

Diamond Member
Mar 7, 2014
There was issue with Chelsea Manning being invited to speak at Harvard.

The issue was that Chelsea Manning is guilty of treason and therefore should be ostracized from things like this.

treason | Definition of treason in US English by Oxford Dictionaries

The definition of treason according to Oxford is

"The crime of betraying one's country, especially by attempting to kill the sovereign or overthrow the government."

Well, Manning didn't try and overthrow the government or kill the sovereign, or President. But did Manning betray the country?

Well, there are plenty of arguments where you could say yes and no depending on your point of view.

However when I saw this, my immediate reaction was the Confederacy. Seeing as there has been plenty to talk about concerning those who believe they can support the Confederacy, have the flags and the like.

The Confederacy was quite clearly guilty of treason. They betrayed their own country. Again, there are different views on this, that it was good and bad.

But those people in the modern times who support the confederacy, the flag, the statues, what are they standing for and is this treason? Is this treason more or less than what Manning did?

Another point to make is that say a President, like Bush, takes a country to war, but not for the interests of the country, but for the interests of big business, friends, business associates and the like? Is this not treason? Does this not betray one's country by using its military for personal use? Getting citizens killed for personal profit? (personal not necessarily meaning for the President, but for those around him, friends etc too).
Why is what Manning did any different than what the Rosenburgs did?
Why is what Manning did any different than what the Rosenburgs did?

Well, can you make a comparison of the two? I've asked a lot of questions in the OP, in order for people to discuss the differences or similarities between different actions.
There was issue with Chelsea Manning being invited to speak at Harvard.

The issue was that Chelsea Manning is guilty of treason and therefore should be ostracized from things like this.

treason | Definition of treason in US English by Oxford Dictionaries

The definition of treason according to Oxford is

"The crime of betraying one's country, especially by attempting to kill the sovereign or overthrow the government."

Well, Manning didn't try and overthrow the government or kill the sovereign, or President. But did Manning betray the country?

Well, there are plenty of arguments where you could say yes and no depending on your point of view.

However when I saw this, my immediate reaction was the Confederacy. Seeing as there has been plenty to talk about concerning those who believe they can support the Confederacy, have the flags and the like.

The Confederacy was quite clearly guilty of treason. They betrayed their own country. Again, there are different views on this, that it was good and bad.

But those people in the modern times who support the confederacy, the flag, the statues, what are they standing for and is this treason? Is this treason more or less than what Manning did?

Another point to make is that say a President, like Bush, takes a country to war, but not for the interests of the country, but for the interests of big business, friends, business associates and the like? Is this not treason? Does this not betray one's country by using its military for personal use? Getting citizens killed for personal profit? (personal not necessarily meaning for the President, but for those around him, friends etc too).

When you learn the difference between the Battle Flag of Robert E. Lee Regiment and the actual Confederate Flag that changed many times let discuss but not until then...

Also seeing you view those that fought for the Confederacy as Traitors then why on Earth would you allow Americans to be buried in Arlington National Cemetery which was Robert E. Lee land?

Finally you brought up Bush and putting Americans into wars that was not to protect our soil but instead to help big business and how you might Consider what he did to be treason so tell me did Clinton commit Treason when he order the bombing on Iraq on the eve of his impeachment?

How about LBJ escalating the Vietnam war?

How about Jefferson and the Barbary War?

Was the Sinking of the Maine an act of Treason seeing some believe our own government did it so that our nation would be drawn into a war with Spain?

Not defending George W. Bush but if you are going to scream treason on one while ignoring the possible treasonous acts of others, well you are partisan so you will...
Why is what Manning did any different than what the Rosenburgs did?

Well, can you make a comparison of the two? I've asked a lot of questions in the OP, in order for people to discuss the differences or similarities between different actions.

Rosenburgs were executed.

Manning got a Dishonorable, and a sex change.

That's the only difference IMO
There was issue with Chelsea Manning being invited to speak at Harvard.

The issue was that Chelsea Manning is guilty of treason and therefore should be ostracized from things like this.

treason | Definition of treason in US English by Oxford Dictionaries

The definition of treason according to Oxford is

"The crime of betraying one's country, especially by attempting to kill the sovereign or overthrow the government."

Well, Manning didn't try and overthrow the government or kill the sovereign, or President. But did Manning betray the country?

Well, there are plenty of arguments where you could say yes and no depending on your point of view.

However when I saw this, my immediate reaction was the Confederacy. Seeing as there has been plenty to talk about concerning those who believe they can support the Confederacy, have the flags and the like.

The Confederacy was quite clearly guilty of treason. They betrayed their own country. Again, there are different views on this, that it was good and bad.

But those people in the modern times who support the confederacy, the flag, the statues, what are they standing for and is this treason? Is this treason more or less than what Manning did?

Another point to make is that say a President, like Bush, takes a country to war, but not for the interests of the country, but for the interests of big business, friends, business associates and the like? Is this not treason? Does this not betray one's country by using its military for personal use? Getting citizens killed for personal profit? (personal not necessarily meaning for the President, but for those around him, friends etc too).

