TREASON! Rep. Waltz Says DOD Told Him China Spy Balloons Crossed US During Trump Years But Gen. Mattis DID NOT TELL TRUMP – Thought He Was Too Aggress

A deep state[1] is a type of governance made up of potentially secret and unauthorized networks of power operating independently of a state's political leadership in pursuit of their own agenda and goals. In popular usage, the term carries overwhelmingly negative connotations.[2] The range of possible uses of the term is similar to that for shadow government. The expression state within a state is an older and similar concept. Historically, it designated a well-defined organization which seeks to function independently,[3] whereas the deep state refers more to a hidden organization seeking to manipulate the public state.

Potential sources for deep state organization include rogue elements among organs of state, such as the armed forces or public authorities such as intelligence agencies, police, secret police, administrative agencies, and government bureaucracy. During the presidency of Donald Trump, deep-state rhetoric has been used in the United States to describe the "permanent government" of entrenched career bureaucrats or civil servants acting in accordance with the mandate of their agency and congressional statutes, when seen as in conflict with the incumbent presidential administration.[4] The intent of a deep state can include continuity of the state itself, job security of civil servants, enhanced power and authority, and the pursuit of ideological or programmatic objectives. It can operate in opposition to the agenda of elected officials, by obstructing, resisting, and subverting their policies, conditions and directives.

Help it's the "Duh Heap" State. Hidden deep within the sprawling federal bureaucracy, created out of Clark Kent look alikes, 4 eyed pencil neck geeks turn new super hero protectors of the fabulously rich fucks we all want to be........
Help it's the "Duh Heap" State. Hidden deep within the sprawling federal bureaucracy, created out of Clark Kent look alikes, 4 eyed pencil neck geeks turn new super hero protectors of the fabulously rich fucks we all want to be........

If what this General did is true then it's the perfect definition of what a deep state is according to Wiki and probably most definitions of any dictionary. He undermined our legitimate leadership by acting on his own keeping this information from our elected officials.
If what this General did is true then it's the perfect definition of what a deep state is according to Wiki and probably most definitions of any dictionary. He undermined our legitimate leadership by acting on his own keeping this information from our elected officials.

Blind Boo Boo adores Banana Republics like ours!
A deep state[1] is a type of governance made up of potentially secret and unauthorized networks of power operating independently of a state's political leadership in pursuit of their own agenda and goals. In popular usage, the term carries overwhelmingly negative connotations.[2] The range of possible uses of the term is similar to that for shadow government. The expression state within a state is an older and similar concept. Historically, it designated a well-defined organization which seeks to function independently,[3] whereas the deep state refers more to a hidden organization seeking to manipulate the public state.

Potential sources for deep state organization include rogue elements among organs of state, such as the armed forces or public authorities such as intelligence agencies, police, secret police, administrative agencies, and government bureaucracy. During the presidency of Donald Trump, deep-state rhetoric has been used in the United States to describe the "permanent government" of entrenched career bureaucrats or civil servants acting in accordance with the mandate of their agency and congressional statutes, when seen as in conflict with the incumbent presidential administration.[4] The intent of a deep state can include continuity of the state itself, job security of civil servants, enhanced power and authority, and the pursuit of ideological or programmatic objectives. It can operate in opposition to the agenda of elected officials, by obstructing, resisting, and subverting their policies, conditions and directives.

Its really funny when the narratives are antithetical.


I mean.…that is a special kind of retarded to go with those contradictory bullshit stories.
Its really funny when the narratives are antithetical.


I mean.…that is a special kind of retarded to go with those contradictory bullshit stories.

It's your left wing media that used the word "brief" of the balloons under his administration, and it's your left-wing media reporting that the defense department didn't tell Trump a thing about them. So what did you want Trump to do, drive around the country with a pair of binoculars to see if anybody is spying on us?
Unverified and anonymous "Pentagon officials" briefed a single congressman over the weekend about something that happened over two years ago? Does it even make sense?? WTF is going on?
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Waltz then dropped this bomb. Rep. Waltz said that General Mattis was Secretary of Defense at the time and decided not to inform President Trump because the Pentagon thought Trump was “too provocative and aggressive!”

This is a treason if true. Mattis put the US in danger, offered comfort to the enemy, allowed Chinese spying on US installations, and then hid this from his superiors, including the President of the United States.

TREASON! Rep. Waltz Says DOD Told Him China Spy Balloons Crossed US During Trump Years But Gen. Mattis DID NOT TELL TRUMP - Thought He Was Too Aggressive (VIDEO)

House Republicans MUST call on General Mattis to immediately testify under oath!

This is also quite a statement if true since President Trump is the first US president in over 40 years NOT to start a war!
Typical conservative dishonesty – desperately trying to deflect from the 1/6 rightwing domestic terrorist attack and Trump’s criminality and treason with ridiculous lies and red herring fallacies.
If what this General did is true then it's the perfect definition of what a deep state is according to Wiki and probably most definitions of any dictionary. He undermined our legitimate leadership by acting on his own keeping this information from our elected officials.
I believe the Mad Dog General swore an oath to the COTUS not the elected official.
Everybody is talking about the general last week who gave a lame and sarcastic explanation that insulted Americans. Blaming Trump shows how politicized the Pentagon has become. It's getting scary.


The politicization of the FBI unleashed on Americans is one thing.
But the politicization of our military with a potential to be unleashed on Americans IS A WHOLE DIFFERENT BALLGAME!!!

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