor laws?
2. Why aren't Trump supporters demanding that he enforce existing labor laws?

Work is the biggest and strongest draw by far. Why aren't we addressing this?

I have no idea Mac.

Just guessing, it could be that the media is not covering what he is doing, that he is in a political thin ice situation and fears antagonizing the Cock brothers and their allies in the Senate, orit is something he is going to address during the election year.

But honestly I do not know.

But I do know that some of our Senators from BOTH PARTIES are going to block him no matter what he tries to do to regain control of our illegal immigration flood.
wow, what unadulterated horse shit!!

QUOTE="JimBowie1958, post: 22099154, member: 32813" The situation is becoming dire as our Southern border is being overwhelmed by Soros financed masses of immigrants heading to the USA before Trumps wall can be built, and it is being built as this video displays.

This rush to get through our border is currently at the rate of over 4,000 people each day. Our border security system is being overwhelmed by these invaders that are sponsored and aided by treason.

[Customs and Border Protection] officials say they are particularly alarmed by the soaring number of unaccompanied juveniles in crowded detention cells because Health and Human Services can’t place them in shelters fast enough. CBP officials said they have 1,350 underage migrants in holding cells without a parent — and 20 percent are 12 years old or younger...

But the inflow of foreign children and youths into Americans’ blue-collar schools and jobs is aided by statements from McAleenan and other agency officials who say the young migrants cannot be repatriated until Congress changes a 2008 law. But that law targeted “severe trafficking,” such as the involuntary movement of prostitutes under the control of international criminal gangs.

The cross-border flow of children and youths — dubbed “UACs” — is also being protected by a clause in the 2019 budget which makes it difficult for enforcement officials to detect and deport the foreign parents who pay coyotes to deliver their children to the U.S. border agents who then relay the young migrants to temporary shelters run by the Department of Health and Human Services. The parents then pick up their children at the shelters by offering to “sponsor” them until a later court hearing.

The increase in family units is a direct response to the vulnerabilities in our legal frameworks where migrants and smugglers know that they will be released and be allowed to stay in the U.S. indefinitely pending immigration proceedings that could be many years out. This is due to court orders that undermine the integrity of our immigration system. There is no questioning [about] why this is happening.

“This economic migration … is overwhelming [the smaller] legitimate asylum population,” that is likely to win court cases for asylum, he said.

I would like to use historical Poland as an example of what I am talking about. In the late 1700's, Poland an ancient nation with a history going back over a thousand years at that time, was overwhelmed by German, Swedish and Cossack Russian immigrants which were unassimilated and they exploited Poland's laws against the Polish nation.

Patriotic Poles tried to stop this process but they were betrayed by Senators of their own nation who refused to cooperate with badly needed reforms, representing the interests of Russia, German and Austria instead.

The treasonous slime who feed at the hands of multinational corporations and serve these corporations instead of our country are the moral rot that threatens us and which breed treason in our nation to paralyze us and keep us unable to take effective action.[/QUOTE

So you are actually quoting Breitbart as a source? Why? Trying to be funny? Was your whole silly ass post a satire of what a brain-dead paranoid xenophobic trump stooge might say when he laughingly believes all that bullshit about coyotes bringing in kids, paid by George Soros, the same kind of crap the Nazis used to smear Jews in Germany, saying the Jews were paying off the communists and other countries of the world, and journalists to send immigrants to Germany along with the Jews, TO REPLACE THEM...Every racist white nationalist website, gathering, speech, slogan spews that crazy ass shit and, sadly, more and more mentally challenged losers of the white race want to blame jews and muslims and immigrants and blacks and latinos and gays and independent women for their lousy, inferior lives so they take up this white nationalist bullshit cause out of fear of their own inferiority. As evidenced by this stupid, racist, paranoid first post of this thread, by Jim Bowie.
Lol, a load of ad hominem from a guy who cant even manage to get his attributions right!

roflmao, the mighty thorfail
and not one of em will be allowed to live in the gated communities of the San Diego San Francisco corridor

That is how it has always been. The rich and powerful seal themselves off from the consequences of their treason.

