TREASON! Rep. Waltz Says DOD Told Him China Spy Balloons Crossed US During Trump Years But Gen. Mattis DID NOT TELL TRUMP – Thought He Was Too Aggress

If the General said he didn't tell Trump because he was afraid of how he would handle the situation that is the deep state. It's Trumps decision how to move forward, not the Generals. He undermined his authority.
I agree, the General should probably be charged with dereliction of duty. But the really scary thing is Generals think the CIC is too incompetent to handle a balloon. The General might have found a hill to die on. Remember Sharpie gate.
Why does it matter? We don't have any evidence of the Trump era Chi/balloon but it beats talking about real events. If there were Chi/balloons during the Trump years, the Biden administration should have been ready but what we saw was a disgraceful attempt at cover up and a insulting display by a pentagon official.
What if the Biden admin is telling the truth, it blocked transmission from the balloon, studied it in the air, and shot it down at the convince of the military?
They thought Trump was a loose fucking cannon...and they were right

It doesn't matter what they thought. It's not their job to judge their superiors, it's up to them to inform them of a potentially bad situation, not keep it from him.
Why does it matter? We don't have any evidence of the Trump era Chi/balloon but it beats talking about real events. If there were Chi/balloons during the Trump years, the Biden administration should have been ready but what we saw was a disgraceful attempt at cover up and a insulting display by a pentagon official.

Maybe this was orchestrated by the Democrat party to take focus off of GarageGate.
It doesn't matter what they thought. It's not their job to judge their superiors, it's up to them to inform them of a potentially bad situation, not keep it from him.
Not normally...but then Trump ain't nothing close to normal
It doesn't matter what they thought. It's not their job to judge their superiors, it's up to them to inform them of a potentially bad situation, not keep it from him.
This is true. LIke I said, the General might have thought it was a hill to die on. And he was just tired of the clown show.
Not normally...but then Trump ain't nothing close to normal

That's your opinion, just like mine is that Dementia is too mentally incompetent to do the job. But that doesn't mean underlings get to make decisions for him without his knowledge. Again, the perfect definition of the deep state as I pasted it in post #20.
I agree, the General should probably be charged with dereliction of duty. But the really scary thing is Generals think the CIC is too incompetent to handle a balloon. The General might have found a hill to die on. Remember Sharpie gate.
The old fat Florida man didn't pay attention in his briefings.
Waltz then dropped this bomb. Rep. Waltz said that General Mattis was Secretary of Defense at the time and decided not to inform President Trump because the Pentagon thought Trump was “too provocative and aggressive!”

This is a treason if true. Mattis put the US in danger, offered comfort to the enemy, allowed Chinese spying on US installations, and then hid this from his superiors, including the President of the United States.

TREASON! Rep. Waltz Says DOD Told Him China Spy Balloons Crossed US During Trump Years But Gen. Mattis DID NOT TELL TRUMP - Thought He Was Too Aggressive (VIDEO)

House Republicans MUST call on General Mattis to immediately testify under oath!

This is also quite a statement if true since President Trump is the first US president in over 40 years NOT to start a war!
Trump should have had him tried and shot at sunrise
The pussification of military leadership is complete...

...implement the next stage of the plan...

That was almost 2 years ago and you should see the restrictions placed upon their ability to enlist.
Soldier's Oath...

"I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God."
Mattis was retired and the Secretary of Defense. That's a different oath from the one you quoted, dumbass!

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