Treasonous tRump continues to brazenly betray America in favor of foreign enemies.


Senior Member
Oct 16, 2018
Yet idiots consider this illegitimate fraud as some so-called president who is nothing but a putrid sellout and flunky of Putin. Hopefully Justice will nix tRump to ensure cybersecurity is established and maintained in America because tRump has demonstrated he is no friend of America but enemy number 1. Also tRump's anti American actions do not speak for the majority but himself only. All that winning for a sucker:

US joins Russia, North Korea in refusing to sign cybersecurity pact
Once again, America is retreating from the global stage under Trump's leadership. And once again, Russia stands to benefit from it.

More than 50 countries signed onto a historic cybersecurity pact Monday as part of the Paris Peace Forum, marking an important step forward in the global fight against cyberwarfare and criminal activity on the internet.

In addition to the governments that pledged to work together to combat malicious online activities, at least 150 tech companies and 90 charitable organizations and universities also signed onto the agreement.

However, there were a few notable absences from the list of signatories. Among the countries that declined to pledge support for the global pact were the repressive regimes of Russia, China, and North Korea — and the United States."

source: US joins Russia, North Korea in refusing to sign cybersecurity pact
If you feel this way do something about it. Go and forcibly remove Trump. You believe that the whole world is on your side. It should be a cakewalk for you.
Hmmm...sounds like one of those "special" pacts, where the U.S. contributes 80% of the finances while the others decide what's good and not good.
Another I hate Trump and all I could find to prove he is bad is this crappy post thread.

If Trump were to do nothing, he has done plenty, I would still applaude the fact that so many unhinged are being driven over the edge.
Yet idiots consider this illegitimate fraud as some so-called president who is nothing but a putrid sellout and flunky of Putin. Hopefully Justice will nix tRump to ensure cybersecurity is established and maintained in America because tRump has demonstrated he is no friend of America but enemy number 1. Also tRump's anti American actions do not speak for the majority but himself only. All that winning for a sucker:

US joins Russia, North Korea in refusing to sign cybersecurity pact
Once again, America is retreating from the global stage under Trump's leadership. And once again, Russia stands to benefit from it.

More than 50 countries signed onto a historic cybersecurity pact Monday as part of the Paris Peace Forum, marking an important step forward in the global fight against cyberwarfare and criminal activity on the internet.

In addition to the governments that pledged to work together to combat malicious online activities, at least 150 tech companies and 90 charitable organizations and universities also signed onto the agreement.

However, there were a few notable absences from the list of signatories. Among the countries that declined to pledge support for the global pact were the repressive regimes of Russia, China, and North Korea — and the United States."

source: US joins Russia, North Korea in refusing to sign cybersecurity pact

UNESCO, I'd be laughing at them too. Not exactly where I'd go for an international agreement.

Has Donald Trump:

...Financed, supplied, armed, trained, protected, defended, and illegally taken the US to war twice to help terrorists LIKE BARRY DID?

...Armed Mexican Drug Cartels in an attempt to create a high body count so he could go after American's Constitutional Rights LIKE BARRY DID?

...Abandon Americans to needlessly die at the hands of his chisel allies, Al Qaeda, LIKE BARRY DID?

...Give Russia 20% of the US supply of uranium LIKE BARRY DID?

...Break the US promise to the Ukraine to help defend their country and just let Putin invade and annex Crimea LIKE BARRY DID?

...Let an about Russia's interference, hacking, and counter-intelligence ops in the US and allow it to continue for 2 years LIKE BARRY DID?

...Drag the US into 2 Un-Constitutional wars to help terrorists in Libya and in Syria LIKE BARRY DID?

...Protect ISIS Black Market Oil Production Facilities that financed 50% of its terrorist activities, like the worst attack on France since WWII, LIKE BARRY DID?

...Pay terrorists ransoms for the release of US hostages LIKE BARRY DID?

...Release 5 enemy commanders - the Taliban 5 - during a war in an attempt to keep a campaign promise and lie about why he did it LIKE BARRY DID?

...Intervene in several elections and perpetrate war crimes by helping to overthrow govt leaders to help put terrorists in power, in control of their own countries, LIKE BARRY DID?

...HELP terrorists come into this country while mocking AMericans' concern over terrorists being allowed to come into the US, only to have the terrorists murder 7 Americans in Ca days later, LIKE BARRY DID?

...Protect Hezbollah Drug Ops LIKE BARRY DID?

...Negotiate and sign his own Un-Constitutional treaty with an enemy of the US, providing a path for them to develop nuclear weapons like North Korea was allowed to do...cowardly refuse the release of US hostages be part of the deal & pay millions for them weeks later after the deal - that has sparked a nuclear arms race in the Middle East - was signed LIME BARRY DID?

...Illegally spy on Americans, reporters, the media, US Senators, USSC Justices, political candidates...and a President....Illegally use a weaponized IRS against Americans to ensure his he could keep his promise to Putin to be more flexible his next term ... LIKE BARRY DID?

...Was friends with a domestic terrorist who bombed his own country, killed 1st responders, and stated his only regret was not perpetrating more bombings LIKE BARRY WAS?