Which is why God gave us rope and lamp posts
The situation is becoming dire...
Jim, serious question, in two parts:

1. Why isn't Trump requiring enforcement of existing labor laws?
2. Why aren't Trump supporters demanding that he enforce existing labor laws?

Work is the biggest and strongest draw by far. Why aren't we addressing this?

I have no idea Mac.

Just guessing, it could be that the media is not covering what he is doing, that he is in a political thin ice situation and fears antagonizing the Cock brothers and their allies in the Senate, orit is something he is going to address during the election year.

But honestly I do not know.

But I do know that some of our Senators from BOTH PARTIES are going to block him no matter what he tries to do to regain control of our illegal immigration flood.

Sorry, excuse me, I'm not used to honest, rational, reasonable responses here.

Let me re-set a little..... Okay.

This is a good example of why I say it's the ends of the spectrum against the rest of us. It's almost as if there is some kind of secret game they're playing, and they're winking to each other as they're playing it. This is a huge, critical and OBVIOUS element of this issue, and it is being IGNORED.

Yeah. I'd like to know why that is.
wow, what unadulterated horse shit!!

QUOTE="JimBowie1958, post: 22099154, member: 32813" The situation is becoming dire as our Southern border is being overwhelmed by Soros financed masses of immigrants heading to the USA before Trumps wall can be built, and it is being built as this video displays.

This rush to get through our border is currently at the rate of over 4,000 people each day. Our border security system is being overwhelmed by these invaders that are sponsored and aided by treason.

[Customs and Border Protection] officials say they are particularly alarmed by the soaring number of unaccompanied juveniles in crowded detention cells because Health and Human Services can’t place them in shelters fast enough. CBP officials said they have 1,350 underage migrants in holding cells without a parent — and 20 percent are 12 years old or younger...

But the inflow of foreign children and youths into Americans’ blue-collar schools and jobs is aided by statements from McAleenan and other agency officials who say the young migrants cannot be repatriated until Congress changes a 2008 law. But that law targeted “severe trafficking,” such as the involuntary movement of prostitutes under the control of international criminal gangs.

The cross-border flow of children and youths — dubbed “UACs” — is also being protected by a clause in the 2019 budget which makes it difficult for enforcement officials to detect and deport the foreign parents who pay coyotes to deliver their children to the U.S. border agents who then relay the young migrants to temporary shelters run by the Department of Health and Human Services. The parents then pick up their children at the shelters by offering to “sponsor” them until a later court hearing.

The increase in family units is a direct response to the vulnerabilities in our legal frameworks where migrants and smugglers know that they will be released and be allowed to stay in the U.S. indefinitely pending immigration proceedings that could be many years out. This is due to court orders that undermine the integrity of our immigration system. There is no questioning [about] why this is happening.

“This economic migration … is overwhelming [the smaller] legitimate asylum population,” that is likely to win court cases for asylum, he said.

I would like to use historical Poland as an example of what I am talking about. In the late 1700's, Poland an ancient nation with a history going back over a thousand years at that time, was overwhelmed by German, Swedish and Cossack Russian immigrants which were unassimilated and they exploited Poland's laws against the Polish nation.

Patriotic Poles tried to stop this process but they were betrayed by Senators of their own nation who refused to cooperate with badly needed reforms, representing the interests of Russia, German and Austria instead.

The treasonous slime who feed at the hands of multinational corporations and serve these corporations instead of our country are the moral rot that threatens us and which breed treason in our nation to paralyze us and keep us unable to take effective action.[/QUOTE

So you are actually quoting Breitbart as a source? Why? Trying to be funny? Was your whole silly ass post a satire of what a brain-dead paranoid xenophobic trump stooge might say when he laughingly believes all that bullshit about coyotes bringing in kids, paid by George Soros, the same kind of crap the Nazis used to smear Jews in Germany, saying the Jews were paying off the communists and other countries of the world, and journalists to send immigrants to Germany along with the Jews, TO REPLACE THEM...Every racist white nationalist website, gathering, speech, slogan spews that crazy ass shit and, sadly, more and more mentally challenged losers of the white race want to blame jews and muslims and immigrants and blacks and latinos and gays and independent women for their lousy, inferior lives so they take up this white nationalist bullshit cause out of fear of their own inferiority. As evidenced by this stupid, racist, paranoid first post of this thread, by Jim Bowie.
Lol, a load of ad hominem from a guy who cant even manage to get his attributions right!

