Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen Says the U.S. Will Send Another $10 Billion to Ukraine


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2021
Shenandoah Valley of Virginia
Ahead of a meeting with several other world financial leaders, United States Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen called on partner nations to join in continuing to send more aid to Ukraine as the Russian invasion enters its second year.

“Our economic assistance is making Ukraine’s resistance possible by supporting the home front: funding critical public services and helping keep the government running,” Yellen said at a news conference in India. “In the coming months, we expect to provide around $10 billion in additional economic support for Ukraine.”

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen Says the U.S. Will Send Another $10 Billion to Ukraine

Jesus tapdancing Christ!


US tax-slaves be all like.


Hopefully the House says FU but I won't hold my breath what with The Turtle pulling McCarthy's strings.
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Olena saw some wonderful shoes in the windows during her last shopping spree in France and well, you have to look good while at war.
I'm still at a loss to figure out exactly why the bozo Biden administration keeps doubling and even tripling down on backing Ukraine in its futile attempt to defeat Russia in this war?? ... :dunno:
I figure they will keep asking for the moon in hopes of being turned down, then they can blame anything else that happens between the Ukes and Orgs on the gop in '24.
The conflict between Ukraine and Russia has been going on for centuries.
It's basically a civil war between two slavic cousins and we have no business getting involved.
My theory is that a percentage of it is being laundered and back into the pockets of DC politicians and they're enablers. Almost anything you see happening out of there is about money.
The conflict between Ukraine and Russia has been going on for centuries.
It's basically a civil war between two slavic cousins and we have no business getting involved.
I’m not with you — BUT I’ve been giving that particular line of reasoning a whole lot of thought. You were quite good in summarizing it concisely.

I have to confess, I’m starting to come around. One of my problems (a big stumbling block) is Putin. He is an evil scumbag and should be denied any win based on the obviously criminal manner in which he has conducted this war — primarily against Ukrainian civilians.
I’m not with you — BUT I’ve been giving that particular line of reasoning a whole lot of thought. You were quite good in summarizing it concisely.

I have to confess, I’m starting to come around. One of my problems (a big stumbling block) is Putin. He is an evil scumbag and should be denied any win based on the obviously criminal manner in which he has conducted this war — primarily against Ukrainian civilians.
Russia taking over Ukraine gives Russia a LOT of cheap commodities and GDP to prop up the Ruble....everything from Uranium to coal and especially groceries....also ALL of Russian rocket factories are in Ukraine....including the ones they are shooting at Ukraine.
Guidance systems were made elsewhere.

But....the big thing is that as Ukraine fights off Russia....Russia is expending lots of its dwindling supply of resources. Meaning that they won't have any resources left for taking Belarus, Hungary, Slovakia, Czech Republic, and Poland...possibly even Iran, Turkey and Syria.

Russia has huge expansionist goals. They want to rule the world. We aim to stop them now while they are small. Ukraine is taking them on and making them pay a huge price. Who cares what happens to Ukraine....but if it causes Russia to lose its strength so much the better. They are running short on manpower, tanks, guns, grenades and especially missiles. That includes Conscripts from Russia, Crimea, and other already conquered territories.
Russia taking over Ukraine gives Russia a LOT of cheap commodities and GDP to prop up the Ruble....everything from Uranium to coal and especially groceries....also ALL of Russian rocket factories are in Ukraine....including the ones they are shooting at Ukraine.
Guidance systems were made elsewhere.

But....the big thing is that as Ukraine fights off Russia....Russia is expending lots of its dwindling supply of resources. Meaning that they won't have any resources left for taking Belarus, Hungary, Slovakia, Czech Republic, and Poland...possibly even Iran, Turkey and Syria.

Russia has huge expansionist goals. They want to rule the world. We aim to stop them now while they are small. Ukraine is taking them on and making them pay a huge price. Who cares what happens to Ukraine....but if it causes Russia to lose its strength so much the better. They are running short on manpower, tanks, guns, grenades and especially missiles. That includes Conscripts from Russia, Crimea, and other already conquered territories.
I deem Putin to be a functional equivalent of a modern day Hitler. Otoh, I’m not a rah rah fan of Ukrainian leadership or it’s (at least one) pro Nazi military division, either.
I deem Putin to be a functional equivalent of a modern day Hitler. Otoh, I’m not a rah rah fan of Ukrainian leadership or it’s (at least one) pro Nazi military division, either.
The "Nazi" monachre is about the Ukranians fighting on behalf of the EU....of which Germany is the leading producer of GDP for the whole EU. Not that they are what we would determine to actually be Marxist Nazis.

It's propaganda by Russia....not truth.

During WW2 Nazis stormed across Ukraine to attack Russia. That's the locus of the name....designed to instill fear in Russians.
One of my problems (a big stumbling block) is Putin. He is an evil scumbag and should be denied any win based on the obviously criminal manner in which he has conducted this war — primarily against Ukrainian civilians.
Independent journalists on the ground in Ukraine have confirmed many times the Russian army tries to limit civilian casualties when ever possible. Even having cease fires and escorting civilians out of the urban areas.
But the Ukrainian forces will sometimes force civilians at gun point to stay in buildings they are shooting at the Russian solders from. Leaving the Russians no choice but to fire back at the building that results in dead civilians.
Also, the Ukrainians will block exits so civilians can't flee the city. Then bombard the city trying to kill the Russian soldiers. Later they will take pictures of the Ukrainian bodies and claim it was the Russians that killed them.
Of course the western media laps up the Ukrainians fraudulent story and report the evil Russian army is murdering civilians.
Then the bozo Biden administration and the congress critters get outraged and send con-man Zelensky a few more $Billion dollars.
This money scam has been working flawlessly for over a year.

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