Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen Says the U.S. Will Send Another $10 Billion to Ukraine

The "Nazi" monachre is about the Ukranians fighting on behalf of the EU....of which Germany is the leading producer of GDP for the whole EU. Not that they are what we would determine to actually be Marxist Nazis.

It's propaganda by Russia....not truth.
Not entirely. Ukraine may not be a haven for neo-Nazism. But at least one of their military divisions is openly supportive of the Nazi philosophy.

The rest may just be Russian slander, however.
During WW2 Nazis stormed across Ukraine to attack Russia. That's the locus of the name....designed to instill fear in Russians.
Independent journalists on the ground in Ukraine have confirmed many times the Russian army tries to limit civilian casualties when ever possible. Even having cease fires and escorting civilians out of the urban areas.
But the Ukrainian forces will sometimes force civilians at gun point to stay in buildings they are shooting at the Russian solders from. Leaving the Russians no choice but to fire back at the building that results in dead civilians.
Also, the Ukrainians will block exits so civilians can't flee the city. Then bombard the city trying to kill the Russian soldiers. Later they will take pictures of the Ukrainian bodies and claim it was the Russians that killed them.
Of course the western media laps up the Ukrainians fraudulent story and report the evil Russian army is murdering civilians.
Then the bozo Biden administration and the congress critters get outraged and send con-man Zelensky a few more $Billion dollars.
This money scam has been working flawlessly for over a year.
Nonsense. Russians make no effort to “limit civilian casualties” by intentionally targeting hospitals and apartment buildings.
Perhaps the Bidens / Democrats have already found a new patsy to run the next ponzi scheme.
The conflict between Ukraine and Russia has been going on for centuries.
It's basically a civil war between two slavic cousins and we have no business getting involved.
It's not known as Little and Greater Russia for no reason.
As to Yellin, I see a need for a refreshing paraphrase.

10 billion more here: 10 billion more there — and pretty soon you’re talkin’ real money.
Imagine what even a small percent of the money we keep shoveling to Ukraine could do for America.

The last 500 million he sent to Ukraine could have paid the debt of 90% of Americans. There are 300 million Americans, he could have sent every adult us citizen a million dollars and still had several million left over.

I can't imagine a president sending hundreds of millions at a time, multiple times, and now billions to a country that for a very very long time has been known as one, if not the, most corrupt countries in the world. And a country that does absolutely nothing for us. And a country that won't ever pay that money back, we won't ever see a nickel of it returned, it's gone.

Worse yet is we don't even have any of that money. The Treasury department just pulls it out of the air that tax payers will have to pay for meanwhile they keep raising our interest rates. And everytime we create a new dollar we weaken every other existing dollar by a fraction of a fraction of a fraction.
The last 500 million he sent to Ukraine could have paid the debt of 90% of Americans. There are 300 million Americans, he could have sent every adult us citizen a million dollars and still had several million left over.
I take it that Math wasn't your favorite class in high school. .. :rolleyes:
Imagine what even a small percent of the money we keep shoveling to Ukraine could do for America.

The last 500 million he sent to Ukraine could have paid the debt of 90% of Americans. There are 300 million Americans, he could have sent every adult us citizen a million dollars and still had several million left over.

I can't imagine a president sending hundreds of millions at a time, multiple times, and now billions to a country that for a very very long time has been known as one, if not the, most corrupt countries in the world. And a country that does absolutely nothing for us. And a country that won't ever pay that money back, we won't ever see a nickel of it returned, it's gone.

Worse yet is we don't even have any of that money. The Treasury department just pulls it out of the air that tax payers will have to pay for meanwhile they keep raising our interest rates. And everytime we create a new dollar we weaken every other existing dollar by a fraction of a fraction of a fraction.

This is where the money comes from....and currently receipts are down 4% this year.
Ahead of a meeting with several other world financial leaders, United States Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen called on partner nations to join in continuing to send more aid to Ukraine as the Russian invasion enters its second year.

“Our economic assistance is making Ukraine’s resistance possible by supporting the home front: funding critical public services and helping keep the government running,” Yellen said at a news conference in India. “In the coming months, we expect to provide around $10 billion in additional economic support for Ukraine.”

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen Says the U.S. Will Send Another $10 Billion to Ukraine

Jesus tapdancing Christ!


US tax-slaves be all like.


Hopefully the House says FU but I won't hold my breath what with The Turtle pulling McCarthy's strings.
When did she get the power to decide how tax dollars are spent?
They could make all of us millionaires many times over. Instead let's start ww3.
Janet Yellen is another idiot in the rest of this pathetic Biden's Administration!

How many more billions are they going to send to Ukraine?

Is there anything going to be left for Americans??? :mad-61:
I'm still at a loss to figure out exactly why the bozo Biden administration keeps doubling and even tripling down on backing Ukraine in its futile attempt to defeat Russia in this war?? ... :dunno:

Because Joetard needs a win no matter what the cost as his Administration has been an abysmal failure.

True story.
The bitter and insane truth is that Zelensky needs a blank check of support from a United States that can neither control its own borders nor maintain its critical infrastructure and is $33 trillion in debt!!

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