roflmao, the mighty thorfail

what ad hominems, racist? do you really believe illegals or muslims or blacks or latinos are being paid by Soros to come over here to replace obviously defective white bigots like you and other trump supporters? I can see why you have an inferiority complex- you are inferior. but it is not because of Soros or other jews or muslims or illegals or any of the other type of people that scare the bejesus out of your snowflake feelings.
I am betting Putin can tell us about the Pelosi's and Schumer's of the world. Are any of you family people? Your family means a lot and togetherness. Nancy Pelosi is Italian. And most Italians are family oriented. Like many other ethnic peoples. She is 78 years old. Her family history is from the mob. She should have retired or left politics at least 15 years ago if she was the grand mom matriarch. She has a family photo with the whole family for us to see. If that was true then she would be there. She is a sociopath/psychopath. What part do you not understand?
I am betting Putin can tell us about the Pelosi's and Schumer's of the world. Are any of you family people? Your family means a lot and togetherness. Nancy Pelosi is Italian. And most Italians are family oriented. Like many other ethnic peoples. She is 78 years old. Her family history is from the mob. She should have retired or left politics at least 15 years ago if she was the grand mom matriarch. She has a family photo with the whole family for us to see. If that was true then she would be there. She is a sociopath/psychopath. What part do you not understand?
Did that post somehow make sense to you while you were posting it? Pelosi is in the mob and she should have left politics at least 15 years ago if she was "the grand matriarch?" Is that a Mafia law? What are you talking about? What does Putin know about weird Mafia laws about how long you can be in politics if you are the "Grand Matriarch?" Did you do a lot of acid back in the 70's?
The situation is becoming dire...
Jim, serious question, in two parts:

1. Why isn't Trump requiring enforcement of existing labor laws?
2. Why aren't Trump supporters demanding that he enforce existing labor laws?

Work is the biggest and strongest draw by far. Why aren't we addressing this?

I have no idea Mac.

Just guessing, it could be that the media is not covering what he is doing, that he is in a political thin ice situation and fears antagonizing the Cock brothers and their allies in the Senate, orit is something he is going to address during the election year.

But honestly I do not know.

But I do know that some of our Senators from BOTH PARTIES are going to block him no matter what he tries to do to regain control of our illegal immigration flood.

Sorry, excuse me, I'm not used to honest, rational, reasonable responses here.

Let me re-set a little..... Okay.

This is a good example of why I say it's the ends of the spectrum against the rest of us. It's almost as if there is some kind of secret game they're playing, and they're winking to each other as they're playing it. This is a huge, critical and OBVIOUS element of this issue, and it is being IGNORED.

Yeah. I'd like to know why that is.
Because it is part of an actual solution. If they focused on actually fixing this YUGE problem, we wouldnt even need a wall..
But alas...
The situation is becoming dire...
Jim, serious question, in two parts:

1. Why isn't Trump requiring enforcement of existing labor laws?
2. Why aren't Trump supporters demanding that he enforce existing labor laws?

Work is the biggest and strongest draw by far. Why aren't we addressing this?
Raids are catching illegals in businesses everyday.

Work is hard when city mayors tip off the illegals a raid is coming.
Seriously, you want to end almost all illegals coming here? You want almost all illegals to go home on their own accord?

Actually pass e-verify laws and actually punish American companies and individuals who hire any worker without using it. Done. Game over. No reason to come over, no reason to stay. But listen to what Reagan said, a long time ago, that actually makes more sense about how to handle the illegal problem than any republican since has been able to do-
reagan illegal immi.png
wow, what unadulterated horse shit!!

QUOTE="JimBowie1958, post: 22099154, member: 32813" The situation is becoming dire as our Southern border is being overwhelmed by Soros financed masses of immigrants heading to the USA before Trumps wall can be built, and it is being built as this video displays.

This rush to get through our border is currently at the rate of over 4,000 people each day. Our border security system is being overwhelmed by these invaders that are sponsored and aided by treason.

