TREASON! Rep. Waltz Says DOD Told Him China Spy Balloons Crossed US During Trump Years But Gen. Mattis DID NOT TELL TRUMP – Thought He Was Too Aggress

So much stupid and misspellings in that post. You should be ashamed.
So much stupid and misspellings in that post. You should be ashamed.
Why don't you correct it & grade it for me Cockwell Torny?

Then maybe we can have a discussion on the clot shots & how they are causing so many clots in those gullible enough to take a shot that causes clots?
Safe & effective!

#wereallinthistogether :confused:
As this came up immediately after the obvious incursion, it is immediately suspect as not being true. Trump did it too is their answer to every malfeasance by democrats. Then comes the weasel out dance. The incursions were very brief. The incursion was off the coast of Alaska. Maybe it was Russia. Who knows. It is a lie, made up on the fly. Let's hear from Mattis, did he conceal this information from the American public?
As this came up immediately after the obvious incursion, it is immediately suspect as not being true. Trump did it too is their answer to every malfeasance by democrats. Then comes the weasel out dance. The incursions were very brief. The incursion was off the coast of Alaska. Maybe it was Russia. Who knows. It is a lie, made up on the fly. Let's hear from Mattis, did he conceal this information from the American public?

And if nobody told Trump in the first place, what was the point of them telling us about it?
If nobody told Trump there is no point in saying incursions happened under Trump and he did nothing about it.
He was the POTUS. If his Generals did not trust him any more than that, were he not incompetent and really did hire all the best people, he should have known and corrected the problem. But I am sure he was busy elsewhere. He was the President, the buck stopped there.
And if nobody told Trump in the first place, what was the point of them telling us about it?

"U.S. officials said Monday that improvements ordered by President Joe Biden to strengthen defenses against Chinese espionage helped to identify last week’s spy balloon — and to determine that similar flights were conducted at multiple points during the Trump administration.

White House National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan said that after Biden took office, the U.S. “enhanced our surveillance of our territorial airspace, we enhanced our capacity to be able to detect things that the Trump administration was unable to detect.”

Biden, in turn, has been faulted by some Republicans for not ordering the balloon shot down before it made its way across the U.S.

He was the POTUS. If his Generals did not trust him any more than that, were he not incompetent and really did hire all the best people, he should have known and corrected the problem. But I am sure he was busy elsewhere. He was the President, the buck stopped there.
Total deflection if they didn't tell him, it is becuase they are part of the deep state, and didn't want him to look strong, serious break of rank!
"U.S. officials said Monday that improvements ordered by President Joe Biden to strengthen defenses against Chinese espionage helped to identify last week’s spy balloon — and to determine that similar flights were conducted at multiple points during the Trump administration.

White House National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan said that after Biden took office, the U.S. “enhanced our surveillance of our territorial airspace, we enhanced our capacity to be able to detect things that the Trump administration was unable to detect.”

Biden, in turn, has been faulted by some Republicans for not ordering the balloon shot down before it made its way across the U.S.

Evidently you are full of Shiite they knew under Trump and never told him fool!
Evidently you are full of Shiite they knew under Trump and never told him fool!
The article is new.

Apparently they didn't know........and haven't known......
"U.S. officials said Monday that improvements ordered by President Joe Biden to strengthen defenses against Chinese espionage helped to identify last week’s spy balloon — and to determine that similar flights were conducted at multiple points during the Trump administration.

White House National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan said that after Biden took office, the U.S. “enhanced our surveillance of our territorial airspace, we enhanced our capacity to be able to detect things that the Trump administration was unable to detect.”

Biden, in turn, has been faulted by some Republicans for not ordering the balloon shot down before it made its way across the U.S.

:laughing0301: :badgrin:

So what good are these "enhancements" if Dementia isn't going to do anything about it until the public is notified and demands action? As the "anonymous" sources stated, the balloons during Trump entered our airspace briefly. Maybe if they told Trump about them when they happened, it would be Trump that would have enhanced our detection systems.

But hey, give Dementia credit for doing it while he lets millions and millions invade our southern border were over 100 of the captures were people on our Do Not Fly list.
Total deflection if they didn't tell him, it is becuase they are part of the deep state, and didn't want him to look strong, serious break of rank!
A strong leader would have been aware of dissension in the ranks and and handled it. That is what leaders do. I rarely do the whataboutism thing, but come on man, what if Biden had not found out about this balloon for 2 years. OMG, you guys would be running around with your hair on fire screaming about Biden not having control of the military. Since it is Trump it cause mean old deep state.
A strong leader would have been aware of dissension in the ranks and and handled it. That is what leaders do. I rarely do the whataboutism thing, but come on man, what if Biden had not found out about this balloon for 2 years. OMG, you guys would be running around with your hair on fire screaming about Biden not having control of the military. Since it is Trump it cause mean old deep state.
If Biden had not found out about a surveillance craft readily observable by a farmer in Montana hair would be the least on fire.
If Biden had not found out about a surveillance craft readily observable by a farmer in Montana hair would be the least on fire.
The military already knew about it as it entered Alaska airspace. I had not heard the farmer spotted it and informed the military. Is that the talking point now?
It seems that every time Dementia is caught Fn up, the lefts response is always But Trump! But Trump! But Trump! That's the reason they brought this up.
Before Monday, U.S. officials had said that at least three times during the Trump administration and at least one other time during Biden’s time as president balloons have crossed American airspace, but not for this long. In those instances, the United States determined the balloons belonged to China only after they had left U.S. airspace, said Gen. Glen VanHerck, head of U.S. Northern Command.

“I will tell you that we did not detect those threats,” VanHerck said of his military command. “And that’s a domain awareness gap that we have to figure out.” He added that the U.S. intelligence community “after the fact” informed his command about the balloons.

:laughing0301: :badgrin:

So what good are these "enhancements" if Dementia isn't going to do anything about it until the public is notified and demands action? As the "anonymous" sources stated, the balloons during Trump entered our airspace briefly. Maybe if they told Trump about them when they happened, it would be Trump that would have enhanced our detection systems.

But hey, give Dementia credit for doing it while he lets millions and millions invade our southern border were over 100 of the captures were people on our Do Not Fly list.

'Whining' is the Neo-GOP's middle name. Ya'll whine that Joe doesn't listen to the military, then whine when he does.
A strong leader would have been aware of dissension in the ranks and and handled it. That is what leaders do. I rarely do the whataboutism thing, but come on man, what if Biden had not found out about this balloon for 2 years. OMG, you guys would be running around with your hair on fire screaming about Biden not having control of the military. Since it is Trump it cause mean old deep state.

Oh please. When Trump got rid of crooked Comey, the left had a shit fit. Trump couldn't get rid of anybody without them making a big deal out of it and their cohorts in the MSM promoting it. HTF was Trump supposed to get rid of dissension if he didn't even know about it?

You have a guy that chose a Supreme Court justice that can't even define what a woman is claiming she isn't a biologist, some half-queer in charge of our nuclear waste until it was publicized he was stealing luggage bags from airports, a black lesbian spokesperson who is the worst one in modern times, but was chosen for her gender, race and sexual preference. A failed Mayor with no transportation experience put in charge of US transportation simply because he was an open gay man, and now we have airplanes that can't get into the skies and multiple near airplane crashes on the runways.

You have no room to talk about who Trump had in leadership.


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