You are
There was issue with Chelsea Manning being invited to speak at Harvard.

The issue was that Chelsea Manning is guilty of treason and therefore should be ostracized from things like this.

treason | Definition of treason in US English by Oxford Dictionaries

The definition of treason according to Oxford is

"The crime of betraying one's country, especially by attempting to kill the sovereign or overthrow the government."

Well, Manning didn't try and overthrow the government or kill the sovereign, or President. But did Manning betray the country?

Well, there are plenty of arguments where you could say yes and no depending on your point of view.

However when I saw this, my immediate reaction was the Confederacy. Seeing as there has been plenty to talk about concerning those who believe they can support the Confederacy, have the flags and the like.

The Confederacy was quite clearly guilty of treason. They betrayed their own country. Again, there are different views on this, that it was good and bad.

But those people in the modern times who support the confederacy, the flag, the statues, what are they standing for and is this treason? Is this treason more or less than what Manning did?

Another point to make is that say a President, like Bush, takes a country to war, but not for the interests of the country, but for the interests of big business, friends, business associates and the like? Is this not treason? Does this not betray one's country by using its military for personal use? Getting citizens killed for personal profit? (personal not necessarily meaning for the President, but for those around him, friends etc too).

When you learn the difference between the Battle Flag of Robert E. Lee Regiment and the actual Confederate Flag that changed many times let discuss but not until then...

Also seeing you view those that fought for the Confederacy as Traitors then why on Earth would you allow Americans to be buried in Arlington National Cemetery which was Robert E. Lee land?

Finally you brought up Bush and putting Americans into wars that was not to protect our soil but instead to help big business and how you might Consider what he did to be treason so tell me did Clinton commit Treason when he order the bombing on Iraq on the eve of his impeachment?

How about LBJ escalating the Vietnam war?

How about Jefferson and the Barbary War?

Was the Sinking of the Maine an act of Treason seeing some believe our own government did it so that our nation would be drawn into a war with Spain?

Not defending George W. Bush but if you are going to scream treason on one while ignoring the possible treasonous acts of others, well you are partisan so you will...

Jefferson and the whole Barbary thing had to happen. Those guys were bully's. Pretty much the same as they are now. Mind you, America did pay ransom to them much like our politicians today would. I point to Obama and his multi billion dollar tribute to Iran as an excample. So did the Half Black one commit treasonous acts by giving Iran all the cash dollars? And how did the cash improve anything for our country?
There was issue with Chelsea Manning being invited to speak at Harvard.

The issue was that Chelsea Manning is guilty of treason and therefore should be ostracized from things like this.

treason | Definition of treason in US English by Oxford Dictionaries

The definition of treason according to Oxford is

"The crime of betraying one's country, especially by attempting to kill the sovereign or overthrow the government."

Well, Manning didn't try and overthrow the government or kill the sovereign, or President. But did Manning betray the country?

Well, there are plenty of arguments where you could say yes and no depending on your point of view.

However when I saw this, my immediate reaction was the Confederacy. Seeing as there has been plenty to talk about concerning those who believe they can support the Confederacy, have the flags and the like.

The Confederacy was quite clearly guilty of treason. They betrayed their own country. Again, there are different views on this, that it was good and bad.

But those people in the modern times who support the confederacy, the flag, the statues, what are they standing for and is this treason? Is this treason more or less than what Manning did?

Another point to make is that say a President, like Bush, takes a country to war, but not for the interests of the country, but for the interests of big business, friends, business associates and the like? Is this not treason? Does this not betray one's country by using its military for personal use? Getting citizens killed for personal profit? (personal not necessarily meaning for the President, but for those around him, friends etc too).
Anyone remember William Ayers? He was a terrorist bomber of the weather underground, yet he became a teacher and mentor of Barrack Hussein Obama. Bradley Manning(who has a penis and 2 balls) is just another champion of the liberal cause that public education must FORCE upon the US children.

Bill Ayers - Obama's Communist Terrorist Bomber Weather Underground Friend

View attachment 149802
Why is what Manning did any different than what the Rosenburgs did?

Well, can you make a comparison of the two? I've asked a lot of questions in the OP, in order for people to discuss the differences or similarities between different actions.

Rosenburgs were executed.

Manning got a Dishonorable, and a sex change.

That's the only difference IMO

Are you making a case or not?
Why is what Manning did any different than what the Rosenburgs did?

Well, can you make a comparison of the two? I've asked a lot of questions in the OP, in order for people to discuss the differences or similarities between different actions.

Rosenburgs were executed.

Manning got a Dishonorable, and a sex change.

That's the only difference IMO

Are you making a case or not?

I did
Why is what Manning did any different than what the Rosenburgs did?

Well, can you make a comparison of the two? I've asked a lot of questions in the OP, in order for people to discuss the differences or similarities between different actions.

Rosenburgs were executed.

Manning got a Dishonorable, and a sex change.

That's the only difference IMO

Are you making a case or not?

I did

Whatever dude.

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