[Customs and Border Protection] officials say they are particularly alarmed by the soaring number of unaccompanied juveniles in crowded detention cells because Health and Human Services can’t place them in shelters fast enough. CBP officials said they have 1,350 underage migrants in holding cells without a parent — and 20 percent are 12 years old or younger...

But the inflow of foreign children and youths into Americans’ blue-collar schools and jobs is aided by statements from McAleenan and other agency officials who say the young migrants cannot be repatriated until Congress changes a 2008 law. But that law targeted “severe trafficking,” such as the involuntary movement of prostitutes under the control of international criminal gangs.

The cross-border flow of children and youths — dubbed “UACs” — is also being protected by a clause in the 2019 budget which makes it difficult for enforcement officials to detect and deport the foreign parents who pay coyotes to deliver their children to the U.S. border agents who then relay the young migrants to temporary shelters run by the Department of Health and Human Services. The parents then pick up their children at the shelters by offering to “sponsor” them until a later court hearing.

The increase in family units is a direct response to the vulnerabilities in our legal frameworks where migrants and smugglers know that they will be released and be allowed to stay in the U.S. indefinitely pending immigration proceedings that could be many years out. This is due to court orders that undermine the integrity of our immigration system. There is no questioning [about] why this is happening.

“This economic migration … is overwhelming [the smaller] legitimate asylum population,” that is likely to win court cases for asylum, he said.

I would like to use historical Poland as an example of what I am talking about. In the late 1700's, Poland an ancient nation with a history going back over a thousand years at that time, was overwhelmed by German, Swedish and Cossack Russian immigrants which were unassimilated and they exploited Poland's laws against the Polish nation.

Patriotic Poles tried to stop this process but they were betrayed by Senators of their own nation who refused to cooperate with badly needed reforms, representing the interests of Russia, German and Austria instead.

The treasonous slime who feed at the hands of multinational corporations and serve these corporations instead of our country are the moral rot that threatens us and which breed treason in our nation to paralyze us and keep us unable to take effective action.[/QUOTE

So you are actually quoting Breitbart as a source? Why? Trying to be funny? Was your whole silly ass post a satire of what a brain-dead paranoid xenophobic trump stooge might say when he laughingly believes all that bullshit about coyotes bringing in kids, paid by George Soros, the same kind of crap the Nazis used to smear Jews in Germany, saying the Jews were paying off the communists and other countries of the world, and journalists to send immigrants to Germany along with the Jews, TO REPLACE THEM...Every racist white nationalist website, gathering, speech, slogan spews that crazy ass shit and, sadly, more and more mentally challenged losers of the white race want to blame jews and muslims and immigrants and blacks and latinos and gays and independent women for their lousy, inferior lives so they take up this white nationalist bullshit cause out of fear of their own inferiority. As evidenced by this stupid, racist, paranoid first post of this thread, by Jim Bowie.
Lol, a load of ad hominem from a guy who cant even manage to get his attributions right!

roflmao, the mighty thorfail

what ad hominems, racist? do you really believe illegals or muslims or blacks or latinos are being paid by Soros to come over here to replace obviously defective white bigots like you and other trump supporters? I can see why you have an inferiority complex- you are inferior. but it is not because of Soros or other jews or muslims or illegals or any of the other type of people that scare the bejesus out of your snowflake feelings.
Brown people are escaping Brown countries instead of fighting the corruption like the Colonists did.
wow, what unadulterated horse shit!!

QUOTE="JimBowie1958, post: 22099154, member: 32813" The situation is becoming dire as our Southern border is being overwhelmed by Soros financed masses of immigrants heading to the USA before Trumps wall can be built, and it is being built as this video displays.

This rush to get through our border is currently at the rate of over 4,000 people each day. Our border security system is being overwhelmed by these invaders that are sponsored and aided by treason.

[Customs and Border Protection] officials say they are particularly alarmed by the soaring number of unaccompanied juveniles in crowded detention cells because Health and Human Services can’t place them in shelters fast enough. CBP officials said they have 1,350 underage migrants in holding cells without a parent — and 20 percent are 12 years old or younger...

But the inflow of foreign children and youths into Americans’ blue-collar schools and jobs is aided by statements from McAleenan and other agency officials who say the young migrants cannot be repatriated until Congress changes a 2008 law. But that law targeted “severe trafficking,” such as the involuntary movement of prostitutes under the control of international criminal gangs.