....yeah, I didn't think so......stupid f*ing fake news butt-hurt anti-Trump thread....
Yet idiots consider this illegitimate fraud as some so-called president who is nothing but a putrid sellout and flunky of Putin. Hopefully Justice will nix tRump to ensure cybersecurity is established and maintained in America because tRump has demonstrated he is no friend of America but enemy number 1. Also tRump's anti American actions do not speak for the majority but himself only. All that winning for a sucker:

US joins Russia, North Korea in refusing to sign cybersecurity pact
Once again, America is retreating from the global stage under Trump's leadership. And once again, Russia stands to benefit from it.

More than 50 countries signed onto a historic cybersecurity pact Monday as part of the Paris Peace Forum, marking an important step forward in the global fight against cyberwarfare and criminal activity on the internet.

In addition to the governments that pledged to work together to combat malicious online activities, at least 150 tech companies and 90 charitable organizations and universities also signed onto the agreement.

However, there were a few notable absences from the list of signatories. Among the countries that declined to pledge support for the global pact were the repressive regimes of Russia, China, and North Korea — and the United States."

source: US joins Russia, North Korea in refusing to sign cybersecurity pact
Somebody's butt hurts this morning and is throwing a hypocritical 'I hate Trump' hissy fit.

Yet idiots consider this illegitimate fraud as some so-called president who is nothing but a putrid sellout and flunky of Putin. Hopefully Justice will nix tRump to ensure cybersecurity is established and maintained in America because tRump has demonstrated he is no friend of America but enemy number 1. Also tRump's anti American actions do not speak for the majority but himself only. All that winning for a sucker:

US joins Russia, North Korea in refusing to sign cybersecurity pact
Once again, America is retreating from the global stage under Trump's leadership. And once again, Russia stands to benefit from it.

More than 50 countries signed onto a historic cybersecurity pact Monday as part of the Paris Peace Forum, marking an important step forward in the global fight against cyberwarfare and criminal activity on the internet.

In addition to the governments that pledged to work together to combat malicious online activities, at least 150 tech companies and 90 charitable organizations and universities also signed onto the agreement.

However, there were a few notable absences from the list of signatories. Among the countries that declined to pledge support for the global pact were the repressive regimes of Russia, China, and North Korea — and the United States."

source: US joins Russia, North Korea in refusing to sign cybersecurity pact

If this is the worst thing you can attribute to Trump, then that would mean Trump was the best president we've hand in 30 years.

When you have so little to complain about, you should stop complaining.
Yet idiots consider this illegitimate fraud as some so-called president who is nothing but a putrid sellout and flunky of Putin. Hopefully Justice will nix tRump to ensure cybersecurity is established and maintained in America because tRump has demonstrated he is no friend of America but enemy number 1. Also tRump's anti American actions do not speak for the majority but himself only. All that winning for a sucker:

US joins Russia, North Korea in refusing to sign cybersecurity pact
Once again, America is retreating from the global stage under Trump's leadership. And once again, Russia stands to benefit from it.

More than 50 countries signed onto a historic cybersecurity pact Monday as part of the Paris Peace Forum, marking an important step forward in the global fight against cyberwarfare and criminal activity on the internet.

In addition to the governments that pledged to work together to combat malicious online activities, at least 150 tech companies and 90 charitable organizations and universities also signed onto the agreement.

However, there were a few notable absences from the list of signatories. Among the countries that declined to pledge support for the global pact were the repressive regimes of Russia, China, and North Korea — and the United States."

source: US joins Russia, North Korea in refusing to sign cybersecurity pact

Another fantasyland dimshit idea just like all of their ideas and rants lost in the vast empty space in their empty skulls. Trump is a really good leader, he is not going to join a group of countries that would know every aspect of our cyber security and then pay them to defeat it. How dumb can liberal shit be?
And now he’s ridiculing the seal team six commander who tracked down Sadam and killed Osama bin Laden.

And he so much of a pu$$y he couldn’ listen to the tape of the Saudi Arabians killing an American resident. And he’s basically calling our intelligence community a bunch of liars.

The guy is a traitor way passed Benedict Arnold. And I don’t understand why his followers aren’t considered traitors. At some point you go from being a stooge to willing traitor against the country.
Yet idiots consider this illegitimate fraud as some so-called president who is nothing but a putrid sellout and flunky of Putin. Hopefully Justice will nix tRump to ensure cybersecurity is established and maintained in America because tRump has demonstrated he is no friend of America but enemy number 1. Also tRump's anti American actions do not speak for the majority but himself only. All that winning for a sucker:

US joins Russia, North Korea in refusing to sign cybersecurity pact
Once again, America is retreating from the global stage under Trump's leadership. And once again, Russia stands to benefit from it.

More than 50 countries signed onto a historic cybersecurity pact Monday as part of the Paris Peace Forum, marking an important step forward in the global fight against cyberwarfare and criminal activity on the internet.

In addition to the governments that pledged to work together to combat malicious online activities, at least 150 tech companies and 90 charitable organizations and universities also signed onto the agreement.

However, there were a few notable absences from the list of signatories. Among the countries that declined to pledge support for the global pact were the repressive regimes of Russia, China, and North Korea — and the United States."

source: US joins Russia, North Korea in refusing to sign cybersecurity pact

Another fantasyland dimshit idea just like all of their ideas and rants lost in the vast empty space in their empty skulls. Trump is a really good leader, he is not going to join a group of countries that would know every aspect of our cyber security and then pay them to defeat it. How dumb can liberal shit be?
He’s clearly a traitor. He works for Vladimir Putin. He calls our intelligence agencies liars. It couldn’t be any more clear. And if you continue support him knowing that, you going from being a stooge and a tool to willing accomplice.

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