The cross-border flow of children and youths — dubbed “UACs” — is also being protected by a clause in the 2019 budget which makes it difficult for enforcement officials to detect and deport the foreign parents who pay coyotes to deliver their children to the U.S. border agents who then relay the young migrants to temporary shelters run by the Department of Health and Human Services. The parents then pick up their children at the shelters by offering to “sponsor” them until a later court hearing.

The increase in family units is a direct response to the vulnerabilities in our legal frameworks where migrants and smugglers know that they will be released and be allowed to stay in the U.S. indefinitely pending immigration proceedings that could be many years out. This is due to court orders that undermine the integrity of our immigration system. There is no questioning [about] why this is happening.

“This economic migration … is overwhelming [the smaller] legitimate asylum population,” that is likely to win court cases for asylum, he said.

I would like to use historical Poland as an example of what I am talking about. In the late 1700's, Poland an ancient nation with a history going back over a thousand years at that time, was overwhelmed by German, Swedish and Cossack Russian immigrants which were unassimilated and they exploited Poland's laws against the Polish nation.

Patriotic Poles tried to stop this process but they were betrayed by Senators of their own nation who refused to cooperate with badly needed reforms, representing the interests of Russia, German and Austria instead.

The treasonous slime who feed at the hands of multinational corporations and serve these corporations instead of our country are the moral rot that threatens us and which breed treason in our nation to paralyze us and keep us unable to take effective action.[/QUOTE

So you are actually quoting Breitbart as a source? Why? Trying to be funny? Was your whole silly ass post a satire of what a brain-dead paranoid xenophobic trump stooge might say when he laughingly believes all that bullshit about coyotes bringing in kids, paid by George Soros, the same kind of crap the Nazis used to smear Jews in Germany, saying the Jews were paying off the communists and other countries of the world, and journalists to send immigrants to Germany along with the Jews, TO REPLACE THEM...Every racist white nationalist website, gathering, speech, slogan spews that crazy ass shit and, sadly, more and more mentally challenged losers of the white race want to blame jews and muslims and immigrants and blacks and latinos and gays and independent women for their lousy, inferior lives so they take up this white nationalist bullshit cause out of fear of their own inferiority. As evidenced by this stupid, racist, paranoid first post of this thread, by Jim Bowie.
Lol, a load of ad hominem from a guy who cant even manage to get his attributions right!

roflmao, the mighty thorfail

what ad hominems, racist? do you really believe illegals or muslims or blacks or latinos are being paid by Soros to come over here to replace obviously defective white bigots like you and other trump supporters? I can see why you have an inferiority complex- you are inferior. but it is not because of Soros or other jews or muslims or illegals or any of the other type of people that scare the bejesus out of your snowflake feelings.
Brown people are escaping Brown countries instead of fighting the corruption like the Colonists did.
hmmmm...good point...except for one small detail- Why were the colonists even here in this country, taking huge risks to cross the ocean and start a new life in a new land, because they wanted a better life for themselves and their kids than what they were leaving behind in their native land? Why did they NOT STAY THERE AND FIGHT TO CHANGE THEIR NATIVE COUNTRIES INSTEAD OF HIGHTAILING IT OVER HERE TO ESCAPE?
wow, what unadulterated horse shit!!

QUOTE="JimBowie1958, post: 22099154, member: 32813" The situation is becoming dire as our Southern border is being overwhelmed by Soros financed masses of immigrants heading to the USA before Trumps wall can be built, and it is being built as this video displays.

This rush to get through our border is currently at the rate of over 4,000 people each day. Our border security system is being overwhelmed by these invaders that are sponsored and aided by treason.

[Customs and Border Protection] officials say they are particularly alarmed by the soaring number of unaccompanied juveniles in crowded detention cells because Health and Human Services can’t place them in shelters fast enough. CBP officials said they have 1,350 underage migrants in holding cells without a parent — and 20 percent are 12 years old or younger...

But the inflow of foreign children and youths into Americans’ blue-collar schools and jobs is aided by statements from McAleenan and other agency officials who say the young migrants cannot be repatriated until Congress changes a 2008 law. But that law targeted “severe trafficking,” such as the involuntary movement of prostitutes under the control of international criminal gangs.

The cross-border flow of children and youths — dubbed “UACs” — is also being protected by a clause in the 2019 budget which makes it difficult for enforcement officials to detect and deport the foreign parents who pay coyotes to deliver their children to the U.S. border agents who then relay the young migrants to temporary shelters run by the Department of Health and Human Services. The parents then pick up their children at the shelters by offering to “sponsor” them until a later court hearing.

The increase in family units is a direct response to the vulnerabilities in our legal frameworks where migrants and smugglers know that they will be released and be allowed to stay in the U.S. indefinitely pending immigration proceedings that could be many years out. This is due to court orders that undermine the integrity of our immigration system. There is no questioning [about] why this is happening.

“This economic migration … is overwhelming [the smaller] legitimate asylum population,” that is likely to win court cases for asylum, he said.

I would like to use historical Poland as an example of what I am talking about. In the late 1700's, Poland an ancient nation with a history going back over a thousand years at that time, was overwhelmed by German, Swedish and Cossack Russian immigrants which were unassimilated and they exploited Poland's laws against the Polish nation.

Patriotic Poles tried to stop this process but they were betrayed by Senators of their own nation who refused to cooperate with badly needed reforms, representing the interests of Russia, German and Austria instead.

The treasonous slime who feed at the hands of multinational corporations and serve these corporations instead of our country are the moral rot that threatens us and which breed treason in our nation to paralyze us and keep us unable to take effective action.[/QUOTE

So you are actually quoting Breitbart as a source? Why? Trying to be funny? Was your whole silly ass post a satire of what a brain-dead paranoid xenophobic trump stooge might say when he laughingly believes all that bullshit about coyotes bringing in kids, paid by George Soros, the same kind of crap the Nazis used to smear Jews in Germany, saying the Jews were paying off the communists and other countries of the world, and journalists to send immigrants to Germany along with the Jews, TO REPLACE THEM...Every racist white nationalist website, gathering, speech, slogan spews that crazy ass shit and, sadly, more and more mentally challenged losers of the white race want to blame jews and muslims and immigrants and blacks and latinos and gays and independent women for their lousy, inferior lives so they take up this white nationalist bullshit cause out of fear of their own inferiority. As evidenced by this stupid, racist, paranoid first post of this thread, by Jim Bowie.
Lol, a load of ad hominem from a guy who cant even manage to get his attributions right!

roflmao, the mighty thorfail

what ad hominems, racist? do you really believe illegals or muslims or blacks or latinos are being paid by Soros to come over here to replace obviously defective white bigots like you and other trump supporters? I can see why you have an inferiority complex- you are inferior. but it is not because of Soros or other jews or muslims or illegals or any of the other type of people that scare the bejesus out of your snowflake feelings.
Brown people are escaping Brown countries instead of fighting the corruption like the Colonists did.
hmmmm...good point...except for one small detail- Why were the colonists even here in this country, taking huge risks to cross the ocean and start a new life in a new land, because they wanted a better life for themselves and their kids than what they were leaving behind in their native land? Why did they NOT STAY THERE AND FIGHT TO CHANGE THEIR NATIVE COUNTRIES INSTEAD OF HIGHTAILING IT OVER HERE TO ESCAPE?
Why do Brown people escape Brown countries and White people fight?
Lol, CandyPorn thinks the subject about our nation collapsing like Poland is funny.

What a freaking idiot.
She's probably just laughing at your hysterical fear mongering.

Be afraid! Support big government! Give up your rights! Ignorance is strength! Freedom is slavery!
Lol, CandyPorn thinks the subject about our nation collapsing like Poland is funny.

What a freaking idiot.
She's probably just laughing at your hysterical fear mongering.

Be afraid! Support big government! Give up your rights! Ignorance is strength! Freedom is slavery!
You forgot to add these ad hominem right wing talking points- Democrats are baby killers! Crisis At the Border!! Caravans of Invaders!! Help, Will Robinson!! Military Useless Against So Many Unarmed Women and Children!! National Emergency!! Crisis!! Build Stupid Shit Wall or Die!

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